You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

The video is priceless. The reality is tragic.

People suffer horribly under left-wing policy. Rampant crime. No jobs. Low income. High costs. And the total eradication of liberty.

WATCH: Top 10 reasons to vote California’s politics OUT of your state

Kansas has lowered the Welfare rate yet the poverty rate has stayed the same. The Governor claims that the incomes have increased which has decreased the numbers of people on Welfare. Actually, the decrease is directly caused by the stringent reduction on the the lifetime of 36 months being reduced to 24 months on everyone in the given household. If anyone in the household reaches that threshold, all are removed from welfare for life. Then you add to that fact that many are having to work 2 and 3 jobs just to pay for basic needs and then they may not even be able to do that. The Food Banks are being depleted earlier each calendar month to try and meet the needs of feeding children. And those food stores fall short of doing even that. But it does look good on paper. Yes, Kansas is a solid red state.

Arkansas is rated Number 50 for the Food Security in the Nation. Meaning, the average person does not have enough to eat. Hunger is rampant. This is also a solid red state.

Alabama has almost 1 million people on Food Stamps. This doesn't take into account housing assistance and other welfare benefits. Yes, 1 million out of about 2.6 million. That means that one out of 3 people in Alabama are on food stamps to the tune of over 1.25 billion dollars a year. If most of the jobs are at or just above minimum wage, the worker MUST depend on welfare just to feed their family, get back and forth to work and more. Alabama is one of the worst Corporate Welfare States in America.

Should I keep going? You keep hammering California when the Red States are actually worse off.
The video is priceless. The reality is tragic.

People suffer horribly under left-wing policy. Rampant crime. No jobs. Low income. High costs. And the total eradication of liberty.

WATCH: Top 10 reasons to vote California’s politics OUT of your state

Kansas has lowered the Welfare rate yet the poverty rate has stayed the same. The Governor claims that the incomes have increased which has decreased the numbers of people on Welfare. Actually, the decrease is directly caused by the stringent reduction on the the lifetime of 36 months being reduced to 24 months on everyone in the given household. If anyone in the household reaches that threshold, all are removed from welfare for life. Then you add to that fact that many are having to work 2 and 3 jobs just to pay for basic needs and then they may not even be able to do that. The Food Banks are being depleted earlier each calendar month to try and meet the needs of feeding children. And those food stores fall short of doing even that. But it does look good on paper. Yes, Kansas is a solid red state.

Arkansas is rated Number 50 for the Food Security in the Nation. Meaning, the average person does not have enough to eat. Hunger is rampant. This is also a solid red state.

Alabama has almost 1 million people on Food Stamps. This doesn't take into account housing assistance and other welfare benefits. Yes, 1 million out of about 2.6 million. That means that one out of 3 people in Alabama are on food stamps to the tune of over 1.25 billion dollars a year. If most of the jobs are at or just above minimum wage, the worker MUST depend on welfare just to feed their family, get back and forth to work and more. Alabama is one of the worst Corporate Welfare States in America.

Should I keep going? You keep hammering California when the Red States are actually worse off.

Socialist nanny state has made this country weak... so shut the fuck up ya ol coot
The video is priceless. The reality is tragic.

People suffer horribly under left-wing policy. Rampant crime. No jobs. Low income. High costs. And the total eradication of liberty.

WATCH: Top 10 reasons to vote California’s politics OUT of your state

Kansas has lowered the Welfare rate yet the poverty rate has stayed the same. The Governor claims that the incomes have increased which has decreased the numbers of people on Welfare. Actually, the decrease is directly caused by the stringent reduction on the the lifetime of 36 months being reduced to 24 months on everyone in the given household. If anyone in the household reaches that threshold, all are removed from welfare for life. Then you add to that fact that many are having to work 2 and 3 jobs just to pay for basic needs and then they may not even be able to do that. The Food Banks are being depleted earlier each calendar month to try and meet the needs of feeding children. And those food stores fall short of doing even that. But it does look good on paper. Yes, Kansas is a solid red state.

