You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

Venny isn't a socialist country. It's a dictatorship.
Dictatorship is a political system, you dolt. Socialism is an economic system. One has nothing to do with the other. Stop attempting to blame the economic failures of socialism on an unrelated political system.

Not to mention...Maduro was elected. Stop making shit up because you’re too lazy to get a job and too greedy to accept what you actually deserve.
Do you care to compare my contributions to the United States of America to yours? I am game. Do you dare stand behind your comments? List what you have done in your life for the betterment of America. Then I will list what I have done. You game?
What does that have to do with your astoundingly idiotic statement that (and I quote) “Venny isn't a socialist country. It's a dictatorship”?!? You clearly have zero understanding of geopolitical landscapes, politics, or economics. You interchange all of them.
And you are a cold War dinosaur when it comes to definition of socialism. It started out as Marxism, then was defined by the USSR but since the 1920s and especially since World War II socialism is defined as always democratic, Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Communism which is pure socialism is always a dictatorship and never worked.
Venny isn't a socialist country. It's a dictatorship.
Dictatorship is a political system, you dolt. Socialism is an economic system. One has nothing to do with the other. Stop attempting to blame the economic failures of socialism on an unrelated political system.

Not to mention...Maduro was elected. Stop making shit up because you’re too lazy to get a job and too greedy to accept what you actually deserve.
Do you care to compare my contributions to the United States of America to yours? I am game. Do you dare stand behind your comments? List what you have done in your life for the betterment of America. Then I will list what I have done. You game?
What does that have to do with your astoundingly idiotic statement that (and I quote) “Venny isn't a socialist country. It's a dictatorship”?!? You clearly have zero understanding of geopolitical landscapes, politics, or economics. You interchange all of them.

Your total total disrespect for those that disagree with you means that you need to tell us why you have moral right to do so. You need to justify your behavior. And, besides, it was ME that pointed out to YOU that Socialism was not a government. Well, no matter how disrespective and vile you are, at least I taught you something. But there is still no future for you. Now, tell us all your accomplishments on the betterment of America and then I will tell you of mine. Then we can compare and decide who the REAL Patriot really is.
Venny isn't a socialist country. It's a dictatorship.
Dictatorship is a political system, you dolt. Socialism is an economic system. One has nothing to do with the other. Stop attempting to blame the economic failures of socialism on an unrelated political system.

Not to mention...Maduro was elected. Stop making shit up because you’re too lazy to get a job and too greedy to accept what you actually deserve.
Do you care to compare my contributions to the United States of America to yours? I am game. Do you dare stand behind your comments? List what you have done in your life for the betterment of America. Then I will list what I have done. You game?
What does that have to do with your astoundingly idiotic statement that (and I quote) “Venny isn't a socialist country. It's a dictatorship”?!? You clearly have zero understanding of geopolitical landscapes, politics, or economics. You interchange all of them.
And you are a cold War dinosaur when it comes to definition of socialism. It started out as Marxism, then was defined by the USSR but since the 1920s and especially since World War II socialism is defined as always democratic, Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Communism which is pure socialism is always a dictatorship and never worked.

Actually, ALL successful Governments have some Socialism mixed in with Capitalism. One is owned or controlled by the Government while the other is owned or controlled by the private sector. Too much of either usually means the downfall of the government unless it changes. The US has gone from more Socialist to more Capitalist and back and forth from the day of it's conception. Right now, we are way too Socialist in some areas and way too Capitalist in others and that's not too healthy. Those areas need to be worked on.
Venny isn't a socialist country. It's a dictatorship.
Dictatorship is a political system, you dolt. Socialism is an economic system. One has nothing to do with the other. Stop attempting to blame the economic failures of socialism on an unrelated political system.

Not to mention...Maduro was elected. Stop making shit up because you’re too lazy to get a job and too greedy to accept what you actually deserve.
Do you care to compare my contributions to the United States of America to yours? I am game. Do you dare stand behind your comments? List what you have done in your life for the betterment of America. Then I will list what I have done. You game?
What does that have to do with your astoundingly idiotic statement that (and I quote) “Venny isn't a socialist country. It's a dictatorship”?!? You clearly have zero understanding of geopolitical landscapes, politics, or economics. You interchange all of them.
And you are a cold War dinosaur when it comes to definition of socialism. It started out as Marxism, then was defined by the USSR but since the 1920s and especially since World War II socialism is defined as always democratic, Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Communism which is pure socialism is always a dictatorship and never worked.

