Words of Jesus

It seems that Jesus wanted us to recognize that some people would be unwilling to accept Jesus and that we must not continue to waste our time with them and to move on to spread the word to people that will appreciate and embrace Jesus and his word.
It seems that Jesus wanted us to recognize that some people would be unwilling to accept Jesus and that we must not continue to waste our time with them and to move on to spread the word to people that will appreciate and embrace Jesus and his word.
How arrogant of you to suggest you know what God is thinking?
Not only that, but you pass it on to the world like it is fact. You have no proof of anything and invent it as you go along.
Furthermore, what is it you are embracing? There is nothing to embrace. It comes down to, you believe there's a god for which you have no evidence whatsoever and never will.
Yet you want people to believe that and respect your view. You'll have to do better than that.
The Gospel of Thomas reflects the Gnostic belief that everything physical is evil; all goodness is spirit
What about Genesis Meriweather?

Genesis 3:17
And unto Adam He said: 'Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying: Thou shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake; in toil shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.
And unto Adam He said: 'Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying: Thou shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake; in toil shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.
surly a christian forgery, no mention though the fate of humanity being the same - for their "sin".
No not a forgery BreezeWood.
I take Adam and Eve allegorically, so to me it is mankind the story represents.
No not a forgery BreezeWood.
I take Adam and Eve allegorically, so to me it is mankind the story represents.
by what religion is it allegorical - that passage as noted did not include humanity - the overall christian passage is incomplete at best by their rendering of complicity for the action of others to be born by the innocent they refuse to acknowledge without sin for whatever reason. whether unintended or accomplished, innocence or purity as the goal for the individuals remission by their own accord as the correct religion for redemption.

there's is a messiah that accomplishes their goals for them that is a contradiction for their version of accountability exacted directly to those two - adam and eve who chose for themselves the action they took.
I am not quite following your train of thought. Genesis is not a Christian writing.
You're not real good at this.
Can't focus on the discussion points? May not want to begin throwing insults in a desperate attempt to cover lack of comprehension and immaturity. The topic of this thread is Words of Jesus. Would you care to discuss this instead of me?
It seems that Jesus wanted us to recognize that some people would be unwilling to accept Jesus and that we must not continue to waste our time with them and to move on to spread the word to people that will appreciate and embrace Jesus and his word.
This is good advice on any topic, not just Jesus. For example, if another person does not enjoy discussing gardens, football, or Buddhism, it is best to move on--or to find a common ground of a topic that interests both.

The reaction in Jesus' day, to his proclamation of, "Sins are forgiven" was so different then than it is today. One of the reactions to Jesus, was "You can't say that! Only God can forgive sins." One of the reactions today would probably be, "There is no such thing as sin." ;)
It seems that Jesus wanted us to recognize that some people would be unwilling to accept Jesus and that we must not continue to waste our time with them and to move on to spread the word to people that will appreciate and embrace Jesus and his word.

Fundamentalists and Christians who change scripture drive people a way from faith.
The Gospel of Thomas reflects the Gnostic belief that everything physical is evil; all goodness is spirit
What about Genesis Meriweather?

Genesis 3:17
And unto Adam He said: 'Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying: Thou shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake; in toil shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.
And unto Adam He said: 'Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying: Thou shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake; in toil shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.
surly a christian forgery, no mention though the fate of humanity being the same - for their "sin".
No not a forgery BreezeWood.
I take Adam and Eve allegorically, so to me it is mankind the story represents.
No not a forgery BreezeWood.
I take Adam and Eve allegorically, so to me it is mankind the story represents.
by what religion is it allegorical - that passage as noted did not include humanity - the overall christian passage is incomplete at best by their rendering of complicity for the action of others to be born by the innocent they refuse to acknowledge without sin for whatever reason. whether unintended or accomplished, innocence or purity as the goal for the individuals remission by their own accord as the correct religion for redemption.

there's is a messiah that accomplishes their goals for them that is a contradiction for their version of accountability exacted directly to those two - adam and eve who chose for themselves the action they took.
I am not quite following your train of thought. Genesis is not a Christian writing.

That is far too intellectual for any fundamentalist or Evangelical.

