More Proof That Nancy Pelosi Was More Responsible for J6 Riot Than Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

More Proof That Nancy Pelosi Was More Responsible for J6 Riot Than Trump​

8 Jan 2023 ~~ By Victoria Taft

On Monday night, December 12, senators unanimously passed a measure to remove authority for calling out the National Guard from politicians like Nancy Pelosi and gave it over to the Capitol Police.
Despite heightened threat assessments by federal authorities showing problems ahead of January 6, 2021, and the Trump Administration offering National Guard help, the people who were supposed call out the Guard, the speaker and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, wanted no Guard on scene due to optics. Bowser had battled with Trump over National Guard presence during the BLM/Antifa riots in the past and didn’t want the militarized look in D.C. If she needed them at all for January 6, she decided the Guard would be unarmed and relegated to traffic control.
Pelosi’s office “was heavily involved in planning and decision-making before and during the events of Jan. 6, 2021, and micromanaged the Sergeant at Arms,” according to texts and other communications that came to light after January 6.
The Pelosi team’s messages and posts were exposed in an investigative report by the same House Republicans Pelosi removed from the J6 Committee. The messages show how Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund begged Pelosi and the Sergeant at Arms to plus-up security. His request for help was only satisfied after the riot fizzled out.
The New York Post reported that the GOP investigation showed that “House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving, who answered to Pelosi as one of three voting members of the Capitol Police Board, ‘succumbed to political pressures from the Office of Speaker Pelosi and House Democrat leadership,’ was compromised by politics and did not adequately prepare for violence at the Capitol.”
The House and Senate sergeant at arms and Capitol Police Chief Sund resigned their jobs after the disaster, which could have been prevented.
But in a move the same week, the Democrat-run Senate tacitly affirmed that Nancy Pelosi royally screwed up by failing to take Trump up on his offer of using the Guard and preventing what the J6 Cassandras said was worse than the Civil War or the 9/11 attacks. How incredibly insulting.


If the right people were questioned...and the right questions were put to them, and everyone questioned told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth it will show that The Botox Queen was largely...if not blame.
A pretty much buried story is how Pelosi had her daughter all lined up with a film crew to make a propaganda documentary video about it.
How is a law enforcement agency allowed to be in the chain of command of a military asset? Whether it be federal or state or whatever they call DC.
The Jan 6th incident brings to mind the Reichstag fire and it's aftermath...just different players. The powers that be only blame one side while ignoring the deep state complicity. If only the German people had a modern-day legacy media to expose the....oh wait...THEY DID! “Best propaganda money can buy” is the legacy Quisling Media. As true now as it was then. Not pretty but pretty simple.

More Proof That Nancy Pelosi Was More Responsible for J6 Riot Than Trump​

8 Jan 2023 ~~ By Victoria Taft

On Monday night, December 12, senators unanimously passed a measure to remove authority for calling out the National Guard from politicians like Nancy Pelosi and gave it over to the Capitol Police.
Despite heightened threat assessments by federal authorities showing problems ahead of January 6, 2021, and the Trump Administration offering National Guard help, the people who were supposed call out the Guard, the speaker and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, wanted no Guard on scene due to optics. Bowser had battled with Trump over National Guard presence during the BLM/Antifa riots in the past and didn’t want the militarized look in D.C. If she needed them at all for January 6, she decided the Guard would be unarmed and relegated to traffic control.
Pelosi’s office “was heavily involved in planning and decision-making before and during the events of Jan. 6, 2021, and micromanaged the Sergeant at Arms,” according to texts and other communications that came to light after January 6.
The Pelosi team’s messages and posts were exposed in an investigative report by the same House Republicans Pelosi removed from the J6 Committee. The messages show how Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund begged Pelosi and the Sergeant at Arms to plus-up security. His request for help was only satisfied after the riot fizzled out.
The New York Post reported that the GOP investigation showed that “House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving, who answered to Pelosi as one of three voting members of the Capitol Police Board, ‘succumbed to political pressures from the Office of Speaker Pelosi and House Democrat leadership,’ was compromised by politics and did not adequately prepare for violence at the Capitol.”
The House and Senate sergeant at arms and Capitol Police Chief Sund resigned their jobs after the disaster, which could have been prevented.
But in a move the same week, the Democrat-run Senate tacitly affirmed that Nancy Pelosi royally screwed up by failing to take Trump up on his offer of using the Guard and preventing what the J6 Cassandras said was worse than the Civil War or the 9/11 attacks. How incredibly insulting.


