Women are too weak physically to serve in combat


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
tell me im wrong

There was this seg in some news showwhere they had to -dumb-down thetests to let get yhewomen to pass

Not ragging on - them - if not for women in the munitions plants in WW2 - probably would never have won
We know women don't have the upper body strength. It's a given and it's the way God made humans. The question is why liberals think it's only fair that American women get the same chance to be killed, maimed in combat or be taken prisoner as men? I don't get it.
USA is a nation of 300 million.

Notlikewe are hard-up for manpwer
We know women don't have the upper body strength. It's a given and it's the way God made humans. The question is why liberals think it's only fair that American women get the same chance to be killed, maimed in combat or be taken prisoner as men? I don't get it.

Women simply don't have the physical stenghtforcombat.

I was better than at least 80 of women when I wemt throught the draft bs
If all the police were women, I'd start robbing banks
We would never have won The Biug One withouth Rosie the Rivator
Women cant fight-simple as that

Standard were lowered (DUMBED _ DOWN ) after thedraft was abolished and the volunteer military replaced it
Well maybe she should - considereing i m 58 years old.

When I was 19 would probably be another matter
Well maybe she should - considereing i m 58 years old.

When I was 19 would probably be another matter

i very much doubt it.

and i wasn't just talking physically. i can guarantee she's a better soldier than you could dream of being in just about every way.
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We know women don't have the upper body strength. It's a given and it's the way God made humans. The question is why liberals think it's only fair that American women get the same chance to be killed, maimed in combat or be taken prisoner as men? I don't get it.

maybe on an average you are right.

I have always had upper body strength that blew people away.

Its an average NOT a set in stone rule.

Ask Mohamad Alis daughter about it.
If we're being honest, I weigh about 125 right now, I'm 36, I was in the Army in my early 20's and probably weighed less then that and sadly I agree. Most of the girls I went in with couldn't do the mandatory 6 push ups and wound up in PE for an additional few weeks before moving on....I personally had NO upper body strenth. HOWEVER, there were a few hard *sses that had no problem and even kicked a few male butts, I just wasn't one of them. HOWEVER...I have dead on AIM with a rifle....that doesn't require upper body strength....My rifle was named Beethoven :D I still miss the lil guy ;) And I've got my sharp shooter pin to prove it. So while my upper body strenth sucks, hand me a rifle and I'll do just fine:D
tell me im wrong

There was this seg in some news showwhere they had to -dumb-down thetests to let get yhewomen to pass

Not ragging on - them - if not for women in the munitions plants in WW2 - probably would never have won

You are such a dipshit on this matter. The women in combat right now have something more important than physical fitness that you did not when you were of fighting age: a willingness to go.

I knew many a hard woman I would have loved to trade in my infantry platoon for some of the perpetually weak and soft "never did anything but play video games my whole life" men who were rubber stamped through basic and sucked up an enormous amount of our time in actually toughening them up.

I'll say one thing though, women should be held to the same physical standards as men on the PT test and the military needs to start getting draconian on enforcing physical fitness standards.

You are paid to be a soldier. That means you are paid to be in shape and time is allocated every day to work out. There is no excuse.
Do you really think I care wether you bel;ieve me or not?

Im over 50 now and its fading.

I used to be able to do what many of my friends could not do.

There are women in the world like that.

Dont you agree?

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