'Partygoers started screaming'

That was Rudy's mistake.. He thinks the US is Pakistan or Russia.
The elites zero sum society. Those who live well need those who do not. And if you go against the grain in any way, you are targeted for destruction. Joe was DEI a half century ago before it was even named. And has had a great life as a reward.
1. We've descended to the level of Pakistan, Venezuela and Russia, where those in power persecute and jail their opposition."
2. It's sad they would choose to do it at an even to celebrate the man. That's pure scumbaggery. I think Rudy is an asshole and goon, but... this is how you make him a victim.
3. Kris Mayes, once again, shows how she has no class when it comes to executing the duties of her office.

Let's try to do a hat trick with the above histrionics:

1. "Those in Power" in this particular case was a lawful effort to serve an indictment on a man who a grand jury determined warranted one. And the guy kept hiding and dodging any attempt at service, even refusing to answer his door when authorities knew he was there. So, Russia, Pakistan, et al, may do whatever they do. But here in America grand jury indictments ain't nothing. Rudy could have simply called up the authorities and said...."I'll be right down to pick it up and we will than all go to court so I can prove my innocence."

2. "Scumbaggery"? Ummm, no. Read the response above in #1. Rudy knew he had been indicted by the grand jury. He knew they were seeking to serve him (it was covered in the press). He could have done the responsible good citizen thing and called 'em up and said...."Here I am. Let's get the service over with. But it will only be the end of the beginning. Cinch your saddles guys, I know my way around a courtroom." But, no. Rudy didn't do that. He tried to play slyboots 'Where's Waldo', games.
Thus, karma comes.

3. For context: Rudy showed no class in playing dodgem when he knew they were seeking to serve him. A former officer-of-the-court, a former DA, a former Mayor.....should have more class than to run away from a service. He knew better. He had ordered services against others in his prior career. So he finally got what the law required (ala' the grand jury's decision).
It is America's jurisprudence. And, for Rudy, it is Karma.

So be it.

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