Would Sanders Cause Dem Disaster?


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Beneath tonight's crowing and cheerleading there are legit fears that a Bernie nomination could damage the "progressive" movement and the party for decades. Can it be their internal polling - as opposed to the MSM pap that insists he would beat Trump - reveals that Americans would not elect an admitted socialist? That the result would be a total wipeout of Dem power?

This is the source of the panic that Sanders causes the much-maligned Democratic elites. It’s not about ideology; it comes from a fear that having Sanders as a nominee will decimate progressive candidates down the ballot — and leave Republicans in control of the House, and state capitals, for another decade or two.
No. The biggest desire of the Democrats is to get the corrupt Donald Trump out of the white house. I'm not really a Bernie guy, but if he gets the nomination, I will support him. Likewise, if Pete, Amy or Bloomberg get the nomination, I will support the winning candidate, and I am not even a Democrat. I am pretty sure most real Democrats will support whichever candidate is chose to get rid of Trump.
No. The biggest desire of the Democrats is to get the corrupt Donald Trump out of the white house. I'm not really a Bernie guy, but if he gets the nomination, I will support him. Likewise, if Pete, Amy or Bloomberg get the nomination, I will support the winning candidate, and I am not even a Democrat. I am pretty sure most real Democrats will support whichever candidate is chose to get rid of Trump.
NONE of the current Dems running for president have a realistic chance of defeating Trump. So suck it up, buttercup, it's NOT going to happen.
No. The biggest desire of the Democrats is to get the corrupt Donald Trump out of the white house. I'm not really a Bernie guy, but if he gets the nomination, I will support him. Likewise, if Pete, Amy or Bloomberg get the nomination, I will support the winning candidate, and I am not even a Democrat. I am pretty sure most real Democrats will support whichever candidate is chose to get rid of Trump.
Wishful thinking. 19 million Independents and 4 million Dems voted for Trump in 2016 and those numbers are likely to rise in 2020, including this Independent who did not vote for Trump but will in November.

All the Dems have to run on is #GetTrump and frankly that just doesn't put dinner on the table ... peace & prosperity do.
Bernies anti billionaire rhetoric will tear the part apart.. bernie won’t take their money and he will be the party leader! How will the dnc raise money??
Bernies anti billionaire rhetoric will tear the part apart.. bernie won’t take their money and he will be the party leader! How will the dnc raise money??
Do not underestimate the Dem "elite's" ability to grease Bernie's skids again. After all, he's not really a Democrat.
A vote for Amy K tonight is not a good sign, it means your not happy with what the options are
No. The biggest desire of the Democrats is to get the corrupt Donald Trump out of the white house. I'm not really a Bernie guy, but if he gets the nomination, I will support him. Likewise, if Pete, Amy or Bloomberg get the nomination, I will support the winning candidate, and I am not even a Democrat. I am pretty sure most real Democrats will support whichever candidate is chose to get rid of Trump.
Wishful thinking. 19 million Independents and 4 million Dems voted for Trump in 2016 and those numbers are likely to rise in 2020, including this Independent who did not vote for Trump but will in November.

All the Dems have to run on is #GetTrump and frankly that just doesn't put dinner on the table ... peace & prosperity do.
2016 Trump had Hillary to run against, but not this time. Don't count on independents supporting the corrupt lying regime of the impeached Don Trump. We have not forgotten how much he deserved impeachment. We have not forgotten his using information stolen by the Russians, knowing where it came from, coordinated by Roger Stone. Have not forgotten the 6 of his inner circle in jail for crimes against the United States. Have not forgotten, the Generals he hired, fired run off or resigned because he is inept and corrupt. Have not forgotten how he chose Russia and Putin over the intelligence of all US services. have not forgotten how he pulled troops off the line at request of Turkey and Russia to allow invasion by by Turkey against allies who had fought beside us and for us for years. Have not forgotten how he made a mockery of UCMJ by involving himself in the Courts Marshall of the dishonorable, murderous SEAL team leader. Have not forgotten his withholding military aide for an ally, to force them to open investigations against his political opponent. We will not be forgetting his attacks of the criminal justice system itself, including his latest influence in the Stone sentencing as well as the actions of his personal attorney, Barr. All he has is an economy that he hasn't killed yet, being kept alive by free money from the Federal Reserve. We have not forgotten the wall he promised Mexico would pay for, before he gave up and started steeling the money from our military. Not likely to forget how he dishonored our troops by minimizing the injuries and suffering incurred in the missle attack, as they served him. We're not likely to forget his support for white nationals and kkk protestors by failing to condemn for days after a violent deadly attack, nor the endless asinine tweets, the lies, the revolving door executive personnel management, that marks his bad leadership since the beginning of his time in the white house. You may think the economy is all that matters, but it is not.
No. The biggest desire of the Democrats is to get the corrupt Donald Trump out of the white house. I'm not really a Bernie guy, but if he gets the nomination, I will support him. Likewise, if Pete, Amy or Bloomberg get the nomination, I will support the winning candidate, and I am not even a Democrat. I am pretty sure most real Democrats will support whichever candidate is chose to get rid of Trump.

