Wisconsin Tea Party Candidate Compares Public Schools To Nazi Regime

More importantly, millions of Americans identify themselves as conservatives who would not be called conservatives by the rightwingers around here.

John McCain would call himself a conservative in that poll. When's the last time the 'nuts around here accepted that definition?

What the nuts think is a "conservative" is immaterial. There are not enough of them to stop a McCain or a Romney.

The Big Lie that the Right has bought into, re presidential elections, is that every Republican who has lost the election in recent memory lost because he wasn't conservative enough.

I predict that the Right, if they get their way, will eventually push that theory far enough to where we get a future Johnson/Goldwater 64 type election.

I just can't see the left embracing an LBJ clone.
And they are correct:

Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.

–Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)

Read my sig.

Yes, indeed, there ought to be.

The victims of government education are narcotized and dependent upon , and addicted to, government largesse.

So to me this fits in "what did I learn on the internet today" and it beats the heck out of what did Charlie Sheen or Lindsay Lohan do today garbage.(I only get one tv channel and when the stars are aligned properly, maybe I get two so the net is my link to what I consider a more real world than TMZ)

You need to understand though, someone like JakeStarkey has an intellectual level roughly equal to Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan. Reading Murray Rothbard or Harry Browne has no meaning to people like this. They don't grasp the concepts and have no chance of ever comprehending the material.
The informal leaders of the herd are the ones to influence. Folks like Uncensored and L and etc. don't concern me much because they will follow the herd leaders.
Mises? Oh, vey! The Tea Party would create a public ed system that would take away peoples' freedoms, and yours, as well, C. You would not do well in a Tea Party world, quite awful, in fact.

82% of America does not like the Tea Party, guys. You can change that if you dump the racists, sexists, fascists, libertarians, etc.

People don't seem to like libs much either, I think you have a soft spot for them though.

Gallup: Liberals Remain Small Minority in America--Outnumbered Nearly 2-to-1 by Conservatives

Tuesday, August 02, 2011
By Terence P. Jeffrey

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid with President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

(CNSNews.com) - Self-professed liberals remain a small minority in America, equaling only 21 percent of the population, the same percentage they have held for the last two years, according to a newly released Gallup poll.

Liberals are even a minority within the Democratic Party, according to Gallup. In the new poll, 39 percent of Democrats said they were moderates, 38 percent said they were liberals and 22 percent said they were conservatives. Thus, in the grassroots of the Democratic Party, the combined moderate and conservative blocs out-number the liberals 61 percent to 38 percent.

Ironically, the percentage of self-described conservatives in the Democratic Party is higher than the percentage of self-described liberals in the overall American population.

To determine the percentage of liberals, moderates and conservatives in America in the first half of 2011, Gallup asked 10,265 people from January through June this question: “How would you describe your political views—very conservative, conservative, moderate, liberal or very liberal?”

Overall, 11 percent said they were very conservative, 30 percent said they were conservative, 36 percent said they were moderate, 15 percent said they were liberal, 6 percent said they were very liberal and 2 percent said they had no opinion.

The combined 41 percent who said they were very conservative or conservative was nearly double the combined 21 percent who said they were liberal or very liberal.

The small percentage of Americans who profess to be liberals has changed very little over the 20 years Gallup has been asking people to categorize their political views as liberal, moderate or conservative. By contrast, the percentage who say they are conservative has grown, as conservatives replaced moderates as the largest philosophical bloc in the country.

Gallup: Liberals Remain Small Minority in America--Outnumbered Nearly 2-to-1 by Conservatives | CNSnews.com

So we elected a liberal president in 2008 despite liberals supposedly being outnumbered by conservatives 2 to 1?

Explain how that happened.

He ran as a centrist. To independents his past was hidden by the U.S. media aka Pravda in the old days.

The voters were truly tired of the Bush dynasty and were not going to let the Clintons have another kick at the can.

I think people just really wanted to believe in "Hope and Change". We had a lot of rough years with 9/11, two wars, Katrina and so many other natural disasters.

Obama's election reminds me of the days when a band would put out an album and you'd buy it because it had an awesome tune on it, but the rest of the tracks sucked and you were taken for your money.
All knew Obama was the most liberal Democrat in the Senate. Independents were more than willing to elect a lib to get away from the bushies. You delude yourself, pinylancer.
All knew Obama was the most liberal Democrat in the Senate. Independents were more than willing to elect a lib to get away from the bushies. You delude yourself, pinylancer.


