Why Socialism will never work...

No, Sweden is a socialist system with limited capitalism. It works there because of a low population which helps to mitigate fraud and corruption. You can't have a "mixed system" with free market capitalism and socialism. See my previous posts for an explanation. Socialism destroys the "free market" aspects of the system and you have socialist-capitalism or corporatism.

Funny. My son just moved there to be a teacher. Working in a fully state funded school. That just happens to be part of a privately owned and operated schools all over the country. I'd say capitalism is alive and well in Sweden.
Perhaps both beasts were feeding eachother, however, I don't think

Free market capitalism isn't a beast to be fed. It is simply free people making decisions and choices based on their wants, needs and desires... coupled with entrepreneurs who provide for those needs, wants and desires and a mutual transaction between the parties. When left alone, it generally works. The problems arise when someone comes along and begins to tinker with the system by introducing socialized tweaks in a supposed "good faith" effort to make it better.

But here's the analogy... it's like you have a very pristine fresh water aquarium and you decide that you want to have some salt water fish as well... so you set aside one corner of the aquarium and introduce salt water fish and salt water into the system... you've not accomplished what you wanted to... you've ruined the system forever. It's no longer a fresh water system and it can't be a salt water system. When you try to mix free market capitalism with socialism, you get socialist-capitalism, which is corporatism... it breeds corruption and doesn't work.
Free market capitalism is a survival of the fittest situation and without regulation it results in corruption and abuse, wild wild west style. The rich and powerful grow stronger and are capable of effecting the livelihood of the masses. A more accurate fish analogy would be Free Market being one large tank with every species of fish... The stronger and larger fish just end up eating the smaller... In the end you are left with all sharks. By introducing regulatory systems into the aquarium, building separate tanks that include fish that can live peacefully with each other, providing appropriate environments for each tank to thrive, this will make for a more successful aquarium.

How is free market survival of the fittest if it is mutual voluntary transaction between two parties? I have something to sell that you want to buy... you want to buy something I want to sell.... how is that survival of the fittest? If you have something to sell and I have the same thing to sell but I can sell it cheaper, how is that survival of the fittest? If you are willing to pay me more for something that you could buy from someone else for less because you feel you get a better value in a better product... how is that survival of the fittest? If you can buy something less from me than from someone else and cost is the most important aspect to you... how is that survival of the fittest?

I'm sorry, I just don't see your perspective here. True free market capitalism cannot have abuse or be corrupt. Competition keeps that from happening. It is only when you start to mix in elements of socialism and try to let authority regulate free markets that you get a problem with corruption and abuse. Socialism is the shark in your tank. Free market is all fish of the same kind living happily together. Again, it is simply the mutual voluntary transaction between two parties using the principles of competition, and laws of supply and demand.
Most of what is called socialism these days is actually distributism.
Most of what is called socialism these days is actually distributism.

Or, it's constitutionally-enumerated powers being implemented for the collective as was brilliantly designed into our NON-Socialist system.

Care to clarify?

Article I Section 8 of the Constitution lays out specific enumerated powers of Congress to provide for certain collective needs of the citizenry. Pro-Socialists will often mistakenly cite these things as examples of how we are Socialists. But this is not Socialism. It is a part of a NON-Socialist Constitutional Republic.
Most of what is called socialism these days is actually distributism.

Or, it's constitutionally-enumerated powers being implemented for the collective as was brilliantly designed into our NON-Socialist system.

Care to clarify?

Article I Section 8 of the Constitution lays out specific enumerated powers of Congress to provide for certain collective needs of the citizenry. Pro-Socialists will often mistakenly cite these things as examples of how we are Socialists. But this is not Socialism. It is a part of a NON-Socialist Constitutional Republic.

Are you talking about strict construction? That thing that was never tried?
If Socialism is so great, how come you never read about American Progressives hopping an inner tube to from Miami to Fidel?
That's communism.