And so will a lot of Republicans now that have left the party.
No. The biggest desire of the Democrats is to get the corrupt Donald Trump out of the white house. I'm not really a Bernie guy, but if he gets the nomination, I will support him. Likewise, if Pete, Amy or Bloomberg get the nomination, I will support the winning candidate, and I am not even a Democrat. I am pretty sure most real Democrats will support whichever candidate is chose to get rid of Trump.
NONE of the current Dems running for president have a realistic chance of defeating Trump. So suck it up, buttercup, it's NOT going to happen.

A Ham Sandwich beats Rump. I once said that a Ham Sandwich would beat Rump. How did I did I predict that the Dems would take it to heart and present so many Ham Sandwiches. And any of the 4 Ham Sandwiches will still defeat Rump who is a turd on toast.
The DNC will step in and stop Sanders. There is no way he gets the nomination. It would result in a massive blow out in November. I hope he gets the nomination, but know it just isn't realistic. They still have Clinton, Gore & Kerry in the dug out if needed. Why take the kind of beating a Sanders nomination would bring when better options exist? The Dems biggest mistake was believing Biden was ever for real.
Bottom line, whoever the Dems put up will shit on the Orange Turd.
If the Corporate Dems shaft Sanders like they did in 2016 (how did that pan out?), I hope he runs as an Independant.
He'll swamp th' Dumpster, and any of the Democratic 1%ers they might put up.
No. The biggest desire of the Democrats is to get the corrupt Donald Trump out of the white house. I'm not really a Bernie guy, but if he gets the nomination, I will support him. Likewise, if Pete, Amy or Bloomberg get the nomination, I will support the winning candidate, and I am not even a Democrat. I am pretty sure most real Democrats will support whichever candidate is chose to get rid of Trump.
Everyone I know thinks the same.....doesn't matter who runs they all want the POS bully out.
No. The biggest desire of the Democrats is to get the corrupt Donald Trump out of the white house...
In fact, #GetTrump is the only arrow in their quiver and a couple of months in Trump's crosshairs will leave any Dem gasping for air and begging for mercy.
NONE of the current Dems running for president have a realistic chance of defeating Trump...
I once said that a Ham Sandwich would beat Rump … And any of the 4 Ham Sandwiches will still defeat Rump who is a turd...
So you admit the Dem 2020 hopefuls are just "so many Ham Sandwiches" but insist any of 'em would beat the incumbent POTUS? Do you have a plan to emigrate or are you prepared to live through 5 more years of your misery?
Beneath tonight's crowing and cheerleading there are legit fears that a Bernie nomination could damage the "progressive" movement and the party for decades. Can it be their internal polling - as opposed to the MSM pap that insists he would beat Trump - reveals that Americans would not elect an admitted socialist? That the result would be a total wipeout of Dem power?

This is the source of the panic that Sanders causes the much-maligned Democratic elites. It’s not about ideology; it comes from a fear that having Sanders as a nominee will decimate progressive candidates down the ballot — and leave Republicans in control of the House, and state capitals, for another decade or two.

