CDZ Why should you care what other people do?

I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?
Because this is a matter of public health and safety. The operative word is PUBLIC. What you do effects others. We don't want to infect our families due to your carelessness

Do you own a gun? If so, why can't you go outside and indiscriminately fire your gun over the town? You have a right to own one, but society expects a level of responsibility to go with that right.

When you crowd restaurants and shops without a face mask, you are showing you do not agree that the same level of responsibility applies to you as a gun owner shooting in the air near town.

Are those concerned about others wearing masks being responsible if they leave the safety of their home to shop instead of ordering over the internet?



Do those people who are so concerned about making others wear masks own a pet and do they make that pet wear a mask when taking said pet outside?


Wear a mask cut the possibility of getting or giving the virus to others. Don't wear a mask increase the possibility of giving or getting the virus, its that simple.
Regarding the economy, can not enjoy the rewards of working or enjoying life as it use too be if am dead. its always a choice I choice life.
Wear a mask cut the possibility of getting or giving the virus to others. Don't wear a mask increase the possibility of giving or getting the virus, its that simple.
Regarding the economy, can not enjoy the rewards of working or enjoying life as it use too be if am dead. its always a choice I choice life.

Wear a hazmat suit or stay home because you have no idea where those infections can be coming from unless you disinfect every surface.




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Wear a mask cut the possibility of getting or giving the virus to others. Don't wear a mask increase the possibility of giving or getting the virus, its that simple.
Regarding the economy, can not enjoy the rewards of working or enjoying life as it use too be if am dead. its always a choice I choice life.
View attachment 339989

Wear a hazmat suit or stay home because you have no idea where those infections can be coming from unless you disinfect every surface.



No hazmat suit necessary. Doing these things can keep you safe in public

- Don't touch your face.
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and use hand sanitizer when you can't wash.
- Wear a mask to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
- Don't shake hands. No need to mash your nose snot around on someone else's hand because you forgot you weren't supposed to touch your face.
- Don't congregate in groups where you can't be 6+ feet apart.
- Be aware that the virus can enter your body through your eyes.
- Don't touch your face - worth mentioning again.
- Stay home if you feel sick.
- Don't cough/spit at or on other people. Quickly move away from said coughers/spitters.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?

Wow, your final paragraph is perplexing; why do you seem to believe that what others do can have no negative impact on you?

And this is the justification used by every tyrannical murderer in history. Soviets slaughtered 60 million people, because of those darn evil wealthy people were somehow harming others.... of course without them, millions starved....

Same with Venezuela today. Taking businesses from even the poorest of men who worked their whole lives in their businesses, only to have everything they worked their whole life for confiscated.

So here's the deal. Unless I do something directly to you, how I live my life is none of your business, and you have no right to interfere.
Wear a mask cut the possibility of getting or giving the virus to others. Don't wear a mask increase the possibility of giving or getting the virus, its that simple.
Regarding the economy, can not enjoy the rewards of working or enjoying life as it use too be if am dead. its always a choice I choice life.
View attachment 339989

Wear a hazmat suit or stay home because you have no idea where those infections can be coming from unless you disinfect every surface.



No hazmat suit necessary. Doing these things can keep you safe in public

- Don't touch your face.
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and use hand sanitizer when you can't wash.
- Wear a mask to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
- Don't shake hands. No need to mash your nose snot around on someone else's hand because you forgot you weren't supposed to touch your face.
- Don't congregate in groups where you can't be 6+ feet apart.
- Be aware that the virus can enter your body through your eyes.
- Don't touch your face - worth mentioning again.
- Stay home if you feel sick.
- Don't cough/spit at or on other people. Quickly move away from said coughers/spitters.


You might as well wear a hazmat suit so your eyes and hands are protected also.

You forgot to add the medical checklist that any person who wishes to come near or even touch you has to fill out and sign.

Remember that if they have COVID-19, aids, HIV, Hep C, herpes, etc,... they're not allowed near you.