Arkansas is rated Number 50 for the Food Security in the Nation. Meaning, the average person does not have enough to eat. Hunger is rampant. This is also a solid red state.

Alabama has almost 1 million people on Food Stamps. This doesn't take into account housing assistance and other welfare benefits. Yes, 1 million out of about 2.6 million. That means that one out of 3 people in Alabama are on food stamps to the tune of over 1.25 billion dollars a year. If most of the jobs are at or just above minimum wage, the worker MUST depend on welfare just to feed their family, get back and forth to work and more. Alabama is one of the worst Corporate Welfare States in America.

Should I keep going? You keep hammering California when the Red States are actually worse off.

Socialist nanny state has made this country weak... so shut the fuck up ya ol coot

I just listed the first 3 red states I looked up. There are more that are Welfare Queens far worse than California. I can tell that you have been chewed up and spit out. You go into insult mode and can't back up what you said. I could have mentioned South Dakota which is even worse than Kansas is if that were thought to even be possible.


Imagine that. And the Blue States also receive fewer Federal Government Contracts as well. That means that the Blue States are more self sufficient than the Red States. So you don't have a leg to stand on. The Red States are sucking more off the Federal Tit than the Blue States. And Welfare, lower wages, poverty and hunger is higher in a red state. Hope you are proud of yourself. YOU ARE NUMBER ONE, YOU ARE NUMBER ONE!!!!!
You have to love left-wing “logic”. Promise to deliver something unconstitutional with absolutely no idea how to pay for it.
“So your answer is I don’t know how we’re going to get there.”
That’s right folks...they have absolutely no idea how to pay for what they intend to ram through! Kudos to her for being the first wing-nut to actually admit it though. Every other progressive just lies about it.

Democrat leader is asked how they will pay for health care plan — her response is surprising
And Welfare, lower wages, poverty and hunger is higher in a red state.
Hold on to your hats children...this is going to be a lot of fun exposing the ignorance and misinformation of Duh-ryl’s post. Ready? Here we go!

Below is a link from USA Today citing the 10 poorest counties in America. #1 on the list is Sumter County, in Alabama. If you look at the maps below, you will see that Sumter is on the left side of the map, fourth county from the bottom. You will also see that they are completely Dumbocrat. Even voting for Hitlery Clinton in the last election while hard core Dumbocrat states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin all voted for President Trump.



Show me a city, county, state, or nation in poverty and I will show you left-wing policy running it every time! See, even if the state is “red”, people still suffer if their county or city is blue (or if the federal government is killing the red state by forcing failed left-wing policy on them).

U.S. economy: A rundown of the poorest county in every state
You have to love left-wing “logic”. Promise to deliver something unconstitutional with absolutely no idea how to pay for it.
“So your answer is I don’t know how we’re going to get there.”
That’s right folks...they have absolutely no idea how to pay for what they intend to ram through! Kudos to her for being the first wing-nut to actually admit it though. Every other progressive just lies about it.

Democrat leader is asked how they will pay for health care plan — her response is surprising

Once again, you only report part of it to present the opposite of what is real. Here is part of the interview from your own source.

“It is this president that is causing skyrocketing deficits and now they plan on going after these core programs?” Nanda asked. “So your answer is I don’t know how we’re going to get there. But these are all big conversations that we need to be engaged in.”

The problem is, the President pretty well has the rest of the Republicans either bullied or under some kind of spell. He says jump and they ask, "How High". He was only one step away from being a real King. This had to stop and the voters spoke loads about it by turning the House over to the Dems. Remember when I said it was a bad thing when one party, any one party, controls all 3 branches?

Now that's the whole thing.

