Will Biden be ready to lose Afghanistan?


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
A good article that clearly illustrates the bad situation America faces.

The election of biden was based on nothing more than a fantasy that he could return things to 'normal' by being 'nice' which the propagandists pounded into the heads of all those who rely on the msm to get the news and political insight.

This fantasy was the driving force behind the phenomenon of older white women abandoning the republican party and voting for a old fragile tottering fool....they though Trump was mean and a bully whilst biden would be much nicer. Where were they when biden was calling female students 'dog faced pony soldiers'?

A good article that clearly illustrates the bad situation America faces.

The bad situation we face is having a CIC like Joe Biden:

  • We are out to contain mighty China, a peer competitor with four times our population.

  • We are containing Vladimir Putin's Russia, whose strategic arsenal is comparable to our own.

  • Our national debt is now larger than our national economy.

  • We are running deficits unseen since the late days of World War II.

  • A migrant invasion appears to be shaping up on our 2,000-mile Southern border.

  • Our country is as divided as it has been since the Civil War. And we seek to remain the nation that writes the rules for the world order in the 21st century.

Something's gotta give.

deep fake.gif
Well let see, US troops have been there since 2001 thanks to GB and the gift that keeps on giving.

Russian was there for 10 years before withdrawing or just gave up. No mas

Yet Trump did all he could to withdraw any remaining troops and managed to downsize it to 2500 troops. He was working to get the rest out but he lost the election. He did not bother to consult with NATO. So according to Trump there was no need for further American troops and let's have NATO handle it alone.

Now Biden has to decide what to do . Continue or remain the same or increase.

The difference is at least Biden will consult with NATO allies before making that decision. 20 years and what is there to show for it. Well maybe they got rid of some undesirables.

Yet that is American history . Stop communist aggression. Then it became stop Islamic extremist aggression and also to stop any Chinese aggression.
A good article that clearly illustrates the bad situation America faces.

The election of biden was based on nothing more than a fantasy that he could return things to 'normal' by being 'nice' which the propagandists pounded into the heads of all those who rely on the msm to get the news and political insight.

This fantasy was the driving force behind the phenomenon of older white women abandoning the republican party and voting for a old fragile tottering fool....they though Trump was mean and a bully whilst biden would be much nicer. Where were they when biden was calling female students 'dog faced pony soldiers'?

No, they are making excuses for more troops in the ME and more stupid fucking wars. Wake up.
The difference is at least Biden will consult with NATO allies before making that decision.
You’re an idiot. NATO is the United States with some token add on forces from other countries. They wouldn’t be able to find their ass from a hole in the ground without the US.
So wait, right wingers... are you anti-war because the Pentagon wouldn't let Trump play with the cool toys or pro-war now because Biden has to clean up Trump's mess?

Anyway, the problem is our situation has been deteriorating in Afghanistan for years, because if you held an election tomorrow, the Taliban would probably win. They offend our sensibilities, but they reflect the sensibilities of the Pashtun majority.

The Window of opportunity to make it into a western democracy was probably very small, and squandered by Bush in the early oughts. Obama tried to prop up Karzai even after Karzai stole the 2009 election.
So wait, right wingers... are you anti-war because the Pentagon wouldn't let Trump play with the cool toys or pro-war now because Biden has to clean up Trump's mess?

Anyway, the problem is our situation has been deteriorating in Afghanistan for years, because if you held an election tomorrow, the Taliban would probably win. They offend our sensibilities, but they reflect the sensibilities of the Pashtun majority.

The Window of opportunity to make it into a western democracy was probably very small, and squandered by Bush in the early oughts. Obama tried to prop up Karzai even after Karzai stole the 2009 election.
democrats love war...they got to pump big dollars to their supporters in the military...trump wanted to get out of all wars but they idea made libtards foam at mouths
Well let see, US troops have been there since 2001 thanks to GB and the gift that keeps on giving.

Russian was there for 10 years before withdrawing or just gave up. No mas

Yet Trump did all he could to withdraw any remaining troops and managed to downsize it to 2500 troops. He was working to get the rest out but he lost the election. He did not bother to consult with NATO. So according to Trump there was no need for further American troops and let's have NATO handle it alone.

Now Biden has to decide what to do . Continue or remain the same or increase.

The difference is at least Biden will consult with NATO allies before making that decision. 20 years and what is there to show for it. Well maybe they got rid of some undesirables.

Yet that is American history . Stop communist aggression. Then it became stop Islamic extremist aggression and also to stop any Chinese aggression.
biden better get somebody to make decisions for him and get him some fresh depends
Well let see, US troops have been there since 2001 thanks to GB and the gift that keeps on giving.

Russian was there for 10 years before withdrawing or just gave up. No mas

Yet Trump did all he could to withdraw any remaining troops and managed to downsize it to 2500 troops. He was working to get the rest out but he lost the election. He did not bother to consult with NATO. So according to Trump there was no need for further American troops and let's have NATO handle it alone.

Now Biden has to decide what to do . Continue or remain the same or increase.

The difference is at least Biden will consult with NATO allies before making that decision. 20 years and what is there to show for it. Well maybe they got rid of some undesirables.

Yet that is American history . Stop communist aggression. Then it became stop Islamic extremist aggression and also to stop any Chinese aggression.
with allies like NATO we would be better off allying with the taliban
A good article that clearly illustrates the bad situation America faces.

The election of biden was based on nothing more than a fantasy that he could return things to 'normal' by being 'nice' which the propagandists pounded into the heads of all those who rely on the msm to get the news and political insight.

This fantasy was the driving force behind the phenomenon of older white women abandoning the republican party and voting for a old fragile tottering fool....they though Trump was mean and a bully whilst biden would be much nicer. Where were they when biden was calling female students 'dog faced pony soldiers'?

poor old senile Joe...he can still read a teleprompter...so far his eyes havent started bleedin again
democrats love war...they got to pump big dollars to their supporters in the military...trump wanted to get out of all wars but they idea made libtards foam at mouths

Really? Who got us into Afghanistan to start with? Oh, yeah, that was Bush. And who got us into Iraq? Um, Bush again.

I mean, it's funny to watch you guys all act like a Hippy Drum circle because the one thing you can almost say about Trump is he didn't blunder into any wars (not for a lack of trying), but that had to do more with the fact the Penatgon openly opposed him.

with allies like NATO we would be better off allying with the taliban

And it's always fun to watch you guys turn on the institutions you used to support because Trump had a temper tantrum.

Me, I worry when I see a President cozy up to Putin, Kim and the Taliban and badmouth NATO and our other allies.
A good article that clearly illustrates the bad situation America faces.

The election of biden was based on nothing more than a fantasy that he could return things to 'normal' by being 'nice' which the propagandists pounded into the heads of all those who rely on the msm to get the news and political insight.

This fantasy was the driving force behind the phenomenon of older white women abandoning the republican party and voting for a old fragile tottering fool....they though Trump was mean and a bully whilst biden would be much nicer. Where were they when biden was calling female students 'dog faced pony soldiers'?

You do know that China has accomplished a lot in Afghanistan in the past decade with mining operations and their new railroad? Its called soft power...

Afghanistan needs the transit income from a gas pipeline from the Stans to India. Commerce and jobs are the way forward for Afghanis.. In fact, one result of China's soft power has been a surge in new, small businesses in the north.

Newsmax is pretty biased and ignorant.

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