Why some whites just LOVE black sellouts

White racism will never end, just like murder will never end, but when it reaches a level that is insignificant it is time to acknowledge that and the progress that has been made. Continually stirring the pot and inflaming emotions like you do prolongs the problem and doe not lead to better race relations.
He certainly puts a lot of pressure on blacks to stay on the plantation. "Black sellout" is a term that is intended to discourage independent thoughts. @I'M must have something against blacks if he would use such a term that threatens ALL blacks who might want to think for themselves.
A white person like you is going to reject any opposition to the black sellout mentality because as ling as blacks sell out you can maintain white supremacy. All blacks think for themselves, its funny how you sway only the blacks that validate your beliefs about blacks are the ones thinking independently.
Your herd thanks you for defending the rigid dogma. Way to stick to the program.
The black sellouts are the ones sticking to the dogma and the program of white supremacy in America.
There is nothing wrong with white supremacy in America, because without it, it would be a 3rd world shit nation like every other nation of colored people. Hollyweird had to create some fantasy country in Africa hidden by some high tech BS invisibility screen to make blacks of Africa look like geniuses even though they couldnt live without a king, but in reality those blacks are savages not only killing each other, but using black people as slaves. Where is your outrage against those people, while white people here have moved on and want racial equality, but dipshits like you , just keep your head up your ass.

Stop lying to yourself. Africa was ruined by white colonization and is still trying to recover. You might want to keep your opinion about Africa out of this before you get shown what whites have dfone. Here is a sample:

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide

The events that took place in the heart of Rwanda during 1994 were atrocious. More than 800,000 Tutsi were hacked and massacred at the hands and machetes of extremist Hutu while the entire world stood by and watched. How did it come to this? How could such hatred lead to the slaughter of nearly 1 million Tutsi? The roots of the carnage can be tied to European colonialism in Rwanda. Through racist ideologies that led to a distinct classification of Hutu and Tutsi and a falsified history of Rwanda, Europeans successfully birthed an ethnic divide that ultimately led to the Rwandan Genocide.

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide
So it is white peoples faulth for Hutu's hacking up Tutis? Just like it is whities fault for blacks killing blacks in inner cities, because black mayors wont do anything to stop it? A liberal will never take responsiblities for their actions because they are pussy whipped liberal pansies.
Yep, it's 2020 and we should not still be having this discussion, but we are because the problem still exists. So when you can show me the exact date white racism ended in America, and what policy ended it, then I will continue on.
The problem still exists because old white liberals keep telling the rest of US that there is inequality in the US even though we have plenty of black athletes, movie stars, judges, attorneys, doctors, and many other professions, but dumbass liberals like you, who live off welfare and bitch and moan about how fucked your life is, continue to vote for the very people who keep you enslaved to the government.


Of the 1,352 active and semiretired federal judges, 60 percent are white men, while only 11 percent are black.

Racial and Gender Diversity Sorely Lacking in America’s Courts - Center for American Progress

Law firms employ fewer black lawyers than other minorities, survey reports
By Debra Cassens Weiss
August 23, 2017, 10:57 am CDT

Black lawyers are the least represented at every level. Overall, only 3 percent identified as black.

Law firms employ fewer black lawyers than other minorities, survey reports

Although 13 percent of the population is black in the United States, just 4 percent of doctors are black.
The Secret to Keeping Black Men Healthy? Maybe Black Doctors
percentage of black doctors in america - Bing

Challenges continue for African-American accountants

Overall participation of African-Americans in the accounting profession continues to be low. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), African-Americans represent 12.1% of the employed workforce but only 8.2% of the accountant and auditor workforce.

Challenges continue for African-American accountants

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

Groups like DEMOS, the Kellogg Foundation, Altarum Institute, Pew Research and others have done extensive research on the public policies that created these disparities. As we look at the numbers, we see what has caused our economic problem and it’s not the loss of jobs by the white working class. The numbers show us that many of our national difficulties do not have to exist. For example, there are almost 17 million black households. 16,997,000 to be exact. There are 17,318,000 Latino households. The median white household had an income of $50,400 a year while the median income was $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. That difference of $18,372 for blacks and $13,560 for Latinos equals a combined loss of $31,932 for over 34 million households each year. It is a loss of over 1/2 trillion dollars of taxable income annually. In addition, racism erases billions of dollars that can be circulated in our economy. These are huge losses created because of racist public policy.