Yes, it's going to be expensive if things are left like they are. It's something that both sides need to sit down and discuss without the "Bully" in the room getting in the way. It may happen or it may not but until it's seriously discussed there is no way that there ever will be a solution found or even a compromise that helps the American people. It seems Washington has forgotten that they serve at OUR pleasure and not their own. It's time to keep reminding them regardless of party.
It always ends the same with left-wing policy: collapse.
In short, the scheme concocted by the former Democratic Socialist presidential candidate's wife, Jane Sanders, when she was president of Burlington College serves up everything we've come to expect of modern Democrats: delusional visions of glorious benefits to be realized by the masses if we follow their screwball ideas; a shady real estate deal; phony and fraudulent claims used as the basis for getting other people to part with their money; alleged pressure from a powerful Democratic politician on a government-regulated institution to go along with their idea, or else; and, of course, no modern Democratic scandal is complete without a computer server potentially figuring in – in this case, a stolen one. The only thing missing is the sex. But the investigation is still young.
Nothing ends in collapse like left-wing policy.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming

Collapse like the republic 1929 Great Depression or 2007 the Great Recession?
You just can't help but laugh. The left simply doesn't understand basic economics. They allow their feelings to override common sense, education, history, etc.
President Jane somehow convinced the school's board that acquiring this property would incite new students to flock to the college, and gobs of donations would roll in. Why exactly she thought this is a mystery, but it probably burbled up from the same type of thought processes that created Obamacare – you know, that scheme whereby adding millions of people, many poor and unemployed, to a national health care program would somehow lower the cost of health insurance to American families by an average of $2,500.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming

Didn't trump bankrupt four times? How are those trump U diplomas and steaks?
And Welfare, lower wages, poverty and hunger is higher in a red state.
Hold on to your hats children...this is going to be a lot of fun exposing the ignorance and misinformation of Duh-ryl’s post. Ready? Here we go!

Below is a link from USA Today citing the 10 poorest counties in America. #1 on the list is Sumter County, in Alabama. If you look at the maps below, you will see that Sumter is on the left side of the map, fourth county from the bottom. You will also see that they are completely Dumbocrat. Even voting for Hitlery Clinton in the last election while hard core Dumbocrat states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin all voted for President Trump.

View attachment 228823

View attachment 228824

Show me a city, county, state, or nation in poverty and I will show you left-wing policy running it every time! See, even if the state is “red”, people still suffer if their county or city is blue (or if the federal government is killing the red state by forcing failed left-wing policy on them).

U.S. economy: A rundown of the poorest county in every state

Your display tells me that Sumpter County is the worst in Alabama. But, once again, you left out the rest of the story.

Sumper County is running a 5.4% unemployment rate. That's a little higher than the national average.The population for the whole county is just over 13,000. Making it RURAL for the most part. It's listed as the poorest county in the US.

If you look at U.S. economy: A rundown of the poorest county in every state you will find that MOST poor counties are Rural and Republican controlled across the nation. Well, at least the poorest of each state. And Alabama IS the poorest state without a doubt yet it votes primarily Republican with a few Democrats thrown in for State and below.

WE all know that the Red States pretty much own the poorest states but on the list of the best goes primarily to the Blue States with a couple or three of the low population Red states with extremely active oil drilling going on. Here is that list.

The Richest States in the US

1 Massachusetts 65,545
2 New York 64,579
3 Connecticut 64,511
4 Alaska 63,971
5 Delaware 63,664
6 North Dakota 62,837
7 Wyoming 58,821
8 California 58,619
9 New Jersey 57,084
10 Washington 56,831

