Will Joe Biden show any courage and actually debate Trump on stage?

Will Joe debate Trump?

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"He says goofy things". That's what you guys have been screaming about TRUMP! for years. Now it's okay, as long as your guy does it?

Biden says goofy things.

Trump says mean-spirited, racist, misogynist and homophobic things...
You are aware of Biden's racist statements, right? You know, the ones for which he was granted automatic forgiveness?

You mean like when he said Obama was articulate, bright and clean??? :laughing0301:
That and when he said you had to have an Indian accent to go into a 7-11.

Imagine if our President told black people that they are not really black if they don't vote for him, or that poor kids are just as bright as white kids. My Lord, it would be splattered all over the media for years.
He didn't oppose social distancing, but he opposed stay at home orders. He's a Republican, so he supports the US Constitution. Look at the wonderful results of cities that had stay at home orders.

I do. I look at the fact we didn't have what is happening in the Jesusland states right now.

You are aware of Biden's racist statements, right? You know, the ones for which he was granted automatic forgiveness?

Yes, when you spend 40 years fighting for civil rights, you get forgiveness for badly chosen words.

When you insist on murdering innocent black boys because you can't admit you made a mistake, not so much.
He didn't oppose social distancing, but he opposed stay at home orders. He's a Republican, so he supports the US Constitution. Look at the wonderful results of cities that had stay at home orders.

I do. I look at the fact we didn't have what is happening in the Jesusland states right now.

You are aware of Biden's racist statements, right? You know, the ones for which he was granted automatic forgiveness?

Yes, when you spend 40 years fighting for civil rights, you get forgiveness for badly chosen words.

When you insist on murdering innocent black boys because you can't admit you made a mistake, not so much.
Yes, when you spend 40 years fighting for civil rights,

And yet, we still have systemic racism according to your ilk.

That makes Crazy Joe a massive failure in that "40 year fight", huh?
I do. I look at the fact we didn't have what is happening in the Jesusland states right now.

What do we have in Jesus Land? Did you look at the Covid map lately?

Yes, when you spend 40 years fighting for civil rights, you get forgiveness for badly chosen words.

Multiple times?

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh

When you insist on murdering innocent black boys because you can't admit you made a mistake, not so much.

Did any of the commies in those lib cities admit any mistakes? How about yours? I don't recall Beetlejuice making such a confession. How many blacks have died because of their inaction?
He didn't oppose social distancing, but he opposed stay at home orders. He's a Republican, so he supports the US Constitution. Look at the wonderful results of cities that had stay at home orders.

I do. I look at the fact we didn't have what is happening in the Jesusland states right now.

You are aware of Biden's racist statements, right? You know, the ones for which he was granted automatic forgiveness?

Yes, when you spend 40 years fighting for civil rights, you get forgiveness for badly chosen words.

When you insist on murdering innocent black boys because you can't admit you made a mistake, not so much.
You mean like Trump says badly chosen words, then opens his properties to minorities and Jews when it wasn't popular and was toasted by Civil Rights leaders? Face it, though, QPJ can't duck his responsibility. Every time he opens his mouth to complain about the state of the government, he's complaining about himself.
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He didn't oppose social distancing, but he opposed stay at home orders. He's a Republican, so he supports the US Constitution. Look at the wonderful results of cities that had stay at home orders.

I do. I look at the fact we didn't have what is happening in the Jesusland states right now.

You are aware of Biden's racist statements, right? You know, the ones for which he was granted automatic forgiveness?

Yes, when you spend 40 years fighting for civil rights, you get forgiveness for badly chosen words.

When you insist on murdering innocent black boys because you can't admit you made a mistake, not so much.
You mean like Trump says badly chosen words, then opens his properties to minorities and Jews when it wasn't popular and was toasted by Civil Rights leaders? Face it, though, QPJ can't duck his responsibility. Every time he opens his mouth to complain about the state of the government, he's complaining about himself.

These leftists are so comical. It's not a wonder why Fox and AM radio shows use their words and recordings for entertainment on their shows.

When a Republican says something without thinking, he or she is a complete racist or liar. When a Democrat does the same thing, he or she "misspoke." If a Republican switches opinion on an issue, they are a flip-flopper. When a Democrat does the same thing, they "evolved."

It's hard to believe their supporters are stupid enough to buy all this BS. But it is what it is.
Maybe Crazy Joe will show up if he gets his Boost before the debates...........

And yet, we still have systemic racism according to your ilk.

That makes Crazy Joe a massive failure in that "40 year fight", huh?