Blacks have an estimated economy of 1.3 trillion dollars. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 2.6 million Black-owned business in the United States, compared to 22.6 million white-owned businesses. Blacks/African Americans, who make up more than 13% of the U.S. population, only own about 7% of all the businesses in the country, and generate only about 0.5% of total receipts. Out of those 2.6 million businesses, 95 percent were sole proprietorships with no hired employees. 109,000 of these businesses were able to hire employees. Those businesses hired over 975,000 people.

It is apparent that such numbers need to increase. While much is made about foreign trade deficits, Americans face internal trade deficits of our own making.

Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. This did not happen because of laziness. Indeed, the historical records shows that blacks have consistently worked as hard or harder than whites and for far less money, including over 230 years for free. Equality in a capitalist system means we have 13 percent of the wealth. We have 1/5 the wealth we should have in proportion to our population.

Before I end this chapter, let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level with possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime and unemployment would be reduced. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. Study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have as a country stems from denying opportunities for people of color due to racism.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

Brentin Mock, “White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable”

These are the facts chump. What you say isn't. I've done better than you have financially and professionally. So if there is anyone waiting for a welfare check its your white ass. For more than 243 years whites have lived off the government. You now want the government to give you more which is why you support the republican party. We would be stupid to join the party that wants to erase our rights. You are nothing more than a modern day serf white boy. The nobility promises to take away from non whites to give your punk ass some crumbs and you genuflect like the lemming your punk ass is.


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The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
The notion that blacks who think freely and independently are something bad is bigoted. "Black sellouts" is what herd mentality people call those who reject herd mentality. Fuck your "program" that all blacks are expected to be in lockstep with.

Blacks think freely and independently without being sellouts, but we who do that are told that we are on some kind of plantation. What sellouts are preaching is not independent thought, it is blacks who are pushing the herd mentality by their acceptance of white supremacy. So go fuck yourself white boy, because Jones is right. There are blacks that need to stop adopting white supremacist beliefs about black people.
Black people who see things differently and might even agree with the Right have a right to that in this country, IM. I don't like to hear them called "sell outs" or "Uncle Toms" or "Oreos." It's not that I agree with the Right and think everyone ought to. It's because everyone has the right to have their own views. Calling conservative blacks "sell outs" just fractures the black community further. Haven't you guys got enough problems without splitting into more fragments?
A white person like you is going to reject any opposition to the black sellout mentality because as ling as blacks sell out you can maintain white supremacy. All blacks think for themselves, its funny how you sway only the blacks that validate your beliefs about blacks are the ones thinking independently.
Your herd thanks you for defending the rigid dogma. Way to stick to the program.
The black sellouts are the ones sticking to the dogma and the program of white supremacy in America.
There is nothing wrong with white supremacy in America, because without it, it would be a 3rd world shit nation like every other nation of colored people. Hollyweird had to create some fantasy country in Africa hidden by some high tech BS invisibility screen to make blacks of Africa look like geniuses even though they couldnt live without a king, but in reality those blacks are savages not only killing each other, but using black people as slaves. Where is your outrage against those people, while white people here have moved on and want racial equality, but dipshits like you , just keep your head up your ass.

Stop lying to yourself. Africa was ruined by white colonization and is still trying to recover. You might want to keep your opinion about Africa out of this before you get shown what whites have dfone. Here is a sample:

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide

The events that took place in the heart of Rwanda during 1994 were atrocious. More than 800,000 Tutsi were hacked and massacred at the hands and machetes of extremist Hutu while the entire world stood by and watched. How did it come to this? How could such hatred lead to the slaughter of nearly 1 million Tutsi? The roots of the carnage can be tied to European colonialism in Rwanda. Through racist ideologies that led to a distinct classification of Hutu and Tutsi and a falsified history of Rwanda, Europeans successfully birthed an ethnic divide that ultimately led to the Rwandan Genocide.

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide
So it is white peoples faulth for Hutu's hacking up Tutis? Just like it is whities fault for blacks killing blacks in inner cities, because black mayors wont do anything to stop it? A liberal will never take responsiblities for their actions because they are pussy whipped liberal pansies.

