Why "the fence" won't work

If you, at all, understood whats really going on then you would know that a wall WILL work. That is exactly why it will never be built. Cost? Who cares. Do you know that we have given mexico over 50 billion dollars in the last few years? 50 Busd = wall. ! squad of NG, army or marines every 1/8 mile (these troops are already getting paid), With a 20 foot wall and barbed wire on top of it with sensors in the ground to detect tunneling. No drones nessessary. You ppl, you ignorant bleeding heart traitors(and your so stupid that you dont even know your a traitor)will say ANYTHING to try and give credence to your ignorance and prop up your traitorous beliefs.
Lets see your opinion change if you lose a job or dont get a job because of an illegal.
main thing for me is the next generation or few generations . History will be rewritten as is already being done , culture and law will be changed as is already being done . We'll see I guess but that's what I predict if ALL immigration isn't controlled for the benefit of actual Americans . I'm just glad that my kids are grown .
If you, at all, understood whats really going on then you would know that a wall WILL work. That is exactly why it will never be built. Cost? Who cares. Do you know that we have given mexico over 50 billion dollars in the last few years? 50 Busd = wall. ! squad of NG, army or marines every 1/8 mile (these troops are already getting paid), With a 20 foot wall and barbed wire on top of it with sensors in the ground to detect tunneling. No drones nessessary. You ppl, you ignorant bleeding heart traitors(and your so stupid that you dont even know your a traitor)will say ANYTHING to try and give credence to your ignorance and prop up your traitorous beliefs.
Lets see your opinion change if you lose a job or dont get a job because of an illegal.

Agreed. It costs us billions of dollars annually having illegal aliens in our country. The double layered wall covering only the most porous areas of our southern border would pay for itself in no time. A good physical barrier would help our Border Patrol to do their jobs more effectively.
Illegal immigration is the most important issue we have today.
It started to be a problem in about 1970 and look at us now 44 years later.
In this time both parties have been in office multiple times and NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE BY EITHER PARTY TO STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION OR EVEN SLOW IT!!!
Get it??
Mexico uber alles. That is OK, Hispanics are being hateful invaders so it's all right, their brand of hate and arrogance is just a cultural thingy dingy. But when non Hispanics react to that same thingy, that is bad. it isn't hypocritical, its....MULTICULTURAL! Yeah, I like getting lectures about hypocrisy from Hispanics. It makes life a richer experience.

Multi-cultural? How is allowing in 1 million legal immigrants from mostly Latino countries annually with millions from that same ethnic group here illegally being multi-cultural or diversity? These types of Hispanics will say anything to demonize those of us who merely want "real" diversity in our immigration numbers and our immigration laws enforced.
If you, at all, understood whats really going on then you would know that a wall WILL work. That is exactly why it will never be built. Cost? Who cares. Do you know that we have given mexico over 50 billion dollars in the last few years? 50 Busd = wall. ! squad of NG, army or marines every 1/8 mile (these troops are already getting paid), With a 20 foot wall and barbed wire on top of it with sensors in the ground to detect tunneling. No drones nessessary. You ppl, you ignorant bleeding heart traitors(and your so stupid that you dont even know your a traitor)will say ANYTHING to try and give credence to your ignorance and prop up your traitorous beliefs.
Lets see your opinion change if you lose a job or dont get a job because of an illegal.
The squads of military units and watch towers make sense. However the current rules by this traitor in chief is that anyone caught is processed and released inside the USA. So catching them is nothing more than giving them some free food and a car ride into the interior.

The fence is dumber then dumb, it's just plain stupid talk.
The best way to stop illegal immigration is to get the Democrats out of office. Until we do that, all the logical solutions are useless.
Walls work all over the world..... ... govt simply doesnt want them too so it puts out garbage excuses like this
Where have walls or fences anywhere in the world worked?

They seem to work in most every place that they are manned and properly maintained.
Name one. The iron curtain didn't even work to keep people in. Multiple rows of barbed wire, walls, watch towers with armed guards with orders to shoot to kill anyone attempting to get out, patrols of armed guards, sensors, etc. Our borders are more secure than many borders all over the world. Our illegal immigration problems aren't as serious as many places in the world. So where is this place that has the problem of illegal border crossing solved with fences and walls?
Walls work all over the world..... ... govt simply doesnt want them too so it puts out garbage excuses like this
Where have walls or fences anywhere in the world worked?

They seem to work in most every place that they are manned and properly maintained.
Name one. The iron curtain didn't even work to keep people in. Multiple rows of barbed wire, walls, watch towers with armed guards with orders to shoot to kill anyone attempting to get out, patrols of armed guards, sensors, etc. Our borders are more secure than many borders all over the world. Our illegal immigration problems aren't as serious as many places in the world. So where is this place that has the problem of illegal border crossing solved with fences and walls?

The number of people who escaped from behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War is vanishingly small. The list of the dead however, is tragically long. Our southern border isn't defended. They have highways where they throw their garbage and cause terrible environmental damage.


