Women are retards!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Why they choose the jock over the nerd? The nerd will make far more money than the dumb blue collar jock!
I never went for the jocks...I've always preferred funny and intelligent.:) Oh, and playing the guitar doesn't hurt.:thup:
I think Melinda Gates might disagree.
What is the point of this thread again?
I guess it has something to do with politics since its in the political forum.

Anyway, to try to somewhat stay on topic, I've always been amazed at the women that go for the so called "Bad Boys"! Especially when these bad boys treat women like shit.
Way to make broad brush strokes, genius. That type of talk should get you all the women's swoons.
Sad fact is: women are becoming the more educated breadwinners in American society today. Jocks vs nerds is becoming irrelevant.
Sad fact is: women are becoming the more educated breadwinners in American society today. Jocks vs nerds is becoming irrelevant.

Correct. The public school system is designed for girls. Acting like a boy in school will get you put on drugs and thought of as a monkey. Sooner or later this too will collapse on its own weight.
Why they choose the jock over the nerd? The nerd will make far more money than the dumb blue collar jock!

Actually I chose the nerd. I married an engineer. He's now a Senior Technical Fellow Engineer which is an executive position at Boeing.

We've been together for nearly 28 years. Wow that time went fast!
Nerds have tiny penises.
WOW ! those Blue Birds sure are beautiful, at first i thought they were flower buds.


i love birds. :up:

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