"Witchcraft" Smears? Seriously,Is This What You Democrats Have Become?

Democrats stooping to "Witchcraft" smears? Really? Is this what it has come to? Things must be pretty bad in Democrat-Land. I'm actually embarrassed for them because i know they're not embarrassed for themselves. :(

Seems to me some have stooped to much worse than that in this thread. I've read enough to know I would be embarrassed to be seen with a lot of those criticizing O'Donnell on the grounds they are criticizing her here. When there is NO apparent effort to be either honest or decent, you gotta figure they really are hopelessly desperate. :)

(P.S. You'll notice not one has criticized her on any of the views that got her elected. :))
I'm not a Chris Mathews fan in any way shape or form.I do respect his time in politics working with Tip O'Neil,his time covering politics.He's leading off the show tonight with his BIG guest Bill Maher.His mission tonight and every night is to attack the right on behalf of the man ( Obama ) who when he speaks Chris Mathews leaks his man juice down his leg.

With all the mistakes Obama has made with Stimulus,Health Care,Unemployment,the problems with our borders,foreign policy,the national debt,the issue with spending out of control,poverty.The whole friggin mess this country is in....What has MSNBC focused on....Sarah Palin and Christine O' Donnell.

I hear there is going to be a major expose this Sunday on MSNBC, where else about a report on Christine back when she was 14 during a sleepover at a friends house where she may have double dipped a potato chip in the onion dip while watching a rented movie.
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I'm not a Chris Mathews fan in any way shape or form.I do respect his time in politics working with Tip O'Neil,his time covering politics.He's leading off the show tonight with his BIG guest Bill Maher.His mission tonight and every night is to attack the right on behalf of the man ( Obama ) who when he speaks Chris Mathews leaks his man juice down his leg.

With all the mistakes Obama has made with Stimulus,Health Care,Unemployment,the problems with our borders,foreign policy,the national debt,the issue with spending out of control,poverty.The whole friggin mess this country is in....What has MSNBC focused on....Sarah Palin and Christine O' Donnell.

I hear there is going to be a major expose this Sunday on MSNBC, where else about a report on Christine back when she was 14 during a sleepover at a friends house where she may have double dipped a potato chip in the onion dip while watching a rented movie.

It has become almost that absurd. If any of us who tilt right of center on most issues had attacked Obama on something he did or said in highschool, can't you just hear the caterwauling of protest? And yet they'll grasp at any straw to bash O'Donnell.

But they still aren't touching those issues she was elected on. :)
How does what you wrote make any sense in any way at all?

Are you so partisan that you can't even admit that someone who shares some of your viewpoints just made a statement defending what the Nazi's did?
What about what the jews did to the Germans?

Whatever "they did", does it justify killing 6 million of them?
6 Million?????????....good grief. That is so exaggerated of a number. There were never that many bodies found.....ever. Getting back on topic Christine had the right to say she would give up the jews if the Nazis came a knockin on the door during wartime. A lot of people did turn them in. If the jewish bankers hadn't ruined the economy of the Weimar Republic then Hitler would have never come to power and Hindenburg would have remained President.
What about what the jews did to the Germans?

Whatever "they did", does it justify killing 6 million of them?
6 Million?????????....good grief. That is so exaggerated of a number. There were never that many bodies found.....ever. Getting back on topic Christine had the right to say she would give up the jews if the Nazis came a knockin on the door during wartime. A lot of people did turn them in. If the jewish bankers hadn't ruined the economy of the Weimar Republic then Hitler would have never come to power and Hindenburg would have remained President.
Seriously, there are times when people like you should just shut the fuck up. And now is probably one of them.

And, just a lil' educational point here because you obvioulsy need it:

The numbers of bodies counted + the number of missing, never to be seen or heard from again = MORE THAN 6 MILLION

And yes, a lot of people did turn them in. The consequences of it being found out that they didn't turn them in, meant bullets to the head.....Which is obviously what O'donnell was referring too.
Well I would have turned the jews over to them too if I was her. After all they are the cause of todays Wal Street problems in America as well as they (Jewish Bankers) were the cause of the German economy collapsing due to hyperinflation during the Weimer Republic that gave rise to the Reich. On that note she has my support right there for that statement alone. Now getting back to Obamas qualifications, no he has not proved he is constitutionally qualified.