BTW: Make sure your pets muzzle is N95 certified and that it wears a diaper in public.


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Wear a mask cut the possibility of getting or giving the virus to others. Don't wear a mask increase the possibility of giving or getting the virus, its that simple.
Regarding the economy, can not enjoy the rewards of working or enjoying life as it use too be if am dead. its always a choice I choice life.
View attachment 339989

Wear a hazmat suit or stay home because you have no idea where those infections can be coming from unless you disinfect every surface.



No hazmat suit necessary. Doing these things can keep you safe in public

- Don't touch your face.
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and use hand sanitizer when you can't wash.
- Wear a mask to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
- Don't shake hands. No need to mash your nose snot around on someone else's hand because you forgot you weren't supposed to touch your face.
- Don't congregate in groups where you can't be 6+ feet apart.
- Be aware that the virus can enter your body through your eyes.
- Don't touch your face - worth mentioning again.
- Stay home if you feel sick.
- Don't cough/spit at or on other people. Quickly move away from said coughers/spitters.

View attachment 340435

You might as well wear a hazmat suit so your eyes and hands are protected also.

You forgot to add the medical checklist that any person who wishes to come near or even touch you has to fill out and sign.

Remember that if they have COVID-19, aids, HIV, Hep C, etc,... they're not allowed near you.

BTW: Make sure your pets muzzle is N95 certified and that it wears a diaper in public.



My husband has a genetic lung disease that has left him with 25% lung capacity. His pulmonologist told him not to get Covid-19 because he will not survive. That pretty much means I cannot get it either.

So I do what the scientists and doctors tell me to do. I know certain conservative types scoff at science but I don't have that luxury.

My dog on the other hand, is a stubborn little cuss. He wears a muzzle because he cannot resist eating every single thing off the ground. Cigarette butts, rocks, sticks, dirt, tasty cat treats are the best. I don't like getting up in the middle of the night to clean up vomit. So yes, he has to wear the mask of shame.
Wear a mask cut the possibility of getting or giving the virus to others. Don't wear a mask increase the possibility of giving or getting the virus, its that simple.
Regarding the economy, can not enjoy the rewards of working or enjoying life as it use too be if am dead. its always a choice I choice life.
View attachment 339989

Wear a hazmat suit or stay home because you have no idea where those infections can be coming from unless you disinfect every surface.



No hazmat suit necessary. Doing these things can keep you safe in public

- Don't touch your face.
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and use hand sanitizer when you can't wash.
- Wear a mask to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
- Don't shake hands. No need to mash your nose snot around on someone else's hand because you forgot you weren't supposed to touch your face.
- Don't congregate in groups where you can't be 6+ feet apart.
- Be aware that the virus can enter your body through your eyes.
- Don't touch your face - worth mentioning again.
- Stay home if you feel sick.
- Don't cough/spit at or on other people. Quickly move away from said coughers/spitters.

View attachment 340435

You might as well wear a hazmat suit so your eyes and hands are protected also.

You forgot to add the medical checklist that any person who wishes to come near or even touch you has to fill out and sign.

Remember that if they have COVID-19, aids, HIV, Hep C, etc,... they're not allowed near you.

BTW: Make sure your pets muzzle is N95 certified and that it wears a diaper in public.



My husband has a genetic lung disease that has left him with 25% lung capacity. His pulmonologist told him not to get Covid-19 because he will not survive. That pretty much means I cannot get it either.

So I do what the scientists and doctors tell me to do. I know certain conservative types scoff at science but I don't have that luxury.

My dog on the other hand, is a stubborn little cuss. He wears a muzzle because he cannot resist eating every single thing off the ground. Cigarette butts, rocks, sticks, dirt, tasty cat treats are the best. I don't like getting up in the middle of the night to clean up vomit. So yes, he has to wear the mask of shame.


Then your husband should be kept in a clean room for his own safety with a full decon at the entrance.


