Progressives sharpening knives for Dem ‘bloodbath’ if Biden loses


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Progressives sharpening knives for Dem ‘bloodbath’ if Biden loses

31 Oct 2020 ~~ By Jon Levine

Progressives, socialists and Bernie Bros are gearing up for war should Joe Biden fall short of his quest to unseat President Trump in Tuesday’s election.
“You would see a complete repudiation of the Democratic establishment as we know it,” said Jabari Brisport, 33, a Democratic Socialist-backed candidate for state Senate expected to easily win a Brooklyn seat next week. “The Democratic establishment is not working for everyday people.”
Brisport said a Biden loss would completely discredit the moderate wing of the party, paving the way for more successful insurgents like himself.
“It’s going to be the mirror image of what happened to the Republican party in the Obama years. You had the tea party, just like progressive insurgents, and then when Obama won a second term the Republican party went haywire on the inside and ate its own,” he said.
Unlike the tea party, a progressive revolution would be “a force for good,” said the true-believer Brisport.
One senior official at a Democratic Political Action Committee was blunter.
“If Biden loses it’s going to be a f–king bloodbath. There’s no other way to put it,” he said. “Heads will roll. It’s going to be ugly.”
Progressives hope that any internal strife would also strengthen the hand of some of their brightest congressional stars, like Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
If he blows it, the strife won’t just be internal. On the activist front, insiders say the United States can expect months of unrest if Trump is reelected.
“You’re talking people in the streets refusing to leave. I’m not talking about looting and riots. I’m talking about everyday folks just going out into the streets in protests, like full on people in the streets for months,” Hawk Newsome, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Greater New York, told The Post.
Across the country there have been reports from gun store owners of liberals arming up — many for the first time.
A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

I was beginning to think nothing could be more entertaining than Election Night 2016 (with the tears and all coming from Democrats) but this election could prove to be better and a lot less slow-motion.
Ptogressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are all the same, They are communists. Just your plain old lying, thieving, power-mad communists. Conservatives and Republicans will enjoy watching the Left self-immolate.
The PMS/Democrat Socialits of America will not be satisfied with half a loaf (even though it was baked by someone else). They want complete control of the Democrat party and a large fraction of Dems will not just hand it over easily.
I've read several editorials this year featuring blue-collar union local bosses complaining about the Democratic Party not paying attention to them. I felt sorry for these people because they lacked the awareness to realize that this is a feature rather than a bug. The new "Trump-ized" GOP is now the party of the working stiff along with farmers and other small business men/ women.
The simple reason for this is that the Democrats believe that no longer need them since Obama deserted the Unions after winning the election in 2009.
Many minority groups are already leaving the PMS/DSA Commie Left and not voting for China Joe because even they realize Biden and kamala are extreme left radicals that will damage this country. This all began back in the 2012 before the re-election of Obama when Velma Hart told Obama she was “exhausted” from sticking up for him and was not surprised when she lost her job.
All these Blue Cities aren't boarding up because they expect a Biden win. Have you purchased a sheet of plywood lately? It's not cheap.

STANDOFF REPORTED OVER: Twitter backs down, unlocks NY Post’s account.
Twitter backed down Friday in its battle with The Post and unlocked its main account after a two-week stalemate over its Hunter Biden exposé.
The Post never deleted the tweets during the standoff.
Jake Tapper hardest hit: Principled CNN Journalist Jake Tapper Tells NY Post to Bow to Twitter’s Demands, Gets Wrecked in Response.


Related: Twitter shares plunge as user growth slows.

Get Woke
Go Broke!
Lock, load and aim. I don't give a shit about their suffering from a belly wound where their intestines are mush and they slowly bleed out....fuck'em. Render them useless and then 'double tap' later. Feel free to piss on their heads and in their wounds.....spit on them if so inclined because I will......

A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

Names, or it didn't happen.

That being said....

The Democrats have a huge problem with so many of the leaders being closer to 100 than they are to the age where they qualified for AARP membership. The GOP isn't much better but in this metric; they are.
Lock, load and aim. I don't give a shit about their suffering from a belly wound where their intestines are mush and they slowly bleed out....fuck'em. Render them useless and then 'double tap' later. Feel free to piss on their heads and in their wounds.....spit on them if so inclined because I will......


Just remember, that street runs both ways. If the Democrats run the table next week, there's going to be a lot that will not feel like compromising.
You people really have become cancers.
One senior official at a Democratic Political Action Committee was blunter.
“If Biden loses it’s going to be a f–king bloodbath. There’s no other way to put it,” he said. “Heads will roll. It’s going to be ugly.”