Distinction without a difference
I think most people with a semblance of an education know that socialism is not communism. Of the fifteen or so types of socialism only one, a creation of Marx, scientific socialism, was tried by the USSR and dropped like a bad habit, it didn't work. After a few more years the USSR dropped Marx and his communism, it didn't work either. The USSR practiced its own thing and called it communism.
Don't take my word for it, however, do some scholarly homework.

Nevertheless, its the Workers Paradise where there's no hunger, poverty or disease and people hop on inner tube to come here, but none of you Progressive fuckers want to go there.

Why is that?
Most of what is called socialism these days is actually distributism.

Or, it's constitutionally-enumerated powers being implemented for the collective as was brilliantly designed into our NON-Socialist system.

Care to clarify?

Article I Section 8 of the Constitution lays out specific enumerated powers of Congress to provide for certain collective needs of the citizenry. Pro-Socialists will often mistakenly cite these things as examples of how we are Socialists. But this is not Socialism. It is a part of a NON-Socialist Constitutional Republic.

Are you talking about strict construction? That thing that was never tried?

It worked great pre-FDR

Ever hear of Lochner?
Red Herring. There are no pure "ism's". Combinations and blendings of all the major economic and social systems are used throughout the world. Anytime a pure system of capitalism, socialism, fascism or communism has been tried they have failed. Corporatism and capitalism proponents hate socialism blended into the system because it challenges the ideology corporatism which relates to a modern day form of feudalism and challenges the rule of plutocrats.
Red Herring. There are no pure "ism's". Combinations and blendings of all the major economic and social systems are used throughout the world. Anytime a pure system of capitalism, socialism, fascism or communism has been tried they have failed. Corporatism and capitalism proponents hate socialism blended into the system because it challenges the ideology corporatism which relates to a modern day form of feudalism and challenges the rule of plutocrats.

So why aren't you in Cuba?
Most of what is called socialism these days is actually distributism.

Or, it's constitutionally-enumerated powers being implemented for the collective as was brilliantly designed into our NON-Socialist system.

Care to clarify?

Article I Section 8 of the Constitution lays out specific enumerated powers of Congress to provide for certain collective needs of the citizenry. Pro-Socialists will often mistakenly cite these things as examples of how we are Socialists. But this is not Socialism. It is a part of a NON-Socialist Constitutional Republic.

Are you talking about strict construction? That thing that was never tried?

It worked great pre-FDR

Ever hear of Lochner?

Substantive Due Process is part of strict construction? :rolleyes:

The fact is that no majority of any SCOTUS has ever supported strict construction. Nor has any president limited his own powers to only those allowed by strict construction. Not even the two who made up the theory.
Socialism is for mindless lemmings, who always think the grass is greener on the other side...

Uhmm--your stats prove Matthews point. The european and Asia nations, according to your stats, tend to fill the top part of the rankings in your stats when it comes to GDP per capita.:confused:
Red Herring. There are no pure "ism's". Combinations and blendings of all the major economic and social systems are used throughout the world. Anytime a pure system of capitalism, socialism, fascism or communism has been tried they have failed. Corporatism and capitalism proponents hate socialism blended into the system because it challenges the ideology corporatism which relates to a modern day form of feudalism and challenges the rule of plutocrats.

So why aren't you in Cuba?
Kind of lame deflection, but more on point to my post, not even Cuba can claim to be a pure form of communism. Its form of government is usually defined as a totalitarian communist or socialist state or a democratic centralist government, which is somewhat misleading to anyone who does not know the definition and distortion of the term.
Red Herring. There are no pure "ism's". Combinations and blendings of all the major economic and social systems are used throughout the world. Anytime a pure system of capitalism, socialism, fascism or communism has been tried they have failed. Corporatism and capitalism proponents hate socialism blended into the system because it challenges the ideology corporatism which relates to a modern day form of feudalism and challenges the rule of plutocrats.

So why aren't you in Cuba?
Kind of lame deflection, but more on point to my post, not even Cuba can claim to be a pure form of communism. Its form of government is usually defined as a totalitarian communist or socialist state or a democratic centralist government, which is somewhat misleading to anyone who does not know the definition and distortion of the term.

So you only want a pure North Korean kind of a government????

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