Will the whole "world will never be the same, we need to all work from home" be the start of even easier moving of jobs overseas?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It's been promoted in Canada as "the future". All work from home, and as many as possible are trying to do it. They are trying to replace the education institution by putting as much online as possible. Which is hit and miss, especially since so many can cheat, and/or it isn't viable for certain age groups.

In my estimation this will be a big push to simply outsource jobs and industries to cheap locations, they won't even have to lift a finger, simply move an Employee ID# to someones home overseas. Many industries haven't been at risk recently may now be at risk I presume. People won't be able to organize since all workers are from home anyways and co-workers don't even see one another let alone know one another. We will all become faceless and nationless. Just accept that the person you are investing with or doing critical business with could be anywhere in the world. It's like that now to some degrees, but this will involve more critical businesses and activities.

If all of this is in fact the move for businesses there is one major industry that will collapse: commercial real estate. It should be an interesting time.
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It's been promoted in Canada as "the future". All work from home, and as many as possible are trying to do it. They are trying to replace the education institution by putting as much online as possible. Which is hit and miss, especially since so many can cheat, and/or it isn't viable for certain age groups.

In my estimation this will be a big push to simply outsource jobs and industries to cheap locations, many industries which haven't been at risk recently, but will now I presume. People won't be able to organize since all workers are from home anyways and co-workers don't even see one another let alone know one another. We will all become faceless and nationless. Just accept that the person you are investing with or doing critical business with could be anywhere in the world. It's like that now to some degrees, but this will involve more critical businesses and activities.

If all of this is in fact the move for businesses there is one major industry that will collapse: commercial real estate. It should be an interesting time.
Yeah, my wife pointed out that the liberals were saying that in these troubling times "this is the new normal". NOW WHERE DID I HEAR THAT BEFORE????

Seems you've conveniently left out a certain sector of the workforce Canadian One


Republican Presidents ALWAYS Export Jobs!!!
That the best propaganda you can use? Of course Manufacturing will go down, because all the liberal sycophants closed down America because they couldnt allow Sleepy Joe the forgetful groper to try to go up against one of the greatest presidents this country ever had. But, and liberals always have big butts, with the United States reopening, the statistics will be on the upswing, while rapist Joe will still be in his basement.
Republican Presidents ALWAYS Export Jobs!!!
That the best propaganda you can use? Of course Manufacturing will go down, because all the liberal sycophants closed down America because they couldnt allow Sleepy Joe the forgetful groper to try to go up against one of the greatest presidents this country ever had. But, and liberals always have big butts, with the United States reopening, the statistics will be on the upswing, while rapist Joe will still be in his basement.
LOL - You just replied to facts with Political Propaganda & Lies.

Fact: Trump closed down America, not liberals or Joe Biden.
Fact: Trump Caused the Job Killing Recession!
Fact: Trump didn't bring Jobs back from China!
Fact: There has NEVER EVER been a Republican President who didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION for every term they served.
Fact: Most Democrat Presidents NEVER cause a Job Killing Recession.
Fact: Clinton & Obama didn't cause any Job Killing Recessions.
Fact: Clinton & Obama each created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!
Fact: Trump allowed the USA to become the most infected country!!!
Fact: Trump Signed Largest Deficit & Debt Spending Bills in World History!!!
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Republican Presidents ALWAYS Export Jobs!!!
That the best propaganda you can use? Of course Manufacturing will go down, because all the liberal sycophants closed down America because they couldnt allow Sleepy Joe the forgetful groper to try to go up against one of the greatest presidents this country ever had. But, and liberals always have big butts, with the United States reopening, the statistics will be on the upswing, while rapist Joe will still be in his basement.
LOL - You just replied to facts with Political Propaganda & Lies.

Fact: Trump closed down America, not liberals or Joe Biden.
Fact: Trump Caused the Job Killing Recession!
Fact: Trump didn't bring Jobs back from China!
Fact: There has NEVER EVER been a Republican President who didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION for every term they served.
Fact: Most Democrat Presidents NEVER cause a Job Killing Recession.
Fact: Clinton & Obama didn't cause any Job Killing Recessions.
Fact: Clinton & Obama each created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!
Fact: Trump allowed the USA to become the most infected country!!!
Fact: Trump Signed Largest Deficit & Debt Spending Bills in World History!!!
The economy closed down, because the liberal sycophants who were trying to impeach the president all went into a tizzy when the president closed the US from China flights. FACT.
Liberals were out in numbers going to places like Chinatown dancing in the streets saying nothing was wrong. FACT.
After China was closed, then Europe was closed and the liberals were bitching that why wasnt England Closed yet, but didnt show infections yet either. FACT.
Every liberal president sets policies and regulations that in 8 to 10 years will drive the most robust economy into a tail spin. FACT.
China let the Wuhan Virus out to infect all the lazy, liberal, obese, fucks so then there would be less morons contributing to the CO2 that causes global warming. FACT.