Yeah, well...heh heh...pack a lunch, boys. You're not up against the baboon army. Huh uh. Not even close.

Last edited:
A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

Names, or it didn't happen.

That being said....

The Democrats have a huge problem with so many of the leaders being closer to 100 than they are to the age where they qualified for AARP membership. The GOP isn't much better but in this metric; they are.
They are all quite old. Nancy, Feinstein, Biden, my goodness!
A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

Names, or it didn't happen.

That being said....

The Democrats have a huge problem with so many of the leaders being closer to 100 than they are to the age where they qualified for AARP membership. The GOP isn't much better but in this metric; they are.
They are all quite old. Nancy, Feinstein, Biden, my goodness!

While I wouldn't use the term "bloodbath"...the Democratic Party would be well served to transition to a younger darker individual as their leader. I have stated it here, electing Pelosi as SOTH was a mistake. And you see it this year in the campaign ads. Democratic candidates who have never met Pelosi are shown time and again standing next to her in GOP campaign ads.
A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

Names, or it didn't happen.

That being said....

The Democrats have a huge problem with so many of the leaders being closer to 100 than they are to the age where they qualified for AARP membership. The GOP isn't much better but in this metric; they are.
They are all quite old. Nancy, Feinstein, Biden, my goodness!

While I wouldn't use the term "bloodbath"...the Democratic Party would be well served to transition to a younger darker individual as their leader. I have stated it here, electing Pelosi as SOTH was a mistake. And you see it this year in the campaign ads. Democratic candidates who have never met Pelosi are shown time and again standing next to her in GOP campaign ads.
The democrats have lost their identity/base. Their base used to be middle-class union workers. Now their base is the globalist billionaire class, throwing money at election races and not understanding why they lost. The coastal elites and their high tech minions can try to run their propaganda network, but middle America knows bullshit when they smell it.

IMHO if the GOP sweeps the presidency, House, and senate, they should nationalize Twitter and Facebook and install a fairness committee to ensure that their employees and policies are politically neutral/balanced.
A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

Names, or it didn't happen.

That being said....

The Democrats have a huge problem with so many of the leaders being closer to 100 than they are to the age where they qualified for AARP membership. The GOP isn't much better but in this metric; they are.
They are all quite old. Nancy, Feinstein, Biden, my goodness!

While I wouldn't use the term "bloodbath"...the Democratic Party would be well served to transition to a younger darker individual as their leader. I have stated it here, electing Pelosi as SOTH was a mistake. And you see it this year in the campaign ads. Democratic candidates who have never met Pelosi are shown time and again standing next to her in GOP campaign ads.
Younger yes. "Darker"? Here in America, we don't give a damn what the shade of your skin is, we are more interested in the content of your character.

President Trump’s MAGA Rally in Butler, Pennsylvania – Trump Announces He Signed Order to Protect PA Fracking!

And yes, the wings of whatever side loses will blame the other wings.
A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

Names, or it didn't happen.

That being said....

The Democrats have a huge problem with so many of the leaders being closer to 100 than they are to the age where they qualified for AARP membership. The GOP isn't much better but in this metric; they are.
They are all quite old. Nancy, Feinstein, Biden, my goodness!

While I wouldn't use the term "bloodbath"...the Democratic Party would be well served to transition to a younger darker individual as their leader. I have stated it here, electing Pelosi as SOTH was a mistake. And you see it this year in the campaign ads. Democratic candidates who have never met Pelosi are shown time and again standing next to her in GOP campaign ads.
The democrats have lost their identity/base. Their base used to be middle-class union workers. Now their base is the globalist billionaire class, throwing money at election races and not understanding why they lost. The coastal elites and their high tech minions can try to run their propaganda network, but middle America knows bullshit when they smell it.

IMHO if the GOP sweeps the presidency, House, and senate, they should nationalize Twitter and Facebook and install a fairness committee to ensure that their employees and policies are politically neutral.

Not exactly true since a globalist billionaire is the GOP nominee for President.

They've got to get younger and darker in their leadership.
A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

Names, or it didn't happen.

That being said....

The Democrats have a huge problem with so many of the leaders being closer to 100 than they are to the age where they qualified for AARP membership. The GOP isn't much better but in this metric; they are.
They are all quite old. Nancy, Feinstein, Biden, my goodness!

While I wouldn't use the term "bloodbath"...the Democratic Party would be well served to transition to a younger darker individual as their leader. I have stated it here, electing Pelosi as SOTH was a mistake. And you see it this year in the campaign ads. Democratic candidates who have never met Pelosi are shown time and again standing next to her in GOP campaign ads.
The democrats have lost their identity/base. Their base used to be middle-class union workers. Now their base is the globalist billionaire class, throwing money at election races and not understanding why they lost. The coastal elites and their high tech minions can try to run their propaganda network, but middle America knows bullshit when they smell it.