Yep, that's what the story says. Whites are the ones that have refused to take responsibility. Your post is a prime example.
The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
The notion that blacks who think freely and independently are something bad is bigoted. "Black sellouts" is what herd mentality people call those who reject herd mentality. Fuck your "program" that all blacks are expected to be in lockstep with.

Blacks think freely and independently without being sellouts, but we who do that are told that we are on some kind of plantation. What sellouts are preaching is not independent thought, it is blacks who are pushing the herd mentality by their acceptance of white supremacy. So go fuck yourself white boy, because Jones is right. There are blacks that need to stop adopting white supremacist beliefs about black people.
Black people who see things differently and might even agree with the Right have a right to that in this country, IM. I don't like to hear them called "sell outs" or "Uncle Toms" or "Oreos." It's not that I agree with the Right and think everyone ought to. It's because everyone has the right to have their own views. Calling conservative blacks "sell outs" just fractures the black community further. Haven't you guys got enough problems without splitting into more fragments?

Don't you whites have enough problems besides lying to yourselves about us? Whites have plenty of fragmentation. There are black conservatives who are not sellouts and you do not see them get put out in the public discourse because they do not speak the language that white "conservatives" want to hear. I know plenty of black conservatives who are not sellouts. What we do not have the right to do, is promote ideas that endanger our community and continue the racism we face. The root cause of our problems is white racism. Blacks who validate white racism, the sellouts, only continue increasing the problem.
The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones

And, despite your examples, nearly all of those whites are democrats.....Sellout chump.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones

And, despite your examples, nearly all of those whites are democrats.....Sellout chump.


Johnson signed our second Emancipation Proclamation. So let us remember the great white republican who freed the slaves..


Pretty much sounds like Johnson....
He certainly puts a lot of pressure on blacks to stay on the plantation. "Black sellout" is a term that is intended to discourage independent thoughts. @I'M must have something against blacks if he would use such a term that threatens ALL blacks who might want to think for themselves.
A white person like you is going to reject any opposition to the black sellout mentality because as ling as blacks sell out you can maintain white supremacy. All blacks think for themselves, its funny how you sway only the blacks that validate your beliefs about blacks are the ones thinking independently.
Your herd thanks you for defending the rigid dogma. Way to stick to the program.
The black sellouts are the ones sticking to the dogma and the program of white supremacy in America.
There is nothing wrong with white supremacy in America, because without it, it would be a 3rd world shit nation like every other nation of colored people. Hollyweird had to create some fantasy country in Africa hidden by some high tech BS invisibility screen to make blacks of Africa look like geniuses even though they couldnt live without a king, but in reality those blacks are savages not only killing each other, but using black people as slaves. Where is your outrage against those people, while white people here have moved on and want racial equality, but dipshits like you , just keep your head up your ass.

Stop lying to yourself. Africa was ruined by white colonization and is still trying to recover. You might want to keep your opinion about Africa out of this before you get shown what whites have dfone. Here is a sample:

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide

The events that took place in the heart of Rwanda during 1994 were atrocious. More than 800,000 Tutsi were hacked and massacred at the hands and machetes of extremist Hutu while the entire world stood by and watched. How did it come to this? How could such hatred lead to the slaughter of nearly 1 million Tutsi? The roots of the carnage can be tied to European colonialism in Rwanda. Through racist ideologies that led to a distinct classification of Hutu and Tutsi and a falsified history of Rwanda, Europeans successfully birthed an ethnic divide that ultimately led to the Rwandan Genocide.

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide
Do you know what the Africans were doing before Whites showed up to colonize Africa? They were killing each other, enslaving the women and children, and selling those off to people like the Arabs. So when whites showed up, they started keeping records of the savages, also trying to bring civility(a forgotten term in the inner cities) to the people, but alas, it is hard to tame the savage beast...For the next 200 years up to 1850s the blacks of Africa continued to prey on other blacks, sold them off to the Muslims of the Ivory Coast, where the Muslims brought them to America so the Demoncraps could keep them as slaves...Thanks Oblummer....
Yep, it's 2020 and we should not still be having this discussion, but we are because the problem still exists. So when you can show me the exact date white racism ended in America, and what policy ended it, then I will continue on.
The problem still exists because old white liberals keep telling the rest of US that there is inequality in the US even though we have plenty of black athletes, movie stars, judges, attorneys, doctors, and many other professions, but dumbass liberals like you, who live off welfare and bitch and moan about how fucked your life is, continue to vote for the very people who keep you enslaved to the government.