Since the liberals have tried to keep the economy closed, the DOW has increased 5,000 points, and more people are returning to work, happy that they can get back to their wonderful lives.

FACT...it must suck to be a liberal, who has to stay in their basement because they will die from a CHINESE virus....
Republican Presidents ALWAYS Export Jobs!!!
That the best propaganda you can use? Of course Manufacturing will go down, because all the liberal sycophants closed down America because they couldnt allow Sleepy Joe the forgetful groper to try to go up against one of the greatest presidents this country ever had. But, and liberals always have big butts, with the United States reopening, the statistics will be on the upswing, while rapist Joe will still be in his basement.
LOL - You just replied to facts with Political Propaganda & Lies.

Fact: Trump closed down America, not liberals or Joe Biden.
Fact: Trump Caused the Job Killing Recession!
Fact: Trump didn't bring Jobs back from China!
Fact: There has NEVER EVER been a Republican President who didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION for every term they served.
Fact: Most Democrat Presidents NEVER cause a Job Killing Recession.
Fact: Clinton & Obama didn't cause any Job Killing Recessions.
Fact: Clinton & Obama each created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!
Fact: Trump allowed the USA to become the most infected country!!!
Fact: Trump Signed Largest Deficit & Debt Spending Bills in World History!!!
The economy closed down, because the liberal sycophants who were trying to impeach the president all went into a tizzy when the president closed the US from China flights. FACT.
Liberals were out in numbers going to places like Chinatown dancing in the streets saying nothing was wrong. FACT.
After China was closed, then Europe was closed and the liberals were bitching that why wasnt England Closed yet, but didnt show infections yet either. FACT.
Every liberal president sets policies and regulations that in 8 to 10 years will drive the most robust economy into a tail spin. FACT.
China let the Wuhan Virus out to infect all the lazy, liberal, obese, fucks so then there would be less morons contributing to the CO2 that causes global warming. FACT.

Since the liberals have tried to keep the economy closed, the DOW has increased 5,000 points, and more people are returning to work, happy that they can get back to their wonderful lives.

FACT...it must suck to be a liberal, who has to stay in their basement because they will die from a CHINESE virus....
:boo_hoo14:Wow! It must suck to be so repubtarded coming up with all that twisted pretzel logic nonsense you try to claim as fact!:auiqs.jpg:

FACT: Trump knew about the virus in 2019!!! Trump gets all intel & later only allows Select Congress see what he wants. It doesn't matter what some powerless uninformed did or said, Trump had the power & intel and FAILED to act!

FACT: Clinton pulled the US out of Bush1 recession. Then Crybaby Repubtards impeached Clinton & he didn't miss a step, kept on & retired with Highest Popularity & Best Economy!

FACT: Clinton created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Obama created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Trump Failed to get USA Masks, PPEs, hand sanitizer, etc & allowed China to take them all.

FACT: Trump Failed to get PPE's & vital supplies made here in the USA!

FACT: It don't matter if a Repubtard president follows a Democrat or Republican President, Republican Presidents ALWAYS CAUSE JOB KILLING RECESSIONS OR DEPRESSIONS.

FACT: Democrat Presidents have NEVER in History EVER caused a DEPRESSION & rarely cause recession.

You have gone mental hiding in yo momma's basement. I have mask & sanitizer & continued to work & play every day. I have been to church, wedding, rehearsal, restaurants, reception, flying around country, shopping, on vacation in Florida & running my business.
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Republican Presidents ALWAYS Export Jobs!!!
That the best propaganda you can use? Of course Manufacturing will go down, because all the liberal sycophants closed down America because they couldnt allow Sleepy Joe the forgetful groper to try to go up against one of the greatest presidents this country ever had. But, and liberals always have big butts, with the United States reopening, the statistics will be on the upswing, while rapist Joe will still be in his basement.
LOL - You just replied to facts with Political Propaganda & Lies.

Fact: Trump closed down America, not liberals or Joe Biden.
Fact: Trump Caused the Job Killing Recession!
Fact: Trump didn't bring Jobs back from China!
Fact: There has NEVER EVER been a Republican President who didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION for every term they served.
Fact: Most Democrat Presidents NEVER cause a Job Killing Recession.
Fact: Clinton & Obama didn't cause any Job Killing Recessions.
Fact: Clinton & Obama each created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!
Fact: Trump allowed the USA to become the most infected country!!!
Fact: Trump Signed Largest Deficit & Debt Spending Bills in World History!!!
The economy closed down, because the liberal sycophants who were trying to impeach the president all went into a tizzy when the president closed the US from China flights. FACT.
Liberals were out in numbers going to places like Chinatown dancing in the streets saying nothing was wrong. FACT.
After China was closed, then Europe was closed and the liberals were bitching that why wasnt England Closed yet, but didnt show infections yet either. FACT.
Every liberal president sets policies and regulations that in 8 to 10 years will drive the most robust economy into a tail spin. FACT.
China let the Wuhan Virus out to infect all the lazy, liberal, obese, fucks so then there would be less morons contributing to the CO2 that causes global warming. FACT.