The Gospel of Thomas reflects the Gnostic belief that everything physical is evil; all goodness is spirit
What about Genesis Meriweather?

Genesis 3:17
And unto Adam He said: 'Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying: Thou shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake; in toil shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.
And unto Adam He said: 'Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying: Thou shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake; in toil shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.
surly a christian forgery, no mention though the fate of humanity being the same - for their "sin".
No not a forgery BreezeWood.
I take Adam and Eve allegorically, so to me it is mankind the story represents.
No not a forgery BreezeWood.
I take Adam and Eve allegorically, so to me it is mankind the story represents.
by what religion is it allegorical - that passage as noted did not include humanity - the overall christian passage is incomplete at best by their rendering of complicity for the action of others to be born by the innocent they refuse to acknowledge without sin for whatever reason. whether unintended or accomplished, innocence or purity as the goal for the individuals remission by their own accord as the correct religion for redemption.

there's is a messiah that accomplishes their goals for them that is a contradiction for their version of accountability exacted directly to those two - adam and eve who chose for themselves the action they took.
I am not quite following your train of thought. Genesis is not a Christian writing.
I take Adam and Eve allegorically, so to me it is mankind the story represents.

by what religion is it allegorical -

I am not quite following your train of thought. Genesis is not a Christian writing.
that's a stretch - they did sortof include that tidbit in their 4th century book ... as all three desert religions - maybe allegorically it's a choice, chose your own poison. from any of the above.

it's not the religion of antiquity - nothing aligorical about that. or the parable.
You're not real good at this.
Can't focus on the discussion points? May not want to begin throwing insults in a desperate attempt to cover lack of comprehension and immaturity. The topic of this thread is Words of Jesus. Would you care to discuss this instead of me?
The same old obligatory rebuttals from the God botherers. Start to denigrate maturity and intelligence when you r hideous religion is challenged.

Each time you reply you allow me another opportunity to whack you.

Your jesus was nothing but a rabble rousing prophet with no education and now you belch his words as if society should embrace them like a tattoo. The fact is, there very little evidence he ever existed but the fairy tail attracts small immature minds.

I'm discussing you because I challenged for you to produce evidence of your God.
You gave don't nothing but spit and blather religious garbage as fact.
Your God does not exist and the words you quote were not written by Jesus. His apostles were all illiterate although your scriptures tell you otherwise.
You are a fraudulent charlatan.

You are delusion at best and should revise the authenticity of the crimes you commit by abusing children with your hideous religious teaching. It is without doubt child abuse. For that I have an opinion that it is illegal to do that and you people, under other circumstances peddling lies through society, you should be prosecuted. Its despicable and wicked. You have no empathy for the people's lives who have been shackled by conjurers like you.

I'm pleased your attempt to destroy and belittle me was posted. Maybe next time, you might not take me lightly. I'm very good at this and yet to have a Jesus junkie leave after me.
I'm very good at this
Not particularly. The topic is "Words of Jesus". It's not about any member. Are there any words of Jesus you care to discuss?
Are there any words of Jesus you care to discuss?
“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

the spoken religion words above are included in your book of forgeries and fallacies because they could not be omitted, the itinerant nonetheless fulfilled their obligation as the closing scene of the 1st century.

forsaken being their liberation theology - rendered mute by 4th century christianity. a messiah instead.
I'm very good at this
Not particularly. The topic is "Words of Jesus". It's not about any member. Are there any words of Jesus you care to discuss?
No. Because there's no evidence he said anything. They were all illiterate and the bible was written 70 years after he died.

You can lie to yourself forever believing son e mysterious said something but as a grown human being, you look ridiculous. Faith dies not equate to fact.
So stop trying be clever because you don't have the smarts.

You go ahead and quote you Jesus crap.
I'll wait and tear it to bits.
it's not the religion of antiquity - nothing aligorical about that. or the parable.
Maybe you could enlighten us on your special Gnosis.

it's not the religion of antiquity - nothing aligorical about that. or the parable.
Maybe you could enlighten us on your special Gnosis.

