You are quite accurate in your understanding of these angels. The only thing you lack is that these angels who existed before the world was, were the spiritual offspring of God. Under Lucifer, 1/3 of the hosts of heaven followed after him and were cast out of heaven into the earth. They became the devil and his angels. Angels are mankind. All who come to earth and receive bodies of flesh and bones and blood existed before they were born on earth as the spirit children of God the Father. When Lucifer and his followers were cast out of heaven into the earth, they denied to ever receive bodies of flesh and bone and blood. Thus they could never procreate with mortals on this earth. The only power they have is to tempt we mortals. They cannot force us to do anything and they cannot procreate with us. They are the ones who fell from their first estate which is our premortal existence. This earth life is our second estate. Who knows but you Carl may have been an angel who ministered to people on earth prior to coming to earth. Latter-day revelation has revealed that the archangel Michael is Adam, aka the ancient of days. It has also been revealed that the angel Gabriel (aka the man Gabriel according to Daniel 9:21) was Noah. Many angels who appear in these latter-days are resurrected immortal mankind with bodies of flesh and bone but no blood. All angels who minister for God on this earth have either come to this earth as mortals or will come to this earth as mortals. Angels are mankind in the premortal, mortal, translated, or post mortal state.He's right. He's not the only one who understands this.
Yes the angels existed before the creation of the world, but we don't know how long.
We do know 1/3 of the angels were placed on the earth. Lucifer was their king/governor, under God.
We also know these angel went to war against heaven before the creation of Man. Jesus remarked that He saw Lucifer fall from heaven like lightning.
For this reason He created PHYSICAL MAN, who could (would) be destroyed if he turned like the fallen angels.