Wonderful news for Christian haters. Suicide bombers kill 14 people outside Pakistani churches


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Suicide bombers kill 14 people outside Pakistani churches Fox News

LAHORE, Pakistan – Pakistani Taliban suicide bombers exploded themselves near two churches in the eastern city of Lahore on Sunday as worshippers were gathered inside, killing 14 people, officials said, in the latest attack against religious minorities in the increasingly fractured country.

In the tense aftermath, angry mobs lashed out at people they suspected of involvement in the attacks -- including one person who was burned to death -- and Christian crowds set fire to cars in a show of defiance in the country's second largest city and the prime minister's seat of power.

Life in Pakistan is increasingly fraught with danger for religious minorities, especially Christians. They have been targeted by extremist Sunni Muslim militants who object to their faith.

They are also discriminated against in the wider society where they can often only get menial jobs like garbage collection, and are frequently targets of blasphemy accusations.

The explosions occurred in quick succession in the Christian neighborhood of Youhana Abad at two churches while parishioners were celebrating Sunday morning services inside. The churches are about 600 meters (650 yards) apart.

At least 70 people were wounded, said Zahid Pervez, the provincial director general of health, who gave the death toll.

One unidentified witness told Pakistan's Geo television that the main gate to one of the churches targeted was closed so people were using a smaller gate.

"One bomber exploded himself near that gate, that created chaos and during the course there was another blast," he said.

In the aftermath of the blasts the mood quickly turned violent. Much of the country is on edge after years of militant violence including an attack on a Peshawar school in December that killed 150 people -- mostly students.

Local television footage showed an angry crowd beating a person they thought was connected to the attack, while others attacked buses in the city. The crowds burned to death one person they believed was involved in the attack and tried to lynch another, said Haider Ashraf, deputy inspector general for Lahore.

Two police who were protecting the churches were also killed in the explosions, which he confirmed were caused by suicide bombers.

A spokesman for the Punjab province government condemned the attacks but also said it was unfortunate that the mob had attacked suspects. He said authorities are reinforcing security at the 481 remaining churches across the city.

Militants appear to be targeting minorities more intensively recently, including attacks on a string of mosques belonging to members of the Shiite Muslim minority sect. In 2013, twin blasts at a church in Peshawar killed 85 people.

"There will be more of such attacks," warned Ahsanullah Ahsan, a spokesman for the Taliban faction that claimed responsibility for the assault, in a statement emailed to reporters.


Get ready for LIEberals to point out that Fox news is reporting this.
Why are Christians in Pakistan?

I see, you can't figure out why they would live in a country where the majority are another religion. Do you wonder the same for the radical Muslims who move to other countries? Of course, it's because they do not fear other religions. They know they can push their own religion and other countries tend to tolerate them regardless of their extreme views and complete intolerance.

At least the Christians in other places are not trying to eradicate the other religions. Muslims do that all too often without any criticism from the left.

So, are you one of the liberals who believe that Muslims cannot not tolerate any infidels and if you live where there are a majority of Muslims, it's your own fault when you get slaughtered?
Why are Christians in Pakistan?

They live there?

Okay, then I assume they accept the risk.

So Muslims living in the US should accept the risk here in the US?

So Christians, just need to stay in Christian places? Can you name a Christian nation?

Muslims living in the U.S. are always under great risk. They know that.

Yeah because Christians are murdering them right and left by the thousands and bombing their Mosques. Oh and don't forget beheading them all over the U.S.A.
What a dumb thing to say Lakhota.
Why are Christians in Pakistan?

They live there?

Okay, then I assume they accept the risk.

So Muslims living in the US should accept the risk here in the US?

So Christians, just need to stay in Christian places? Can you name a Christian nation?

Muslims living in the U.S. are always under great risk. They know that.

I agree, you never know when a Muslim is going to kill a family member. Very unpredictable.

So Christians need to stay in Christian places? Can you name a Christian nation?
Why are Christians in Pakistan?

They live there?

Okay, then I assume they accept the risk.

So Muslims living in the US should accept the risk here in the US?

So Christians, just need to stay in Christian places? Can you name a Christian nation?

Muslims living in the U.S. are always under great risk. They know that.

Yeah because Christians are murdering them right and left by the thousands and bombing their Mosques. Oh and don't forget beheading them all over the U.S.A.
What a dumb thing to say Lakhota.

You are expecting something different from Duhkota?
They live there?

Okay, then I assume they accept the risk.

So Muslims living in the US should accept the risk here in the US?

So Christians, just need to stay in Christian places? Can you name a Christian nation?

Muslims living in the U.S. are always under great risk. They know that.

Yeah because Christians are murdering them right and left by the thousands and bombing their Mosques. Oh and don't forget beheading them all over the U.S.A.
What a dumb thing to say Lakhota.

You are expecting something different from Duhkota?

Every once in awhile he says something that I can agree with, but not this time.
Why do you think that it's OK to have such bad manners?
Okay, then I assume they accept the risk.

So Muslims living in the US should accept the risk here in the US?

So Christians, just need to stay in Christian places? Can you name a Christian nation?

Muslims living in the U.S. are always under great risk. They know that.

Yeah because Christians are murdering them right and left by the thousands and bombing their Mosques. Oh and don't forget beheading them all over the U.S.A.
What a dumb thing to say Lakhota.

You are expecting something different from Duhkota?

Every once in awhile he says something that I can agree with, but not this time.
Why do you think that it's OK to have such bad manners?

The bad manners is from the OP...
Why are Christians in Pakistan?

They live there?

Okay, then I assume they accept the risk.

They accept that we are in end times and all Christians will be persecuted and murdered throughout the whole world. This is just the beginning.

Why do think that killing of Christians is funny?
They have been murdered all throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa and it is starting to spread now into Pakistani.
So Muslims living in the US should accept the risk here in the US?

So Christians, just need to stay in Christian places? Can you name a Christian nation?

Muslims living in the U.S. are always under great risk. They know that.

Yeah because Christians are murdering them right and left by the thousands and bombing their Mosques. Oh and don't forget beheading them all over the U.S.A.
What a dumb thing to say Lakhota.

You are expecting something different from Duhkota?

Every once in awhile he says something that I can agree with, but not this time.
Why do you think that it's OK to have such bad manners?

The bad manners is from the OP...

Bad manners is also disrespecting users names.
Why are Christians in Pakistan?

They live there?

Okay, then I assume they accept the risk.

They accept that we are in end times and all Christians will be persecuted and murdered throughout the whole world. This is just the beginning.

Why do think that killing of Christians is funny?
They have been murdered all throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa and it is starting to spread now into Pakistani.

No one thinks any killings are 'funny' or that any killing of Christians is "wonderful news"...

Ironic, Christians in Iraq were allowed to practice their faith under Saddam Hussein. NOW, they are being killed or fleeing their home country...

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