View attachment 306812
Of the 1,352 active and semiretired federal judges, 60 percent are white men, while only 11 percent are black.

Racial and Gender Diversity Sorely Lacking in America’s Courts - Center for American Progress

Law firms employ fewer black lawyers than other minorities, survey reports
By Debra Cassens Weiss
August 23, 2017, 10:57 am CDT

Black lawyers are the least represented at every level. Overall, only 3 percent identified as black.

Law firms employ fewer black lawyers than other minorities, survey reports

Although 13 percent of the population is black in the United States, just 4 percent of doctors are black.
The Secret to Keeping Black Men Healthy? Maybe Black Doctors
percentage of black doctors in america - Bing

Challenges continue for African-American accountants

Overall participation of African-Americans in the accounting profession continues to be low. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), African-Americans represent 12.1% of the employed workforce but only 8.2% of the accountant and auditor workforce.

Challenges continue for African-American accountants

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

Groups like DEMOS, the Kellogg Foundation, Altarum Institute, Pew Research and others have done extensive research on the public policies that created these disparities. As we look at the numbers, we see what has caused our economic problem and it’s not the loss of jobs by the white working class. The numbers show us that many of our national difficulties do not have to exist. For example, there are almost 17 million black households. 16,997,000 to be exact. There are 17,318,000 Latino households. The median white household had an income of $50,400 a year while the median income was $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. That difference of $18,372 for blacks and $13,560 for Latinos equals a combined loss of $31,932 for over 34 million households each year. It is a loss of over 1/2 trillion dollars of taxable income annually. In addition, racism erases billions of dollars that can be circulated in our economy. These are huge losses created because of racist public policy.

Blacks have an estimated economy of 1.3 trillion dollars. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 2.6 million Black-owned business in the United States, compared to 22.6 million white-owned businesses. Blacks/African Americans, who make up more than 13% of the U.S. population, only own about 7% of all the businesses in the country, and generate only about 0.5% of total receipts. Out of those 2.6 million businesses, 95 percent were sole proprietorships with no hired employees. 109,000 of these businesses were able to hire employees. Those businesses hired over 975,000 people.

It is apparent that such numbers need to increase. While much is made about foreign trade deficits, Americans face internal trade deficits of our own making.

Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. This did not happen because of laziness. Indeed, the historical records shows that blacks have consistently worked as hard or harder than whites and for far less money, including over 230 years for free. Equality in a capitalist system means we have 13 percent of the wealth. We have 1/5 the wealth we should have in proportion to our population.

Before I end this chapter, let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level with possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime and unemployment would be reduced. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. Study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have as a country stems from denying opportunities for people of color due to racism.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

Brentin Mock, “White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable”

These are the facts chump. What you say isn't. I've done better than you have financially and professionally. So if there is anyone waiting for a welfare check its your white ass. For more than 243 years whites have lived off the government. You now want the government to give you more which is why you support the republican party. We would be stupid to join the party that wants to erase our rights. You are nothing more than a modern day serf white boy. The nobility promises to take away from non whites to give your punk ass some crumbs and you genuflect like the lemming your punk ass is.
So those 11% of black judges dont count? you sure do love to cherry pick what I tell ya. Maybe more blacks should vote Republican so they can get higher in the pecking order instead of being 2nd class citizens that the Demoncraps keep putting yall.
White racism will never end, just like murder will never end, but when it reaches a level that is insignificant it is time to acknowledge that and the progress that has been made. Continually stirring the pot and inflaming emotions like you do prolongs the problem and doe not lead to better race relations.

When it reaches that level then it will be acknowledged.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute - 2013

One third of all whites responding to a 2017 IPSOS poll disagreed with white supremacist groups but held the same views. So many whites talk like they are blind on this matter. “Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”

White people are the majority of the U.S. population, totaling about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2017. Non-Hispanic whites are 62.6% of the country's population. According to this poll, we are looking at potentially 76 million whites that continue to share the views of white supremacists. These numbers equal approximately 1/5th of the American population at that time. It is safe to say these numbers have not reduced. In contrast, 0.0046% of Americans were murdered in 2017.

