Will Republicans impeach Obama?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Will Republicans impeach Obama? - The Week

"Here me now and believe me later," says Jonathan Chait in The New Republic: If Republicans take control of the House, they will try to impeach President Obama. They won't succeed in removing him from office, Chait says, but given that key congressmen are already calling "mini-scandals" or non-scandals impeachable offenses, you can bet that the GOP's "political warfare" will include an impeachment attempt if Obama wins a second term. Would the GOP really try?
Will Republicans impeach Obama? - The Week

"Here me now and believe me later," says Jonathan Chait in The New Republic: If Republicans take control of the House, they will try to impeach President Obama. They won't succeed in removing him from office, Chait says, but given that key congressmen are already calling "mini-scandals" or non-scandals impeachable offenses, you can bet that the GOP's "political warfare" will include an impeachment attempt if Obama wins a second term. Would the GOP really try?

No they wont. Unless they want the same people who are going to vote them back into power in a few weeks to vote them back out again.

The mandate is to end the big government programs, cut spending to reduce the deficits instead of raising taxes to do so, and to keep the government within its constitutional boundries.

If the people that get voted in fail to work for these things they will get voted out again next time around. The voting american population has changed drastically over the last 5 years, mostly thanks to Bush's decisions waking people up then obama's decisions solidifying the suspicion that both sides are screwballs who can't handle their jobs.

We are now awake and will not go back to sleep.
Will Republicans impeach Obama? - The Week

"Here me now and believe me later," says Jonathan Chait in The New Republic: If Republicans take control of the House, they will try to impeach President Obama. They won't succeed in removing him from office, Chait says, but given that key congressmen are already calling "mini-scandals" or non-scandals impeachable offenses, you can bet that the GOP's "political warfare" will include an impeachment attempt if Obama wins a second term. Would the GOP really try?

A moot point. A second term? That's laughable.
Will Republicans impeach Obama? - The Week

"Here me now and believe me later," says Jonathan Chait in The New Republic: If Republicans take control of the House, they will try to impeach President Obama. They won't succeed in removing him from office, Chait says, but given that key congressmen are already calling "mini-scandals" or non-scandals impeachable offenses, you can bet that the GOP's "political warfare" will include an impeachment attempt if Obama wins a second term. Would the GOP really try?

Did Obama leave his spunk on some intern's dress?


"Mr. Obama, I know Slick Willie, and you, sir, are no Slick Willie."
Will Republicans impeach Obama? - The Week

"Here me now and believe me later," says Jonathan Chait in The New Republic: If Republicans take control of the House, they will try to impeach President Obama. They won't succeed in removing him from office, Chait says, but given that key congressmen are already calling "mini-scandals" or non-scandals impeachable offenses, you can bet that the GOP's "political warfare" will include an impeachment attempt if Obama wins a second term. Would the GOP really try?

No they wont. Unless they want the same people who are going to vote them back into power in a few weeks to vote them back out again.

The mandate is to end the big government programs, cut spending to reduce the deficits instead of raising taxes to do so, and to keep the government within its constitutional boundries.

If the people that get voted in fail to work for these things they will get voted out again next time around. The voting american population has changed drastically over the last 5 years, mostly thanks to Bush's decisions waking people up then obama's decisions solidifying the suspicion that both sides are screwballs who can't handle their jobs.

We are now awake and will not go back to sleep.

^^This right here.

He will not win a second term either. McCain wouldn't have won a second term either.
No they wont. Unless they want the same people who are going to vote them back into power in a few weeks to vote them back out again.

Clinton's impeachment was probably the best thing to ever happen to him. It ended up outing a load of Republican hypocrits who were themselves guilty of the same sin, and generated a lot of public sympathy for him by the time it was over.

If the GOP go after Obama the same way they'll blow any political momentum they've got and give Obama ammunition to easily win in 2012. If they try it during a second Obama term, it won't go any better for them.
Many thought Clinton couldn't win a second term either. I think some people are jumping the gun. A massive Rep win this fall could be the best thing that happens to Obama. The Tea Party thing will probably fizzle out, as it becomes harder and harder to hide the crazy, IMO.
Short and long of it is yes.

They want him out..and it isn't going to happen with votes.


As soon as November comes Lame Duck season begins. His crying like a whiney baby is helping conservatives get in. Why oh why would the GOP impeach the man that is going to bring them to thier greatest level of power since Reagan?

Damn...Think of the opportunity for Republicans in 2012

If only they had a candidate capable of being elected
Last I heard he hasn't done anything thats impeachable.

If incompetence were impeachable they might have him. Hell. Half the Presidents would be impeached if that were the case.

Nope. don't think anyone will try to impeach OL'BO. Just getting him gone will suite me. LOL
This is a question that can't be answered right now. No one can say whether or not this President is going to commit Impeachable crimes in the future. So it could happen i guess. Some believe that his dealings in the Sestak/Specter affair was a bribe and therefore an Impeachable offense but we'll have to see after November if the Republicans decide to pursue that. Clinton's involvement in that deal may be enough to cover for this President. It's just impossible to know what's going to happen way into the future. Impeachable crimes are very hard to prove and are rare. Time will tell on this question.
If the GOP takes the house or the Senate, the Obama Administration is going to look exactly like the Clinton administration.

A young president elected with a fairly large lead who tried to push through progressive agenda items that fell flat, led to a GOP take-over and then a move to a moderate center by the president with huge poll numbers and an easy re-election win.

Hopefully Obama will be smart enough to not mess around on his wife and hand the ammunition to smear an otherwise highly successful presidency.
Democrats shouldn't wait for Republicans to do it. They should impeach him while they still have a majority, for making them look bad in eyes of Americans.

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