With Our Victory Of Roe Being Overturned, Next Target--Same Sex Marriage!

The guy who invented legal marriage, the gist being tax breaks to offset the burden of child rearing, didn’t think he would need to explain that. Since homos can’t procreate with one another, no need for the legal protection. Duh.
But now buttfucking (without proof) is the criteria for the subsidies. What’s to stop two hetero buds from declaring themselves to be homo just to get the tax breaks? Defeats the whole purpose.
Speaking of tax breaks then if life begins at conception then a woman should have the right to claim that fetus on her taxes even if not born before December 31st.
Wrong Dragonlady:
The Bible (NKJV) says in Jeremiah 1:5: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations".

That verse related to one profit, who God created to be a prophet, not all pregnancies.

Genesis says that life begins with the "breath of life".

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."

You are not a "living being" until you receive the "breath of life".
The supporters of taking down individual rights and freedoms celebrate what they don't see in the future. All they care about is a political win in the present. If you could call it that.
Wait until something they have fought for is taken away if they live long enough and it's coming.
The Supreme Court cannot tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. This is Prohibition all over again, and it won't stand, because the women will ignore anti-abortion laws, JUST LIKE THEY HAVE SINCE THE DAYS OF CAVEMEN.

The SC no longer has and legitimacy whatsoever.
Clarence will be taking your voting rights away next session.
Clarence will be taking your voting rights away next session.

Clarence holds no sway in Canada, where women are equal under our Constitution, and abortion is a medical matter between a woman and her doctor. It's even covered under our government funded health care - no copays.

Not only that but the Catholic Church also funds abortions for their employees when they remit their Employer Health Tax on behalf of their female employees, and they haven't even tried to avoid the payments.

The radical Supreme Court is interpreting "religious freedom" in a way that allows people to use their religious beliefs as a justification for bigotry and hate. This is what happens when you put religious cult members on the courts.
It is a federal issue because the federal government bestows, through law, a boatload of cash and prizes to married people.

I disagree. Being married has a few legitimate tax advantages, but the on the whole, it is actually more beneficial not to be married if basing your decision on benefits you may receive from the federal government. The largest is the cap on SS benefits for couples. If both people work and are set to receive the max. SS benefit, you are far better off being single or even getting “divorced” to collect SS and avoid the household cap.
That verse related to one profit, who God created to be a prophet, not all pregnancies.

Genesis says that life begins with the "breath of life".

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."

You are not a "living being" until you receive the "breath of life".

Are you saying that a women in labor could choose to have an abortion instead of delivering the baby? If not, then you don’t even believe your own argument. If so, you are a sick and twisted person.
Let’s hope so. This activist court has set precedents. It is the first coirt to take away a given Constitutional right.

That will be it’s legacy.
According to their ruling, it wasn't.
I'm probably more pro choice than you and I agree with the ruling. I don't like it but I agree nonetheless.
Of course, I'm not a 2 bit hack like you..
Are you saying that a women in labor could choose to have an abortion instead of delivering the baby? If not, then you don’t even believe your own argument. If so, you are a sick and twisted person.

She said nothing of the sort.
She said nothing of the sort.

“You are not a "living being" until you receive the "breath of life".

It sure appeared to me that she was from the quote above, albeit, via a complete misinterpretation of the intent of the biblical verse.

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