On February 28, 2018, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute, wrote an op ed published in the New York Daily News entitled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” The Kerner Commission met in 1968 and made recommendation on how to move toward racial progress. It had been 50 years since the commission made those recommendations at that point yet Rothstein makes this statement: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.”

A white person like you is going to reject any opposition to the black sellout mentality because as ling as blacks sell out you can maintain white supremacy. All blacks think for themselves, its funny how you sway only the blacks that validate your beliefs about blacks are the ones thinking independently.
Your herd thanks you for defending the rigid dogma. Way to stick to the program.
The black sellouts are the ones sticking to the dogma and the program of white supremacy in America.
There is nothing wrong with white supremacy in America, because without it, it would be a 3rd world shit nation like every other nation of colored people. Hollyweird had to create some fantasy country in Africa hidden by some high tech BS invisibility screen to make blacks of Africa look like geniuses even though they couldnt live without a king, but in reality those blacks are savages not only killing each other, but using black people as slaves. Where is your outrage against those people, while white people here have moved on and want racial equality, but dipshits like you , just keep your head up your ass.

Stop lying to yourself. Africa was ruined by white colonization and is still trying to recover. You might want to keep your opinion about Africa out of this before you get shown what whites have dfone. Here is a sample:

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide

The events that took place in the heart of Rwanda during 1994 were atrocious. More than 800,000 Tutsi were hacked and massacred at the hands and machetes of extremist Hutu while the entire world stood by and watched. How did it come to this? How could such hatred lead to the slaughter of nearly 1 million Tutsi? The roots of the carnage can be tied to European colonialism in Rwanda. Through racist ideologies that led to a distinct classification of Hutu and Tutsi and a falsified history of Rwanda, Europeans successfully birthed an ethnic divide that ultimately led to the Rwandan Genocide.

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide
Do you know what the Africans were doing before Whites showed up to colonize Africa? They were killing each other, enslaving the women and children, and selling those off to people like the Arabs. So when whites showed up, they started keeping records of the savages, also trying to bring civility(a forgotten term in the inner cities) to the people, but alas, it is hard to tame the savage beast...For the next 200 years up to 1850s the blacks of Africa continued to prey on other blacks, sold them off to the Muslims of the Ivory Coast, where the Muslims brought them to America so the Demoncraps could keep them as slaves...Thanks Oblummer....

I know what they were doing and it's not what you say.

"Africans started to fight the transatlantic slave trade as soon as it began. Their struggles were multifaceted and covered four continents over four centuries. Still, they have often been underestimated, overlooked, or forgotten. African resistance was reported in European sources only when it concerned attacks on slave ships and company barracoons, but acts of resistance also took place far from the coast and thus escaped the slavers’ attention. To discover them, oral history, archaeology, and autobiographies and biographies of African victims of the slave trade have to be probed. Taken together, these various sources offer a detailed image of the varied strategies Africans used to defend themselves from and mount attacks against the slave trade.

The Africans’ resistance continued in the Americas. They ran away, established maroon communities, used sabotage, conspired, and rose against those who held them in captivity. Freed people petitioned the authorities, led information campaigns, and worked actively to abolish the slave trade and slavery.

In Europe, black abolitionists launched or participated in civic movements to end the deportation and enslavement of Africans. They too delivered speeches, provided information, wrote newspaper articles and books.

Using violent as well as nonviolent means, Africans in Africa, the Americas, and Europe were constantly involved in the fight against the slave trade and slavery."

African Resistance - The Abolition of The Slave Trade

  1. Defensive Strategies
  2. Armed Struggle in Africa and in the Middle Passage
  3. Uprisings and Maroons in the Americas
  4. The Revolution in Saint-Domingue
  5. The Impact of the Revolution
  6. Black Abolitionists in France
  7. Saint-Domingue and the French Abolition
I feel like defending IM2, here. He is certainly one poster who not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. Nobody can ever call him a hypocrite when he talks about black sell outs. After all, he is a failure at everything he does, his every thought involves hatred of white people, he is rude, angry and uncooperative, and he will take absolutely NO responsibility for anything he ever does.

In other words, he is the very epitome of the black male in his own mind.
White racism will never end, just like murder will never end, but when it reaches a level that is insignificant it is time to acknowledge that and the progress that has been made. Continually stirring the pot and inflaming emotions like you do prolongs the problem and doe not lead to better race relations.