Since the liberals have tried to keep the economy closed, the DOW has increased 5,000 points, and more people are returning to work, happy that they can get back to their wonderful lives.

FACT...it must suck to be a liberal, who has to stay in their basement because they will die from a CHINESE virus....
:boo_hoo14:Wow! It must suck to be so repubtarded coming up with all that twisted pretzel logic nonsense you try to claim as fact!:auiqs.jpg:

FACT: Trump knew about the virus in 2019!!! Trump gets all intel & later only allows Select Congress see what he wants. It doesn't matter what some powerless uninformed did or said, Trump had the power & intel and FAILED to act!

FACT: Clinton pulled the US out of Bush1 recession. Then Crybaby Repubtards impeached Clinton & he didn't miss a step, kept on & retired with Highest Popularity & Best Economy!

FACT: Clinton created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Obama created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Trump Failed to get USA Masks, PPEs, hand sanitizer, etc & allowed China to take them all.

FACT: Trump Failed to get PPE's & vital supplies made here in the USA!

FACT: It don't matter if a Repubtard president follows a Democrat or Republican President, Republican Presidents ALWAYS CAUSE JOB KILLING RECESSIONS OR DEPRESSIONS.

FACT: Democrat Presidents have NEVER in History EVER caused a DEPRESSION & rarely cause recession.

You have gone mental hiding in yo momma's basement. I have mask & sanitizer & continued to work & play every day. I have been to church, wedding, rehearsal, restaurants, reception, flying around country, shopping, on vacation in Florida & running my business.
Slick Willie's economy only worked, because like a good little moderate Democrap, he willingly worked with Newt, on the Contract with America. Can you imagine that, a Democrat actually caving in to a Republican because Slick only wanted his dick to be wet.
Republican Presidents ALWAYS Export Jobs!!!
That the best propaganda you can use? Of course Manufacturing will go down, because all the liberal sycophants closed down America because they couldnt allow Sleepy Joe the forgetful groper to try to go up against one of the greatest presidents this country ever had. But, and liberals always have big butts, with the United States reopening, the statistics will be on the upswing, while rapist Joe will still be in his basement.
LOL - You just replied to facts with Political Propaganda & Lies.

Fact: Trump closed down America, not liberals or Joe Biden.
Fact: Trump Caused the Job Killing Recession!
Fact: Trump didn't bring Jobs back from China!
Fact: There has NEVER EVER been a Republican President who didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION for every term they served.
Fact: Most Democrat Presidents NEVER cause a Job Killing Recession.
Fact: Clinton & Obama didn't cause any Job Killing Recessions.
Fact: Clinton & Obama each created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!
Fact: Trump allowed the USA to become the most infected country!!!
Fact: Trump Signed Largest Deficit & Debt Spending Bills in World History!!!
The economy closed down, because the liberal sycophants who were trying to impeach the president all went into a tizzy when the president closed the US from China flights. FACT.
Liberals were out in numbers going to places like Chinatown dancing in the streets saying nothing was wrong. FACT.
After China was closed, then Europe was closed and the liberals were bitching that why wasnt England Closed yet, but didnt show infections yet either. FACT.
Every liberal president sets policies and regulations that in 8 to 10 years will drive the most robust economy into a tail spin. FACT.
China let the Wuhan Virus out to infect all the lazy, liberal, obese, fucks so then there would be less morons contributing to the CO2 that causes global warming. FACT.

Since the liberals have tried to keep the economy closed, the DOW has increased 5,000 points, and more people are returning to work, happy that they can get back to their wonderful lives.

FACT...it must suck to be a liberal, who has to stay in their basement because they will die from a CHINESE virus....
:boo_hoo14:Wow! It must suck to be so repubtarded coming up with all that twisted pretzel logic nonsense you try to claim as fact!:auiqs.jpg:

FACT: Trump knew about the virus in 2019!!! Trump gets all intel & later only allows Select Congress see what he wants. It doesn't matter what some powerless uninformed did or said, Trump had the power & intel and FAILED to act!

FACT: Clinton pulled the US out of Bush1 recession. Then Crybaby Repubtards impeached Clinton & he didn't miss a step, kept on & retired with Highest Popularity & Best Economy!

FACT: Clinton created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Obama created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Trump Failed to get USA Masks, PPEs, hand sanitizer, etc & allowed China to take them all.

FACT: Trump Failed to get PPE's & vital supplies made here in the USA!

