Would the Democrats exist if they didn't have control of nearly all information?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
For an example, our primary sources of information aren't reporting on the bribery $ laundered to the Biden family for no apparent reason. You know the reasons, this isn't rocket science. Don't you agree that's an important topic and demonstrates crimes well above watergate? Who else is reminded the Democrats sent their dogs to censor information sources to ensure Biden was "elected"?

The laziest among us "surface-dwellers" are the easiest targets for propaganda and misinformation. If the information is tailored to favor the Democrats, which it is, then those people would certainly vote Democrat. Of course because they're lazy many won't make an effort to vote, but that's where Democratic ballot harvesting comes into play.

The left controls Hollywood, and like the media spread propaganda to favor the Democrats. Again attracting the laziest among us.

The left controls our schools and even teach propaganda. Youth are unwise and generally desire to be accepted, so surely they'll sing the tunes accepted by their peers, and vote Democrat.

Would the Democrats exist if they didn't have control of nearly all information sources?

Interesting response from a fraud who claims to be independent. It's interesting how leftists pretend they're independent only to demonstrate they're left. Then again I'd be ashamed too.
Interesting response from a fraud who claims to be non-partisan. I've always found it interesting how leftists pretend they're independent only to demonstrate they're left. Then again I'd be ashamed too.
I just don't buy into your paranoid conspiracy theories and incessant whining, that's all.

Sorry, rube.
Fox News

National Review

One America News

New York Post

The Hill

Breitbart News

The Wall Street Journal

The Blaze

The Gateway Pundit

The Daily Caller



Judicial Watch

The Heritage Foundation

The Washington Times

CNS News

The Washington Examiner

The Washington Free Beacon

World News Daily

American Thinker

The American Spectator



And then you have your long-winded podcasts by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Charlie Kirk, Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro, Ted Cruz, the Federalist Radio Hour, Dan Bongino, Mark Levin, Candace Owens, Matt Walsh, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, and many more.

So...yeah. The Left controls nearly all information, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
If the left controls almost all information, how is it that almost every conservative knows about it?
I just don't buy into your paranoid conspiracy theories and incessant whining, that's all.

Sorry, rube.

Suggesting I'm paranoid is a twist like applying a race card because you can't defend your own.

ILMAO. You're denying our information sources tailor information to favor the left? Are you really that fucking ignorant?

Rhetorical. If you were smart & wise you wouldn't support the Democracks to begin with.
The first thing despotic regimes do is seize control of information sources. FDR was first to take control of the media during WW2 and then the media became a willing propaganda arm of the democrat party until this day. It's like the old fable of the frog in the boiling water. We didn't see it coming until fair and balanced sources of information fought to exist.
Suggesting I'm paranoid is a twist like applying a race card because you can't defend your own.

ILMAO. You're denying our information sources tailor information to favor the left? Are you really that fucking ignorant?

Rhetorical. If you were smart & wise you wouldn't support the Democracks to begin with.
I don't support the Democrats. I also don't support Trump or his rube herd.

Gee, imagine that. Someone who can't stand either! It just blows your bullshit false dichotomy to kingdom come!
ILMAO. You're denying our information sources tailor information to favor the left?
See post 6, fool.

I imagine you watch or listen to quite a few of those, and then you somehow incredibly tell yourself the Left controls all information. Even more hilarious, all those propagandists tell you the Left is controlling all information!

It's amazing your heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance, but that would actually require cognition on your part.
our primary sources of information aren't reporting on the bribery $ laundered to the Biden family
Has Faux not the News told you there was bribery involved in these transactions? Haha.

Here's the AP story on the matter. Aren't they part of the so called liberal media?

“Congressman Comer has a history of playing fast and loose with the facts and spreading baseless innuendo while refusing to conduct his so-called ‘investigations’ with legitimacy,” White House spokesperson Ian Sams said in a statement.

Here’s a deeper look at suspicious activity reports and how Republicans are using them as a roadmap to investigate the Biden family:
If the left controls all the information, then where do the conservatives get the information from telling them that the left controls all of it?

The OP is clearly off of their rocker.

There are MANY information outlets that are NOT controlled by the Democrats or the left, but rather by the right, some of which are far right.
Fox News

National Review

One America News

New York Post

The Hill

Breitbart News

The Wall Street Journal

The Blaze

The Gateway Pundit

The Daily Caller



Judicial Watch

The Heritage Foundation

The Washington Times

CNS News

The Washington Examiner

The Washington Free Beacon

World News Daily

American Thinker

The American Spectator



And then you have your long-winded podcasts by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Charlie Kirk, Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro, Ted Cruz, the Federalist Radio Hour, Dan Bongino, Mark Levin, Candace Owens, Matt Walsh, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, and many more.