Actually, ALL successful Governments have some Socialism mixed in with Capitalism. One is owned or controlled by the Government while the other is owned or controlled by the private sector. Too much of either usually means the downfall of the government unless it changes. The US has gone from more Socialist to more Capitalist and back and forth from the day of it's conception. Right now, we are way too Socialist in some areas and way too Capitalist in others and that's not too healthy. Those areas need to be worked on.
If you count all taxes, we basically have a flat tax system for everyone, and not enough tax revenue to invest in American infrastructure and Americans, thanks to the GOP give away to the rich the last 35 years. We're getting to be more and more of a banana Republic, now with the the worst inequality and upward Mobility in the developed world. Only the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and its dupes make it possible.
That will be a surprise to every successful developed country... Super dupe. "We are all socialists now"-- Finland prime minister when ACA passed...
Just once you should try reading before commenting, super stupe...
“In Venezuela, we’ve seized hatred for the wordsocialism,’ it represents oppression against a people, the destruction of a flourishing nation, and the despair of its citizens,” Márquez wrote.
Nobody gives a shit what some radical in Finland thinks. Especially when he’s cashing in on the power and money associated with controlling socialism.

Venezuelan journalist hits Jim Carrey with scathing reality check for praising socialism
If you count all taxes, we basically have a flat tax system for everyone
You truly are a special kind of stupid. 48% of Americans pay absolutely no federal taxes at all. If we had a “flat tax”, all of them would be paying taxes, stupid. In addition to that reality, chew on this you ignorant dolt:
Taxpayers fall into one of seven brackets, depending on their taxable income: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35% or 39.6%. Because the U.S. tax system is a progressive one, as income rises, increasingly higher taxes are imposed. But those in the highest bracket don't pay the highest rate on all their income.
We don’t have anything that even remotely resembles a “flat tax”. Moron.

Federal Tax Brackets
We're getting to be more and more of a banana Republic,
That’s what failed left-wing policy does. The socialism you cry for produces the third-world “banana republics” you’re crying about. Idiot.
now with the the worst inequality and upward Mobility in the developed world.
The income gap widened more under MaObama (and his failed left-wing policies) than under any other president of the modern era. Super stupe.
...with the the worst inequality and upward Mobility in the developed world. Only the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and its dupes make it possible.
And yet you refuse to renounce your U.S. citizenship and move to Finland, despite all of your crying about the U.S. and Republicans. Gee...I wonder why that is.

I’m kidding of course. We all know why. Because everything collapses when you don’t have conservatives to carry you and mooch off of.
If you count all taxes, we basically have a flat tax system for everyone
You truly are a special kind of stupid. 48% of Americans pay absolutely no federal taxes at all. If we had a “flat tax”, all of them would be paying taxes, stupid. In addition to that reality, chew on this you ignorant dolt:
Taxpayers fall into one of seven brackets, depending on their taxable income: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35% or 39.6%. Because the U.S. tax system is a progressive one, as income rises, increasingly higher taxes are imposed. But those in the highest bracket don't pay the highest rate on all their income.
We don’t have anything that even remotely resembles a “flat tax”. Moron.

Federal Tax Brackets
For 35 years now Republicans have been cutting taxes federally and state and local taxes that kill the non rich have gone up. But thanks for the ridiculous propaganda spew. Payroll taxes now bring in as much revenue as federal income taxes, super duper.
...with the the worst inequality and upward Mobility in the developed world. Only the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and its dupes make it possible.
And yet you refuse to renounce your U.S. citizenship and move to Finland, despite all of your crying about the U.S. and Republicans. Gee...I wonder why that is.