FACT: It don't matter if a Repubtard president follows a Democrat or Republican President, Republican Presidents ALWAYS CAUSE JOB KILLING RECESSIONS OR DEPRESSIONS.

FACT: Democrat Presidents have NEVER in History EVER caused a DEPRESSION & rarely cause recession.

You have gone mental hiding in yo momma's basement. I have mask & sanitizer & continued to work & play every day. I have been to church, wedding, rehearsal, restaurants, reception, flying around country, shopping, on vacation in Florida & running my business.
It's been promoted in Canada as "the future". All work from home, and as many as possible are trying to do it. They are trying to replace the education institution by putting as much online as possible. Which is hit and miss, especially since so many can cheat, and/or it isn't viable for certain age groups.

In my estimation this will be a big push to simply outsource jobs and industries to cheap locations, they won't even have to lift a finger, simply move an Employee ID# to someones home overseas. Many industries haven't been at risk recently may now be at risk I presume. People won't be able to organize since all workers are from home anyways and co-workers don't even see one another let alone know one another. We will all become faceless and nationless. Just accept that the person you are investing with or doing critical business with could be anywhere in the world. It's like that now to some degrees, but this will involve more critical businesses and activities.

If all of this is in fact the move for businesses there is one major industry that will collapse: commercial real estate. It should be an interesting time.

Funny how convenient it is for the same crowd that worked on outsourcing our jobs for so many years. Just so happens to fall right into their agenda.
Republican Presidents ALWAYS Export Jobs!!!
That the best propaganda you can use? Of course Manufacturing will go down, because all the liberal sycophants closed down America because they couldnt allow Sleepy Joe the forgetful groper to try to go up against one of the greatest presidents this country ever had. But, and liberals always have big butts, with the United States reopening, the statistics will be on the upswing, while rapist Joe will still be in his basement.
LOL - You just replied to facts with Political Propaganda & Lies.

Fact: Trump closed down America, not liberals or Joe Biden.
Fact: Trump Caused the Job Killing Recession!
Fact: Trump didn't bring Jobs back from China!
Fact: There has NEVER EVER been a Republican President who didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION for every term they served.
Fact: Most Democrat Presidents NEVER cause a Job Killing Recession.
Fact: Clinton & Obama didn't cause any Job Killing Recessions.
Fact: Clinton & Obama each created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!
Fact: Trump allowed the USA to become the most infected country!!!
Fact: Trump Signed Largest Deficit & Debt Spending Bills in World History!!!
The economy closed down, because the liberal sycophants who were trying to impeach the president all went into a tizzy when the president closed the US from China flights. FACT.
Liberals were out in numbers going to places like Chinatown dancing in the streets saying nothing was wrong. FACT.
After China was closed, then Europe was closed and the liberals were bitching that why wasnt England Closed yet, but didnt show infections yet either. FACT.
Every liberal president sets policies and regulations that in 8 to 10 years will drive the most robust economy into a tail spin. FACT.
China let the Wuhan Virus out to infect all the lazy, liberal, obese, fucks so then there would be less morons contributing to the CO2 that causes global warming. FACT.

Since the liberals have tried to keep the economy closed, the DOW has increased 5,000 points, and more people are returning to work, happy that they can get back to their wonderful lives.

FACT...it must suck to be a liberal, who has to stay in their basement because they will die from a CHINESE virus....
:boo_hoo14:Wow! It must suck to be so repubtarded coming up with all that twisted pretzel logic nonsense you try to claim as fact!:auiqs.jpg:

FACT: Trump knew about the virus in 2019!!! Trump gets all intel & later only allows Select Congress see what he wants. It doesn't matter what some powerless uninformed did or said, Trump had the power & intel and FAILED to act!

FACT: Clinton pulled the US out of Bush1 recession. Then Crybaby Repubtards impeached Clinton & he didn't miss a step, kept on & retired with Highest Popularity & Best Economy!

FACT: Clinton created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Obama created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Trump Failed to get USA Masks, PPEs, hand sanitizer, etc & allowed China to take them all.

FACT: Trump Failed to get PPE's & vital supplies made here in the USA!

FACT: It don't matter if a Repubtard president follows a Democrat or Republican President, Republican Presidents ALWAYS CAUSE JOB KILLING RECESSIONS OR DEPRESSIONS.

FACT: Democrat Presidents have NEVER in History EVER caused a DEPRESSION & rarely cause recession.

You have gone mental hiding in yo momma's basement. I have mask & sanitizer & continued to work & play every day. I have been to church, wedding, rehearsal, restaurants, reception, flying around country, shopping, on vacation in Florida & running my business.
Slick Willie's economy only worked, because like a good little moderate Democrap, he willingly worked with Newt, on the Contract with America. Can you imagine that, a Democrat actually caving in to a Republican because Slick only wanted his dick to be wet.
LOL - You are a mindless drone totally brainwashed by fake political propaganda.

