Words that sometime come back to haunt!!!

Working Man

Aug 22, 2004
Bush's remarks yesterday when asked by a reporter how he felt about Hamas taking over the Palestinian government.. Paraphrased a bit.. "Well,, I guess the people were not happy with the conditions,, the status quo,,,,,,so I think they wanted a change and voted in a new regime" After hearing him agonize to answer,, he must of thought about what he said and realized,,,, DEJA VU!!!

You betcha GW.. Desperate times call for desperate actions to be taken.
I voted for you twice.. But, there a few things I don't care for, about your administration, that have an effect on my life. Policies that you embrace may put the US people in a bad position and cost us more than $$ at the pumps..
Working Man said:
Bush's remarks yesterday when asked by a reporter how he felt about Hamas taking over the Palestinian government.. Paraphrased a bit.. "Well,, I guess the people were not happy with the conditions,, the status quo,,,,,,so I think they wanted a change and voted in a new regime" After hearing him agonize to answer,, he must of thought about what he said and realized,,,, DEJA VU!!!

You betcha GW.. Desperate times call for desperate actions to be taken.
I voted for you twice.. But, there a few things I don't care for, about your administration, that have an effect on my life. Policies that you embrace may put the US people in a bad position and cost us more than $$ at the pumps..
Well, I guess you'll get your chance to vote him out of office in '08!
CSM said:
Well, I guess you'll get your chance to vote him out of office in '08!

Yeah! er... :wtf: :confused:

psst! you probably already know this, but GW won't be up for election in '08. :D
Yea.....I'm sure Bush is quaking in his boots that he might not get re-elected in '08. :duh3:
CSM said:
It was a joke....

It was also a jab at the original post.

You are a riot!!!

Do you think we will be better off with Hillary as president??? Do you think it is the voters that put GW in office??? With all of the "bad" news being pipped over the airwaves/cable, what chances do the Republicans have for holding the house and senate?? Whether the news is accurate or not, whether the fiscal problems are GW's doing or not,,,, the price at the pumps is real. The jobs being lost to foreign imports is real. etc. etc. etc.. Even the dummies will vote for a change.

I am not trying to bash GW, he can do the best job of it himself. He is making it too easy for the democrats (LIBERAL DEMOCRATS), and that is what is most troubling.
Working Man said:
Bush's remarks yesterday when asked by a reporter how he felt about Hamas taking over the Palestinian government.. Paraphrased a bit.. "Well,, I guess the people were not happy with the conditions,, the status quo,,,,,,so I think they wanted a change and voted in a new regime" After hearing him agonize to answer,, he must of thought about what he said and realized,,,, DEJA VU!!!

You betcha GW.. Desperate times call for desperate actions to be taken.
I voted for you twice.. But, there a few things I don't care for, about your administration, that have an effect on my life. Policies that you embrace may put the US people in a bad position and cost us more than $$ at the pumps..

dude i agree you shouldn't vote for him again :wtf:
Working Man said:
You are a riot!!!

Do you think we will be better off with Hillary as president???.


Working Man said:
Do you think it is the voters that put GW in office???.


Working Man said:
With all of the "bad" news being pipped over the airwaves/cable, what chances do the Republicans have for holding the house and senate?? .

fity fity

Working Man said:
Whether the news is accurate or not, whether the fiscal problems are GW's doing or not,,,, the price at the pumps is real. The jobs being lost to foreign imports is real. etc. etc. etc.. Even the dummies will vote for a change.

you shouldn't call liberals dummies it hurts their feelings

Working Man said:
I am not trying to bash GW, he can do the best job of it himself. He is making it too easy for the democrats (LIBERAL DEMOCRATS), and that is what is most troubling.
insein said:
What if Jeb runs?

Hummm? I don't know with all the libs on the board, they might of converted me. hummm? Ok NOT What I should of said was this President Bush in 08. ;) ;) joking!
insein said:
What if Jeb runs?

I don't think we, the US, would be in the position we are in now. He is smarter than his brother. But, unfortunately, I think he may be blamed for what GW has done/not done, and not do well at the polls..

It is sad because I think Jeb would have a lot to offer this country. :usa:

When I said, Do you think the people put GW in office??? The first trip was a freak. I was happy about his winning, and would never want to to see that MORON (Al the bore Gore) in office. The second trip was his incumbancy advantage, and the fact the Kerry looks like Frankenstien and scares the kids, and his doggedness on the war/the perceived sense of security versus the Dem's waffling. Also, Kerry's old lady is another Hillary. Nobody, except the liberals, wants to hear what either has to say.
Working Man said:
I don't think we, the US, would be in the position we are in now. He is smarter than his brother. But, unfortunately, I think he may be blamed for what GW has done/not done, and not do well at the polls..

It is sad because I think Jeb would have a lot to offer this country. :usa:

When I said, Do you think the people put GW in office??? The first trip was a freak. I was happy about his winning, and would never want to to see that MORON (Al the bore Gore) in office. The second trip was his incumbancy advantage, and the fact the Kerry looks like Frankenstien and scares the kids, and his doggedness on the war/the perceived sense of security versus the Dem's waffling. Also, Kerry's old lady is another Hillary. Nobody, except the liberals, wants to hear what either has to say.

what would be different
Working Man said:
I don't think we, the US, would be in the position we are in now. He is smarter than his brother. But, unfortunately, I think he may be blamed for what GW has done/not done, and not do well at the polls..

It is sad because I think Jeb would have a lot to offer this country. :usa:

When I said, Do you think the people put GW in office??? The first trip was a freak.

The first time he got elected was a freak? Innumerable recounts and they all show he won.

I was happy about his winning, and would never want to to see that MORON (Al the bore Gore) in office. The second trip was his incumbancy advantage, and the fact the Kerry looks like Frankenstien and scares the kids, and his doggedness on the war/the perceived sense of security versus the Dem's waffling. Also, Kerry's old lady is another Hillary. Nobody, except the liberals, wants to hear what either has to say.

In either case (first elected or his re-election) it is the people who voted him into office. Their reasons for voting for him may or may not be as you say.

I do think the Republicans have a chance at holding the majority in Congress. The Dems haven't exactly come up with the "plan of the Century" to fix all the ills in this country, nor have they offered many candidates that people can identify with. In fact, the more they talk, the worse the Dems look.

I do agree that the current administration is bringing too little too late in the form of rebuttal to the liberal Dem vendetta.
CSM said:
In either case (first elected or his re-election) it is the people who voted him into office. Their reasons for voting for him may or may not be as you say.

I do think the Republicans have a chance at holding the majority in Congress. The Dems haven't exactly come up with the "plan of the Century" to fix all the ills in this country, nor have they offered many candidates that people can identify with. In fact, the more they talk, the worse the Dems look.

I do agree that the current administration is bringing too little too late in the form of rebuttal to the liberal Dem vendetta.

My working theory is that the accusations by the Dems were so stupid, the Republicans didn't think anybody would believe them.

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