So you can't answer the question, other than to admit that the Iron Curtain, a fence with shoot to kill guards and multiple fences was only partially successful. That and your deflection of the subject by showing photo's of the damage border crosser's create by littering in the desert.
A wall to keep Mexicans out. Hilarious!

First of all, we have this:

Largest-ever drug tunnel in Nogales found

"U.S. authorities have found 100 drug tunnels in that city (Nogales) since 1990, more than any other location along the 2,000-mile United States-Mexico border.
But the tunnel found this week tops them all. At 481 feet, longer than 11/2 football fields, it is the longest ever discovered in Nogales, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials."

Then, we have this:


" about 40% of the 11 million undocumented workers in the country aren't low-wage workers who sneaked over the southern border illegally, but rather foreigners who arrived legally and simply never left."

Then, we have the indisputable fact that the biggest, most heavily fortified wall in the world, built by the Chinese, was easily breached by the Mongols, who then ruled China for hundreds of years.

I mean, do you guys stop and think at all, or is life just one knee-jerk reaction after another?

But, I'll tell you what. Go ahead and build your wall. Apply all of you sophisticated systems, like motion sensors, heat seeking drones, etc. (Which are both already being used), because I have a get rich plan on the drawing boards. I'm going to call it, "Vandals discount shovels and ladders". I plan on opeing in Nogalas as soon as the wall is built.
A wall to keep Mexicans out. Hilarious!

First of all, we have this:

Largest-ever drug tunnel in Nogales found

"U.S. authorities have found 100 drug tunnels in that city (Nogales) since 1990, more than any other location along the 2,000-mile United States-Mexico border.
But the tunnel found this week tops them all. At 481 feet, longer than 11/2 football fields, it is the longest ever discovered in Nogales, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials."

Then, we have this:


" about 40% of the 11 million undocumented workers in the country aren't low-wage workers who sneaked over the southern border illegally, but rather foreigners who arrived legally and simply never left."

Then, we have the indisputable fact that the biggest, most heavily fortified wall in the world, built by the Chinese, was easily breached by the Mongols, who then ruled China for hundreds of years.

I mean, do you guys stop and think at all, or is life just one knee-jerk reaction after another?

But, I'll tell you what. Go ahead and build your wall. Apply all of you sophisticated systems, like motion sensors, heat seeking drones, etc. (Which are both already being used), because I have a get rich plan on the drawing boards. I'm going to call it, "Vandals discount shovels and ladders". I plan on opeing in Nogalas as soon as the wall is built.
Better learn to spell before you start advertising.
So you can't answer the question, other than to admit that the Iron Curtain, a fence with shoot to kill guards and multiple fences was only partially successful. That and your deflection of the subject by showing photo's of the damage border crosser's create by littering in the desert.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: I did answer the question you're just too opinionated to admit it. No fence or even Maximum Security prison can ever be 100% secure because PEOPLE administer it. People are fallible. However I feel quite safe even though there is a prison just a few miles from my home. The people who live near San Quentin, or Folsom, or a whole host of other places likewise sleep securely knowing that the odds of a bad guy getting out are pretty slim.

They do. Every year someone gets out.....but given the numbers that try it's a very, very small number. The same holds true for the Iron Curtain. It wasn't perfect but it sure was effective to the thousands who didn't make it.

Currently the US has a super highway allowing millions to illegally enter into our country. Putting a proper fence up won't prevent it. But it would sure bring the numbers way down and make it an easier situation to control.

Now take your extremist idiotic views and go humor yourself.
A wall to keep Mexicans out. Hilarious!

First of all, we have this:

Largest-ever drug tunnel in Nogales found

"U.S. authorities have found 100 drug tunnels in that city (Nogales) since 1990, more than any other location along the 2,000-mile United States-Mexico border.
But the tunnel found this week tops them all. At 481 feet, longer than 11/2 football fields, it is the longest ever discovered in Nogales, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials."

Then, we have this:


" about 40% of the 11 million undocumented workers in the country aren't low-wage workers who sneaked over the southern border illegally, but rather foreigners who arrived legally and simply never left."

Then, we have the indisputable fact that the biggest, most heavily fortified wall in the world, built by the Chinese, was easily breached by the Mongols, who then ruled China for hundreds of years.

I mean, do you guys stop and think at all, or is life just one knee-jerk reaction after another?

But, I'll tell you what. Go ahead and build your wall. Apply all of you sophisticated systems, like motion sensors, heat seeking drones, etc. (Which are both already being used), because I have a get rich plan on the drawing boards. I'm going to call it, "Vandals discount shovels and ladders". I plan on opeing in Nogalas as soon as the wall is built.

That means that the majority (60%) were border jumpers. Doesn't matter our government needs to address both Visa Overstayers and illegal aliens that were never authorized to come here in the first place. How do you think those tunnels were detected? Tunnels sensors!