I think an extreme result is in the cards either way it goes. Either Bernie burns out in the swing states, and Trump wins, or Bernie moves to the center enough to give moderate Dems and Independents the fig leaf they need to vote for him, and he takes away Trumps momentum from 2016.
Beneath tonight's crowing and cheerleading there are legit fears that a Bernie nomination could damage the "progressive" movement and the party for decades. Can it be their internal polling - as opposed to the MSM pap that insists he would beat Trump - reveals that Americans would not elect an admitted socialist? That the result would be a total wipeout of Dem power?

This is the source of the panic that Sanders causes the much-maligned Democratic elites. It’s not about ideology; it comes from a fear that having Sanders as a nominee will decimate progressive candidates down the ballot — and leave Republicans in control of the House, and state capitals, for another decade or two.
The corrupt Democrat Establishment KNOWS that Bernie and The Socialists want to take over the Democrat Party, so they can purge the corrupt Democrat Establishment and put their Socialists into all the positions of power. After they take over the Democrat Party, they want to take over the means of production in the United States.

So, this is a Civil war. The Corrupt DNC Establishment is NEVER going to let Bernie take control. The Bolsheviks formally expelled Mensheviks, and similarly the DNC has made sure that not a SINGLE of the Bernie Sanders Socialist wing has a position in the DNC. They know full well that if Bernie gets control, he will immediately purge them. Both sides would rather lose to Donald Trump, who is term limited, than to each other. Whoever gains control of the Party will select the nominee for 2024. Sanders and the Socialists want it to be them.

The current Corrupt DNC establishment will pull ALL the stops, and I mean ALL the stops to prevent that from happening. The Bernie Bros have NO intention of letting the corrupt DNC rob them again. In 1968 they were rioting in the streets at the DNC convention as Hubert Humphrey was select in a backroom deal. This time we could see rioting on the Convention Floor.

Corrupt DNC Establishment Lines Up The Muscle against The Bernie Bros:


The Culinary Workers Union Local 226 and Bartenders Union Local 165 (“the Culinary Union”) represents 60,000 workers in Las Vegas and Reno, including workers at most of the casino resorts on the Las Vegas Strip and in Downtown Las Vegas. It is affiliated with UNITE HERE, which represents 280,000 workers in gaming, hotel, and food service industries in North America. The Culinary Union is a powerful player in Nevada politics.
Beneath tonight's crowing and cheerleading there are legit fears that a Bernie nomination could damage the "progressive" movement and the party for decades. Can it be their internal polling - as opposed to the MSM pap that insists he would beat Trump - reveals that Americans would not elect an admitted socialist? That the result would be a total wipeout of Dem power?

This is the source of the panic that Sanders causes the much-maligned Democratic elites. It’s not about ideology; it comes from a fear that having Sanders as a nominee will decimate progressive candidates down the ballot — and leave Republicans in control of the House, and state capitals, for another decade or two.
The corrupt Democrat Establishment KNOWS that Bernie and The Socialists want to take over the Democrat Party, so they can purge the corrupt Democrat Establishment and put their Socialists into all the positions of power. After they take over the Democrat Party, they want to take over the means of production in the United States.

So, this is a Civil war. The Corrupt DNC Establishment is NEVER going to let Bernie take control. The Bolsheviks formally expelled Mensheviks, and similarly the DNC has made sure that not a SINGLE of the Bernie Sanders Socialist wing has a position in the DNC. They know full well that if Bernie gets control, he will immediately purge them. Both sides would rather lose to Donald Trump, who is term limited, than to each other. Whoever gains control of the Party will select the nominee for 2024. Sanders and the Socialists want it to be them.

The current Corrupt DNC establishment will pull ALL the stops, and I mean ALL the stops to prevent that from happening. The Bernie Bros have NO intention of letting the corrupt DNC rob them again. In 1968 they were rioting in the streets at the DNC convention as Hubert Humphrey was select in a backroom deal. This time we could see rioting on the Convention Floor.

Corrupt DNC Establishment Lines Up The Muscle against The Bernie Bros:


The Culinary Workers Union Local 226 and Bartenders Union Local 165 (“the Culinary Union”) represents 60,000 workers in Las Vegas and Reno, including workers at most of the casino resorts on the Las Vegas Strip and in Downtown Las Vegas. It is affiliated with UNITE HERE, which represents 280,000 workers in gaming, hotel, and food service industries in North America. The Culinary Union is a powerful player in Nevada politics.

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