Wonderful Jimmy Carter Says He'll Go to North Korea to Talk to Kim Jong Un (Little Rocket Man)

Sorry to interrupt....but as a veteran under both the Carter, and Regan Administrations, I used to think that Carter was the worst President......Until Obama. Jimmy is off the hook for worst in my book now. Just sayin
Obama has that distinction all to himself.

then you obviously went on a deserted island all these years after carter got out of office then cause hate to break your heart son,but carter has nothing on all these other asshole mass murdering presidents starting with reagan all the way up to Bush that started wars in other countries.:rofl::rofl:
It must be painful being so naive.

to be an idiot who says carter was the worst ever,yeah that MUST be painful troll.
I said that I used to think that he was the worst president, fool.
However I've never denied that he was probably the last great statesman we've seen. I think Carter was probably the last President that actually gave a shit about the people. His philanthropic work can not be denied.
Carter sent our troops into Iran with orders to KILL Iranians FACT! Go ahead tell us how Carter ordered our troops to ask the Iranians to hand over our hostages peacefully so I can laugh in your dumb face. There I destroyed your entire Carter nonsense, go lick your wounds.

yep time for you to lick your wounds knowing you have been exposed to post LIES with your garbage nonsense that carter sent in troops with orders to kill Iranians.must suck ignoring facts that reagan and bush sabotoged peace talks with carter so carter would not get reelected and the CIA;s boy Reagan would start get the CIA back to their covert warsd starting wars with other countries when he brought in his boy William Casey to get the CIA back to their corrupt ways after Stansfield Turner cleaned up the CIA;s corruption.

the cry baby troll can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:biggrin:

^^^ this clown thinks Carter was going to rescue the hostages without firing a shot. Tune in next week when he claims the troops were not even armed. :cuckoo:

evade mode as always,you CLOWNS keep evading the pesky facts that pogo posted that prove all the other presidents AFTER him were 100 times worse.

Goal Posts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new location.

posts# 27 here.
Wonderful Jimmy Carter Says He'll Go to North Korea to Talk to Kim Jong Un (Little Rocket Man)

and post#33 here.Wonderful Jimmy Carter Says He'll Go to North Korea to Talk to Kim Jong Un (Little Rocket Man)

love how you stupid fucks love these asshole murdering presidents from reagan all the way up to Obama who go and start wars with other countries and destroy america.
and love this fucking asshole TRAITER to americans.:banana::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Without Reagan's Treason, Iran Would Not Be a Problem

Just as I knew,all the brainwashed sheep in america that have posted on this thread denying reality that all the other presidents after carter were 100 times more destructive after this link took them to school how evil regan was and pogo did earlier that they all ran away from,they are slinging shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are crying and whining.here they are in defeat.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:


so sad indeed they have to act like children and cry in defeat and cant be man enough to own up to it when they have been proven wrong,reminds me of the children in the sports section who said the rams would NEVER come back to LA. how everytime i asked then the question-what was it you were saying about the Rams never coming back to LA? instead of owning up to it admitting they were wrong and cluless in their ramblings,they whined and cried actng like children same as you carter haters,so very sad indeed.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I am hardly a fan of carter,but unlike you trolls, I dont ignore pesky facts covering my eyes and ears as you all have done when pogo took all you trolls to school that all the other presidents after carter were 100 times worse than him.:rolleyes:
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At age 93 Carter is obviously senile and feeble-minded (well, more so than before), so I honestly excuse the poor old coot, I really do. I don't think he's evil/malicious like Obamaggot, I just think he's very naive and incompetent by nature. Today's liberals are psychopaths, whereas Carter is a lifelong fool.
At age 93 Carter is obviously senile and feeble-minded (well, more so than before), so I honestly excuse the poor old coot, I really do. I don't think he's evil/malicious like Obamaggot, I just think he's very naive and incompetent by nature. Today's liberals are psychopaths, whereas Carter is a lifelong fool.

I think when people get older we all want to be worth something; we want to contribute if we can. My company hires retirees to make van deliveries. Most of them don't need a job, it's just that they feel worthless sitting at home doing nothing.