When the man on the stage said "please oh please DON'Tdo the purple double domes" you were in the bathroom weren't you?

Now to what the American people knew. If one only gets ABC, CBS, NBC you do not get journalism you get talking heads reading off teleprompters much like Herr Barack.

I found out anything and everything I needed to know about Obama on the net. They couldn't scrub every site quick enough.

Once I found out about his connection to Bernie and Billy that flagged me big time. But I'm a political junkie.

Most people were just content to have "Hope and Change" and have now just woken up to the fact that what they got was Milli Vanilli.
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Liberals outnumber Tea Party. Conservatives, including the far right libertarians and TeaPots and other associated wacks, have about 40% of the electorate. The conservatives are split among the moderate to conservative Republicans, the TeaParty, the wacks. Romney and Perry appeal to the rational among the conservatives.

Through out the ages the Parasites have always outnumbered the Producers . That is the reason the Founders attempted to prevent a democracy where the majority rules and asserted that our rights are unalienable. Given the circumstances another violent civil war is unavoidable. .

Yes, you are a parasite, C, and we all know what you want to feed off.
What good things, Jake?

There weren't good things though promised by the Nazis and the fascists, and just like them, Uncensored, you make all sorts of promises so that you can get power and subdue the People's will.

Not going to happen.
All knew Obama was the most liberal Democrat in the Senate. Independents were more than willing to elect a lib to get away from the bushies. You delude yourself, pinylancer.


When the man on the stage said "please oh please DON'Tdo the purple double domes" you were in the bathroom weren't you? Now to what the American people knew. If one only gets ABC, CBS, NBC you do not get journalism you get talking heads reading off teleprompters much like Herr Barack. I found out anything and everything I needed to know about Obama on the net. They couldn't scrub every site quick enough. Once I found out about his connection to Bernie and Billy that flagged me big time. But I'm a political junkie. Most people were just content to have "Hope and Change" and have now just woken up to the fact that what they got was Milli Vanilli.

whinycancer, you are a political fool. The electorate knew Obama was a liberal, and the electorate knew that the bushies and all those associated with them had to go.
All knew Obama was the most liberal Democrat in the Senate. Independents were more than willing to elect a lib to get away from the bushies. You delude yourself, pinylancer.

Sure they did, Monkey Boi - that's just what your party's propaganda corps was claiming...

{Obama revealed: A moderate Republican}

Obama revealed: A moderate Republican - The Washington Post

{RNC Chair: Blagojevich Threatens Obama's "Moderate-Type" Campaign}

RNC Chair: Blagojevich Threatens Obama's "Moderate-Type" Campaign

{Reality Check for the Left: Obama Is a Moderate}

DISSENTING JUSTICE: Chicken Little Politics: Moderate Obama Causes Progressive Panic
I predict that the Right, if they get their way, will eventually push that theory far enough to where we get a future Johnson/Goldwater 64 type election.

Or maybe even a Carter/Reagan 80 type election.

That works for me.

We've found out so much about the Goldwaters in such a few short years. I really can't see anyone who is anti abortion voting for anyone like a Goldwater clone.

Too many people don't know about the direct relationship between the Goldwaters and Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood.

I still find it odd that a man who wanted such little government intervention into peoples lives would find Planned Parenthood so appealing.

One would think government funded abortions would appall him. Government funded birth control should have sent him into a tail spin.

But I guess his wifes friendship with Sanger trumped his ethics.
I said Churchill was a socialist by your reasoning. You don't know history, do you?

Jake, you have all the education and intellect of a stop sign.

Churchill was the prime minister at the end of WWII.

British Prime Ministers

You should be aware of Jakes response in advance.

Allow this demonstration.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNEFoL8nQHE&feature=player_detailpage]‪WHATEVER!!!!!!!!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I said Churchill was a socialist by your reasoning. You don't know history, do you?

Jake, you have all the education and intellect of a stop sign. Churchill was the prime minister at the end of WWII.

You should be aware of Jakes response in advance. Allow this demonstration.[/url]

Sigh. Neither of you have a high school education, do you? Winston Churchill Biography (Prime Minister of Great Britain/World War II Figure) — Infoplease.com

Churchill was the head of a coalition government from 1940 to 1945. He was voted out of office by the socialists in the general election in 1945. He was elected as PM in 1951, six years after the socialists had created the system. Churchill had to deal with it.

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