IMHO if the GOP sweeps the presidency, House, and senate, they should nationalize Twitter and Facebook and install a fairness committee to ensure that their employees and policies are politically neutral.

Not exactly true since a globalist billionaire is the GOP nominee for President.

They've got to get younger and darker in their leadership.
Wrong. Biden is in China's pocket not Trump.
Trump put tariffs on China while the democrats would sell US workers out.
You refuse to see reality.

Go younger and darker, it won't matter, its losing policies that matter.
What winning policies are younger and darker?
A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

Names, or it didn't happen.

That being said....

The Democrats have a huge problem with so many of the leaders being closer to 100 than they are to the age where they qualified for AARP membership. The GOP isn't much better but in this metric; they are.
They are all quite old. Nancy, Feinstein, Biden, my goodness!

While I wouldn't use the term "bloodbath"...the Democratic Party would be well served to transition to a younger darker individual as their leader. I have stated it here, electing Pelosi as SOTH was a mistake. And you see it this year in the campaign ads. Democratic candidates who have never met Pelosi are shown time and again standing next to her in GOP campaign ads.
Younger yes. "Darker"? Here in America, we don't give a damn what the shade of your skin is, we are more interested in the content of your character.

President Trump’s MAGA Rally in Butler, Pennsylvania – Trump Announces He Signed Order to Protect PA Fracking!

And yes, the wings of whatever side loses will blame the other wings.

The content of Trump's character?

Admits cheating on his wife,
Says he doesn't like POW's
Pays porn stars for sex
Accuses women who moderate his debates as being on their period
Lies nearly everytime he opens his mouth.

The content of the character of your lord and master is bankrupt.
A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

Names, or it didn't happen.

That being said....

The Democrats have a huge problem with so many of the leaders being closer to 100 than they are to the age where they qualified for AARP membership. The GOP isn't much better but in this metric; they are.
They are all quite old. Nancy, Feinstein, Biden, my goodness!

While I wouldn't use the term "bloodbath"...the Democratic Party would be well served to transition to a younger darker individual as their leader. I have stated it here, electing Pelosi as SOTH was a mistake. And you see it this year in the campaign ads. Democratic candidates who have never met Pelosi are shown time and again standing next to her in GOP campaign ads.
The democrats have lost their identity/base. Their base used to be middle-class union workers. Now their base is the globalist billionaire class, throwing money at election races and not understanding why they lost. The coastal elites and their high tech minions can try to run their propaganda network, but middle America knows bullshit when they smell it.

IMHO if the GOP sweeps the presidency, House, and senate, they should nationalize Twitter and Facebook and install a fairness committee to ensure that their employees and policies are politically neutral.

Not exactly true since a globalist billionaire is the GOP nominee for President.

They've got to get younger and darker in their leadership.
Wrong. Biden is in China's pocket not Trump.
Trump put tariffs on China while the democrats would sell US workers out.
You refuse to see reality.

Go younger and darker, it won't matter, its losing policies that matter.
What winning policies are younger and darker?

Is that why Trump has a bank account over there and hired Chinese to make his stuff...not Americans?
A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

Names, or it didn't happen.

That being said....

The Democrats have a huge problem with so many of the leaders being closer to 100 than they are to the age where they qualified for AARP membership. The GOP isn't much better but in this metric; they are.
They are all quite old. Nancy, Feinstein, Biden, my goodness!

While I wouldn't use the term "bloodbath"...the Democratic Party would be well served to transition to a younger darker individual as their leader. I have stated it here, electing Pelosi as SOTH was a mistake. And you see it this year in the campaign ads. Democratic candidates who have never met Pelosi are shown time and again standing next to her in GOP campaign ads.
The democrats have lost their identity/base. Their base used to be middle-class union workers. Now their base is the globalist billionaire class, throwing money at election races and not understanding why they lost. The coastal elites and their high tech minions can try to run their propaganda network, but middle America knows bullshit when they smell it.

IMHO if the GOP sweeps the presidency, House, and senate, they should nationalize Twitter and Facebook and install a fairness committee to ensure that their employees and policies are politically neutral.

Not exactly true since a globalist billionaire is the GOP nominee for President.

They've got to get younger and darker in their leadership.
Wrong. Biden is in China's pocket not Trump.
Trump put tariffs on China while the democrats would sell US workers out.
You refuse to see reality.