Immediately after they were elected in 1992, Clinton & all his Democrat Congress slashed spending, slashed deficit & created jobs faster than after the Liar Newt Gingrich & Repubtards took over & slowed Clinton's Deficit Slashing & Rapid Job Growth. Liar Newt Gingrich is the only congressman in history to get censured for lying & you mindless drones believe his BS. - LOL!!!

FACT: Repubtard Bush2 & Republican House & Senate Destroyed the Most Jobs in USA History & Sent the Most Jobs to China in USA History!!!!!!!

FACT: Democrat Clinton with Democrat House & Senate Slashed Deficit after elected in 1992
FACT: Republican Bush2 with Republican House & Senate Exploded Deficit after elected in 2000
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Republican Presidents ALWAYS Export Jobs!!!
That the best propaganda you can use? Of course Manufacturing will go down, because all the liberal sycophants closed down America because they couldnt allow Sleepy Joe the forgetful groper to try to go up against one of the greatest presidents this country ever had. But, and liberals always have big butts, with the United States reopening, the statistics will be on the upswing, while rapist Joe will still be in his basement.
LOL - You just replied to facts with Political Propaganda & Lies.

Fact: Trump closed down America, not liberals or Joe Biden.
Fact: Trump Caused the Job Killing Recession!
Fact: Trump didn't bring Jobs back from China!
Fact: There has NEVER EVER been a Republican President who didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION for every term they served.
Fact: Most Democrat Presidents NEVER cause a Job Killing Recession.
Fact: Clinton & Obama didn't cause any Job Killing Recessions.
Fact: Clinton & Obama each created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!
Fact: Trump allowed the USA to become the most infected country!!!
Fact: Trump Signed Largest Deficit & Debt Spending Bills in World History!!!
The economy closed down, because the liberal sycophants who were trying to impeach the president all went into a tizzy when the president closed the US from China flights. FACT.
Liberals were out in numbers going to places like Chinatown dancing in the streets saying nothing was wrong. FACT.
After China was closed, then Europe was closed and the liberals were bitching that why wasnt England Closed yet, but didnt show infections yet either. FACT.
Every liberal president sets policies and regulations that in 8 to 10 years will drive the most robust economy into a tail spin. FACT.
China let the Wuhan Virus out to infect all the lazy, liberal, obese, fucks so then there would be less morons contributing to the CO2 that causes global warming. FACT.

Since the liberals have tried to keep the economy closed, the DOW has increased 5,000 points, and more people are returning to work, happy that they can get back to their wonderful lives.

FACT...it must suck to be a liberal, who has to stay in their basement because they will die from a CHINESE virus....
:boo_hoo14:Wow! It must suck to be so repubtarded coming up with all that twisted pretzel logic nonsense you try to claim as fact!:auiqs.jpg:

FACT: Trump knew about the virus in 2019!!! Trump gets all intel & later only allows Select Congress see what he wants. It doesn't matter what some powerless uninformed did or said, Trump had the power & intel and FAILED to act!

FACT: Clinton pulled the US out of Bush1 recession. Then Crybaby Repubtards impeached Clinton & he didn't miss a step, kept on & retired with Highest Popularity & Best Economy!

FACT: Clinton created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Obama created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Trump Failed to get USA Masks, PPEs, hand sanitizer, etc & allowed China to take them all.

FACT: Trump Failed to get PPE's & vital supplies made here in the USA!

FACT: It don't matter if a Repubtard president follows a Democrat or Republican President, Republican Presidents ALWAYS CAUSE JOB KILLING RECESSIONS OR DEPRESSIONS.

FACT: Democrat Presidents have NEVER in History EVER caused a DEPRESSION & rarely cause recession.

You have gone mental hiding in yo momma's basement. I have mask & sanitizer & continued to work & play every day. I have been to church, wedding, rehearsal, restaurants, reception, flying around country, shopping, on vacation in Florida & running my business.
Slick Willie's economy only worked, because like a good little moderate Democrap, he willingly worked with Newt, on the Contract with America. Can you imagine that, a Democrat actually caving in to a Republican because Slick only wanted his dick to be wet.
Oh and another thing, at the end of the rapist President Bill Clinton's 2nd term, MCI/World Com, Enron went bankrupt, and the Dot Com bubble burst, sending the US into a recession, which at that time my portfolio took a 300, 000 dollar loss. But as you said, no liberal EVER had a recession....once again, here is what i think about your thinking...dumbass..

Republican Presidents ALWAYS Export Jobs!!!
That the best propaganda you can use? Of course Manufacturing will go down, because all the liberal sycophants closed down America because they couldnt allow Sleepy Joe the forgetful groper to try to go up against one of the greatest presidents this country ever had. But, and liberals always have big butts, with the United States reopening, the statistics will be on the upswing, while rapist Joe will still be in his basement.
LOL - You just replied to facts with Political Propaganda & Lies.

