Would You Support The Death Penalty for White Collar Crimes?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
For certain white collar crimes that would throw a whole nation's economy into crisis, would you support the death penalty? Would you support handing out the death penalty to those responsible if it could be proven that those responsible knew and didn't care---that greed overrode civic duty and fiscal responsibilities?

I don't support the death penalty. I should be abolished. It costs this country billions of dollars and make our streets less safe.

I don't support the death penalty. I should be abolished. It costs this country billions of dollars and make our streets less safe.

The death penalty does not cost that much money---the appeals do. I wonder how much it costs to jail and put to death a convicted person in a state like Texas vs Mass.?

I don't support the death penalty myself, but I do not think the $$$$ argument has ever been a valid one.
No. Capital punishment should be reserved for the most egregious crimes against another person or living thing.

They should be forced to labour and produce that which is necessary for their own sustenance. Their victims should not be forced to support them.
Although I do believe with the white collar workers, the threat of the death penalty (if the fraud they committed is egregious and they are found guilty), might actually prevent these kind of horrific white collar crimes, probably even more so than the threat of the death penalty does for the criminal offense such as first degree murder, I believe it is excessive.

So, NO.
No. Life sentences for the worst - fraud should not be reclassified as a capital crime.
The death penalty should be abolished, regardless of the crime. It has nothing to do with money or appeals or keeping criminals off the street. It has to do with morality.

LWOP is a more than sufficient punishment. Those who would seek to impose more (the death penalty) have moved over the edge and are simply seeking naked revenge.

Justice is never served by the taking of a life.

The cost of keeping a murderer in prison for the rest of his life is the price we pay for the right to call ourselves a civilized society.
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The death penalty should be abolished, regardless of the crime. It has nothing to do with money or appeals or keeping criminals off the street. It has to do with morality.

LWOP is a more than sufficient punishment. Those who would seek to impose more (the death penalty) have moved over the edge and are simply seeking naked revenge.

Justice is never served by the taking of a life.

The cost of keeping a murderer in prison for the rest of his life is the price we pay for the right to call ourselves a civilized society.

The cost of keeping a murderer in prison for the rest of his life is the price we pay for the right to call ourselves a civilized society.

Interesting point, I'll take it up elsewhere to avoid fouling the thread.
Why would that be necessary?

Even if they did outrageous harm, why would it be necessary to kill them?

You could argue in theory that a murderer is still dangerous to other inmates, but what the hell's a white collar guy going to do, scam prisoners? Cut them off from their stocks, from wall street and running a business while in jail and you've removed the threat of them continuing to scam the public.
Why would that be necessary?

Even if they did outrageous harm, why would it be necessary to kill them?
Punishment fit the crime?

You could argue in theory that a murderer is still dangerous to other inmates, but what the hell's a white collar guy going to do, scam prisoners? Cut them off from their stocks, from wall street and running a business while in jail and you've removed the threat of them continuing to scam the public.

A novel defense of the death penalty. Kill a prisoner so he will not harm other prisoners who are all in state custody. I've never heard of a case argued for the death penalty with the state admitting the prisoners run the prisons.
Why would that be necessary?

Even if they did outrageous harm, why would it be necessary to kill them?
Punishment fit the crime?

So because they stole a lot of money they deserve to die?

How much money would you say a life is worth?

You could argue in theory that a murderer is still dangerous to other inmates, but what the hell's a white collar guy going to do, scam prisoners? Cut them off from their stocks, from wall street and running a business while in jail and you've removed the threat of them continuing to scam the public.

A novel defense of the death penalty. Kill a prisoner so he will not harm other prisoners who are all in state custody. I've never heard of a case argued for the death penalty with the state admitting the prisoners run the prisons.

Prisons have ways of dealing with violent prisoners, like say solitary confinement.
Why would that be necessary?

Even if they did outrageous harm, why would it be necessary to kill them?
Punishment fit the crime?

So because they stole a lot of money they deserve to die?

How much money would you say a life is worth?

You could argue in theory that a murderer is still dangerous to other inmates, but what the hell's a white collar guy going to do, scam prisoners? Cut them off from their stocks, from wall street and running a business while in jail and you've removed the threat of them continuing to scam the public.

A novel defense of the death penalty. Kill a prisoner so he will not harm other prisoners who are all in state custody. I've never heard of a case argued for the death penalty with the state admitting the prisoners run the prisons.

Prisons have ways of dealing with violent prisoners, like say solitary confinement.

I never said anyone deserves to die, although I think some do. I did say I do not like the death penalty.

I never addressed how prisons deal with violent wards. I was commenting on this "You could argue in theory that a murderer is still dangerous to other inmates," as a justification or argument in favor of the death penalty.
I thought you were arguing in favor of executing white collar criminals, my mistake.

Most of the time I see people arguing eye for an eye, although if all they did was steal money and you think they deserve death then that means there must be some monetary value of a life.
I thought you were arguing in favor of executing white collar criminals, my mistake.

Most of the time I see people arguing eye for an eye, although if all they did was steal money and you think they deserve death then that means there must be some monetary value of a life.

If I believed in the death penalty, I would advocate it for some white collar crimes. I do believe life in prison is warranted in some cases of white collar crimes...and I don't mean from accumulated charges and convictions of a person. I think some white collar crimes undermine the very fabric of society.
For certain white collar crimes that would throw a whole nation's economy into crisis, would you support the death penalty? Would you support handing out the death penalty to those responsible if it could be proven that those responsible knew and didn't care---that greed overrode civic duty and fiscal responsibilities?

Makes sense to me! :popcorn:
They should be forced to labour and produce that which is necessary for their own sustenance. Their victims should not be forced to support them.

That's a great idea.

People in prison should have to work while in prison to receive anything. If they choose not to work, they will receive basic accomodations, which would include solitary confinement in a 4'x8' cell, 40 oz. water/day, and 3 cups of unflavored oatmeal/day.

If they wish to improve their existance, they can work.
They should be forced to labour and produce that which is necessary for their own sustenance. Their victims should not be forced to support them.

That's a great idea.

People in prison should have to work while in prison to receive anything. If they choose not to work, they will receive basic accomodations, which would include solitary confinement in a 4'x8' cell, 40 oz. water/day, and 3 cups of unflavored oatmeal/day.

If they wish to improve their existance, they can work.

but there is that sticky little thing called the US Constitution: "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. ":eusa_whistle:

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