When it reaches that level then it will be acknowledged.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute - 2013

One third of all whites responding to a 2017 IPSOS poll disagreed with white supremacist groups but held the same views. So many whites talk like they are blind on this matter. “Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”

White people are the majority of the U.S. population, totaling about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2017. Non-Hispanic whites are 62.6% of the country's population. According to this poll, we are looking at potentially 76 million whites that continue to share the views of white supremacists. These numbers equal approximately 1/5th of the American population at that time. It is safe to say these numbers have not reduced. In contrast, 0.0046% of Americans were murdered in 2017.

On February 28, 2018, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute, wrote an op ed published in the New York Daily News entitled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” The Kerner Commission met in 1968 and made recommendation on how to move toward racial progress. It had been 50 years since the commission made those recommendations at that point yet Rothstein makes this statement: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.”

Wanting to "protect and preserve" one's heritage, does not equate with wanting it to be "Supreme" over other cultures.

You don't seem to understand the meanings of the words you use.
The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
The notion that blacks who think freely and independently are something bad is bigoted. "Black sellouts" is what herd mentality people call those who reject herd mentality. Fuck your "program" that all blacks are expected to be in lockstep with.

Blacks think freely and independently without being sellouts, but we who do that are told that we are on some kind of plantation. What sellouts are preaching is not independent thought, it is blacks who are pushing the herd mentality by their acceptance of white supremacy. So go fuck yourself white boy, because Jones is right. There are blacks that need to stop adopting white supremacist beliefs about black people.
Black people who see things differently and might even agree with the Right have a right to that in this country, IM. I don't like to hear them called "sell outs" or "Uncle Toms" or "Oreos." It's not that I agree with the Right and think everyone ought to. It's because everyone has the right to have their own views. Calling conservative blacks "sell outs" just fractures the black community further. Haven't you guys got enough problems without splitting into more fragments?

Don't you whites have enough problems besides lying to yourselves about us? Whites have plenty of fragmentation. There are black conservatives who are not sellouts and you do not see them get put out in the public discourse because they do not speak the language that white "conservatives" want to hear. I know plenty of black conservatives who are not sellouts. What we do not have the right to do, is promote ideas that endanger our community and continue the racism we face. The root cause of our problems is white racism. Blacks who validate white racism, the sellouts, only continue increasing the problem.
we who do that are told that we are on some kind of plantation.
True. That is also wrong. But who listens to the gibberish the far right spews, anyway? Gibberish is gibberish. You might as well take your cat seriously.

Well, actually, the cat might make more sense.

I think maybe the problem with the OP you mounted is that it didn't make it at all clear the difference between a "sell out" and a "black conservative." I need concrete examples of each in order to follow your argument. It sounded from the OP as if anyone disagreeing with black activists is a sell out.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
I feel like defending IM2, here. He is certainly one poster who not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. Nobody can ever call him a hypocrite when he talks about black sell outs. After all, he is a failure at everything he does, his every thought involves hatred of white people, he is rude, angry and uncooperative, and he will take absolutely NO responsibility for anything he ever does.

In other words, he is the very epitome of the black male in his own mind.
These threads inevitably wind up being personal attacks on IM instead of about the topic.
The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens

The rise of white supremacy has been debated at length in the wake of the deadly shootings that killed 50 people in two New Zealand mosques. But the rise of the black sellout has been largely ignored.

However, the New Zealand shooter, like other white supremacists, clearly understands the power of black voices parroting far-right rhetoric. I believe that’s why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences.

For her part, Owens scoffs at the notion that she was an inspiration for the New Zealand shooter, writing on Twitter that she has never created content espousing her views on the Second Amendment or Islam. She also chided liberals: “The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre ... because I believe black America can do it without government hand-outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches! LOL!”

Still, it isn’t a reach to say Owens has done far better as a right-wing mouthpiece than she ever did in her previous life as a Trump critic.

In truth, people such as Owens have always served as tools of white supremacy. I learned as much in 2000, when I visited the slave castles of Ghana and heard about African spies who were placed in holding cells by European slave traders. Their sole job was to listen and report back to thwart any plans for rebellion.

In the Americas, similar tactics became the norm.