You will note that ND, Wy and Alaska are on the list of the top 10 best average income. That's 3 out of 7. The next 20 are almost all Blue states. But the bottom 10 are almost all owned by the Red States. There is quite a few points that can be made of why. Are willing to discuss those points or are you going to keep posting part of the truth hoping to make everyone think that the Blue Areas are doing so poorly, ergo, the Red areas must be doing great or are we going to actually discuss the facts for a change.
It always ends the same with left-wing policy: collapse.
In short, the scheme concocted by the former Democratic Socialist presidential candidate's wife, Jane Sanders, when she was president of Burlington College serves up everything we've come to expect of modern Democrats: delusional visions of glorious benefits to be realized by the masses if we follow their screwball ideas; a shady real estate deal; phony and fraudulent claims used as the basis for getting other people to part with their money; alleged pressure from a powerful Democratic politician on a government-regulated institution to go along with their idea, or else; and, of course, no modern Democratic scandal is complete without a computer server potentially figuring in – in this case, a stolen one. The only thing missing is the sex. But the investigation is still young.
Nothing ends in collapse like left-wing policy.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming

Collapse like the republic 1929 Great Depression or 2007 the Great Recession?

You mean when the Republicans pretty well controlled Washington? I see many similarities of the same things today.
And the Blue States also receive fewer Federal Government Contracts as well.
Wait...let me get this straight. You’re actually proud of the fact that blue states lack the corporations, innovators, and products to land federal government contracts? :eusa_doh:

And have fewer per capita drawing on welfare and are better off financially than the Red States. Are you proud that the Red States suck off the Government Doles more than the Blue States? Just remember, Welfare is primarily state controlled. If the welfare is out of control look to the State Government not the Federal Government. And the Red States are taking more than their fair share of the "Free Shit" that you keep claiming the blue states take. You can stop just repeating what the Party of Trump tells you to say or you can look for yourself and it might stop the Orange Tint from happening.
You just can't help but laugh. The left simply doesn't understand basic economics. They allow their feelings to override common sense, education, history, etc.
President Jane somehow convinced the school's board that acquiring this property would incite new students to flock to the college, and gobs of donations would roll in. Why exactly she thought this is a mystery, but it probably burbled up from the same type of thought processes that created Obamacare – you know, that scheme whereby adding millions of people, many poor and unemployed, to a national health care program would somehow lower the cost of health insurance to American families by an average of $2,500.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming

Didn't trump bankrupt four times? How are those trump U diplomas and steaks?

The actual known number is 6.

The Details About the 6 Donald Trump Corporate Bankruptcies
Reagan Cut investment in infrastructure in half and it has stayed that way, doofus. Our roads airports Etc are joke.
What else could he do? You ignorant wingnuts implemeted unconstitutional socialism which has run up our national debt. It costs us over $1 trillion per year. Just imagine what our infrastructure would look like if we could spend $1 trillion per year on it.

Who created unconstitutional welfare? The Dumbocrats. Who created unconstitutional food stamps? The Dumbocrats. Who created unconstitutional Medicare? The Dumbocrats. Who created unconstitutional Medicaid? The Dumbocrats. Who created unconstitutional Obamacare? The Dumbocrats.

I get that your ashamed of failed left-wing policy (I would be too if I had supported something so ignorant). But don’t even attempt to place the blame for failed left-wing policy at the feet of the great Ronald Reagan.

"Welfare" is made up of entitlement programs of all different sorts. And most people receiving it are working with 2 incomes in the home. The reason the Red States have a higher Welfare rate than the Blue states per capita is that the wages are so low that the people have to have some kind of help just to keep the wolf out of the front door. You seem to believe that the bulk of the Welfare Recipients are just sitting home watching Oprah. In reality, they are working very hard and long hours and even with welfare, just keep sinking deeper. You use the averages so you don't see that the poor keep getting poorer, the middle class is sinking towards being poor but the Rich are just getting richer. But since it averages out, there just can't be a problem.

From what I can see, it's the Greed Factor that is causing this. At what point does the general population spend their last dollar for a bullet for their gun and have a revolution for fair treatment? That is exactly why the New Deal was created which basically created welfare and SSI. Had they not done this, there would have been an army of about 3 million armed WWI Vets with hungry and cold families burning down the whitehouse, taking over the banks and killing the US Congress Critters. It was that bad. And I see many of the same causes and situations today. If ever there is a revolution, it won't be Red against Blue, it's going to be cold and hungry people trying to make a better life for themselves.
The video is priceless. The reality is tragic.