If the right people were questioned...and the right questions were put to them, and everyone questioned told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth it will show that The Botox Queen was largely...if not blame.
A pretty much buried story is how Pelosi had her daughter all lined up with a film crew to make a propaganda documentary video about it.
How is a law enforcement agency allowed to be in the chain of command of a military asset? Whether it be federal or state or whatever they call DC.
The Jan 6th incident brings to mind the Reichstag fire and it's aftermath...just different players. The powers that be only blame one side while ignoring the deep state complicity. If only the German people had a modern-day legacy media to expose the....oh wait...THEY DID! “Best propaganda money can buy” is the legacy Quisling Media. As true now as it was then. Not pretty but pretty simple.
Yawn...this is as dumb as when leftists blame Trump for the "summer of love".

Y'all two peas in a pod.
hmmm….Doesn’t say “Pelosi”


More Proof That Nancy Pelosi Was More Responsible for J6 Riot Than Trump​

8 Jan 2023 ~~ By Victoria Taft

On Monday night, December 12, senators unanimously passed a measure to remove authority for calling out the National Guard from politicians like Nancy Pelosi and gave it over to the Capitol Police.
Despite heightened threat assessments by federal authorities showing problems ahead of January 6, 2021, and the Trump Administration offering National Guard help, the people who were supposed call out the Guard, the speaker and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, wanted no Guard on scene due to optics. Bowser had battled with Trump over National Guard presence during the BLM/Antifa riots in the past and didn’t want the militarized look in D.C. If she needed them at all for January 6, she decided the Guard would be unarmed and relegated to traffic control.
Pelosi’s office “was heavily involved in planning and decision-making before and during the events of Jan. 6, 2021, and micromanaged the Sergeant at Arms,” according to texts and other communications that came to light after January 6.
The Pelosi team’s messages and posts were exposed in an investigative report by the same House Republicans Pelosi removed from the J6 Committee. The messages show how Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund begged Pelosi and the Sergeant at Arms to plus-up security. His request for help was only satisfied after the riot fizzled out.
The New York Post reported that the GOP investigation showed that “House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving, who answered to Pelosi as one of three voting members of the Capitol Police Board, ‘succumbed to political pressures from the Office of Speaker Pelosi and House Democrat leadership,’ was compromised by politics and did not adequately prepare for violence at the Capitol.”
The House and Senate sergeant at arms and Capitol Police Chief Sund resigned their jobs after the disaster, which could have been prevented.
But in a move the same week, the Democrat-run Senate tacitly affirmed that Nancy Pelosi royally screwed up by failing to take Trump up on his offer of using the Guard and preventing what the J6 Cassandras said was worse than the Civil War or the 9/11 attacks. How incredibly insulting.


If the right people were questioned...and the right questions were put to them, and everyone questioned told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth it will show that The Botox Queen was largely...if not blame.
A pretty much buried story is how Pelosi had her daughter all lined up with a film crew to make a propaganda documentary video about it.
How is a law enforcement agency allowed to be in the chain of command of a military asset? Whether it be federal or state or whatever they call DC.
The Jan 6th incident brings to mind the Reichstag fire and it's aftermath...just different players. The powers that be only blame one side while ignoring the deep state complicity. If only the German people had a modern-day legacy media to expose the....oh wait...THEY DID! “Best propaganda money can buy” is the legacy Quisling Media. As true now as it was then. Not pretty but pretty simple.

PJ Media? 😂😆😂
Trump was, and still is 'practically and morally responsible' for all the events during the riot that day. Without his action that day and the days leading up to it, the riot would never have happened.
You're more responsible than Trump is, dumbass. Without Dim cheating, the riot would never have happened.
Hahaha. you ladies are all alike.

If Joe Biden hadn't beaten the shit out of the ol Trumpybear there would not have been any riots at all. Fucking Biden. It's all his fault. You should demand he resign.
The fucking asswipe Bowser "didn't want a mitary look in DC" when she already knew an insurrection was brewing?

Leftards have shit for brains
Hahaha. you ladies are all alike.

If Joe Biden hadn't beaten the shit out of the ol Trumpybear there would not have been any riots at all. Fucking Biden. It's all his fault. You should demand he resign.
You mean if he hadn't swindled the election.

Who do you think you're fooling?

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