Will Trump refuse to raise the debt ceiling?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
It's my understanding this comes up again in March 2017.

Will Trump go 'TRUE' conservative, and let the country go into default, or will he RINO out and fuck over all of you Trumpbots by doing the right thing?
The working class that voted for The Piece Of Shit will be getting a look at the long list of RINO moves he'll make because this is how the world works. He fed them a fantasy and they ate it with great gusto, now they will be getting a forced enema of reality. Can't wait to see the look on their faces.
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It's my understanding this comes up again in March 2017.

Will Trump go 'TRUE' conservative, and let the country go into default, or will he RINO out and fuck over all of you Trumpbots by doing the right thing?

I thought he already said that China and Russia wouldn't do shit if the U.S. just decided not to make payments on their debt?
It's my understanding this comes up again in March 2017.

Will Trump go 'TRUE' conservative, and let the country go into default, or will he RINO out and fuck over all of you Trumpbots by doing the right thing?

I thought he already said that China and Russia wouldn't do shit if the U.S. just decided not to make payments on their debt?
You seriously don't know how the US bond market works...
Dunno...............however having a GOP Senate, House and Presidency kinda scares me.

Actually...............it scares me a lot, especially having a billionaire in the WH who owes actual money from his own accounts to China and Wall St.
It's my understanding this comes up again in March 2017.

Will Trump go 'TRUE' conservative, and let the country go into default, or will he RINO out and fuck over all of you Trumpbots by doing the right thing?

I thought he already said that China and Russia wouldn't do shit if the U.S. just decided not to make payments on their debt?
You seriously don't know how the US bond market works...

How is quoting Trump got to do with what I know?
you lost suck it up ...snowflake

Yes. We lost, but that still doesn't answer the question about the debt ceiling. His business history says he will try to stiff those who we owe.
If the debt ceiling is not raised, a worldwide depression will occur.

Don't let the bed wetting far right and alt right pretend that they ever cared about the debt other than as a weapon.
Why not, he can then spend the weekend at Mar-a-Lago at tax payer expense, does anyone find it ironic that the man who will now travel on your taxes pays none. LOL

NOW the bed wetters give a fuck about the debt again.

Obviously, you still don't know what the debt ceiling is. It's not approving new spending. It's just approving of writing the check to pay for what we already owe.
It's my understanding this comes up again in March 2017.

Will Trump go 'TRUE' conservative, and let the country go into default, or will he RINO out and fuck over all of you Trumpbots by doing the right thing?

I thought he already said that China and Russia wouldn't do shit if the U.S. just decided not to make payments on their debt?

And all the American citizens and pension funds etc., that hold US securities?

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