Black overseers were used to enforce the brutality of slavery. House slaves — sometimes born of the rape of black women by white slaveholders — helped to form the light skin vs. dark skin caste system that undergirded chattel slavery.

For such tactics to be effective, it was necessary to control the thinking of the enslaved. They had to be convinced that it was right for blacks to be oppressed, and that challenging that oppression was an affront to the order of things.

(USMB "conservatives" are classic examples of how whites try doing this.)

That kind of mental enslavement helped to foil rebellions such as the 1822 uprising that was planned by Denmark Vesey — a former slave in Charleston, S.C. Vesey, an educated, skilled carpenter who had purchased his freedom some years before, enlisted up to 9,000 slaves in a plan to capture armaments, kill slaveholders, and free the enslaved.

The rebellion was halted before it began when a house servant warned whites about the impending uprising. Thirty-five black people were hanged as a result.

In essence, black sellouts have always helped to maintain white supremacy, and they’ve done so because they’ve adopted the mindset of their oppressors.

(And that's why white "conservatives" here at USMB will refer blacks to the language and philosophies of black sellouts.)

That’s why stopping the spread of white supremacist violence will require more than a change of heart on the part of white people. It will also require a change in thinking by blacks who’ve sold us out.

The frightening effectiveness of black sellouts like Candace Owens | Solomon Jones
The notion that blacks who think freely and independently are something bad is bigoted. "Black sellouts" is what herd mentality people call those who reject herd mentality. Fuck your "program" that all blacks are expected to be in lockstep with.

Blacks think freely and independently without being sellouts, but we who do that are told that we are on some kind of plantation. What sellouts are preaching is not independent thought, it is blacks who are pushing the herd mentality by their acceptance of white supremacy. So go fuck yourself white boy, because Jones is right. There are blacks that need to stop adopting white supremacist beliefs about black people.
Black people who see things differently and might even agree with the Right have a right to that in this country, IM. I don't like to hear them called "sell outs" or "Uncle Toms" or "Oreos." It's not that I agree with the Right and think everyone ought to. It's because everyone has the right to have their own views. Calling conservative blacks "sell outs" just fractures the black community further. Haven't you guys got enough problems without splitting into more fragments?

Don't you whites have enough problems besides lying to yourselves about us? Whites have plenty of fragmentation. There are black conservatives who are not sellouts and you do not see them get put out in the public discourse because they do not speak the language that white "conservatives" want to hear. I know plenty of black conservatives who are not sellouts. What we do not have the right to do, is promote ideas that endanger our community and continue the racism we face. The root cause of our problems is white racism. Blacks who validate white racism, the sellouts, only continue increasing the problem.
we who do that are told that we are on some kind of plantation.
True. That is also wrong. But who listens to the gibberish the far right spews, anyway? Gibberish is gibberish. You might as well take your cat seriously.

Well, actually, the cat might make more sense.

I think maybe the problem with the OP you mounted is that it didn't make it at all clear the difference between a "sell out" and a "black conservative." I need concrete examples of each in order to follow your argument. It sounded from the OP as if anyone disagreeing with black activists is a sell out.

It sounds that way, because that is just the way the racist you are talking to, means it.
For illustrative purposes, I thought I'd support IM2 by way of a perfect example of exactly that which he is talking about.

Here is a black sell out

Just look at the man -- he has an IQ that the rest of us can only dream of, he is one of the very top people in his field, he is funny, articulate, friendly to all people, well groomed, and worst of all, he dresses just like the white devil.

Now, here are some REAL black men -- the type to which all blacks should aspire.


Just look at em. THey know how a black man is supposed to dress, they still cannot speak proper English despite being born here, they hate the white devil, they aspire to nothing beyond criminality and best of all, they have never spent even one second trying to improve themselves!

The choice is clear, here, folks. IM2 knows what he is talking about in regards to sell outs.
These threads inevitably wind up being personal attacks on IM instead of about the topic.

He's still going to hate you despite your virtue-signaling groveling.

Rye catcher was trying to point out to IM2, the other day, that some whites, "white liberals" were good and should not be lumped in with Evul Racists.

IM2 was having none of it.

I laughed and laughed at Rye catcher, pointing out to him that this was the future he was building. He and his descendants will be lumped in with people like me, based on race, by racists like IM2, and judged accordingly.

He did not respond. Probably could not even see the words on the screen he is in such deep denial.

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