Will America be Annihilated Because of the Marxist Atheist Left? I Still Hold Out Hope Not. Here’s Why.


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2022
Ladies and gentlemen, you recall Mashmont wrote a well-received thread that the federal government is forcing atheism on the country by pushing godless laws. I also said if that trend continues, and more Americans are convinced to abandon God, then America will be destroyed and taken over probably by Communist China, our people placed in bondage l with millions being murdered.

But I hold out hope. Why? Because as a practicing Catholic, I am optimistic and cheerful. Also, I pray. I’ve prayed hard for years. Ever since 0bama ‘won’ the 2012 election. I decided only God could help us at that point. So I prayed the rosary every day for four years. Every single day. Never missed. The first prayer miracle that happened was the evil Hillary Clinton lost in 2016. Completely against all odds. President Trump was installed by God, expressly to save the country. Imagine. Had Hillary been president we have had three more atheist Marxist Supreme Court Justices. But as it is, the three great Catholic conservative justices are the only thin thread saving us from falling into the pit of Gehenna. Without them, Roe v Wade wouldn’t be in jeopardy. God also tripped up Ginsburg in her own hubris snares. The haughty Ginsburg believed she was indispensable to the Marxist cause, and was so confident Hillary would win, she put off retirement. When she died, millions of babies were saved. I of course didn’t pray for her death. I only prayed that abortion be stopped. God answered.

I also prayed about the 2020 election, but started only that July. I had become somewhat lax, confident of a Trump victory. I think God allowing the stealing of the 2020 election was a wake up call to get serious about prayer again, and I have. At the time, the stolen 2020 election seemed very bleak. But as is always the case, God has a bigger plan. I believe it will prompt states to guard against future heists. Also, by installing the senile incompetent Biden, God may be setting the table for a triumphant return of President Trump or some other able conservative. If we get through four years with only one liberal-for-liberal justice swap, the stage may be set for Trump to flip one or two USSC seats, perhaps leaving Roberts, the black lady and one of the lesbians as the only leftists remaining, giving us a 6-3 majority.

Guys, I just don’t think God is ready to discard the American experiment yet. Things are happening. Abortion in jeopardy, Twitter reformed allowing free speech again, massive Democrat corruption exposed that could even bring 0bama down, BLM exposed as a corrupt fraud, CRT ridiculed, and President Trump a real threat to win in 2024. Not dead and buried as the left had hoped. I think we will be saved and come back better than ever. Yes, the world will someday end in a cataclysm. But I don’t believe that time is now.
Ladies and gentlemen, you recall Mashmont wrote a well-received thread that the federal government is forcing atheism on the country by pushing godless laws. I also said if that trend continues, and more Americans are convinced to abandon God, then America will be destroyed and taken over probably by Communist China, our people placed in bondage l with millions being murdered.

But I hold out hope. Why? Because as a practicing Catholic, I am optimistic and cheerful. Also, I pray. I’ve prayed hard for years. Ever since 0bama ‘won’ the 2012 election. I decided only God could help us at that point. So I prayed the rosary every day for four years. Every single day. Never missed. The first prayer miracle that happened was the evil Hillary Clinton lost in 2016. Completely against all odds. President Trump was installed by God, expressly to save the country. Imagine. Had Hillary been president we have had three more atheist Marxist Supreme Court Justices. But as it is, the three great Catholic conservative justices are the only thin thread saving us from falling into the pit of Gehenna. Without them, Roe v Wade wouldn’t be in jeopardy. God also tripped up Ginsburg in her own hubris snares. The haughty Ginsburg believed she was indispensable to the Marxist cause, and was so confident Hillary would win, she put off retirement. When she died, millions of babies were saved. I of course didn’t pray for her death. I only prayed that abortion be stopped. God answered.

I also prayed about the 2020 election, but started only that July. I had become somewhat lax, confident of a Trump victory. I think God allowing the stealing of the 2020 election was a wake up call to get serious about prayer again, and I have. At the time, the stolen 2020 election seemed very bleak. But as is always the case, God has a bigger plan. I believe it will prompt states to guard against future heists. Also, by installing the senile incompetent Biden, God may be setting the table for a triumphant return of President Trump or some other able conservative. If we get through four years with only one liberal-for-liberal justice swap, the stage may be set for Trump to flip one or two USSC seats, perhaps leaving Roberts, the black lady and one of the lesbians as the only leftists remaining, giving us a 6-3 majority.