Go younger and darker, it won't matter, its losing policies that matter.
What winning policies are younger and darker?

Is that why Trump has a bank account over there and hired Chinese to make his stuff...not Americans?
Do you want to outlaw all imports from China?
A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

Names, or it didn't happen.

That being said....

The Democrats have a huge problem with so many of the leaders being closer to 100 than they are to the age where they qualified for AARP membership. The GOP isn't much better but in this metric; they are.
They are all quite old. Nancy, Feinstein, Biden, my goodness!

While I wouldn't use the term "bloodbath"...the Democratic Party would be well served to transition to a younger darker individual as their leader. I have stated it here, electing Pelosi as SOTH was a mistake. And you see it this year in the campaign ads. Democratic candidates who have never met Pelosi are shown time and again standing next to her in GOP campaign ads.
Younger yes. "Darker"? Here in America, we don't give a damn what the shade of your skin is, we are more interested in the content of your character.

President Trump’s MAGA Rally in Butler, Pennsylvania – Trump Announces He Signed Order to Protect PA Fracking!

And yes, the wings of whatever side loses will blame the other wings.
... Says he doesn't like POW's...
Fake News.
...Pays porn stars for sex...
Stormy Daniels ended up paying him.

if the polls are as wrong as they were in 2016, Trump would win with 279 of the 538 electoral votes, while Biden would get 259.


Weird how pollsters nearly always undercount the GOP vote.
A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

Names, or it didn't happen.

That being said....

The Democrats have a huge problem with so many of the leaders being closer to 100 than they are to the age where they qualified for AARP membership. The GOP isn't much better but in this metric; they are.
They are all quite old. Nancy, Feinstein, Biden, my goodness!

While I wouldn't use the term "bloodbath"...the Democratic Party would be well served to transition to a younger darker individual as their leader. I have stated it here, electing Pelosi as SOTH was a mistake. And you see it this year in the campaign ads. Democratic candidates who have never met Pelosi are shown time and again standing next to her in GOP campaign ads.
The democrats have lost their identity/base. Their base used to be middle-class union workers. Now their base is the globalist billionaire class, throwing money at election races and not understanding why they lost. The coastal elites and their high tech minions can try to run their propaganda network, but middle America knows bullshit when they smell it.

IMHO if the GOP sweeps the presidency, House, and senate, they should nationalize Twitter and Facebook and install a fairness committee to ensure that their employees and policies are politically neutral.

Not exactly true since a globalist billionaire is the GOP nominee for President.

They've got to get younger and darker in their leadership.
Wrong. Biden is in China's pocket not Trump.
Trump put tariffs on China while the democrats would sell US workers out.
You refuse to see reality.

Go younger and darker, it won't matter, its losing policies that matter.
What winning policies are younger and darker?

Is that why Trump has a bank account over there and hired Chinese to make his stuff...not Americans?
Do you want to outlaw all imports from China?

I'm a globalist.
Just like you. Just like Trump.
A senior congressional Democratic insider — who currently thinks the race leans Trump — mocked the big talk, telling The Post progressives would ultimately fall into line with whatever candidate Democrats chose in 2024.
“The notion that they will go harder is a false premise. They’re already going as hard as they can and we keep getting Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,” the insider said. “I don’t doubt there will be an explosion [if Biden loses] but the problem is the shrapnel never hits anyone.”

Names, or it didn't happen.

That being said....

The Democrats have a huge problem with so many of the leaders being closer to 100 than they are to the age where they qualified for AARP membership. The GOP isn't much better but in this metric; they are.
They are all quite old. Nancy, Feinstein, Biden, my goodness!

While I wouldn't use the term "bloodbath"...the Democratic Party would be well served to transition to a younger darker individual as their leader. I have stated it here, electing Pelosi as SOTH was a mistake. And you see it this year in the campaign ads. Democratic candidates who have never met Pelosi are shown time and again standing next to her in GOP campaign ads.
Younger yes. "Darker"? Here in America, we don't give a damn what the shade of your skin is, we are more interested in the content of your character.

President Trump’s MAGA Rally in Butler, Pennsylvania – Trump Announces He Signed Order to Protect PA Fracking!

And yes, the wings of whatever side loses will blame the other wings.
... Says he doesn't like POW's...
Fake News.
...Pays porn stars for sex...
Stormy Daniels ended up paying him.

if the polls are as wrong as they were in 2016, Trump would win with 279 of the 538 electoral votes, while Biden would get 259.

View attachment 409593

Weird how pollsters nearly always undercount the GOP vote.

The Stormy Daniels story has been confirmed.


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