Will Obama practice his own "call for civility" vs Romney/GOP candidate?

Will Obama practice his call for civility vs Romney/GOP candidate?

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Feb 25, 2010
Obama himself called for civility in politics. Will he practice this vs Romney? Or the GOP candidate? The "Destroy Romney" campaign is about to begin with Obama's campaign. I thought he wanted civility, and less personal attacks? Will he practice what he called for just a few months ago?
Is Obama orchestrating the anti Romny campaign or is it some of the dem party?

Kinda like Karl Rover for Bush?
His campaign staffers have already started. Some of it involves words that aren't safe to type on the net, like the "k" word. Nasty stuff. This will be the ugliest, nastiest, filthiest left wing campaign in history. The full force of the immoral left wing and their media will be seen. Could be the political equivalent to a Star Wars epic, thats how ferocious the left is gonna become. God forbid they lose, London will look like a elementary recess scuffle compared to the rage the left will let out.
Obama's always been civil. It's the right wingers who are racist.
Obama's always been civil. It's the right wingers who are racist.

Here is the source, the DailyKos of all places: Daily Kos: Obama's Campaign Plans An All Out Negative Assault on Mitt Romney

"President Obama's advisers "are preparing to center the president's re-election campaign on a ferocious personal assault on Mitt Romney's character and business background, a strategy grounded in the early stage expectation that the former Massachusetts governor is the likely GOP nominee"

As for the right being racist......just wow. Still clinging to that rope huh?
Obama called for civility. Now plans a "ferocious personal assault" on the opponent in 2012.

Glad he's sticking to his word.
Obama's always been civil. It's the right wingers who are racist.

Here is the source, the DailyKos of all places: Daily Kos: Obama's Campaign Plans An All Out Negative Assault on Mitt Romney

"President Obama's advisers "are preparing to center the president's re-election campaign on a ferocious personal assault on Mitt Romney's character and business background, a strategy grounded in the early stage expectation that the former Massachusetts governor is the likely GOP nominee"

As for the right being racist......just wow. Still clinging to that rope huh?

Hey, I thought right wingers didn't believe what DailyKos has to say? Now they do?
So Obama's going to do something like this and pass them out at fundraisers like Republicans did?


You think he's going to stoop to something like this:

Obama's always been civil. It's the right wingers who are racist.

Here is the source, the DailyKos of all places: Daily Kos: Obama's Campaign Plans An All Out Negative Assault on Mitt Romney

"President Obama's advisers "are preparing to center the president's re-election campaign on a ferocious personal assault on Mitt Romney's character and business background, a strategy grounded in the early stage expectation that the former Massachusetts governor is the likely GOP nominee"

As for the right being racist......just wow. Still clinging to that rope huh?

Hey, I thought right wingers didn't believe what DailyKos has to say? Now they do?

Well, when even THEY are mentioning how vicious and personal Obama's campaign will be, it's hard to ignore. But the Obama campaign plans arent' a big secret. He's going dirty, going personal, and doing it early.

Guess the call for civility went down the drain with our AAA rating, huh?

Hope and Change. Gotta love it.

Rdean, our debate aside for a moment, I literally chuckled when I saw the $10 Obamabill you posted. That was messed up, but I admit it was funny.
Obama can remain 'above it all', well they can't stop his whining and bitching and demands to 'call or write your representatives!' However, this piece:

Barack Obama's 2012 plan: 'Kill Romney' - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

'Kill Romney'
By: Alexander Burns
August 9, 2011 06:53 AM EDT

Smith and Martin peer ahead at the general election:

Barack Obama’s aides and advisers are preparing to center the president’s re-election campaign on a ferocious personal assault on Mitt Romney’s character and business background, a strategy grounded in the early stage expectation that the former Massachusetts governor is the likely GOP nominee.

The dramatic and unabashedly negative turn is the product of political reality. Obama remains personally popular, but pluralities in recent polling disapprove of his handling of his job and Americans fear the country is on the wrong track. His aides are increasingly resigned to running for re-election in a glum nation. And so the candidate who ran on “hope” in 2008 has little choice four years later but to run a slashing, personal campaign aimed at disqualifying his likeliest opponent.

In a move that will make some Democrats shudder, Obama’s high command has even studied President Bush’s 2004 takedown of Sen. John F. Kerry, a senior campaign adviser told POLITICO, for clues on how a president with middling approval ratings can defeat a challenger.

“Unless things change and Obama can run on accomplishments, he will have to kill Romney,” said a prominent Democratic strategist aligned with the White House.


add that with the idiots at the Iowa State Fair the day before yesterday. No doubt their 'civility' factor is in the negatives.
Is Obama orchestrating the anti Romny campaign or is it some of the dem party?

Kinda like Karl Rover for Bush?

Bush got blamed for everything ANY republican did. You know it, I know it and everyone else knows it. Or are you saying cause it is your guy different standards?

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