UN experts warn Canada lacks proper oversight, safeguards for people behind bars

Aug 6, 2012
Our police state reputation has already impacted us at so many levels, including being excluded from AUKUS and other international consequences.

We have a 3rd world prison system/police state, a 2nd World health care system and 1st World military called the U.S to protect us, reserving our "military" for domestic usage at multiple jurisdiction levels.

I'm in mourning but I'm not going to stop, I owe it to too many to continue. I cannot and will not stop speaking out against the abuses of civil liberties and human rights. I know for certain that American intelligence agencies have graded us accordingly and it has and will continue to harm our economy, especially in Ontario

OTTAWA - A panel of United Nations experts say Canada is failing to ensure equitable justice, citing trial delays and problems with initiatives meant to lower the rate of Indigenous people behind bars.

The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention also says there needs to be a cap on how long Ottawa can detain foreigners without charge.
And it notes the Canada Border Services Agency lacks any official oversight body, despite border guards interacting with some of the most vulnerable people in Canada.

Ottawa can detain foreigners without charge when it can’t identify them, or when immigration officers suspect they won’t show up to hearings that determine whether they can stay in Canada.

The panel visited four provinces just as Ottawa announced plans to use federal prisons for immigration detention, after provinces pulled out of agreements to use jails for that purpose.

Panel chair Matthew Gillet told reporters in Ottawa that oversight and accountability is what prevents countries like Canada from violating international law.

“Whilst we certainly hope that CBSA officials are conducting their jobs professionally and with the right ethical values, if there is no oversight mechanism, it simply in increases the risk of mistakes and potentially even abuses occurring,” he said at a news conference Friday.
The committee also said that initiatives meant to cut down on Indigenous people being disproportionately jailed are not being adequately run or funded.
Hell, nobody cares what that nest of spies hiding in the UN building says either.

Why didnt the U.S invite Canada into AUKUS? DId you know that the Brits lobbied hard for Canada and America still said no?

Think a little, stop feeling some weird kinship with our centralized apparatuses.

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