People suffer horribly under left-wing policy. Rampant crime. No jobs. Low income. High costs. And the total eradication of liberty.

WATCH: Top 10 reasons to vote California’s politics OUT of your state

Kansas has lowered the Welfare rate yet the poverty rate has stayed the same. The Governor claims that the incomes have increased which has decreased the numbers of people on Welfare. Actually, the decrease is directly caused by the stringent reduction on the the lifetime of 36 months being reduced to 24 months on everyone in the given household. If anyone in the household reaches that threshold, all are removed from welfare for life. Then you add to that fact that many are having to work 2 and 3 jobs just to pay for basic needs and then they may not even be able to do that. The Food Banks are being depleted earlier each calendar month to try and meet the needs of feeding children. And those food stores fall short of doing even that. But it does look good on paper. Yes, Kansas is a solid red state.

Arkansas is rated Number 50 for the Food Security in the Nation. Meaning, the average person does not have enough to eat. Hunger is rampant. This is also a solid red state.

Alabama has almost 1 million people on Food Stamps. This doesn't take into account housing assistance and other welfare benefits. Yes, 1 million out of about 2.6 million. That means that one out of 3 people in Alabama are on food stamps to the tune of over 1.25 billion dollars a year. If most of the jobs are at or just above minimum wage, the worker MUST depend on welfare just to feed their family, get back and forth to work and more. Alabama is one of the worst Corporate Welfare States in America.

Should I keep going? You keep hammering California when the Red States are actually worse off.

Socialist nanny state has made this country weak... so shut the fuck up ya ol coot

I just listed the first 3 red states I looked up. There are more that are Welfare Queens far worse than California. I can tell that you have been chewed up and spit out. You go into insult mode and can't back up what you said. I could have mentioned South Dakota which is even worse than Kansas is if that were thought to even be possible.


Imagine that. And the Blue States also receive fewer Federal Government Contracts as well. That means that the Blue States are more self sufficient than the Red States. So you don't have a leg to stand on. The Red States are sucking more off the Federal Tit than the Blue States. And Welfare, lower wages, poverty and hunger is higher in a red state. Hope you are proud of yourself. YOU ARE NUMBER ONE, YOU ARE NUMBER ONE!!!!!

The video is priceless. The reality is tragic.

People suffer horribly under left-wing policy. Rampant crime. No jobs. Low income. High costs. And the total eradication of liberty.

WATCH: Top 10 reasons to vote California’s politics OUT of your state

Kansas has lowered the Welfare rate yet the poverty rate has stayed the same. The Governor claims that the incomes have increased which has decreased the numbers of people on Welfare. Actually, the decrease is directly caused by the stringent reduction on the the lifetime of 36 months being reduced to 24 months on everyone in the given household. If anyone in the household reaches that threshold, all are removed from welfare for life. Then you add to that fact that many are having to work 2 and 3 jobs just to pay for basic needs and then they may not even be able to do that. The Food Banks are being depleted earlier each calendar month to try and meet the needs of feeding children. And those food stores fall short of doing even that. But it does look good on paper. Yes, Kansas is a solid red state.

Arkansas is rated Number 50 for the Food Security in the Nation. Meaning, the average person does not have enough to eat. Hunger is rampant. This is also a solid red state.

Alabama has almost 1 million people on Food Stamps. This doesn't take into account housing assistance and other welfare benefits. Yes, 1 million out of about 2.6 million. That means that one out of 3 people in Alabama are on food stamps to the tune of over 1.25 billion dollars a year. If most of the jobs are at or just above minimum wage, the worker MUST depend on welfare just to feed their family, get back and forth to work and more. Alabama is one of the worst Corporate Welfare States in America.

