Why shouldn’t we take great pride in being “White Nationalists”?

So. Without us, it won't be America anymore. That's what.
Wrong. With you, it will be Nazi Germany. Not America.

Fuck off.

if they were alive today, the proud American men who went off to fight Nazis would be called Nazis by pukes like you. That's a fact.
Nope. Those heroes would bitch slap the shit out of scum like you.

I'm retired military myself, fuckface. Eat shit, punk.

I call bullshit.
NO military man I've ever known speaks like you do...NONE!
Weird that all you LefTarded whacks here happen to be war heroes yet most of us have never met a LefTarded military man.
I am an old school conservative, fuckwit.

But to Nazis like you, everyone else is to your left.

Hahaha...sure you are..again I call bullshit!
Trust me Loon, NOBODY here considers you a Conservative of any kind.
So. Without us, it won't be America anymore. That's what.
Wrong. With you, it will be Nazi Germany. Not America.

Fuck off.

if they were alive today, the proud American men who went off to fight Nazis would be called Nazis by pukes like you. That's a fact.
Nope. Those heroes would bitch slap the shit out of scum like you.

I'm retired military myself, fuckface. Eat shit, punk.

They would be fucking appalled to see the state of things in their beloved country. You know it. They'd ask "Is THIS what we fought for?"
They sure as fuck didn't fight to see Nazis like you take over. That's a sure bet.

American soldiers went to Europe and grabbed a lot of pussies, killed a lot of foreigners and prayed to Jesus that they would live to come home to see their wives and children again.
The Left, (Democrats, Media, Globalists, Communists) want to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and create Open Borders. What better way to do that than by demonizing patriotism, and appreciation for your country and the majority whom are White. That is the entire end game.

The weak minded believe all the racist accusations.
Why shouldn’t we take great pride in being “White Nationalists”
Thank you for finally openly admitting to being a Nazi.

And a retarded one at that! Which, I realize, is redundant.

Yep, that's what you LefTarded wack-jobs keep telling us.....a proud, patriotic Caucasian is a "Nazi"
You just asked what's wrong with taking pride in being a Nazi, dumb fuck.

I didn't label you. You labeled yourself!

Goddam, I keep waiting for you dumb shits to hit tard bottom, but you just can't seem to find it! :dig:

Have to agree with you on this one

So. Without us, it won't be America anymore. That's what.
Wrong. With you, it will be Nazi Germany. Not America.

Fuck off.

if they were alive today, the proud American men who went off to fight Nazis would be called Nazis by pukes like you. That's a fact.
Nope. Those heroes would bitch slap the shit out of scum like you.

I'm retired military myself, fuckface. Eat shit, punk.

I call bullshit.
NO military man I've ever known speaks like you do...NONE!
Weird that all you LefTarded whacks here happen to be war heroes yet most of us have never met a LefTarded military man.
You really do live with your head shoved far up your ass, don't you.

You've never heard of a military left winger?

Here you go:


This little commie believes politicians who have over $1 million should be required to have that money confiscated by the government. He has announced his candidacy for President in 2020:
Celebrate being an American.

We are not now, nor have we ever been, a 'white' nation.

Baloney. It's ours. Our ancestors built this country with blood, sweat and tears. It's laws, it's traditions, it's values, all came from European settlers.

So what?

So. Without us, it won't be America anymore. That's what.
-------------------------------- the invaders and imported 'fifth column' aren't interested in America being America anymore . After all , hasn't Western Civ. been denigrated enough these last few years for my statement to be true and apparent ?? Something better will be built by the 'importeds' . the 'ilham omars' take over and after Western Civ. can be uprooted .
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The Left, (Democrats, Media, Globalists, Communists) want to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and create Open Borders. What better way to do that than by demonizing patriotism, and appreciation for your country and the majority whom are White. That is the entire end game.

The left's gameplan was spelled out in their marxist handbooks almost a century ago. It was then and is now all predicated on getting rid of that pesky strain of humanity called the white man.
There seems to be a big difference between nationalists who happen to be white and white nationalists. :dunno:
Not anymore.

Now any white person with a sense of nationalism will look at what has happened to Europe and realize that white people don't have a home and the only way for white people to be safe is to build a new one rather than allowing another South Africa to happen.

You have lost any moral argument against white nationalism. That is the reason the cowards at the EU decided to destroy the internet.
Im tri racial and dont id with any particular one however i was raised in a whit consertive home.
I id as American

Raised in a lily white conservative home, currently identifies as politically conservative. If you're anything, you're predictable! Nothing wrong with that.

But I have noticed that if your white and proud of it many blacks and latinos have a issue with it and call you racist but there no differance

Yet racists seem to persist with the 'white pride' nonsense. I guess they thrive on drama.
So. Without us, it won't be America anymore. That's what.
Wrong. With you, it will be Nazi Germany. Not America.