So I'll give Carter credit for making a nice gesture, but his time has come and long gone. I'm sure his heart is in the right place but at the same time, it's something he should stay out of.
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Sorry to interrupt....but as a veteran under both the Carter, and Regan Administrations, I used to think that Carter was the worst President......Until Obama. Jimmy is off the hook for worst in my book now. Just sayin
Obama has that distinction all to himself.

then you obviously went on a deserted island all these years after carter got out of office then cause hate to break your heart son,but carter has nothing on all these other asshole mass murdering presidents starting with reagan all the way up to Bush that started wars in other countries.:rofl::rofl:
It must be painful being so naive.

to be an idiot who says carter was the worst ever,yeah that MUST be painful troll.
I said that I used to think that he was the worst president, fool.
However I've never denied that he was probably the last great statesman we've seen. I think Carter was probably the last President that actually gave a shit about the people. His philanthropic work can not be denied.

Pretty much this, Carter did really seem to care. The Rayguns and Trumps of the world are pure evil. As is Obama, just another corporate whore.
At age 93 Carter is obviously senile and feeble-minded (well, more so than before), so I honestly excuse the poor old coot, I really do. I don't think he's evil/malicious like Obamaggot, I just think he's very naive and incompetent by nature. Today's liberals are psychopaths, whereas Carter is a lifelong fool.

I think when people get older we all want to be worth something; we want to contribute if we can. My company hires retirees to make van deliveries. Most of them don't need a job, it's just that they feel worthless sitting at home doing nothing.

So I'll give Carter credit for making a nice gesture, but his time has come and long gone. I'm sure his heart is in the right place but at the same time, it's something he should stay out of.
Jimmy Carter should do something to not feel worthless, becaue he was a FUCKING worthless president.

Oooooooooooooouuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr president has a first name....
It's J-I-M-M-Y.......
Perhaps you all can help me out. Bismarck said that War was a continuation of diplomacy by other means. Churchill said that meeting jaw to jaw was better than war. These are two giants who influence the world even today.

Using Bismarck as our guide, then as long as the goal can be achieved through diplomatic means then war is still an option should it fail. Using Churchill we should at least try diplomacy before war.

St. Augustine, Truman, FDR, JFK, Wilson, and many others have spoken at length about the effort of diplomacy, and when war is appropriate.

Carter may be a joke to you all. But remember he ended the Egypt Israeli war. He got two bitter enemies to agree. To this day that peace has held. Israel may be threatened by many, but Egypt is not one of the threats.

But let’s focus on Carter shall we? Carter was and remains a good leader. During the “energy crisis” there was little anyone could do until the new oil fields came online. That takes time. That takes time for everyone. You can only drill so fast, you can only pump so fast. Carter did not simply say you need to conserve. He turned the heat down in the White House too. He was not a do as I say leader. He was a do as I do leader.

Many people blame him for Desert One. It was a debacle. Absolutely true. But was that because Carter planned the mission himself? Or was it because the Pentagon got caught up in the everyone had to have a piece of the plan. I mean come on, we did not need Air Force planes to land in the desert to transfer the Army to Marine helicopters.

It was needlessly complicated. But that was the plan the “experts” presented as the best option for success. Today we use it as what not to do. Today we say Keep It Simple Stupid. KISS is one of the principles we use in military planning today. The more complex the plan, the more likely it is to fail. Carter approved the plan. The military told him it was the best plan. We would have blown a blood vessel if a President was planning military assaults with zero experience.

I personally believe that Carter was on balance a pretty good President. Oh. Before you say Reagan wouldn’t have done this or that. Remember that Reagan was astonished to find out that the “Evil Empire” rhetoric was really shaking up the Soviets and he toned it down to avoid World War 3 by mistake.
He didn't have an "attack on Iran".
He didn't launch an attack on anybody. Not Iran, not Iraq, not Panama, not LIbya, not Grenada, not Cuba, not Korea, not Vietnam....... nothing.

War is the ultimate human failure. And he's the only POTUS since Hoover to not get sucked into one.