In spite of teaching constitutional law for 10 years at the university level?:lol:
Yeah well, Obama has fully proven he's completely clueless on constitutional ANYTHING so, there must be ten years worth of constitutional idiots running around after being "taught" by that inept clown.

Over the last year, Republicans have attempted to submit 42 constitutional amendments. Yet, the things they say proves they have never read it. I bet you've never read it. It's more about what you imagine it to be.

Are you one of those people who say, "Obama is taking away my rights" and when someone asks, "Which rights?", you just look "blank"?
Whatever "they did", does it justify killing 6 million of them?
6 Million?????????....good grief. That is so exaggerated of a number. There were never that many bodies found.....ever. Getting back on topic Christine had the right to say she would give up the jews if the Nazis came a knockin on the door during wartime. A lot of people did turn them in. If the jewish bankers hadn't ruined the economy of the Weimar Republic then Hitler would have never come to power and Hindenburg would have remained President.
Seriously, there are times when people like you should just shut the fuck up. And now is probably one of them.

And, just a lil' educational point here because you obvioulsy need it:

The numbers of bodies counted + the number of missing, never to be seen or heard from again = MORE THAN 6 MILLION

And yes, a lot of people did turn them in. The consequences of it being found out that they didn't turn them in, meant bullets to the head.....Which is obviously what O'donnell was referring too.
Im telling you it wasn't that many.
I thought i saw everything in Politics but now comes Democrat "Witchcraft" Smears. I actually feel bad for Christine O'Donnell. What have the Democrats become? They should actually be embarrassed over this stuff but somehow i'm pretty sure they're not. This kind of politics really is an embarrassment for our entire nation. Can the state of politics in this country go any lower? "Witchcraft?" Really,Democrats?

This from a birther? :cuckoo: :lol:
6 Million?????????....good grief. That is so exaggerated of a number. There were never that many bodies found.....ever. Getting back on topic Christine had the right to say she would give up the jews if the Nazis came a knockin on the door during wartime. A lot of people did turn them in. If the jewish bankers hadn't ruined the economy of the Weimar Republic then Hitler would have never come to power and Hindenburg would have remained President.
Seriously, there are times when people like you should just shut the fuck up. And now is probably one of them.

And, just a lil' educational point here because you obvioulsy need it:

The numbers of bodies counted + the number of missing, never to be seen or heard from again = MORE THAN 6 MILLION

And yes, a lot of people did turn them in. The consequences of it being found out that they didn't turn them in, meant bullets to the head.....Which is obviously what O'donnell was referring too.
Im telling you it wasn't that many.
And i'm telling you, you're full of shit!
What about what the jews did to the Germans?

Whatever "they did", does it justify killing 6 million of them?
6 Million?????????....good grief. That is so exaggerated of a number. There were never that many bodies found.....ever. Getting back on topic Christine had the right to say she would give up the jews if the Nazis came a knockin on the door during wartime. A lot of people did turn them in. If the jewish bankers hadn't ruined the economy of the Weimar Republic then Hitler would have never come to power and Hindenburg would have remained President.


Now we know...not only are you a Birther, you are a Holocaust Denier. :eek:
USA Retired and other malignant, ignorant, or mentally feeble folks like them were recognized by FDR to one day question what happened. He convinced Churchill and Stalin that summary executions should not be held of the fascists and the militarists, rather that the trials should be held to get the evidence on the record.

How wise he was.
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:cuckoo: But funny. The saddest thing about people like you is that you don't even know where your own party stands on issues that affect Jews. The Leftists/Democrats are very hostile towards Jewish issues & interests. The fact you don't know this tells me everything i need to know about you. You're just not informed. You really should get to know your own party better. Till then you'll always be an Uncle Tom Jew.

Thanks to you I am well informed now.

How many babies have you raped this week? I know you guys get patches for all the babies that you defile. You get that coveted patch for killing a baby in the act of rape? Everyone knows that's the holy grail of baby raping for Conservatives.