So...yeah. The Left controls nearly all information, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Hilarious. How many are mainstream? Baby-steps.......What's more likely for the average person to have access? Yahoo and Google where their emails are sent & received, or a subscription to the Wallstreet Journal? :abgg2q.jpg:
Hilarious. How many are mainstream? Baby-steps.......What's more likely for the average person to have access? Yahoo and Google where their emails are sent & received, or a subscription to the Wallstreet Journal? :abgg2q.jpg:
There’s a reason a lot of them aren’t mainstream.

It’s because a lot of those sources are bullshit conservative media and most people aren’t into it.

Fox News and the Daily Caller are among the most popular media outlets today.
Researchers from Arizona State University and Texas A&M University questioned 462 financial journalists around the country. They followed up with 18 additional interviews. The journalists worked for the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press and a number of other newspapers.

What they found surprised them. Even the supposedly hard-nosed financial reporters were overwhelmingly liberal. Of the 462 people surveyed, 17.63% called themselves "very liberal," while 40.84% described themselves as "somewhat liberal."

It wasn't always this way. Along-term study of reporters' leanings and attitudes, "The American Journalist in the Digital Age," shows that the drift toward liberalism has been going on for years within journalism. In 1971, Republicans made up 25.7% of all journalists. Democrats were 35.5%, and independents were 32.5%. Some 6.3% of responses were "other."

By 2014, the year of the last survey, the share of journalists identifying as Republican had shrunk to 7.1%, an 18.6 percentage point drop. From having near-parity with the journalist Republicans in the 1970s, Democrats today outnumber Republicans today by four to one.

Meanwhile, the share of journalists calling themselves "independent" has surged to 50.2%. In case you think the growing body of Independents qualifies as "the center," think again.

Repeated surveys show that independents are usually left-of-center on social issues, but centrist on fiscal issues and many issue of governance. So you should really characterize them as "moderate left."
You leftists want to deny the left has primary control of our media, "education" and Hollywood, because it helps you sleep nights, but what about all the "fact-checks"? You figure they lean left?

Surely you remember all the Trump "fact checks" who twisted information to arrive a BS conclusion. When is the last time Biden was presented with a fact check through mainstream media, anyone?
You know, come to think of it, maybe the Left does control access to all information. This would explain why the New Right has to manufacture bullshit every day instead...

All kidding aside, below is one of my favorite passages from Alexis de Toqueville's Democracy In America. (Editor's Note: Alexis said "Democracy" instead of "Republic" because he was a Marxist groomer).

His remarks are just as true today as they were 190 years ago. The preponderance of biased media, the ignorance and low character of journalists, and so forth.k I like how he calls each media outlet "combatants". Perfect!

In America there is scarcely a hamlet that has not its newspaper. It may readily be imagined that neither discipline nor unity of action can be established among so many combatants, and each one consequently fights under his own standard. All the political journals of the United States are, indeed, arrayed on the side of the administration or against it; but they attack and defend it in a thousand different ways. They cannot form those great currents of opinion which sweep away the strongest dikes. This division of the influence of the press produces other consequences scarcely less remarkable. The facility with which newspapers can be established produces a multitude of them; but as the competition prevents any considerable profit, persons of much capacity are rarely led to engage in these undertakings. Such is the number of the public prints that even if they were a source of wealth, writers of ability could not be found to direct them all. The journalists of the United States are generally in a very humble position, with a scanty education and a vulgar turn of mind. The will of the majority is the most general of laws, and it establishes certain habits to which everyone must then conform; the aggregate of these common habits is what is called the class spirit (esprit de corps) of each profession; thus there is the class spirit of the bar, of the court, etc. The class spirit of the French journalists consists in a violent but frequently an eloquent and lofty manner of discussing the great interests of the state, and the exceptions to this mode of writing are only occasional. The characteristics of the American journalist consist in an open and coarse appeal to the passions of his readers; he abandons principles to assail the characters of individuals, to track them into private life and disclose all their weaknesses and vices.

It is my opinion every American should read this book. It is easily the best political science book every written.
I don't support the Democrats. I also don't support Trump or his rube herd.

Gee, imagine that. Someone who can't stand either! It just blows your bullshit false dichotomy to kingdom come!

It would if you weren't a liar. Everyone knows you're a "liberal" Democrack. You deny it because you don't want to be associated with rats, but the rat nest is your home.
When is the last time Biden was presented with a fact check through mainstream media, anyone?
The selective blindness of you hacks is always a marvel to behold.

These is from the last month or so:

Biden’s misleading deficit claim earns him a Bottomless Pinocchio​

If you need more to obliterate your delusions, let me know, mm-kay?

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