The one man the West should find and hire to give them the spine to stand up to China

The US has been pushing China around for a long time. Now that the Chinese are getting the upper hand economically and very likely militarily, the idiot hegemonic fools in DC want war to slow down China. It’s a policy that isn't likely to work this time, because the US is a crumbling empire.

Yeah China does shit to the US, but it’s in response to the constant shit we do to them. It’s funny how westerners like you look at this relationship. China responds to constant provocations with provocations and you blame them for their provocations, and try to claim the US is a victim.
Pushing China around as they stole the Spratley Islands and expanded their shores into International waters?

How about the hundreds of air drills at the Taiwan border?

Give it a break. Are you a paid shill?
Trump announced that he was going to hit China with 100% tariffs. Reagan did the same to Japan by the way, an ally! I hear Biden is going to copy Trump to try and score some late minute voters, all it does at this stage in the race is reaffirm Trumps policies as being attractive.

Trump is going to go hard against the poisons coming over your border too. Just the votes from those who lost family members to this will be significant. Mexico is getting the ingredients from China who are returning the favour of the Opium Wars except it is the wrong country, the new country they wish to usurp however.
Late minute? All Trump’s tariffs did was jump start inflation. Biden has increased jobs by ignoring China and bringing production home. This reminds me of the joke from “How I Met Your Mother”, that in Canada the 80s didn’t arrive until the 90s! You’re ten years behind the times. No one except apologists for the CCP take them seriously anymore.
Late minute? All Trump’s tariffs did was jump start inflation. Biden has increased jobs by ignoring China and bringing production home. This reminds me of the joke from “How I Met Your Mother”, that in Canada the 80s didn’t arrive until the 90s! You’re ten years behind the times. No one except apologists for the CCP take them seriously anymore.
You're quite hostile.
Pushing China around as they stole the Spratley Islands and expanded their shores into International waters?

How about the hundreds of air drills at the Taiwan border?

Give it a break. Are you a paid shill?
You are one of the most uninformed posters on this forum. You completely bought the neocon narrative against China. Why would anyone believe neocons, but you do? They’ve never been right about anything.

You probably still believe W and his minions multiple lies about Saddam and Iraq.

Typical dumb ass…you complain about China responding to US provocations thinking only China is provocative. Dumb and uninformed.
You are one of the most uninformed posters on this forum. You completely bought the neocon narrative against China. Why would anyone believe neocons, but you do? They’ve never been right about anything.

You probably still believe W and his minions multiple lies about Saddam and Iraq.

Typical dumb ass…you complain about China responding to US provocations thinking only China is provocative. Dumb and uninformed.
Umm no, I receive most of my information from European news sources actually. DW in Germany, France 24, BBC etc. Clearly it is you who is misinformed or perhaps willingly ignorant.
Umm no, I receive most of my information from European news sources actually. DW in Germany, France 24, BBC etc. Clearly it is you who is misinformed or perhaps willingly ignorant.
You side with the corrupt establishment and think you’re right. LMFAO!

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