With Support From Nancy Pelosi, House Gives Trump Administration Broad Latitude to Spy on Americans


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.
"With bipartisan backing, the House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that would renew one of the government’s most sweeping surveillance authorities for six years with minimal changes.The measure, which passed 256-164, reauthorized Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which was set to expire later this month.

The law was first passed in 2008 to legalize President George W. Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program. It allows the National Security Agency to collect Americans’ communications with people overseas, as long as the NSA is “targeting” the foreigners involved.

The vote followed a morning of confusion, as President Donald Trump tweeted in opposition to the bill, referencing a conspiracy theory about then-President Barack Obama spying on the Trump campaign. He walked himself back two hours later, tweeting, “We need it! Get Smart!”

The law serves as the legal backing for two mammoth NSA programs revealed by Edward Snowden: Upstream, which collects information from the internet junctions where data passes in and out of the country, and PRISM, which collects communications from U.S.-based internet companies, like Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Yahoo". - Source

Ancillary article - The Same Democrats Who Denounce Donald Trump as a Lawless, Treasonous Authoritarian Just Voted to Give Him Vast Warrantless Spying Powers


1) Pelosi once again shows the depths of her duplicity. She's a Clintonian democrat, beholden first and foremost Hillary and Bill. Party before country.

2) This shows how much the democrats and republicans are alike. I call them the republicrats.
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It did not matter what any law stared under Obama - he just did what he wanted, violating both Constitution and Law.

The POS, who should have been Impeached several times over, illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices ... and he protecyed criminals who helped him do it, like Clapper, from prosecution.

The contents of the law did not matter - he violated the $hit out of it. The contents of this one will mean no more or less.

Anericans need to move forward understanding their government is violating their Constitutional Rights, spying on them, using the IRS as a weapon against them, etc... which are all part of obama's 'Transforming' America and part of his 'Legacy'....just as the recently exposed criminal / seditious FBI...
It did not matter what any law stared under Obama - he just did what he wanted, violating both Constitution and Law.

The POS, who should have been Impeached several times over, illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices ... and he protecyed criminals who helped him do it, like Clapper, from prosecution.

The contents of the law did not matter - he violated the $hit out of it. The contents of this one will mean no more or less.

Anericans need to move forward understanding their government is violating their Constitutional Rights, spying on them, using the IRS as a weapon against them, etc... which are all part of obama's 'Transforming' America and part of his 'Legacy'....just as the recently exposed criminal / seditious FBI...
Blah,Blah,blah you stupid fuck it was obamas fault. This is how we got here! As the op put it dems and rebugs are currently doing this and the god damn blame game is allowing it. Fuck yesterday, this is about today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We as a voting populace need to send a clear message to the people in power right now that we will not stand for this. We need to be telling them that it does not matter whether you have an R or D in front of your name, we will send your fucking ass home if you continue to do stupid shit like take our constitutuional rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"With bipartisan backing, the House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that would renew one of the government’s most sweeping surveillance authorities for six years with minimal changes.The measure, which passed 256-164, reauthorized Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which was set to expire later this month.

The law was first passed in 2008 to legalize President George W. Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program. It allows the National Security Agency to collect Americans’ communications with people overseas, as long as the NSA is “targeting” the foreigners involved.

The vote followed a morning of confusion, as President Donald Trump tweeted in opposition to the bill, referencing a conspiracy theory about then-President Barack Obama spying on the Trump campaign. He walked himself back two hours later, tweeting, “We need it! Get Smart!”

The law serves as the legal backing for two mammoth NSA programs revealed by Edward Snowden: Upstream, which collects information from the internet junctions where data passes in and out of the country, and PRISM, which collects communications from U.S.-based internet companies, like Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Yahoo". - Source

Ancillary article - The Same Democrats Who Denounce Donald Trump as a Lawless, Treasonous Authoritarian Just Voted to Give Him Vast Warrantless Spying Powers


1) Pelosi once again shows the depths of her duplicity. She's a Clintonian democrat, beholden first and foremost Hillary and Bill. Party before country.

2) This shows how much the democrats and republicans are alike. I call them the republicrats.
So let me get this straight wind!

1. You are a KB gardener
2. You can tell the difference between a gun enthusiast and a hunter in just a few moments of being around them
3. are in to fire arms
4. are into hunting
5. are female
6. understand that it is not the R or D in front of your name but how you vote that matters
7. are polite
8. care about your country

In the words of Joey from freinds "Hey, how you doin!"
"With bipartisan backing, the House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that would renew one of the government’s most sweeping surveillance authorities for six years with minimal changes.The measure, which passed 256-164, reauthorized Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which was set to expire later this month.

The law was first passed in 2008 to legalize President George W. Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program. It allows the National Security Agency to collect Americans’ communications with people overseas, as long as the NSA is “targeting” the foreigners involved.

The vote followed a morning of confusion, as President Donald Trump tweeted in opposition to the bill, referencing a conspiracy theory about then-President Barack Obama spying on the Trump campaign. He walked himself back two hours later, tweeting, “We need it! Get Smart!”

The law serves as the legal backing for two mammoth NSA programs revealed by Edward Snowden: Upstream, which collects information from the internet junctions where data passes in and out of the country, and PRISM, which collects communications from U.S.-based internet companies, like Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Yahoo". - Source

Ancillary article - The Same Democrats Who Denounce Donald Trump as a Lawless, Treasonous Authoritarian Just Voted to Give Him Vast Warrantless Spying Powers


1) Pelosi once again shows the depths of her duplicity. She's a Clintonian democrat, beholden first and foremost Hillary and Bill. Party before country.

2) This shows how much the democrats and republicans are alike. I call them the republicrats.
Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

The measure does not allow the government to ‘spy’ on Americans.

Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act authorizes the collecting of communications of foreigners abroad.

The proposed amendment to the measure addressed concerns where targeted foreigners are communicating with Americans.

But there has never been an expectation of privacy with such communications because the information is gathered from telecommunication entities, not individuals.

And to make this about ‘Pelosi’ is dishonest and partisan, as most Republicans were eager to defeat the amendment, where the issue cuts across both party lines and ideologies:

“Some of the most conservative Republicans in the House joined with some of the most liberal Democrats in the failed bid for more privacy protections. Ultimately, 58 Republicans joined 125 Democrats in voting for the overhaul amendment, while 55 Democrats joined 178 Republicans in rejecting it.”

House Extends Surveillance Law, Rejecting New Privacy Safeguards

The problem isn’t surveillance programs, the problem is the lies, misinformation, and demagoguery exhibited by the OP and its linked article.
“Some of the most conservative Republicans in the House joined with some of the most liberal Democrats in the failed bid for more privacy protections. Ultimately, 58 Republicans joined 125 Democrats in voting for the overhaul amendment, while 55 Democrats joined 178 Republicans in rejecting it.”House Extends Surveillance Law, Rejecting New Privacy SafeguardsThe problem isn’t surveillance programs, the problem is the lies, misinformation, and demagoguery exhibited by the OP and its linked article.

You're welcome to your opinion but as you didn't read the entire article, you have quite an awkward, if not confusing, response.

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