Fuck off.

if they were alive today, the proud American men who went off to fight Nazis would be called Nazis by pukes like you. That's a fact.
Nope. Those heroes would bitch slap the shit out of scum like you.

I'm retired military myself, fuckface. Eat shit, punk.

I call bullshit.
NO military man I've ever known speaks like you do...NONE!
Weird that all you LefTarded whacks here happen to be war heroes yet most of us have never met a LefTarded military man.
You really do live with your head shoved far up your ass, don't you.

You've never heard of a military left winger?

Here you go:


This little commie believes politicians who have over $1 million should be required to have that money confiscated by the government. He has announced his candidacy for President in 2020:

Oh, I’m not saying I’ve never heard of them...I know they exist, they’re like unicorns though...it’s weird, they all seem to be right here on this site.
There seems to be a big difference between nationalists who happen to be white and white nationalists. :dunno:
Not anymore.

Now any white person with a sense of nationalism will look at what has happened to Europe and realize that white people don't have a home and the only way for white people to be safe is to build a new one rather than allowing another South Africa to happen.

You have lost any moral argument against white nationalism. That is the reason the cowards at the EU decided to destroy the internet.

I think the left has overplayed their hand with this latest push to criminalize nationalism for white people. It's going to backfire right in their multicultural faces.
Why shouldn’t we take great pride in being “White Nationalists”
Thank you for finally openly admitting to being a Nazi.

And a retarded one at that! Which, I realize, is redundant.
Yep, everyone that supports Trump are Nazis. We're building the ovens. You better get your ass moving and get out.


But I've never met a Trump supporter that minded hat his administration and or campaign attracts Nazis.
---------------------------- and 'hilary' and 'mrobama' and the 'dems' attract criminals and other 'unamerican scum' Candy .
.........if the other races can be proud of/promote/etc their race [ and they do ] , there's nothing wrong with whites doing it
There is always the fear among the black race I think, that if whites begin being proud of being white again (whatever that means), then it equates to racism and oppression against them as a race in this nation.

Why can't people just be American's, and if a split comes, then let it be over, religion, lifestyle, and culture, and not over skin color which is flat outright ridiculous when one thinks about it.
....the blacks were ''kept down''/harassed/segregated/denied/etc --I can understand them being very leery/cautious/etc--but they go overboard....and try to blame whitey for everything
At some point it's got to change in their minds that whitey is the eternal devil that can't be trusted. It's unfair to keep strapping generation after generation of whites with this white guilt trip, and especially when seeing other races being bad without any consequences for their bullcrap or actions just because of.
It is all intentional.

The Democrats and the racist majority of the black community will never stop hating white people.
I thought we all wanted extremely patriotic and extremely proud citizens...no?
Are Democrats pushing that patriotism, love and loyalty to the United States Of America is a bad thing?
Does their rule only apply to Caucasians? Are Brown and Black Nationalists bad as well?
Are Mexicrats against anybody too white, too patriotic, too committed and too loyal to the U.S. because they know they can’t garner a single vote from said groups?

  1. 1.
    a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
    "he was a staunch nationalist during his 22 years in power"
  1. 1.
    relating to nationalists or nationalism.
    "a nationalist movement"

They want to make everyone afraid to express their opinion. MAGA .... to me thats a time when you could freely talk to each other about ideas without being called Hitler.
I consider myself a Nationalist because I believe as a citizen I should put the concerns of other American Citizens above the concerns of foreign nationals. To the new breed of Democrats, this is a radical political position I think.
Values, not skin color are what make America great. However, this has always been a majority White country. That may change, but it doesn't mean the country can not remain great if American values are continued.
It reminds me of the cartoon I saw once.

In the

First panel: these two youths were pictured (one dark skinned, one white) ....the white one says "I'm going to start a White Student's Union"

Second Panel: The darker skinned one asks "Why"

Third Panel: "Because having a Black Student Union is racist" says the white student.

Fourth Panel: "So you want to be racist as well?"
And yet there are black student unions on every campus....
There seems to be a big difference between nationalists who happen to be white and white nationalists. :dunno:
Not anymore.

Now any white person with a sense of nationalism will look at what has happened to Europe and realize that white people don't have a home and the only way for white people to be safe is to build a new one rather than allowing another South Africa to happen.

You have lost any moral argument against white nationalism. That is the reason the cowards at the EU decided to destroy the internet.

I think the left has overplayed their hand with this latest push to criminalize nationalism for white people. It's going to backfire right in their multicultural faces.

You and the left are two sides of the same coin. Real conservatives want to marginalize identity politics. You live for it

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