Guys, I just don’t think God is ready to discard the American experiment yet. Things are happening. Abortion in jeopardy, Twitter reformed allowing free speech again, massive Democrat corruption exposed that could even bring 0bama down, BLM exposed as a corrupt fraud, CRT ridiculed, and President Trump a real threat to win in 2024. Not dead and buried as the left had hoped. I think we will be saved and come back better than ever. Yes, the world will someday end in a cataclysm. But I don’t believe that time is now.
No America will not be annihilated. You’re being a hyperbolic drama Queen again. Calm down and live your life, everything is just fine
Ladies and gentlemen, you recall Mashmont wrote a well-received thread that the federal government is forcing atheism on the country by pushing godless laws. I also said if that trend continues, and more Americans are convinced to abandon God, then America will be destroyed and taken over probably by Communist China, our people placed in bondage l with millions being murdered.

But I hold out hope. Why? Because as a practicing Catholic, I am optimistic and cheerful. Also, I pray. I’ve prayed hard for years. Ever since 0bama ‘won’ the 2012 election. I decided only God could help us at that point. So I prayed the rosary every day for four years. Every single day. Never missed. The first prayer miracle that happened was the evil Hillary Clinton lost in 2016. Completely against all odds. President Trump was installed by God, expressly to save the country. Imagine. Had Hillary been president we have had three more atheist Marxist Supreme Court Justices. But as it is, the three great Catholic conservative justices are the only thin thread saving us from falling into the pit of Gehenna. Without them, Roe v Wade wouldn’t be in jeopardy. God also tripped up Ginsburg in her own hubris snares. The haughty Ginsburg believed she was indispensable to the Marxist cause, and was so confident Hillary would win, she put off retirement. When she died, millions of babies were saved. I of course didn’t pray for her death. I only prayed that abortion be stopped. God answered.

I also prayed about the 2020 election, but started only that July. I had become somewhat lax, confident of a Trump victory. I think God allowing the stealing of the 2020 election was a wake up call to get serious about prayer again, and I have. At the time, the stolen 2020 election seemed very bleak. But as is always the case, God has a bigger plan. I believe it will prompt states to guard against future heists. Also, by installing the senile incompetent Biden, God may be setting the table for a triumphant return of President Trump or some other able conservative. If we get through four years with only one liberal-for-liberal justice swap, the stage may be set for Trump to flip one or two USSC seats, perhaps leaving Roberts, the black lady and one of the lesbians as the only leftists remaining, giving us a 6-3 majority.

Guys, I just don’t think God is ready to discard the American experiment yet. Things are happening. Abortion in jeopardy, Twitter reformed allowing free speech again, massive Democrat corruption exposed that could even bring 0bama down, BLM exposed as a corrupt fraud, CRT ridiculed, and President Trump a real threat to win in 2024. Not dead and buried as the left had hoped. I think we will be saved and come back better than ever. Yes, the world will someday end in a cataclysm. But I don’t believe that time is now.
Throughout the OT, God always told the Israelites that they would be blessed in their land if they follow Him. Their safety was always depended upon the "IF" - "THEN" concept. If you keep my commandments, then I will protect you. You will still be free to choose and will still have life challenges. But, I will be with you. Same with us. The end of America is also an "if" we keep his commandments, "then" he will protect us. We will have our free moral agency to choose good or evil, but he will provide a way to protect our nation and the world. The key is then do we have enough people in America that are keeping His commandments and with God? I'm not as encouraged about this as you are. But, continue to pray.
Throughout the OT, God always told the Israelites that they would be blessed in their land if they follow Him. Their safety was always depended upon the "IF" - "THEN" concept. If you keep my commandments, then I will protect you. You will still be free to choose and will still have life challenges. But, I will be with you. Same with us. The end of America is also an "if" we keep his commandments, "then" he will protect us. We will have our free moral agency to choose good or evil, but he will provide a way to protect our nation and the world. The key is then do we have enough people in America that are keeping His commandments and with God? I'm not as encouraged about this as you are. But, continue to pray.
Well, it will ultimately end bad. I'm just praying it's not quite yet.
Well, it will ultimately end bad. I'm just praying it's not quite yet.
Same here. I'd like my children and grandchildren to have great opportunities of life too. But, Putin may have other ideas. He may be the 13th Imam and just following out Muslim orders.
Ladies and gentlemen, you recall Mashmont wrote a well-received thread that the federal government is forcing atheism on the country by pushing godless laws. I also said if that trend continues, and more Americans are convinced to abandon God, then America will be destroyed and taken over probably by Communist China, our people placed in bondage l with millions being murdered.

