You are a racist or a monster; for humans, no other choice


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
A race is nothing more than a very large, very extended, somewhat inbred family. As a white man, I am more closely related to all other whites than I am to any other yellows or blacks. I share with all other whites more ancestors in common, and more recently, in exactly the same way I am more closely related to my brother and sister than I am to any other human on the planet.

Race is family. That’s it. That’s all race means. So, if the charge of racism lands on you, the charge, whatever else it may mean, is a charge of familyism.

Try the following thought experiment (written for a white male, substitute for your own race/gender):

Suppose you walk around a corner and discover a man beating a woman. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To come to the aid of the woman, right?

Now, suppose you walk around a corner and discover a Chinese man beating a white woman and another Chinese man beating a black woman. What’s your first instinct? Uh-huh, that threw you didn’t it, white boy? In reality, if you are white, your first instinct would be to help the white woman, but that would be racist, so…and your brain scrambles for the proper response.

Now, suppose you come around the corner and discover two white men beating two white women, and one of them is your mother. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To help your mother, everyone responds instantly and without a second thought.

Shame! You should be weeping on national television for your gut-wrenching display of open familyism.

In truth, no one thinks anything at all of you coming to the aid of your mother, first. No one would accuse you of hating or oppressing non-mothers, nor would anyone accuse your mother of unfairly benefiting from mother privilege. In fact, if you chose to help the other woman first you would be thought a kind of monster.

And monstrous, we are.
actually your not "more closely related" for example germans are more closely related to afghans than to french people.
That's not racism. Racism is that thing that taught White Americans that it was okay for some States to own Slaves. The Slaves were savages from the jungle who were by nature inferior to the White Man, and who deserved no better that to be treated as farm animals and/or property. A lot of prejudice still lives on from that time in history but very few still hold to that racist premise.
You know, the OP might have had a point but for one thing................

ALL humans can donate organs to ALL OTHER humans if their blood and tissue types match.

And.....................blood transfusions don't care what race the blood came from, nor does it care what race it goes in to. As long as the RH types match, it's all good.
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You know, the OP might have had a point but for one thing................

ALL humans can donate organs to ALL OTHER humans if their blood and tissue types match.

And.....................blood transfusions don't care what race the blood came from, nor does it care what race it goes in to. As long as the RH types match, it's all good.
But that doesn't invalidate my argument, does it?
That's not racism. Racism is that thing that taught White Americans that it was okay for some States to own Slaves. The Slaves were savages from the jungle who were by nature inferior to the White Man, and who deserved no better that to be treated as farm animals and/or property. A lot of prejudice still lives on from that time in history but very few still hold to that racist premise.
So you are saying that the only slavery that is wrong is the slavery that existed in North America and that slavery everywhere else is just peachy. Great moral code, putz.
A race is nothing more than a very large, very extended, somewhat inbred family. As a white man, I am more closely related to all other whites than I am to any other yellows or blacks. I share with all other whites more ancestors in common, and more recently, in exactly the same way I am more closely related to my brother and sister than I am to any other human on the planet.

Race is family. That’s it. That’s all race means. So, if the charge of racism lands on you, the charge, whatever else it may mean, is a charge of familyism.

Try the following thought experiment (written for a white male, substitute for your own race/gender):

Suppose you walk around a corner and discover a man beating a woman. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To come to the aid of the woman, right?

Now, suppose you walk around a corner and discover a Chinese man beating a white woman and another Chinese man beating a black woman. What’s your first instinct? Uh-huh, that threw you didn’t it, white boy? In reality, if you are white, your first instinct would be to help the white woman, but that would be racist, so…and your brain scrambles for the proper response.
I am racist with the peoples who are racist towards me ....i mean the one who hurt the one i loves.
Now, suppose you come around the corner and discover two white men beating two white women, and one of them is your mother. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To help your mother, everyone responds instantly and without a second thought.