Fact: Trump closed down America, not liberals or Joe Biden.
Fact: Trump Caused the Job Killing Recession!
Fact: Trump didn't bring Jobs back from China!
Fact: There has NEVER EVER been a Republican President who didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION for every term they served.
Fact: Most Democrat Presidents NEVER cause a Job Killing Recession.
Fact: Clinton & Obama didn't cause any Job Killing Recessions.
Fact: Clinton & Obama each created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!
Fact: Trump allowed the USA to become the most infected country!!!
Fact: Trump Signed Largest Deficit & Debt Spending Bills in World History!!!
The economy closed down, because the liberal sycophants who were trying to impeach the president all went into a tizzy when the president closed the US from China flights. FACT.
Liberals were out in numbers going to places like Chinatown dancing in the streets saying nothing was wrong. FACT.
After China was closed, then Europe was closed and the liberals were bitching that why wasnt England Closed yet, but didnt show infections yet either. FACT.
Every liberal president sets policies and regulations that in 8 to 10 years will drive the most robust economy into a tail spin. FACT.
China let the Wuhan Virus out to infect all the lazy, liberal, obese, fucks so then there would be less morons contributing to the CO2 that causes global warming. FACT.

Since the liberals have tried to keep the economy closed, the DOW has increased 5,000 points, and more people are returning to work, happy that they can get back to their wonderful lives.

FACT...it must suck to be a liberal, who has to stay in their basement because they will die from a CHINESE virus....
:boo_hoo14:Wow! It must suck to be so repubtarded coming up with all that twisted pretzel logic nonsense you try to claim as fact!:auiqs.jpg:

FACT: Trump knew about the virus in 2019!!! Trump gets all intel & later only allows Select Congress see what he wants. It doesn't matter what some powerless uninformed did or said, Trump had the power & intel and FAILED to act!

FACT: Clinton pulled the US out of Bush1 recession. Then Crybaby Repubtards impeached Clinton & he didn't miss a step, kept on & retired with Highest Popularity & Best Economy!

FACT: Clinton created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Obama created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Trump Failed to get USA Masks, PPEs, hand sanitizer, etc & allowed China to take them all.

FACT: Trump Failed to get PPE's & vital supplies made here in the USA!

FACT: It don't matter if a Repubtard president follows a Democrat or Republican President, Republican Presidents ALWAYS CAUSE JOB KILLING RECESSIONS OR DEPRESSIONS.

FACT: Democrat Presidents have NEVER in History EVER caused a DEPRESSION & rarely cause recession.

You have gone mental hiding in yo momma's basement. I have mask & sanitizer & continued to work & play every day. I have been to church, wedding, rehearsal, restaurants, reception, flying around country, shopping, on vacation in Florida & running my business.
Slick Willie's economy only worked, because like a good little moderate Democrap, he willingly worked with Newt, on the Contract with America. Can you imagine that, a Democrat actually caving in to a Republican because Slick only wanted his dick to be wet.
Oh and another thing, at the end of the rapist President Bill Clinton's 2nd term, MCI/World Com, Enron went bankrupt, and the Dot Com bubble burst, sending the US into a recession, which at that time my portfolio took a 300, 000 dollar loss. But as you said, no liberal EVER had a recession....once again, here is what i think about your thinking...dumbass..
Try again stupid LIAR!!!

Repubtard President Bush2 with Republican House & Senate Stole Florida & USA Election on November 7th, 2000 causing Massive Recounts & Economic CHAOS! The Recession didn't start for 5 months until March 2001. Then Bush2 caused his second Greatest Recession Dec 2007!
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Republican Presidents ALWAYS Export Jobs!!!
That the best propaganda you can use? Of course Manufacturing will go down, because all the liberal sycophants closed down America because they couldnt allow Sleepy Joe the forgetful groper to try to go up against one of the greatest presidents this country ever had. But, and liberals always have big butts, with the United States reopening, the statistics will be on the upswing, while rapist Joe will still be in his basement.
LOL - You just replied to facts with Political Propaganda & Lies.

Fact: Trump closed down America, not liberals or Joe Biden.
Fact: Trump Caused the Job Killing Recession!
Fact: Trump didn't bring Jobs back from China!
Fact: There has NEVER EVER been a Republican President who didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION for every term they served.
Fact: Most Democrat Presidents NEVER cause a Job Killing Recession.
Fact: Clinton & Obama didn't cause any Job Killing Recessions.
Fact: Clinton & Obama each created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!
Fact: Trump allowed the USA to become the most infected country!!!
Fact: Trump Signed Largest Deficit & Debt Spending Bills in World History!!!
The economy closed down, because the liberal sycophants who were trying to impeach the president all went into a tizzy when the president closed the US from China flights. FACT.
Liberals were out in numbers going to places like Chinatown dancing in the streets saying nothing was wrong. FACT.
After China was closed, then Europe was closed and the liberals were bitching that why wasnt England Closed yet, but didnt show infections yet either. FACT.
Every liberal president sets policies and regulations that in 8 to 10 years will drive the most robust economy into a tail spin. FACT.
China let the Wuhan Virus out to infect all the lazy, liberal, obese, fucks so then there would be less morons contributing to the CO2 that causes global warming. FACT.

