Pelosi Backs Down, Pulls Vote On Renewing FISA Court Bill After Pres Trump Threatens Veto As More evidence of FISA Court Abuse Emerges


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
House Speaker Nancy (D-Calif.) yanked a vote scheduled for Wednesday night on a bill reauthorizing lapsed surveillance programs after opposition from Republicans and progressives made it unclear if it could pass.

A decision on the vote was delayed multiple times as House leadership held heated discussions over putting up the bill that could very well fail. While Pelosi advocated for pulling the bill to regroup, Hoyer pushed for the vote to be conducted Wednesday night.

“We just formally announced a whip against it because, number one, it's not going to become law. Number two, there are still so many questions that need to be answered about real abuses that happened in the FISA system,” Minority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) said at a press conference.

“If the FISA Bill is passed tonight on the House floor, I will quickly VETO it. Our Country has just suffered through the greatest political crime in its history. The massive abuse of FISA was a big part of it!”
-- President Donald Trump

The idea of attempting to ram legislation through that renews the FISA Court that has been abused and used for DECADES by the FBI and others, weaponized for partisan political reason, while there is an on-going investigation that FISA Court abuses play a large part in is ridiculous.

The investigation and its conclusions are needed to find out HOW the FISA Court was abused and by whom to determine what changes to the legislation / to laws are needed to ensure these violations of Constitution, Rule of Law, and Constitutional and Civil Rights never happen again.

Democrats are attempting to ram the renewal through BEFORE the final report in an attempt to ensure the 'status quo' is maintained, to ensure nothing changes so the same abuses an continue.

Kudos to the Republicans for standing up for the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and US citizens' rights. kudos as well to the President for standing up to and backing Pelosi down on this one!

If the FISA Court issues can not be resolves and abuses against US citizens can not be remedied then it just needs to be SHUT DOWN.


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