Will Obama Really Help The Middle Class in 2015?


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
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State of the Union spoilers What you need to know about Obama s proposal for the middle class - Jan. 18 2015

Obama will attempt to encourage the Middle Class but it won't help. The government has no "real" influence over the economy. The economy is controlled by the market, corporate CEOs and business interests. It's obvious. Their priority is to increase their profits at the top, and the politicians priorities are to get re-elected. When push comes to shove, they both will find ways to keep their profits by reducing time or other benefits to the worker. They have no real moral push to treat their employees better.
How do you think?

State of the Union spoilers What you need to know about Obama s proposal for the middle class - Jan. 18 2015

Obama will attempt to encourage the Middle Class but it won't help. The government has no "real" influence over the economy. The economy is controlled by the market, corporate CEOs and business interests. It's obvious. Their priority is to increase their profits at the top, and the politicians priorities are to get re-elected. When push comes to shove, they both will find ways to keep their profits by reducing time or other benefits to the worker. They have no real moral push to treat their employees better.
If things don't change, and change in a hurry, even the wealthy will be in trouble. No, Mr. Obama will not help the Middle Class, why would he do it now after doing absolutely nothing for the past 6 years? He is lost, and has absolutely no idea as to our real problems. He would have to make a 180 degree about face in order to lift us up and out of this mess. The chances of Mr. Obama and Congress actually representing this nation and her citizens is slim and none. A corrupt self-serving government is not going to promote economic growth and stability. The past 50 plus years have set the tone in Washington, and we, John Q. Public, have been excluded in legislation and policy.

If "The Washington Brotherhood" was truly interested in our well-being and prosperity, they would have acted in that manner decades ago. Don't hold your breathe waiting for the government to correct the many wrongs in this once great nation, it's not going to happen. They have gained complete power, authority, and control. They are looking out for themselves and special interest groups ONLY, as they have done for many decades now. The Middle Class has already been redefined, and will soon only exist in history books.
How do you think?

State of the Union spoilers What you need to know about Obama s proposal for the middle class - Jan. 18 2015

Obama will attempt to encourage the Middle Class but it won't help. The government has no "real" influence over the economy. The economy is controlled by the market, corporate CEOs and business interests. It's obvious. Their priority is to increase their profits at the top, and the politicians priorities are to get re-elected. When push comes to shove, they both will find ways to keep their profits by reducing time or other benefits to the worker. They have no real moral push to treat their employees better.
If things don't change, and change in a hurry, even the wealthy will be in trouble. No, Mr. Obama will not help the Middle Class, why would he do it now after doing absolutely nothing for the past 6 years? He is lost, and has absolutely no idea as to our real problems. He would have to make a 180 degree about face in order to lift us up and out of this mess. The chances of Mr. Obama and Congress actually representing this nation and her citizens is slim and none. A corrupt self-serving government is not going to promote economic growth and stability. The past 50 plus years have set the tone in Washington, and we, John Q. Public, have been excluded in legislation and policy.

If "The Washington Brotherhood" was truly interested in our well-being and prosperity, they would have acted in that manner decades ago. Don't hold your breathe waiting for the government to correct the many wrongs in this once great nation, it's not going to happen. They have gained complete power, authority, and control. They are looking out for themselves and special interest groups ONLY, as they have done for many decades now. The Middle Class has already been redefined, and will soon only exist in history books.
John Q. Public has not been excluded, JQP elected these assholes time and time again, and looked the other way while the whole basis of middle class life in the GOUSA has been under assault.

Not taxed to pay for social programs, the middle class just watched TV as the debt soared along with the numbers of "poor" on the dole.

I have no sympathy for John Q. Public.

They are reaping what they have sown.
How do you think?

State of the Union spoilers What you need to know about Obama s proposal for the middle class - Jan. 18 2015

Obama will attempt to encourage the Middle Class but it won't help. The government has no "real" influence over the economy. The economy is controlled by the market, corporate CEOs and business interests. It's obvious. Their priority is to increase their profits at the top, and the politicians priorities are to get re-elected. When push comes to shove, they both will find ways to keep their profits by reducing time or other benefits to the worker. They have no real moral push to treat their employees better.

The government DOES have influence over the economy when politics hinders the free market. Obama and friends have done much to hinder the creation of the Keystone Pipeline. That hurts! Obama and friends have over-regulated the coal industry. That hurts. Obamacare has put a bigger burden on small businesses. That hurts. And the list goes on. Obama, simply put, is an anti-American-Dream kinda guy and he's going see to it that the wealthy class and the middle class are punished by rewarding the lower class with free stuff.
How about Obama stop taking our money in the first place? All he did was spout propagate this is his 7the damn year, the income inequity had never been greater thanks to him and the feds when they were pumping in 85 billion a money a month And now we have to pay the interest on it
How about Obama stop taking our money in the first place? All he did was spout propagate this is his 7the damn year, the income inequity had never been greater thanks to him and the feds when they were pumping in 85 billion a money a month And now we have to pay the interest on it

Since he got into office he literally bailed out the very, very wealthy 1% while creating a higher level of poverty in this nation. He's nothing more than a scam artist. Alone, he's spent more money and raised our debt more than all previous Presidents combined. He's a two-faced liar and a one-man wrecking ball.

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