wow -- former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says: Repeal the Second Amendment

1. Well regulated militias: The 2nd Amendment afford "all" citizens the right to bear arms so that should a "well regulated citizens militia be needed," they would have their own weapons to provide for that militia.
The 2nd says a militia is needed and that's why the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Nothing about self defence in there.
Yeah. So that if needed, they can call upon their citizens (farmers, shopkeepers, businessmen, politicians, et cetera) one and all, to form a militia and fight for their particular state. Now, before you say it, the National Guard of each state is actually a branch of the army (i.e., Army National Guard) and when called upon, must fight for the federal government, even on foreign shores. The Founding Fathers, envisioned a force that defended each state, in case the federal government should turn on them.
Are you in a militia? A well-regulated militia?


The second amendment wasn't written to arm the militias, it was written to arm the people, in case a militia was needed to be formed.

LOL - did you take US History from Dana Loesch?
Where did you learn your history. She is correct. You, not so much.
The 'gunners' brought this on us. Extreme intransigence and insensitivity have driven the issue beyond debate.

"Extreme intransigence and insensitivity have driven all issues beyond debate." Our country has lost civility and any regard for empathy.
The 'gunners' brought this on us. Extreme intransigence and insensitivity have driven the issue beyond debate.
Horseshit. The gun grabbers, Dims and fake media brought it on. You started a war, and now you're crying when the other side plays by the rules you established.
Now that skank Wasserman is calling for background checks to buy bullets. Just like what CA has done.

Nah, nobody wants our guns

America will not comply with any measure to confiscate guns

The coming of the second Civil War and many, many lives will be lost should they try to disarm us. Far exceeding those killed by guns in school

Terroristic threats are a great way to continue the wrong course firearms extremists have taken.
Those of us who simply enjoy the freedom of firearms possession and use, and are not on either of the false debate, reject the conduct of firearms fetishists.
The 2nd Amendment is only one sentence. One sentence. What are the first four words of that one sentence? "A well regulated militia." "Militia" is the subject. The NRA gun nutters are trying to interpret the 2nd Amendment by ignoring those first four words. Try reading it slowly with and without those four words. They have totally different meanings. One that applies at the time it was ratified and one that could apply now. The original version does NOT apply now.
And you are reading about 10 paragraphs of shit that is not there.

Thr 2nd Amendment is a prohibition on Congress. Read it as a prohibition or reservation of State power and it doesn't require you to add a bunch of complicated bullshit.

Because states need a well-trained and equipped militia for security, Congress shall not infringe on the right.

Simple. Plain. Doesn't require loads of bullshit and toutured interpretation. It doesn't depend on technological identification. It really has nothing to do with regulation or militias.

It neither grants rights nor establishes a militia.

It only reserves the power to the States and limits Congress.

You know I am fucking right.
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Remington should switch over to making security blankets. They'd sell like hotcakes to the gun licks.

LOL! And start a Linus Patrol.

Soon the cry would be 'the gubmint is going to take your blankies away'! They'll have a pic of Charleton Heston holding up a blanket "from my cold dead hand, well it won't be cold because I have the blanket, but you know what I meant".

Then it would be DemoKKKrats squealing.

The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

Fuck off, Poseur.

I don't trust anybody who needs a gun bigger than a .470 weatherby,.
I don't trust anybody willing to take away the American Citizens rights.

True. The National Guard is military and already organized - and mobilized when needed.

Stormy kicked ass, Betty was totally defensive and clearly provided more evidence that Trump fills his cabinet with incompetents (likely he does not want anyone competent to show him up).
Stormy talked about people fucking.
Bet she was paid for it and paid well.....and all it did was turn CNN into Jerry Springer.
Now, explain which laws Trump broke by having sex with the porn star, assuming she's not lying her ass off for cash.
Good thing? Serious question: Do you go to bed at night and dream you've killed a 'bad' guy and are called a hero?
No. Should I?

You think I take pleasure in killing or harming others?

Is this some attempt to macho-shame me?

It was a serious question. A serous answer would be nice. I don't know what or if you think, or simply echo that which appeals to your emotions; which is the case of most laissez faire supporters of the 2nd A.
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

Define the militia at the time the amendment was passed.

The best way to understand the Militia in the mid to late 18th century is to read biographies of our founders. Chief Justice John Marshall was a Cap't in the Militia who recruited farmers and shop keepers and regularly trained them.

See in the linked, the table of contents the number of our founders and signers of COTUS here:

Soldier-Statesmen of the Constitution

The seem to put in question Scalia's argument in Heller that the 2nd A. was not in any manner related to membership in the militia.
John Marshal wasn't a Founding Father, moron.

Oh, really? Thanks for that observation. Maybe you can define for me what defines a 'founding father"?


See: John Marshall
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