I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?
Because there are some who seem to think the government is an expert on everything despite ample evidence they are not.
Wear a mask cut the possibility of getting or giving the virus to others. Don't wear a mask increase the possibility of giving or getting the virus, its that simple.
Regarding the economy, can not enjoy the rewards of working or enjoying life as it use too be if am dead. its always a choice I choice life.
View attachment 339989

Wear a hazmat suit or stay home because you have no idea where those infections can be coming from unless you disinfect every surface.



No hazmat suit necessary. Doing these things can keep you safe in public

- Don't touch your face.
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and use hand sanitizer when you can't wash.
- Wear a mask to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
- Don't shake hands. No need to mash your nose snot around on someone else's hand because you forgot you weren't supposed to touch your face.
- Don't congregate in groups where you can't be 6+ feet apart.
- Be aware that the virus can enter your body through your eyes.
- Don't touch your face - worth mentioning again.
- Stay home if you feel sick.
- Don't cough/spit at or on other people. Quickly move away from said coughers/spitters.

View attachment 340435

You might as well wear a hazmat suit so your eyes and hands are protected also.

You forgot to add the medical checklist that any person who wishes to come near or even touch you has to fill out and sign.

Remember that if they have COVID-19, aids, HIV, Hep C, etc,... they're not allowed near you.

BTW: Make sure your pets muzzle is N95 certified and that it wears a diaper in public.



My husband has a genetic lung disease that has left him with 25% lung capacity. His pulmonologist told him not to get Covid-19 because he will not survive. That pretty much means I cannot get it either.

So I do what the scientists and doctors tell me to do. I know certain conservative types scoff at science but I don't have that luxury.

My dog on the other hand, is a stubborn little cuss. He wears a muzzle because he cannot resist eating every single thing off the ground. Cigarette butts, rocks, sticks, dirt, tasty cat treats are the best. I don't like getting up in the middle of the night to clean up vomit. So yes, he has to wear the mask of shame.

View attachment 340497

Then your husband should be kept in a clean room for his own safety with a full decon at the entrance.



Oh I take precautions. We don't let outside things come inside until they have been disinfected, including myself. :D
On issues of national security we need to act collectively.

And just why do we need government to dictate that Tom?

Realize , we've been through multiple pandemics where we listened to medical doctrine, maintained respect for others , and employed personal responsibility in a collective manner

C-19 is no more/less a 'national security' threat than all that i saw in 3 decades of service

Yes we lose people, yes it s*cks, no we didn't have the boot of nanny state governance on our necks

So tell us, just what do YOU think the dif is going to be?

On issues of national security we need to act collectively.

And just why do we need government to dictate that Tom?

Realize , we've been through multiple pandemics where we listened to medical doctrine, maintained respect for others , and employed personal responsibility in a collective manner

C-19 is no more/less a 'national security' threat than all that i saw in 3 decades of service

Yes we lose people, yes it s*cks, no we didn't have the boot of nanny state governance on our necks

So tell us, just what do YOU think the dif is going to be?

Because when left to their own devices people act in their own self interests and not the common good. The government has the authority of the law to see that the weak are not trampled on.
Because when left to their own devices people act in their own self interests and not the common good. The government has the authority of the law to see that the weak are not trampled on.

"Common Good" in your Orwellian little world involves a fascist state where some are allowed to earn a living and others are not.

Yes by all means -- millions and millions of people made homeless is "common good".
Because when left to their own devices people act in their own self interests and not the common good. The government has the authority of the law to see that the weak are not trampled on.

"Common Good" in your Orwellian little world involves a fascist state where some are allowed to earn a living and others are not.

Yes by all means -- millions and millions of people made homeless is "common good".
And millions of dead people is "common good" ?
I have found most who claim they always refuse to wear masks are mostly so-called conservatives. They are really just jerks!

Are you still wiping down every surface because Dr. Fauci told you to do it? Did you stop when he told you to stop? Are you a human being or a ruminant?

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