I certainly can. Never since the beginning of time has any evidence been presented to prove the existence of any God.
Of course if you have it, the world would be very appreciative of it. In fact, I know you can't so it's best you stop baiting me when you have nothing.

Any words ever uttered by religion about God is a bald faced lie. Your only reference is a bible transcribed dozens of times to suit the ages.

Now. If you can refute any of what I said, knock yourself out son.
it's not the religion of antiquity - nothing aligorical about that. or the parable.
Maybe you could enlighten us on your special Gnosis.

it's not the religion of antiquity - nothing aligorical about that. or the parable.
Maybe you could enlighten us on your special Gnosis.

I certainly can. Never since the beginning of time has any evidence been presented to prove the existence of any God.
Of course if you have it, the world would be very appreciative of it. In fact, I know you can't so it's best you stop baiting me when you have nothing.

Any words ever uttered by religion about God is a bald faced lie. Your only reference is a bible transcribed dozens of times to suit the ages.

Now. If you can refute any of what I said, knock yourself out son.
Who's talking to you clown.
it's not the religion of antiquity - nothing aligorical about that. or the parable.
Maybe you could enlighten us on your special Gnosis.

it's not the religion of antiquity - nothing aligorical about that. or the parable.
Maybe you could enlighten us on your special Gnosis.

I certainly can. Never since the beginning of time has any evidence been presented to prove the existence of any God.
Of course if you have it, the world would be very appreciative of it. In fact, I know you can't so it's best you stop baiting me when you have nothing.

Any words ever uttered by religion about God is a bald faced lie. Your only reference is a bible transcribed dozens of times to suit the ages.

Now. If you can refute any of what I said, knock yourself out son.
Who's talking to you clown.

I don't care who interject to because you can stop me. Your upset because I challenged your filthy bible and you don't like it.
You like t he eat have no evidence of a god or other crap associated with him. It's pure piffle. You've been conned son.
You keep the faith. The pastor will keep the money. Sucker.
it's not the religion of antiquity - nothing aligorical about that. or the parable.
Maybe you could enlighten us on your special Gnosis.

it's not the religion of antiquity - nothing aligorical about that. or the parable.
Maybe you could enlighten us on your special Gnosis.

I certainly can. Never since the beginning of time has any evidence been presented to prove the existence of any God.
Of course if you have it, the world would be very appreciative of it. In fact, I know you can't so it's best you stop baiting me when you have nothing.

Any words ever uttered by religion about God is a bald faced lie. Your only reference is a bible transcribed dozens of times to suit the ages.

Now. If you can refute any of what I said, knock yourself out son.
Who's talking to you clown.

I don't care who interject to because you can stop me. Your upset because I challenged your filthy bible and you don't like it.
You like t he eat have no evidence of a god or other crap associated with him. It's pure piffle. You've been conned son.
You keep the faith. The pastor will keep the money. Sucker.

Have you always been a bit thick in the head?
it's not the religion of antiquity - nothing aligorical about that. or the parable.
Maybe you could enlighten us on your special Gnosis.

it's not the religion of antiquity - nothing aligorical about that. or the parable.
Maybe you could enlighten us on your special Gnosis.

I certainly can. Never since the beginning of time has any evidence been presented to prove the existence of any God.
Of course if you have it, the world would be very appreciative of it. In fact, I know you can't so it's best you stop baiting me when you have nothing.

Any words ever uttered by religion about God is a bald faced lie. Your only reference is a bible transcribed dozens of times to suit the ages.

Now. If you can refute any of what I said, knock yourself out son.
Who's talking to you clown.

I don't care who interject to because you can stop me. Your upset because I challenged your filthy bible and you don't like it.
You like t he eat have no evidence of a god or other crap associated with him. It's pure piffle. You've been conned son.
You keep the faith. The pastor will keep the money. Sucker.

Have you always been a bit thick in the head?

Oh the irony. You as a godbotherer believe in immaculate conception and virgin births, talking snakes and resurrection. Don't forget water to wine and the other ratbag scenarios yet its you who suggest I'm thick???
You're not real smart at this god rubbish.
I'd brush up on my pathetic unresearched childish post if I were you.

Keep going. Every time you reply I get another whack at you.

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