You took them to school and handed their ass to them on a platter.ALMOST. I say almost cause how can you say our last great president Kennedy did? he tried to pull us out of vietnam and paid the price for it from the CIA. Carter was our last decent president we had because of all those excellent facts you mentioned.:clap:
He is failing, as you are, to admit the truth.

It's grade school level of history

wrong there lying troll,he has taken you to school same as i have and you are playing dodgeball like all carter haters do being a chickenshit coward ignoring that post of his that took you to school.:asshole:

you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are since you are so frustrated you cant counter his pesky facts.hee hee
pesky facts?

he's the worst Pres we ever had, hands fucking down.

so says the paid troll who did THIS.below when shown post#33 of pogos that took you to school.,:lmao:

hostage crisis
horribly failed rescue
did nothing in response to what they did to our men
gas shortage
gas lines
record inflation
dead economy

pesky facts that provide proof to the mentally lobotomized.
You took them to school and handed their ass to them on a platter.ALMOST. I say almost cause how can you say our last great president Kennedy did? he tried to pull us out of vietnam and paid the price for it from the CIA. Carter was our last decent president we had because of all those excellent facts you mentioned.:clap:
He is failing, as you are, to admit the truth.

It's grade school level of history

wrong there lying troll,he has taken you to school same as i have and you are playing dodgeball like all carter haters do being a chickenshit coward ignoring that post of his that took you to school.:asshole:

you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are since you are so frustrated you cant counter his pesky facts.hee hee
pesky facts?

he's the worst Pres we ever had, hands fucking down.

so says the paid troll who did THIS.below when shown post#33 of pogos that took you to school.,:lmao:

hostage crisis
horribly failed rescue
did nothing in response to what they did to our men

These three are all the same thing, but he did get them out of there. It became an obsession to get it done. And when their plane from Teheran landed on its first stop in Germany he was there to meet them.

gas shortage
gas lines

Again two of the same thing, but oil is an international fungible commodity and Presidents don't have control of that unless you want to nationalize the oil companies and back out of the international market.

Nixon had the same issues. Duh.

record inflation
dead economy

Once AGAIN there's an echo in here.

This look familiar?


Gerald Ford. 1974. Didn't work.

Anything else?

pesky facts that provide proof to the mentally lobotomized.

Yeah you already listed those. Redundantly.
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He is failing, as you are, to admit the truth.

It's grade school level of history

wrong there lying troll,he has taken you to school same as i have and you are playing dodgeball like all carter haters do being a chickenshit coward ignoring that post of his that took you to school.:asshole:

you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are since you are so frustrated you cant counter his pesky facts.hee hee
pesky facts?

he's the worst Pres we ever had, hands fucking down.

so says the paid troll who did THIS.below when shown post#33 of pogos that took you to school.,:lmao:

hostage crisis
horribly failed rescue
did nothing in response to what they did to our men

These three are all the same thing, but he did get them out of there. It became an obsession to get it done. And when their plane from Teheran touched down on its first stop in Germany he was there to greet them.

gas shortage
gas lines

Again two of the same thing, but oil is an international fungible commodity and Presidents don't have control of that unless you want to nationalize the oil companies and back out of the international market.

Nixon had the same issues. Duh.

record inflation
dead economy

Once AGAIN there's an echo in here.

This look familiar?


Gerald Ford. 1974. Didn't work.

Anything else?

pesky facts that provide proof to the mentally lobotomized.

Yeah you already listed those. Redundantly.
They are not the same things.

his utter failure as a leader, except for the good photo-ops, lead to all those issues.

Nixon had gas lines? carter had them his entire career

record inflation, that still stands

piss off cheerleader, your hackness is noted.
wrong there lying troll,he has taken you to school same as i have and you are playing dodgeball like all carter haters do being a chickenshit coward ignoring that post of his that took you to school.:asshole:

you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are since you are so frustrated you cant counter his pesky facts.hee hee
pesky facts?

he's the worst Pres we ever had, hands fucking down.

so says the paid troll who did THIS.below when shown post#33 of pogos that took you to school.,:lmao:

hostage crisis
horribly failed rescue
did nothing in response to what they did to our men

These three are all the same thing, but he did get them out of there. It became an obsession to get it done. And when their plane from Teheran landed on its first stop in Germany he was there to meet them.

gas shortage
gas lines

Again two of the same thing, but oil is an international fungible commodity and Presidents don't have control of that unless you want to nationalize the oil companies and back out of the international market.