Should I keep going? You keep hammering California when the Red States are actually worse off.

Socialist nanny state has made this country weak... so shut the fuck up ya ol coot

I just listed the first 3 red states I looked up. There are more that are Welfare Queens far worse than California. I can tell that you have been chewed up and spit out. You go into insult mode and can't back up what you said. I could have mentioned South Dakota which is even worse than Kansas is if that were thought to even be possible.


Imagine that. And the Blue States also receive fewer Federal Government Contracts as well. That means that the Blue States are more self sufficient than the Red States. So you don't have a leg to stand on. The Red States are sucking more off the Federal Tit than the Blue States. And Welfare, lower wages, poverty and hunger is higher in a red state. Hope you are proud of yourself. YOU ARE NUMBER ONE, YOU ARE NUMBER ONE!!!!!

I thought that's what the left side were all about.
Higher taxes from the rich to pay for the poor.
Red States are poorer because of the vast rural areas which are based in agriculture .
Farmers are not rich.
Blue States get higher amounts of Grant Money.
It works out pretty evenly over all.
BFD. from your link
Thursday’s vote permanently increases the state’s personal income tax rate from 3.75 percent to 4.95 percent. It also raises the burden on businesses, raising the rate from 5.9 percent to seven. It all amounts to a 32 percent hike for the average Illinoisan and a $5 billion tax hike overall.

Love that BS propaganda...
The video is priceless. The reality is tragic.

People suffer horribly under left-wing policy. Rampant crime. No jobs. Low income. High costs. And the total eradication of liberty.

WATCH: Top 10 reasons to vote California’s politics OUT of your state

Wow. Now for a reality check from no one's sponsor nor political message.

U.S. Poverty rate by state 2017 | Statistic

Without you making shit up or using crackpot videos, here is the real stats. You will notice that the Red States pretty well own the top10 of the highest poverty rates listed by state. Meanwhile, the only Red States in the top 10 highest income rates also have almost no population and are almost completely dependent on Oil and Gas or Coal. Your buddy said that California had 26% of it's people in Poverty and another 20 percent that is at or near poverty. That was a lie. In fact, the whole video and your premise is 100% untrue. California's poverty rate is actually 13.3%. California ends up about the middle of the pack. I am defending California. 13.3% is still way to high. But Mississippi at 19.8% is completely out of control. This is why the Blue states pay more Federal Taxes and receive less money back from the Federal Government than the Fed states.
Last edited:
The video is priceless. The reality is tragic.

People suffer horribly under left-wing policy. Rampant crime. No jobs. Low income. High costs. And the total eradication of liberty.

WATCH: Top 10 reasons to vote California’s politics OUT of your state

Kansas has lowered the Welfare rate yet the poverty rate has stayed the same. The Governor claims that the incomes have increased which has decreased the numbers of people on Welfare. Actually, the decrease is directly caused by the stringent reduction on the the lifetime of 36 months being reduced to 24 months on everyone in the given household. If anyone in the household reaches that threshold, all are removed from welfare for life. Then you add to that fact that many are having to work 2 and 3 jobs just to pay for basic needs and then they may not even be able to do that. The Food Banks are being depleted earlier each calendar month to try and meet the needs of feeding children. And those food stores fall short of doing even that. But it does look good on paper. Yes, Kansas is a solid red state.

Arkansas is rated Number 50 for the Food Security in the Nation. Meaning, the average person does not have enough to eat. Hunger is rampant. This is also a solid red state.

Alabama has almost 1 million people on Food Stamps. This doesn't take into account housing assistance and other welfare benefits. Yes, 1 million out of about 2.6 million. That means that one out of 3 people in Alabama are on food stamps to the tune of over 1.25 billion dollars a year. If most of the jobs are at or just above minimum wage, the worker MUST depend on welfare just to feed their family, get back and forth to work and more. Alabama is one of the worst Corporate Welfare States in America.

