Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.

If you are that ignorant, go to any Burger King south of I-20 and come back to us on that. Compare how negros that walk in and order food are treated compared to you. The further south you go, the worse it is. In deep red south MS and LA, its REALLY BAD. My parents don't even go to BK anymore, they're tired of being treated like shit by the blacks that work there. They just go to McDonalds when on road trips. Nice white employees who treat them nicely. And my parents PREFER the whopper over the big mac, but aren't willing to be treated like crap to get one.
I go to BK all the time.

I have never had a clerk (mostly minority) treat me badly. There was one franchise where the guy behind the counter once didn't speak enough English to understand my order, but that was about it.

Not sure what that has to do with white privilege.
I go to BK all the time.

I have never had a clerk (mostly minority) treat me badly. There was one franchise where the guy behind the counter once didn't speak enough English to understand my order, but that was about it.

Not sure what that has to do with white privilege.
Quality changes in treatment to where you go.
Ok. Here’s the deal. Due to some issues involving family health, I happened to be perusing some medical stuff.

I see that a very high end top flight urologist (who also has a Ph.D. involving molecular biology and the study of cancer cells and related mechanisms, etc.) has a side gig at a biology research lab. He has a whole host of fellow Ph.D.’s and doctors on his staff at that company. More than half of them are Chinese.

I’m starting to suspect that regardless of the PEOPLES’ REPUBLIC OF CHINA, the future might very well be Chinese.

Of course, WITH the Peoples’ Republic of China, the future might be Chinese, anyway.

So, I’m wondering why we spend time worrying about how much credit to give to the white people of America for the success of our grand experiment. If we don’t square our shit away, we are going to have to deal with a vastly different racial future. And this black/white/hispanic monotony won’t be a big part of it.
I guess. But that makes my point about privilege. As a white guy, I have the privilege of going anywhere I want knowing the cops won't pull me over for being in the wrong neighborhood.
There is reputation and then there is profiling. And it can anger those who are not criminals.

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