With millions about to be evicted, mass rioting about to explode & rents skyrocketing, the TRUE cost of the Democrat COVID Coup is about to be felt...

citygator Democrat communist Chinese Covid Coup---the KUNG FLU used to help steal elections because YES TRUMP was a GREAT president.
You're as mad as one dollar watch.
This is Trumpism.

They are proud of the fact that they're keeping this virus alive via the Delta variant. Evidently they think it gives them an advantage.

I wonder how many more will die because of this cult.
actually blacks are less likely to vaccinated than any other demographic ....are you saying that blacks are purposefully keeping covid alive ? you sir are a racist .... Gap Narrowing for Minority COVID-19 Vaccination Rates
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I know , but the land lords have to pay back their mortgage companies
At some point, yes, but the crisis won't really affect mortgage holders - the banks don't want another 2008.

The 18 months unpaid just get pushed to the back of the mortgage as notes expand by 1.5 years.

This is about how the Democrats betrayed and destroyed the very people they falsely claim to care about - the working poor and dwindling middle class.

Renters are being destroyed, all courtesy of the Democrat Covid Coup.

Financial cost - Trillions

The cost in destruction, financial ruin & human suffering - Incalculable
This is going to push it back more than 1.5 years, you have interest and depending on where you are at in the mortgage and the length you didn't pay, it could add years and require a possible refi. Short term the relief is nice, long term the homeowner is going to pay a lot more.
All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020
Hahahaha that's a good one. Everyone knows the many problems are due to Trumpybears' incompetent response to the new virus. He was just never fit for the job. He wasn't able to con his way out and the country suffered.
Pay your damn rent or sleep in a garbage can
. Gods sakes
Dumb Cocksucker, gayer than gay. Both the rent pimp and the real estate pimp can be boycotted, though one first should kick the habit of being a rental addict or real estate addict. If you can do it, however, you’ll be inevitably confronting the gestapo, those that hunt down human beings. The reader-seeker’s best bet is to wean from the addictions, doing it in small increments. You may never be able to completely screw these two important Pimps, though one begins by at least placing possessions in storage, the Twilight Zone of the Two Pimps, and moving away from the traditional, established definition of ‘home’ and ‘house’ the actual mass of the structures, that the pimps use as their habituating drug. Study Native Americans. Cherish derelict spaces.
Pay your damn rent or sleep in a garbage can
. Gods sakes
Struggling, are you?
Always boycott those who live in California and put bible verses below their stuff. Missionary Man is just another name for the Gestapo, because freedom from religion is never mentioned, though with impunity Catholic-CIA puppets and their sleep-ups can move (genuflectors [italics]) across the border.
citygator Democrat communist Chinese Covid Coup---the KUNG FLU used to help steal elections because YES TRUMP was a GREAT president.

How did they know Trumpybera was going to fuck up the US response? Was he in on it?

Donald J. Trump for worse president, ever.
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

You mean the true cost of tRump's mishandling of the virus response.
If one were a delusional Democrat dupe one might believe that, yes.
Penelope You are completely delusional.@Mac1958

Trumpsters are keeping the delta variant alive? Are you retarded? Where do you come up with this shit. It came from India and there is no way to wipe out this virus completely. There will be variants as covid virus's evolve. The vaccinated btw, kill off most not all of the virus---forcing the virus to mutate while keeping them from showing signs--they then spread the mutated virus to others including other vaccinated.

Oh fyi, blacks are one of the largest groups that vote dem and they WERE also the largest group not getting vaccinated.

So do tell how do you blame trumpsters for the communist virus spread?

Democrats are not in their right minds.

Pass it on...
Democrats are, by and large, vaccinated at this point. Republicans are not. New variants are breeding in the republican cesspool.
Dubious/irrelevant. Ditto. Nonsensical.
You're as mad as one dollar watch.
This is Trumpism.

They are proud of the fact that they're keeping this virus alive via the Delta variant. Evidently they think it gives them an advantage.

I wonder how many more will die because of this cult.
actually blacks are less likely to vaccinated than any other demographic ....are you saying that blacks are purposefully keeping covid alive ? you sir are a racist .... Gap Narrowing for Minority COVID-19 Vaccination Rates
Racism is kinda their thing along with delusion & terrorism.
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

There is no democrat party.
In my dreams, you're correct. :)
In yer functionality illiterate dreams.
^ More Democrat trolling - they can't discuss the topic, which is telling.
Your poor use of English is not trolling since the abuse of a language distorts your message by negating the form of communication you are using.
I know , but the land lords have to pay back their mortgage companies
At some point, yes, but the crisis won't really affect mortgage holders - the banks don't want another 2008.

The 18 months unpaid just get pushed to the back of the mortgage as notes expand by 1.5 years.

This is about how the Democrats betrayed and destroyed the very people they falsely claim to care about - the working poor and dwindling middle class.

Renters are being destroyed, all courtesy of the Democrat Covid Coup.

Financial cost - Trillions

The cost in destruction, financial ruin & human suffering - Incalculable
This is going to push it back more than 1.5 years, you have interest and depending on where you are at in the mortgage and the length you didn't pay, it could add years and require a possible refi. Short term the relief is nice, long term the homeowner is going to pay a lot more.
All courtesy of the Democrat terrorists/psychopaths.

But mortgage holders are in VASTLY better shape than renters; the country is on the verge of an unprecedented social calamity because Democrat psychopaths.
Your inability to pigeonhole is most laughable since the Trumps already have taken their vaccines to the dismay of the Trump Cult worshippers.
You evidently need a new schtick than crying over a lost election like some distraught Hillary snowflake.
All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020
Hahahaha that's a good one. Everyone knows the many problems are due to Trumpybears' incompetent response to the new virus. He was just never fit for the job. He wasn't able to con his way out and the country suffered.
Not surprised you find Democrat terrorism funny. No. Incorrect. Ditto.
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

There is no democrat party.
In my dreams, you're correct. :)
In yer functionality illiterate dreams.
^ More Democrat trolling - they can't discuss the topic, which is telling.
Your poor use of English is not trolling since the abuse of a language distorts your message by negating the form of communication you are using.
^ More Democrat spewing/trolling, or a Russian troll - can't quite tell...
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

Biden won fairly and he is the Potus. Tramp has about 1/2 million of blood on his hand. He was a disastrous Potus and he will be known as the man who served one term and was a complete flop.
Actually you do. Trump was right the entire time. Hydrochroloquine is proven it would've saved thousands of lives, the lockdowns were a joke. Which Trump tried to tell you in the beginning. You have blood on your hand because of the hatred for Trump. You loons make me sick.

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