I’m kidding of course. We all know why. Because everything collapses when you don’t have conservatives to carry you and mooch off of.
White liberals make as much money as white conservatives, dumbass. Yes we have many minorities who are discriminated against by racist bigoted GOP voters...
We're getting to be more and more of a banana Republic,
That’s what failed left-wing policy does. The socialism you cry for produces the third-world “banana republics” you’re crying about. Idiot.
now with the the worst inequality and upward Mobility in the developed world.
The income gap widened more under MaObama (and his failed left-wing policies) than under any other president of the modern era. Super stupe.
The problem is GOP tax giveaways to the rich and we don't have enough money to invest in infrastructure and training programs for workers etc etc. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you...
We're getting to be more and more of a banana Republic,
That’s what failed left-wing policy does. The socialism you cry for produces the third-world “banana republics” you’re crying about. Idiot.
now with the the worst inequality and upward Mobility in the developed world.
The income gap widened more under MaObama (and his failed left-wing policies) than under any other president of the modern era. Super stupe.
The problem is GOP tax giveaways to the rich and we don't have enough money to invest in infrastructure and training programs for workers etc etc. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you...
There is also the little matter of the corrupt GOP World depression of 2008 that also killed the middle class.

And of course Obama's policies hadhad nothing nothing to do with it. Couldn't pass a dam thing except in dupe world. Breaking for Chumps..
The problem is GOP tax giveaways to the rich and we don't have enough money to invest in infrastructure
The real problem is, you are simple-minded. It has allowed you to buy into ignorant left-wing propaganda. See, tax revenues to the federal government increased after the latest Republican tax breaks.

Only an ignorant ideologue could whine that more revenue is needed while denouncing the policies that resulted in higher revenues.
The problem is GOP tax giveaways to the rich
One cannot “give” to someone what already belonged to them. What you’re actually pissed about is the thought that there is less for you to mooch off of. But like all left-winger, you can’t be honest about it.
The problem is GOP tax giveaways to the rich and we don't have enough money to invest in infrastructure
The real problem is, you are simple-minded. It has allowed you to buy into ignorant left-wing propaganda. See, tax revenues to the federal government increased after the latest Republican tax breaks.

Only an ignorant ideologue could whine that more revenue is needed while denouncing the policies that resulted in higher revenues.
Reagan Cut investment in infrastructure in half and it has stayed that way, doofus. Our roads airports Etc are joke. Thanks GOP and silly Dupes like you. Anything for the rich!
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The problem is GOP tax giveaways to the rich and we don't have enough money to invest in infrastructure
The real problem is, you are simple-minded. It has allowed you to buy into ignorant left-wing propaganda. See, tax revenues to the federal government increased after the latest Republican tax breaks.

Only an ignorant ideologue could whine that more revenue is needed while denouncing the policies that resulted in higher revenues.

Yes, there was a 31bil increase due to taxes on lower income levels. Going from 7.25 to 10 an hour did make a difference. The min wagers went into a higher tax bracket. But the taxes on the rich went down. Plus, the spending spree that the GOP controlled congress has done increased by115 bil. So how do the GOP controlled congress elect to cure this? Give the rich the 31 bil increase as another tax break.
The problem is GOP tax giveaways to the rich
One cannot “give” to someone what already belonged to them. What you’re actually pissed about is the thought that there is less for you to mooch off of. But like all left-winger, you can’t be honest about it.
Listen stupid I am retired and happily. Did you know that some people worry about other people and facts and things?
The problem is GOP tax giveaways to the rich
One cannot “give” to someone what already belonged to them. What you’re actually pissed about is the thought that there is less for you to mooch off of. But like all left-winger, you can’t be honest about it.
Listen stupid I am retired and happily. Did you know that some people worry about other people and facts and things?
We are the only country in the world trying this low taxes on the rich thing. it doesn't work stupid.
The problem is GOP tax giveaways to the rich and we don't have enough money to invest in infrastructure
The real problem is, you are simple-minded. It has allowed you to buy into ignorant left-wing propaganda. See, tax revenues to the federal government increased after the latest Republican tax breaks.

Only an ignorant ideologue could whine that more revenue is needed while denouncing the policies that resulted in higher revenues.

Yes, there was a 31bil increase due to taxes on lower income levels. Going from 7.25 to 10 an hour did make a difference. The min wagers went into a higher tax bracket.
That’s not true at all (as usual). None of it (as usual). The tax revenues to the federal government increased because the pool of taxable labor force increased. Reduced taxes allow businesses to invest and expand.

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