Shame! You should be weeping on national television for your gut-wrenching display of open familyism.

In truth, no one thinks anything at all of you coming to the aid of your mother, first. No one would accuse you of hating or oppressing non-mothers, nor would anyone accuse your mother of unfairly benefiting from mother privilege. In fact, if you chose to help the other woman first you would be thought a kind of monster.

And monstrous, we are.
I am racist with the one who are racist towards me those who hurt the one i love.
actually your not "more closely related" for example germans are more closely related to afghans than to french people.
Are you talking linguistically?
no genetically
Then, if true, Afghanis are white.

You might want to consider getting one of those Ancestry DNA tests that tells where you came from. It might be interesting, and it might blow your world view of being "white".

Shoot.....................if I can post the results of your test, I might even buy one for you myself, just to see if you're as "pure" as you think.
That's not racism. Racism is that thing that taught White Americans that it was okay for some States to own Slaves. The Slaves were savages from the jungle who were by nature inferior to the White Man, and who deserved no better that to be treated as farm animals and/or property. A lot of prejudice still lives on from that time in history but very few still hold to that racist premise.
So you are saying that the only slavery that is wrong is the slavery that existed in North America and that slavery everywhere else is just peachy. Great moral code, putz.

No I wasn't saying that at all. I was talking about how systemic racism allowed American citizens to view the slaves as sub-human.
That's not racism. Racism is that thing that taught White Americans that it was okay for some States to own Slaves. The Slaves were savages from the jungle who were by nature inferior to the White Man, and who deserved no better that to be treated as farm animals and/or property. A lot of prejudice still lives on from that time in history but very few still hold to that racist premise.

You left out the bit that people who looked like the Slaves in their countries of origin sold them to White Men.

Here's a clue, bub. Slavery has existed For Millennia. Slavery or Serfdom has been the most common condition of existence for the majority of people who have ever lived. It is only since the advancements developed during the Industrial Revolution were combined with the Individualist Values of Western Civilization that slavery has been abandoned in some of the world. It is still practiced in quite a few places outside of Western Europe, the U.S. and Canada. Perhaps your energy would be better used opposing actual slavery that exists today instead of reliving something that the U.S. fought a war in which 700,000 died in order to eliminate.
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That's not racism. Racism is that thing that taught White Americans that it was okay for some States to own Slaves. The Slaves were savages from the jungle who were by nature inferior to the White Man, and who deserved no better that to be treated as farm animals and/or property. A lot of prejudice still lives on from that time in history but very few still hold to that racist premise.
So you are saying that the only slavery that is wrong is the slavery that existed in North America and that slavery everywhere else is just peachy. Great moral code, putz.

No I wasn't saying that at all. I was talking about how systemic racism allowed American citizens to view the slaves as sub-human.
Then what allowed the Chinese to view the people who built the Great Wall as sub-human? Or the Africans who own slaves today to view their slaves as sub-human?
That's not racism. Racism is that thing that taught White Americans that it was okay for some States to own Slaves. The Slaves were savages from the jungle who were by nature inferior to the White Man, and who deserved no better that to be treated as farm animals and/or property. A lot of prejudice still lives on from that time in history but very few still hold to that racist premise.

You left out the bit that people who looked like the Slaves in their countries of origin sold them to White Men.

Here's a clue, bub. Slavery has existed For Millennia. Slavery or Serfdom has been the most common condition of existence for the majority of people who have ever lived. It is only since the advancements developed during the Industrial Revolution were combined with the Individualist Values of Western Civilization that slavery has been abandoned in some of the world. It is still practiced in quite a few places outside of Western Europe, the U.S. and Canada. Perhaps your energy would be better used opposing actual slavery that exists today instead of reliving something that the U.S. found a war in which 700,000 died in order to eliminate.

The war was not fought to eliminate slavery. Lincoln, like most American citizens at the time, was a white supremacist.

“And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races.”

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