Since the liberals have tried to keep the economy closed, the DOW has increased 5,000 points, and more people are returning to work, happy that they can get back to their wonderful lives.

FACT...it must suck to be a liberal, who has to stay in their basement because they will die from a CHINESE virus....
:boo_hoo14:Wow! It must suck to be so repubtarded coming up with all that twisted pretzel logic nonsense you try to claim as fact!:auiqs.jpg:

FACT: Trump knew about the virus in 2019!!! Trump gets all intel & later only allows Select Congress see what he wants. It doesn't matter what some powerless uninformed did or said, Trump had the power & intel and FAILED to act!

FACT: Clinton pulled the US out of Bush1 recession. Then Crybaby Repubtards impeached Clinton & he didn't miss a step, kept on & retired with Highest Popularity & Best Economy!

FACT: Clinton created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Obama created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Trump Failed to get USA Masks, PPEs, hand sanitizer, etc & allowed China to take them all.

FACT: Trump Failed to get PPE's & vital supplies made here in the USA!

FACT: It don't matter if a Repubtard president follows a Democrat or Republican President, Republican Presidents ALWAYS CAUSE JOB KILLING RECESSIONS OR DEPRESSIONS.

FACT: Democrat Presidents have NEVER in History EVER caused a DEPRESSION & rarely cause recession.

You have gone mental hiding in yo momma's basement. I have mask & sanitizer & continued to work & play every day. I have been to church, wedding, rehearsal, restaurants, reception, flying around country, shopping, on vacation in Florida & running my business.
Slick Willie's economy only worked, because like a good little moderate Democrap, he willingly worked with Newt, on the Contract with America. Can you imagine that, a Democrat actually caving in to a Republican because Slick only wanted his dick to be wet.
Oh and another thing, at the end of the rapist President Bill Clinton's 2nd term, MCI/World Com, Enron went bankrupt, and the Dot Com bubble burst, sending the US into a recession, which at that time my portfolio took a 300, 000 dollar loss. But as you said, no liberal EVER had a recession....once again, here is what i think about your thinking...dumbass..
Try again stupid LIAR!!!

Repubtard President Bush2 with Republican House & Senate Stole Florida & USA Election on November 7th, 2000 causing Massive Recounts & Economic CHAOS! The Recession didn't start until March 2001. Then Bush2 caused his second Greatest Recession Dec 2007!
Time to put you on ignore you fucking moron. How do you think a recession starts because all the shit Slick Willie did to bust up the economy. Oh yeah, he also allowed jets to fly into certain buildings that killed 3,000 innocent men, women and children, while Monica was getting DNA on her dress. Those recounts down here in Broward County, funny how that county is always fuckedup with recounts, and Al Jazzera Gore, the VP of the guy who allowed the 3,000 to die, was telling US that the world was going to end up 2016. Time to say goodbye, i wont lower my IQ down to your level of 30 any more, just so you can try to converse with me. TTFN..
Clinton-cooked books?
Hidden in the morass of statistics, there is proof that the Clinton administration grossly overestimated the strength of the economy leading up to the 2000 election. Did the federal government join Enron and WorldCom in cooking the books? Through all of President Clinton's last two years in office, the announced level of before-tax profits was at least 10 percent too high -- a discrepancy rising close to 30 percent during the last presidential campaign. Most startling, the Commerce Department in 2000 showed the economy on an upswing through most of the election year while in fact it was declining.
Republican Presidents ALWAYS Export Jobs!!!
That the best propaganda you can use? Of course Manufacturing will go down, because all the liberal sycophants closed down America because they couldnt allow Sleepy Joe the forgetful groper to try to go up against one of the greatest presidents this country ever had. But, and liberals always have big butts, with the United States reopening, the statistics will be on the upswing, while rapist Joe will still be in his basement.
LOL - You just replied to facts with Political Propaganda & Lies.

