Will this hurt Romney?


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
Mitt Romney rushed to state his opposition to marriage equality in America after the President state his personal belief in human rights in this nation. Romney went out of his way to state marriage is for ONE man & ONE woman; appearing to imply same gender marriage would include polygamy. Will this hurt him in November? Was he trying to emphasize the long ago tradition of polygamy in the LDS church is just that?
Mitt Romney rushed to state his opposition to marriage equality in America after the President state his personal belief in human rights in this nation. Romney went out of his way to state marriage is for ONE man & ONE woman; appearing to imply same gender marriage would include polygamy. Will this hurt him in November? Was he trying to emphasize the long ago tradition of polygamy in the LDS church is just that?

Actually, Romney didn't rush anywhere nor did he go out of his way to answer a question a reporter asked him.

I believe that 30 states have passed legislation or amendments to their state constitution that marriage is between ONE man and ONE woman. That is over half of the 57 states that Obama campaigned in during the last election

And, Obama merely left the marriage thing up to the states, which is what the Constitution requires. He can always flip flop back to evolving if this ploy doesn't work.
Marriage is between one man and one woman. Anything different than that is politically correct horse shit.
Mitt Romney rushed to state his opposition to marriage equality in America after the President state his personal belief in human rights in this nation. Romney went out of his way to state marriage is for ONE man & ONE woman; appearing to imply same gender marriage would include polygamy. Will this hurt him in November? Was he trying to emphasize the long ago tradition of polygamy in the LDS church is just that?

I hope you warmed up properly before taking that stretch.
What will hurt Romney is deviating from the message that the economy sucks and Obama has been a disaster and needs to go.
Mitt Romney rushed to state his opposition to marriage equality in America after the President state his personal belief in human rights in this nation. Romney went out of his way to state marriage is for ONE man & ONE woman; appearing to imply same gender marriage would include polygamy. Will this hurt him in November? Was he trying to emphasize the long ago tradition of polygamy in the LDS church is just that?

Actually, Romney didn't rush anywhere nor did he go out of his way to answer a question a reporter asked him.

I believe that 30 states have passed legislation or amendments to their state constitution that marriage is between ONE man and ONE woman. That is over half of the 57 states that Obama campaigned in during the last election

And, Obama merely left the marriage thing up to the states, which is what the Constitution requires. He can always flip flop back to evolving if this ploy doesn't work.

I read he quickly restated his opposition to both gay Americans marrying, and civil unions. Perhaps that was incorrect. The 57 states remark will not die, another bizarre far right oddity. I if Romney favored RE criminalizing gay sexual relations, YOU would have no problem with that.

"I'm Mitt Romney—and yes Wolf, that's also my first name." —Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney rushed to state his opposition to marriage equality in America after the President state his personal belief in human rights in this nation. Romney went out of his way to state marriage is for ONE man & ONE woman; appearing to imply same gender marriage would include polygamy. Will this hurt him in November? Was he trying to emphasize the long ago tradition of polygamy in the LDS church is just that?

I hope you warmed up properly before taking that stretch.

I asked a question, as some people keep bringing the LONG AGO polygamy practices up. I disapprove of that myself.
This is getting nuttier than than the Fornicalia Central Valley and it's only May....:lmao:

The "57" states quote, and Obama's statement about marriage equality are part of the "arguments".
my prediction is it's going to hurt obama, every time the putrid democrats pull this bullshit some voter somewhere wises up.
The economy is too screwed up for enough people to give a shit about the culture warrior crap to make a difference.

I hope that is the issue voters will decide on, though I do not see it "screwed up", I see no real recovery either.
Mitt Romney rushed to state his opposition to marriage equality in America after the President state his personal belief in human rights in this nation. Romney went out of his way to state marriage is for ONE man & ONE woman; appearing to imply same gender marriage would include polygamy. Will this hurt him in November? Was he trying to emphasize the long ago tradition of polygamy in the LDS church is just that?

The argument for gay marriage is that what consenting adults want is all that matters, that would INCLUDE plural marriages. As for the LDS church, Polygamy has been banned since 1890, it is unimportant and unwanted.
Mitt Romney rushed to state his opposition to marriage equality in America after the President state his personal belief in human rights in this nation. Romney went out of his way to state marriage is for ONE man & ONE woman; appearing to imply same gender marriage would include polygamy. Will this hurt him in November? Was he trying to emphasize the long ago tradition of polygamy in the LDS church is just that?

Hmm Lets see. It will Hurt Him among the far left. Don't think he is worried about it. Truth is most Americans share his Opinion. Which is that Gays should have Equal Rights through Civil Unions, Not Marriage.

Obama's Announcement was Designed to Stir up the Base, and Bring in Donations.

I swear some of you think everything is so black and white. You think that if someone is against gay marriage like Romney they must Hate Homosexuals and want to deny them equal Rights. Fact is most People want a Compromise where Gays get all the Same rights of marriage but it's not called Marriage, and I think it's fucking silly to not support that Compromise.
my prediction is it's going to hurt obama, every time the putrid democrats pull this bullshit some voter somewhere wises up.

It will hurt obama and certainly help Romney more than anything else. All along, the democrats have said that Romney would never be accepted by evangelicals. Well, evangelicals are falling all over themselves to support him now. Romney has North Carolina in the bag as it went from swing state to republican overnight. Not so much because of Romney, but because obama's coming out the day after their vote was a really big bitch slap they won't forget.

obama's support for same sex marriage is not an issue that is make or break. It is an issue that people can look at and say "Enough. I'm now fed up." What gays forget is that to the very vast majority of Americans their important issue isn't at all important. Even someone who would vote in support of same sex marriage (and there are a few) won't have that overshadow other issues that are more important like the economy. When most voters are faced with the decision of whether they will accept obama's failed economy if it means they will get same sex marriage, by far and away the gay issue will fade quickly. This is a democrat miscalculation like many democrat miscalculations.
Mitt Romney rushed to state his opposition to marriage equality in America after the President state his personal belief in human rights in this nation. Romney went out of his way to state marriage is for ONE man & ONE woman; appearing to imply same gender marriage would include polygamy. Will this hurt him in November? Was he trying to emphasize the long ago tradition of polygamy in the LDS church is just that?

What the frack is up with your people? Even if the polls are accurate that more than half of the adults in this country support same sex marriage what makes you think that they care enough about the issue to vote against Romney because of it when they didn't vote against Obama 4 years ago?
The economy is too screwed up for enough people to give a shit about the culture warrior crap to make a difference.

Now that's a BINGO!
I'm so tired of the culture war, there is a war on damn near everything according to the two major parties.
It's really back to"it's the economy, stupid"! There are tens of millions hurting because of the economy and all we get is a culture war, thanks to the Dems and Pubs. No wonder the general consensus is that Washington (and the two major parties) are totally dysfunctional and out of touch.

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