Nixon had the same issues. Duh.

record inflation
dead economy

Once AGAIN there's an echo in here.

This look familiar?


Gerald Ford. 1974. Didn't work.

Anything else?

pesky facts that provide proof to the mentally lobotomized.

Yeah you already listed those. Redundantly.
They are not the same things.

his utter failure as a leader, except for the good photo-ops, lead to all those issues.

Nixon had gas lines? carter had them his entire career

record inflation, that still stands

piss off cheerleader, your hackness is noted.

Nope, wrong again.

Once again for the lexicographically inebriated:
  • hostage crisis
  • horribly failed rescue
  • did nothing in response to what they did to our men

--- these are all references to the same thing, the hostages. And the third is provably false; again for the illiterate he got them out of there at the end and froze Iran's assets at the beginning, and your own second point negates the last one. If he had "done nothing" there would have been no rescue operation TO fail. Duh.

Damn right Nixon had gas lines --- 1973 Oil Crisis
And that begat a rationing system, where you could only get gas on certain days. It also begat a nationwide 55mph speed limit and ridiculous overlimits on other roads --- I recall a 4-lane highway in my area went from 55 to 35 overnight. It also provoked an "Emergency Daylight Saving Time" act where we moved the clocks to a phony time so early that people were going to work, and kids to school, in the dark, effectively the previous night.

I remember that. I was one of them.

That oil crisis was brought about by OPEC, in response to the Yom Kippur War in which Egypt attacked Israel.

Guess who got Egypt and Israel to a peace agreement.
You need a hint?.

Record inflation was established in 1778 and has never been exceeded or approached It was 29.78%, more than twice any rate in the 1970s --- which were btw also exceeded in 1917, 1918, 1919 and 1942. So you pulled yet another one out of your ass.
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He's onto something. Trump should negotiate. North Korea is resorting to cannibalism for survival. An agreement can be reached. Only the Warmongers are standing in the way. We'll see what happens. Stay tuned...
Why would anyone including carter think him going to nk is a good idea? The last deal he made during the Clinton admin is precisely why we are at this point with nk.

I seriously think he is trying to dethrone Buchannan as the worst pres in history here.
Why would anyone including carter think him going to nk is a good idea? The last deal he made during the Clinton admin is precisely why we are at this point with nk.

I seriously think he is trying to dethrone Buchannan as the worst pres in history here.

He's done it before with positive results, as noted earlier in the thread.

As far as Presidential rankings, y'all are trafficking in mythology. The Wiki aggregate has him at 27th out of 43. (Buchanan checks in at #42).
He's done it before.

>> Carter said all the North Korean officials he had met, including the former leader Kim Il-sung, had told him that all they wanted were direct talks with the US to negotiate a peace treaty to replace the uneasy ceasefire reached at the end of the 1950-53 Korean war.

Attempts to pressure the North into abandoning its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes will fail for as long as the regime believes its survival is at stake, Carter wrote.

“The next step should be for the United States to offer to send a high-level delegation to Pyongyang for peace talks or to support an international conference including North and South Korea, the United States and China, at a mutually acceptable site.”

Carter’s brand of gentle diplomacy has won concessions from the North Koreans before.

In 1994, during Bill Clinton’s presidency, he persuaded Kim Il-sung to freeze his country’s nuclear programme in a deal that may have averted conflict with the US.

In August 2010, he secured the release of Aijalon Gomes, an American who had been sentenced to eight years in prison for entering North Korea illegally. <<​

Pretty sad when your head of state is so incompetent that the novagenarian guy before the last guy before the last guy before the last guy before the last guy before the last guy has to volunteer with "if you can't do it, I will"..
and yet, he didn't do it while he was Pres, or relevant to the world.

could it be he's a lying bag of trash?

nah, he's (d), and they never lie...

Ever hear of the Camp David Accords?

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