Will America be Annihilated Because of the Marxist Atheist Left? I Still Hold Out Hope Not. Here’s Why.

What I'm getting from u is that ur not aware of any laissez-faire environments unless the state has atheism as the official religion. In contrast, I'm not aware of any government w/ atheism being the state religion w/o extreme totalitarianism. My other thought is you'd be absolutely apposed to any suggestion from me of any place where the general population is theist and is at the same time egalitarian and open.

So it seems we're stuck.

Atheism isn't a religion.. so I repeat, which countries are you talking about?
You're an illiterate. All means, all as in, all. If the Bible was referring just to the Roman Empire it would have said, all life in the Roman Empire. Did Titus sword all life off the earth and if so who is typing this?

The sword is the truth from the mouth of Jesus. Where on earth did you go to Sunday school and church?
No sword is mentioned in the prophecy we are discussing. Conflagration is. The sun will go dark. Flesh will melt off the bones before the bones hit the ground. Eyeballs disintegrate. Land burned, water turned to wormwood. (In a dictionary, the Ukrainian word for wormwood, a bitter wild herb used as a tonic in rural Russia: chernobyl)

You are so extremely short sighted, you ignore facts to avoid the inevitable. It simply hasn't happened yet...
No sword is mentioned in the prophecy we are discussing. Conflagration is. The sun will go dark. Flesh will melt off the bones before the bones hit the ground. Eyeballs disintegrate. Land burned, water turned to wormwood. (In a dictionary, the Ukrainian word for wormwood, a bitter wild herb used as a tonic in rural Russia: chernobyl)

You are so extremely short sighted, you ignore facts to avoid the inevitable. It simply hasn't happened yet...

Post the verses please.
No sword is mentioned in the prophecy we are discussing. Conflagration is. The sun will go dark. Flesh will melt off the bones before the bones hit the ground. Eyeballs disintegrate. Land burned, water turned to wormwood. (In a dictionary, the Ukrainian word for wormwood, a bitter wild herb used as a tonic in rural Russia: chernobyl)

You are so extremely short sighted, you ignore facts to avoid the inevitable. It simply hasn't happened yet...


You're talking about Zechariah 14. That's about the Maccabean war.
Does hyper-religiousity make people more vulnerable to brain washing?
You've heard the old saying "If you don't believe in God, you'll believe anything". I think that's valid. So many atheist believe in the MMGW sky fairy, for example. So many of them believe in numerous sexes, so many of them believe there is a biological stage called "not yet alive".
Lol.. okay. You reject science and education... And, think those who don't must be atheists.
There is no scientific evidence man caused or could cause the global temperature to rise. There is also no scientific basis whatsoever for predicting future temperatures to rise. These are random predictions, no more reliable than predicting the next spin of the roulette wheel.
Lol.. okay. You reject science and education... And, think those who don't must be atheists.
It is neither science nor education. It was a few scientists from schools that receive a lot of government money answering a government questionnaire that Obama turned into 99.999999 of all scientists agree bullshit.

We have no effect on the effect that the sun has on our climate. It is weather. Solar minimum and solar maximum determine our temperature. The Liberal World Order is sucking money out of your pocket and giving it to other people because you are spoiled and have too much. They have told you that. You are too brainwashed to listen and comprehend...
Here is the man in the UN that gives all that money of ours away to whomever he wants. Listen to what he is saying directly to you:

IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer, speaking in November 2010: “…one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth...”
Do you understand plain English?????

In fact, listen to ALL OF THEM:
Ladies and gentlemen, you recall Mashmont wrote a well-received thread that the federal government is forcing atheism on the country by pushing godless laws. I also said if that trend continues, and more Americans are convinced to abandon God, then America will be destroyed and taken over probably by Communist China, our people placed in bondage l with millions being murdered.

But I hold out hope. Why? Because as a practicing Catholic, I am optimistic and cheerful. Also, I pray. I’ve prayed hard for years. Ever since 0bama ‘won’ the 2012 election. I decided only God could help us at that point. So I prayed the rosary every day for four years. Every single day. Never missed. The first prayer miracle that happened was the evil Hillary Clinton lost in 2016. Completely against all odds. President Trump was installed by God, expressly to save the country. Imagine. Had Hillary been president we have had three more atheist Marxist Supreme Court Justices. But as it is, the three great Catholic conservative justices are the only thin thread saving us from falling into the pit of Gehenna. Without them, Roe v Wade wouldn’t be in jeopardy. God also tripped up Ginsburg in her own hubris snares. The haughty Ginsburg believed she was indispensable to the Marxist cause, and was so confident Hillary would win, she put off retirement. When she died, millions of babies were saved. I of course didn’t pray for her death. I only prayed that abortion be stopped. God answered.

I also prayed about the 2020 election, but started only that July. I had become somewhat lax, confident of a Trump victory. I think God allowing the stealing of the 2020 election was a wake up call to get serious about prayer again, and I have. At the time, the stolen 2020 election seemed very bleak. But as is always the case, God has a bigger plan. I believe it will prompt states to guard against future heists. Also, by installing the senile incompetent Biden, God may be setting the table for a triumphant return of President Trump or some other able conservative. If we get through four years with only one liberal-for-liberal justice swap, the stage may be set for Trump to flip one or two USSC seats, perhaps leaving Roberts, the black lady and one of the lesbians as the only leftists remaining, giving us a 6-3 majority.

Guys, I just don’t think God is ready to discard the American experiment yet. Things are happening. Abortion in jeopardy, Twitter reformed allowing free speech again, massive Democrat corruption exposed that could even bring 0bama down, BLM exposed as a corrupt fraud, CRT ridiculed, and President Trump a real threat to win in 2024. Not dead and buried as the left had hoped. I think we will be saved and come back better than ever. Yes, the world will someday end in a cataclysm. But I don’t believe that time is now.
No. This is a bill of goods sold to the most gullible, most ignorant, and most craven religious nutters to secure your vote. Nothing more.
Surada, do you think sending our wealth to China was a good move environmentally???
Here is what they did to us, under the heading of environmental health:
“We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”

They shut down our industry and sent our wealth to China. We made everything. They made nothing. Now we make nothing. They make everything. Liberal World Order leader, Obama also collasped our CLEAN coal industry, and sent our coal for pennies to China to run their factories. They don't clean their coal, and the UN doesn't give a shit.
The UN collapsed our economy. < That is the true definition of climate change. If you don't believe that statement, refer back to UN official that told you that, " in reality, we take your money and spread it around". And they will continue to do so as long as you fork it over.

So, Surada, Free yourself from the illusion that giving our money to China makes the environment safer.
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Atheism isn't a religion.. so I repeat, which countries are you talking about?
You're absolutely right, Atheism is NOT a religion.

btw, did you know that black is not a color? It is not a color because it is the complete absence of color. Next time there's some meeting of the NAACP be sure to show up and say "YOU GUYS ARE BLACK AND THAT'S COMPLETE ABSENCE OF COLOR SO YOU'RE NOT COLORED". See where that gets u. Meanwhile virtually every box of crayons contains a black crayon, every paint set includes a black paint, and color wheels include a black center.

Virtually every list of world religions will include Atheism and they're all wrong aren't they. Mean while Wikipedia mentions that communist countries ban religions because the official state religion doctrine is atheism (almost let that slip by there).

So I repeat for anyone that's not paying attention, ATHEISM IS NOT NOT NOT A RELIGION. Are we clear now?

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