But I hold out hope. Why? Because as a practicing Catholic, I am optimistic and cheerful. Also, I pray. I’ve prayed hard for years. Ever since 0bama ‘won’ the 2012 election. I decided only God could help us at that point. So I prayed the rosary every day for four years. Every single day. Never missed. The first prayer miracle that happened was the evil Hillary Clinton lost in 2016. Completely against all odds. President Trump was installed by God, expressly to save the country. Imagine. Had Hillary been president we have had three more atheist Marxist Supreme Court Justices. But as it is, the three great Catholic conservative justices are the only thin thread saving us from falling into the pit of Gehenna. Without them, Roe v Wade wouldn’t be in jeopardy. God also tripped up Ginsburg in her own hubris snares. The haughty Ginsburg believed she was indispensable to the Marxist cause, and was so confident Hillary would win, she put off retirement. When she died, millions of babies were saved. I of course didn’t pray for her death. I only prayed that abortion be stopped. God answered.

I also prayed about the 2020 election, but started only that July. I had become somewhat lax, confident of a Trump victory. I think God allowing the stealing of the 2020 election was a wake up call to get serious about prayer again, and I have. At the time, the stolen 2020 election seemed very bleak. But as is always the case, God has a bigger plan. I believe it will prompt states to guard against future heists. Also, by installing the senile incompetent Biden, God may be setting the table for a triumphant return of President Trump or some other able conservative. If we get through four years with only one liberal-for-liberal justice swap, the stage may be set for Trump to flip one or two USSC seats, perhaps leaving Roberts, the black lady and one of the lesbians as the only leftists remaining, giving us a 6-3 majority.

Guys, I just don’t think God is ready to discard the American experiment yet. Things are happening. Abortion in jeopardy, Twitter reformed allowing free speech again, massive Democrat corruption exposed that could even bring 0bama down, BLM exposed as a corrupt fraud, CRT ridiculed, and President Trump a real threat to win in 2024. Not dead and buried as the left had hoped. I think we will be saved and come back better than ever. Yes, the world will someday end in a cataclysm. But I don’t believe that time is now.

You really shouldn't get into the gin so much.

God didn't install Trump. Good Americans who were disgusted at the thought of a Hillary presidency did that. Your prayers accomplished nothing.

I do hope that conservatism secures its foothold, though, as I certainly lean that way (although I am pro-choice)...
You really shouldn't get into the gin so much.

God didn't install Trump. Good Americans who were disgusted at the thought of a Hillary presidency did that. Your prayers accomplished nothing.

I do hope that conservatism secures its foothold, though, as I certainly lean that way (although I am pro-choice)...
If you're so-called pro-choice, then you ain't a conservative.
If you're so-called pro-choice, then you ain't a conservative.

Well, thankfully, some internet pinhead isn't the guy who gets to decide where my opinions reside. See, I'm not the type of conservative you are. I don't need someone to tell me what to believe and how to worship. I can make my own decisions, and I'm free to characterize them as I see fit. Your opinion, truly, could not be more meaningless to me.

I don't want the government telling a woman what she can and cannot do. That's between the woman, her physician and whatever god she believes in.

I'm not in favor of abortion, at all. It's an abhorrent practice. It's disgusting. But my personal repulsion to abortion in no way convinces me that the government should be the ones who decide what happens in the case of a pregnancy. It absolutely should not. What's next? What happens when you're the one sitting there, needing medical treatment, and you have to wait for the government to decide if you get the treatment you need? How about when the government starts to play with eugenics?

That may be fine for you, but not for intelligent, sane people in this country...
. See, I'm not the type of conservative you are.
I know. You're the Susan Collins type of 'conservative'.
I don't want the government telling a woman what she can and cannot do. That's between the woman, her physician and whatever god she believes in.

I'm not in favor of abortion, at all. It's an abhorrent practice. It's disgusting. But my personal repulsion to abortion in no way convinces me that the government should be the ones who decide what happens in the case of a pregnancy.
That's the leftwing copout. So let's change the word from abortion to rape. Would you also say it's none of the government's business what a man what he can and cannot do with this body? That it should be a man's 'choice'?
Ladies and gentlemen, you recall Mashmont wrote a well-received thread that the federal government blahblahblahblah...

Do you often talk about yourself in the third person?

That's indicative of a mental disorder, you know...
I know. You're the Susan Collins type of 'conservative'.

Meh... never really paid attention to her politics aside from knowing she's a Republican...

That's the leftwing copout. So let's change the word from abortion to rape.

No, we're not going to take something illegal and equate it to something which is legal.

That's fucking retarded...

Would you also say it's none of the government's business what a man what he can and cannot do with this body? That it should be a man's 'choice'?

Um... what?
All nations will come against Israel. That means all belong to the NWO, led by the anti-christ. The present Pope is a big supporter of the UN/NWO. That's worrisome.
Put you hope in Jesus. Normal isn't coming back. Jesus is... :)

They already did. Foreign garrisons fought under Titus. It was a short cut to Roman citizenship. The Roman empire was the known world.

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