Fact: Trump closed down America, not liberals or Joe Biden.
Fact: Trump Caused the Job Killing Recession!
Fact: Trump didn't bring Jobs back from China!
Fact: There has NEVER EVER been a Republican President who didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION for every term they served.
Fact: Most Democrat Presidents NEVER cause a Job Killing Recession.
Fact: Clinton & Obama didn't cause any Job Killing Recessions.
Fact: Clinton & Obama each created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!
Fact: Trump allowed the USA to become the most infected country!!!
Fact: Trump Signed Largest Deficit & Debt Spending Bills in World History!!!
The economy closed down, because the liberal sycophants who were trying to impeach the president all went into a tizzy when the president closed the US from China flights. FACT.
Liberals were out in numbers going to places like Chinatown dancing in the streets saying nothing was wrong. FACT.
After China was closed, then Europe was closed and the liberals were bitching that why wasnt England Closed yet, but didnt show infections yet either. FACT.
Every liberal president sets policies and regulations that in 8 to 10 years will drive the most robust economy into a tail spin. FACT.
China let the Wuhan Virus out to infect all the lazy, liberal, obese, fucks so then there would be less morons contributing to the CO2 that causes global warming. FACT.

Since the liberals have tried to keep the economy closed, the DOW has increased 5,000 points, and more people are returning to work, happy that they can get back to their wonderful lives.

FACT...it must suck to be a liberal, who has to stay in their basement because they will die from a CHINESE virus....
:boo_hoo14:Wow! It must suck to be so repubtarded coming up with all that twisted pretzel logic nonsense you try to claim as fact!:auiqs.jpg:

FACT: Trump knew about the virus in 2019!!! Trump gets all intel & later only allows Select Congress see what he wants. It doesn't matter what some powerless uninformed did or said, Trump had the power & intel and FAILED to act!

FACT: Clinton pulled the US out of Bush1 recession. Then Crybaby Repubtards impeached Clinton & he didn't miss a step, kept on & retired with Highest Popularity & Best Economy!

FACT: Clinton created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Obama created more private sector US Jobs than last 5 Republican Presidents Ford+Reagan+Bush1+Bush2+Trump COMBINED!!!

FACT: Trump Failed to get USA Masks, PPEs, hand sanitizer, etc & allowed China to take them all.

FACT: Trump Failed to get PPE's & vital supplies made here in the USA!

FACT: It don't matter if a Repubtard president follows a Democrat or Republican President, Republican Presidents ALWAYS CAUSE JOB KILLING RECESSIONS OR DEPRESSIONS.

FACT: Democrat Presidents have NEVER in History EVER caused a DEPRESSION & rarely cause recession.

You have gone mental hiding in yo momma's basement. I have mask & sanitizer & continued to work & play every day. I have been to church, wedding, rehearsal, restaurants, reception, flying around country, shopping, on vacation in Florida & running my business.
Slick Willie's economy only worked, because like a good little moderate Democrap, he willingly worked with Newt, on the Contract with America. Can you imagine that, a Democrat actually caving in to a Republican because Slick only wanted his dick to be wet.
Oh and another thing, at the end of the rapist President Bill Clinton's 2nd term, MCI/World Com, Enron went bankrupt, and the Dot Com bubble burst, sending the US into a recession, which at that time my portfolio took a 300, 000 dollar loss. But as you said, no liberal EVER had a recession....once again, here is what i think about your thinking...dumbass..
Try again stupid LIAR!!!

Repubtard President Bush2 with Republican House & Senate Stole Florida & USA Election on November 7th, 2000 causing Massive Recounts & Economic CHAOS! The Recession didn't start until March 2001. Then Bush2 caused his second Greatest Recession Dec 2007!
Time to put you on ignore you fucking moron. How do you think a recession starts because all the shit Slick Willie did to bust up the economy. Oh yeah, he also allowed jets to fly into certain buildings that killed 3,000 innocent men, women and children, while Monica was getting DNA on her dress. Those recounts down here in Broward County, funny how that county is always fuckedup with recounts, and Al Jazzera Gore, the VP of the guy who allowed the 3,000 to die, was telling US that the world was going to end up 2016. Time to say goodbye, i wont lower my IQ down to your level of 30 any more, just so you can try to converse with me. TTFN..
Clinton-cooked books?
Hidden in the morass of statistics, there is proof that the Clinton administration grossly overestimated the strength of the economy leading up to the 2000 election. Did the federal government join Enron and WorldCom in cooking the books? Through all of President Clinton's last two years in office, the announced level of before-tax profits was at least 10 percent too high -- a discrepancy rising close to 30 percent during the last presidential campaign. Most startling, the Commerce Department in 2000 showed the economy on an upswing through most of the election year while in fact it was declining.
LOL! - More Lies on top of Lies!

9/11 Terror attacks happened because Bush2 was elected 11 months prior & ignored warnings from Clinton admin, the CIA, FBI, many foreign heads of state, etc, in order to allow the attack to rally the troops to attack Iraq!!! That's also why Bush's High School Friend Tommy Franks ordered the US Military to stand down to allow Osama Bin Laden to escape to keep the war going. Obama ended that war extending Bin Laden game soon after taking office.

Next you will lie again & try to blame the Great Recession of 2007 on the Clinton's also.

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