Should I keep going? You keep hammering California when the Red States are actually worse off.

Socialist nanny state has made this country weak... so shut the fuck up ya ol coot

I just listed the first 3 red states I looked up. There are more that are Welfare Queens far worse than California. I can tell that you have been chewed up and spit out. You go into insult mode and can't back up what you said. I could have mentioned South Dakota which is even worse than Kansas is if that were thought to even be possible.


Imagine that. And the Blue States also receive fewer Federal Government Contracts as well. That means that the Blue States are more self sufficient than the Red States. So you don't have a leg to stand on. The Red States are sucking more off the Federal Tit than the Blue States. And Welfare, lower wages, poverty and hunger is higher in a red state. Hope you are proud of yourself. YOU ARE NUMBER ONE, YOU ARE NUMBER ONE!!!!!

The video is priceless. The reality is tragic.

People suffer horribly under left-wing policy. Rampant crime. No jobs. Low income. High costs. And the total eradication of liberty.

WATCH: Top 10 reasons to vote California’s politics OUT of your state

Kansas has lowered the Welfare rate yet the poverty rate has stayed the same. The Governor claims that the incomes have increased which has decreased the numbers of people on Welfare. Actually, the decrease is directly caused by the stringent reduction on the the lifetime of 36 months being reduced to 24 months on everyone in the given household. If anyone in the household reaches that threshold, all are removed from welfare for life. Then you add to that fact that many are having to work 2 and 3 jobs just to pay for basic needs and then they may not even be able to do that. The Food Banks are being depleted earlier each calendar month to try and meet the needs of feeding children. And those food stores fall short of doing even that. But it does look good on paper. Yes, Kansas is a solid red state.

Arkansas is rated Number 50 for the Food Security in the Nation. Meaning, the average person does not have enough to eat. Hunger is rampant. This is also a solid red state.

Alabama has almost 1 million people on Food Stamps. This doesn't take into account housing assistance and other welfare benefits. Yes, 1 million out of about 2.6 million. That means that one out of 3 people in Alabama are on food stamps to the tune of over 1.25 billion dollars a year. If most of the jobs are at or just above minimum wage, the worker MUST depend on welfare just to feed their family, get back and forth to work and more. Alabama is one of the worst Corporate Welfare States in America.

Should I keep going? You keep hammering California when the Red States are actually worse off.

Socialist nanny state has made this country weak... so shut the fuck up ya ol coot

I just listed the first 3 red states I looked up. There are more that are Welfare Queens far worse than California. I can tell that you have been chewed up and spit out. You go into insult mode and can't back up what you said. I could have mentioned South Dakota which is even worse than Kansas is if that were thought to even be possible.


Imagine that. And the Blue States also receive fewer Federal Government Contracts as well. That means that the Blue States are more self sufficient than the Red States. So you don't have a leg to stand on. The Red States are sucking more off the Federal Tit than the Blue States. And Welfare, lower wages, poverty and hunger is higher in a red state. Hope you are proud of yourself. YOU ARE NUMBER ONE, YOU ARE NUMBER ONE!!!!!

I thought that's what the left side were all about.
Higher taxes from the rich to pay for the poor.
Red States are poorer because of the vast rural areas which are based in agriculture .
Farmers are not rich.
Blue States get higher amounts of Grant Money.
It works out pretty evenly over all.

And yet the Red States have a much higher poverty rate and welfare rate than the Blue states. And it's the Red States that get the most Grant Money. It's not even when the Blue states are sending in more money to the Federal Government than they get back while the Red States send in less money to the Federal Government and receive more per dollar back. That means that the Blue states are financing the Red States welfare, etc.. And the Red States get more Government Contracts as well. Overall, the Blue states are better financially managed. We aren't talking about cities as not one single one are managed properly regardless of which party is in control. We are talking about overall state governments, taxes and entitlements.

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