No, it makes AMERICA a failure. We have failed to address this issue. That's why we have riots in the streets right now.
Wait. What?

Make up your mind. Has Crazy Joe been "fighting for it for over 40 years", or have we failed to address the issue?
And yet, we still have systemic racism according to your ilk.

That makes Crazy Joe a massive failure in that "40 year fight", huh?

No, it makes AMERICA a failure. We have failed to address this issue. That's why we have riots in the streets right now.
Wait. What?

Make up your mind. Has Crazy Joe been "fighting for it for over 40 years", or have we failed to address the issue?

No matter who does what, the Democrats can never let go of the race issue. It's the backbone of their power.

As years progressed, less and less incidents involving actual racism have happened, and just about disappeared. How to keep the race issue going? Make race an issue where it's actually not.

George Floyd sparked off riots all across the country. It was considered to be a racial problem. Why? The officer and suspect were of different race, that's all. Nobody said anything racial, race was not even hinted during the arrest, the officer had no prior issues with people of color. He was white and the suspect was black. That's grounds to categorize it as a race problem as far as the left is concerned.

I defy anybody on the left to show me where the MSM pointed out actual statistics of race and police shootings. I defy anybody on the left to show me where the MSM pointed out unarmed white suspects get shot and killed every year by police as well. It's never reported. Why? Because that would weaken their movement of racism in this country.
George Floyd sparked off riots all across the country. It was considered to be a racial problem. Why? The officer and suspect were of different race, that's all. Nobody said anything racial, race was not even hinted during the arrest, the officer had no prior issues with people of color. He was white and the suspect was black. That's grounds to categorize it as a race problem as far as the left is concerned.

That and he had 18 previous incidents of abusing the civil rights of people of color.

I defy anybody on the left to show me where the MSM pointed out actual statistics of race and police shootings. I defy anybody on the left to show me where the MSM pointed out unarmed white suspects get shot and killed every year by police as well. It's never reported. Why? Because that would weaken their movement of racism in this country.

If unarmed white people are being murdered by the police, then that's our own fault for not holding them to account.

The problem is, when they shoot a kid playing with a toy, or some guy selling cigarettes, or a guy who accidently passed a fake $20, these are not incidents ANYONE should have died over. But they did.

And frankly, 8 years of peacefully asking for reform didn't work. Guess what, riots might be bad, but we are going to see real reform now that the property of rich white people might get burned. Rich whites are happy to throw you under the bus, and you keep cheering them on when they do it.
That and he had 18 previous incidents of abusing the civil rights of people of color.

Incidents or accusations? Big difference. Any link to your claim?

If unarmed white people are being murdered by the police, then that's our own fault for not holding them to account.

Unarmed white people do get killed by police. I've told you repeatedly, an attacker does not have to armed for a citizen or police officer to use deadly force. Completely legal, and that's never going to change.

The problem is, when they shoot a kid playing with a toy, or some guy selling cigarettes, or a guy who accidently passed a fake $20, these are not incidents ANYONE should have died over. But they did.

Refusing to obey police commands is. Every single case where the death of a suspect took place, they all didn't obey police commands. Every one would be alive today if they had.

The reason we need to keep Democrats out of power is because they don't possess an ounce of logic. They are all just like you who want a disarmed public and an escalation of violent crime. When a problem comes up, don't look for the simplest and safest way to solve it. Promote protests and riots instead, and solve nothing.

And frankly, 8 years of peacefully asking for reform didn't work. Guess what, riots might be bad, but we are going to see real reform now that the property of rich white people might get burned. Rich whites are happy to throw you under the bus, and you keep cheering them on when they do it.

Peacefully? We had three riots in those eight years, not to mention dozens and dozens of dead police officers. You call that peaceful?

You people always talk about reform. Okay, what reform? When the police need to arrest somebody and they resist, what reform would you like to see there? When a suspect fights with police, what do you want them to do, just let the guy go? If a suspect runs away from the police, should they not chase him? If a suspect pulls a weapon on officers, should your reform include the officer must be shot or knifed first before he can shoot the suspect? What reforms? Give us a few examples.
No, we have riots in the street because blacks refuse to obey authorities.

No, we have riots in the streets because cops abuse minorities and Trump cheers them on.

They've figured out the most important thing. There are more of them than there are of you.

I doubt we have more criminals than model citizens. Maybe in your world perhaps.
100% no because Demonicrats cheat in debates no matter who it is, proven. Right in our faces too.

As for Biden meeting up with Trump head-to-head, I'm 60/40 he won't. PROGS will be PROG-COVID trying to get out of it. Either way, boy is Trump going to clean clock in November.

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