Like i said,:cuckoo: but funny. Leftists/Democrats are no friends of the Jews. Get to know your own party better and one day you'll understand this. Don't be an Uncle Tom Jew all your life.

Question...is USArmyRetired one of those Leftist/Democrats of which you refer?
Whatever "they did", does it justify killing 6 million of them?
6 Million?????????....good grief. That is so exaggerated of a number. There were never that many bodies found.....ever. Getting back on topic Christine had the right to say she would give up the jews if the Nazis came a knockin on the door during wartime. A lot of people did turn them in. If the jewish bankers hadn't ruined the economy of the Weimar Republic then Hitler would have never come to power and Hindenburg would have remained President.


Now we know...not only are you a Birther, you are a Holocaust Denier. :eek:

This is a shame. I hope you are just saying these things to be provocative, USArmyRetired, and do not actually believe them.
I'd just like to point out the total partisan hacks in this thread that would rather ignore the fact that someone condoned Nazi actions in this very thread than to dare "break ranks" and criticize a fellow conservative.

Shame on all of you.

Blaming "The Evil Juice" for everything is actually more of a famous Leftist past-time. Most Leftists i have come across vehemently hate those "Evil Juice." So i guess you just didn't get the memo on that one. You should attend more Leftist meetings. You're missing the boat on all of their talking-points. Most Leftists/Democrats blame the "Evil Juice" for everything. Seriously,it's true. Personally,i don't condone that kind of warped & bigoted thought process. You're just not up on the latest Leftist talking-points. You'll catch up one day though. I'm pretty sure we'll see you back here in a few months ranting about how "Evil" those Juice are. We'll all stay tuned.

What are you even talking about, you babbling idiot??? You're constantly telling us what libs think and feel. You know nothing about how we think or feel. There is critical thinking involved in what we say and do. So that let's you out. Critical thinking is not a talent that you possess.
i'm jewish, so i guess i hate myself? How many jewish people do you actually know?? Give me a break, your theory just like your opinions on what chicago "is really like" aren't based upon anything factual.

I've still yet to see you speak out against what that bigot stated in this thread. If you were such an ally of the jews surely you would have told him how wrong his statement was.....yet, not a peep from you and the only ones speaking up against what he said about the jews are the liberals on this site. Want to reevaluate that theory?

nah,you're just not well informed. Most leftists are vehement anti-semites. In fact i haven't met one yet who didn't rant about how it's all the "evil juice's" fault on everything. Clearly you're missing all the leftist meetings and not receiving their latest talking-points. Once you do finally get properly informed,you'll probably turn in your democrat-card immediately. The leftists/democrats are anything but friendly to jews. Seriously,it's true.

i find you lumping all leftists as anti-semitic very offensive and quite the simpleton way to look at life. Methinks you are the one who is woefully misinformed. methinks you are blinded to only what you want to see.

:cuckoo: But funny. The saddest thing about people like you is that you don't even know where your own party stands on issues that affect Jews. The Leftists/Democrats are very hostile towards Jewish issues & interests. The fact you don't know this tells me everything i need to know about you. You're just not informed. You really should get to know your own party better. Till then you'll always be an Uncle Tom Jew.

Thanks to you I am well informed now.

How many babies have you raped this week? I know you guys get patches for all the babies that you defile. You get that coveted patch for killing a baby in the act of rape? Everyone knows that's the holy grail of baby raping for Conservatives.

Like i said,:cuckoo: but funny. Leftists/Democrats are no friends of the Jews. Get to know your own party better and one day you'll understand this. Don't be an Uncle Tom Jew all your life.

Yo........APackOfLipsHowling............might wanna re-think your position there sportcheck.....

Me? I'm one of those evil leftist democrats that you keep telling me I am.

I'm also a Taoist, as well as a B'Neih Noach (which means "Son of Noah"). That means that not only do I follow my own belief system, I also understand and follow Judaic beliefs.

That means I'm a friend to the Jews, as well as a defender of them.

Try again fuckstick......you've just met a leftist (who is going to vote for everything BUT the GOP this cycle) who is a friend of the Jews.

Epic fail.

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