It's not just about Mexicans anyway. There are terrorists and other criminals trying to get into our country also. A wall is a good deterrent. I see, so if it's not 100% affective then it's no good at all? Really? Funny, of those who think it won't work then why do they cry about it so much? It's because they know it will deter many illegals from entering and they don't want that. The truth will set you free but then I haven't known many bleeding hearts or ethnocentrics that would ever admit the truth.
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So you can't answer the question, other than to admit that the Iron Curtain, a fence with shoot to kill guards and multiple fences was only partially successful. That and your deflection of the subject by showing photo's of the damage border crosser's create by littering in the desert.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: I did answer the question you're just too opinionated to admit it. No fence or even Maximum Security prison can ever be 100% secure because PEOPLE administer it. People are fallible. However I feel quite safe even though there is a prison just a few miles from my home. The people who live near San Quentin, or Folsom, or a whole host of other places likewise sleep securely knowing that the odds of a bad guy getting out are pretty slim.

They do. Every year someone gets out.....but given the numbers that try it's a very, very small number. The same holds true for the Iron Curtain. It wasn't perfect but it sure was effective to the thousands who didn't make it.

Currently the US has a super highway allowing millions to illegally enter into our country. Putting a proper fence up won't prevent it. But it would sure bring the numbers way down and make it an easier situation to control.

Now take your extremist idiotic views and go humor yourself.

My views aren't extremist, yours are. My views are pragmatic. I'm not the one suggesting 10's of billions of dollars be spent on a system that doesn't work and never has worked anywhere in the world. That is the definition of extremism. You still insist on comparing a prison complex to a border fence as it made some kind of logical sense. I'm in favor of a system that has been proven to work when and where it has been applied. Hold the people who hire illegals responsible by prosecuting them and making them pay fines that make the practice unprofitable. Put a few in jail here and there and the border crosser's will stop coming here for the only reason they come, jobs. Your corporate masters and power elite don't want that. They want the cheap labor that contributes to Americans having to work for lower than fair wages. They don't want the problem solved so they put the low informed on a silly mission to demand a fence be built. After the fence is built the problem will still exist. That will make your masters happy and give them many more years of cheap labor.
So you can't answer the question, other than to admit that the Iron Curtain, a fence with shoot to kill guards and multiple fences was only partially successful. That and your deflection of the subject by showing photo's of the damage border crosser's create by littering in the desert.

Jobs aren't the only reason that illegals are coming here and criminals and terrorists certainly aren't coming here for the jobs. We need to deny illegal aliens any benefits and change birthright citizenship for their kids. E-verify mandated will stop the employers from hiring them but again that isn't the only magnet and it's not just job seekers coming here.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: I did answer the question you're just too opinionated to admit it. No fence or even Maximum Security prison can ever be 100% secure because PEOPLE administer it. People are fallible. However I feel quite safe even though there is a prison just a few miles from my home. The people who live near San Quentin, or Folsom, or a whole host of other places likewise sleep securely knowing that the odds of a bad guy getting out are pretty slim.

They do. Every year someone gets out.....but given the numbers that try it's a very, very small number. The same holds true for the Iron Curtain. It wasn't perfect but it sure was effective to the thousands who didn't make it.

Currently the US has a super highway allowing millions to illegally enter into our country. Putting a proper fence up won't prevent it. But it would sure bring the numbers way down and make it an easier situation to control.

Now take your extremist idiotic views and go humor yourself.

My views aren't extremist, yours are. My views are pragmatic. I'm not the one suggesting 10's of billions of dollars be spent on a system that doesn't work and never has worked anywhere in the world. That is the definition of extremism. You still insist on comparing a prison complex to a border fence as it made some kind of logical sense. I'm in favor of a system that has been proven to work when and where it has been applied. Hold the people who hire illegals responsible by prosecuting them and making them pay fines that make the practice unprofitable. Put a few in jail here and there and the border crosser's will stop coming here for the only reason they come, jobs. Your corporate masters and power elite don't want that. They want the cheap labor that contributes to Americans having to work for lower than fair wages. They don't want the problem solved so they put the low informed on a silly mission to demand a fence be built. After the fence is built the problem will still exist. That will make your masters happy and give them many more years of cheap labor.
Ummm.Isnt there a fence or wall around every prison in the world? Yes, there is and they've worked very well.
The White House has a fence around it.
Sensors can be placed in the groung to detect tunneling.

"The construction of the Berlin Wall that year reduced the number of escapees by 75% to around 2,300 per annum for the rest of the decade. The number of escapees fell further to 868 per annum during the 1970s and to only 334 per annum between 1980 and 1988."
Escape attempts and victims of the inner German border - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And that's with people shooting at you. Just a fence? Good luck with that.
Ummm.Isnt there a fence or wall around every prison in the world? Yes, there is and they've worked very well.
The White House has a fence around it.
Sensors can be placed in the groung to detect tunneling.

"The construction of the Berlin Wall that year reduced the number of escapees by 75% to around 2,300 per annum for the rest of the decade. The number of escapees fell further to 868 per annum during the 1970s and to only 334 per annum between 1980 and 1988."
Escape attempts and victims of the inner German border - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And that's with people shooting at you. Just a fence? Good luck with that.
Was the berlin wall 3k miles long in the middle of no where? Do you have a mental incapacity that we need to know about?

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