CDZ Why should you care what other people do?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?

Wow, your final paragraph is perplexing; why do you seem to believe that what others do can have no negative impact on you?
Were it only a matter of the individual being the only victim of their stupidity the "do as you will" argument would have merit. Seeing as how someone can unknowingly infect dozens of others the main consideration moves from personal freedom to public safety.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?
Remember diversity is our strength. Different states taking diverse approaches will lead us to the right one.
We did a terrible job protecting people in nursing homes and an enormous percentage of those people died. We did a terrible job unilaterally shutting down the country destroying millions of American lives and businesses. Let's not do a terrible job next time.
Here's the thing about mother nature... she's a stone-cold, b*tch.

If we build levies to stop floods, the levies will break. If we build fire-proof buildings, they get blown down by hurricanes. If we cure one disease, another will come along even stronger.

We can't prevent the effects of every natural disaster.

The idea that governments can provide solutions to all our problems if we just give up enough liberty is more dangerous than any natural disaster.
An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?

The Government doesn't want YOU to make any decisions for yourself - or even by yourself. They want YOU to be dependent on them. Why make your own choices, when you can have the government do it for you! In return - you get FREE (and useless) crap in return. :auiqs.jpg:
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?

I don't care what other people do. They probably more care that I refuse to wear a mask. If any stores in my area start requiring it, it will be the last time I shop there. The irony of course is that I have access to more disposable 1-use masks than I could use up in a year. I just think they are pointless.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?
It isn’t the Chinese flu. It isn’t a flu at all.

if you want to die, feel free. You have no right to infect anyone else. So no. You don’t get to make your own decision about this.

now puss off, ignorant twit.'re wrong. We do get to make our own decisions on this.
Oh, and 98 percent of those who get this virus will survive.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?
It isn’t the Chinese flu. It isn’t a flu at all.

if you want to die, feel free. You have no right to infect anyone else. So no. You don’t get to make your own decision about this.

now puss off, ignorant twit.
Oh for heaven's sake why don't YOU 'puss off?' You have no way of knowing who is infected and who is not which, BTW, is ALWAYS the case, Covid or not. Someone could have any number of pathogens at any one time. Do you think when this covid thing is over people are going to go around with gloves and masks all the time and stay quarantined just because snowflakes like you are pissing their panties?
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?

I don't care what other people do. They probably more care that I refuse to wear a mask. If any stores in my area start requiring it, it will be the last time I shop there. The irony of course is that I have access to more disposable 1-use masks than I could use up in a year. I just think they are pointless.

It keeps you from spreading your nasty virus to other people. They are not pointless.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?
It isn’t the Chinese flu. It isn’t a flu at all.

if you want to die, feel free. You have no right to infect anyone else. So no. You don’t get to make your own decision about this.

now puss off, ignorant twit.'re wrong. We do get to make our own decisions on this.
Oh, and 98 percent of those who get this virus will survive.

If I gave you 100 Skittles and told you that two of them would kill you instantly, would you still eat the Skittles? Would you eat them all?
No one seems to care about the reckless selfish drivers on their phone wearing a mask cutting others off and turning rush hour into NASCAR.
Or the homies still shooting each other not following guildlines.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?
It isn’t the Chinese flu. It isn’t a flu at all.

if you want to die, feel free. You have no right to infect anyone else. So no. You don’t get to make your own decision about this.

now puss off, ignorant twit.'re wrong. We do get to make our own decisions on this.
Oh, and 98 percent of those who get this virus will survive.

If I gave you 100 Skittles and told you that two of them would kill you instantly, would you still eat the Skittles? Would you eat them all?

I hate Skittles, but I take your point.

The difference is there are only 2 percent of the people for whom eating Skittles will pose any danger at all. A healthy person could eat all 100 Skittles and not get sick at all. This is why the nursing homes should have isolated all their old folks. Then the percentage would be even lower.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?

I don't care what other people do. They probably more care that I refuse to wear a mask. If any stores in my area start requiring it, it will be the last time I shop there. The irony of course is that I have access to more disposable 1-use masks than I could use up in a year. I just think they are pointless.

It keeps you from spreading your nasty virus to other people. They are not pointless.

I don't have a nasty virus so yes they are pointless. Even if I had a nasty virus, you would have to be in close proximity to me for several minutes for me cause you to get the thing and I gather no moss when in public. If you want to wear a mask, feel free.
It keeps you from spreading your nasty virus to other people. They are not pointless.

People have been spreading their nasty germs and viruses between each other since time immemorial.

Go and hide in a hole if you wish. Fear profits a man nothing.


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The reality is that we do have to all agree on the same strategy or else none of the possible strategies can work.
Some strategies kill more, and some prevent the most deaths.

At first the lock down started as a good idea because it gave us time to get some statistics, and prevented hospital over flowing.
But once we figured out the R0 infection rate was very low, around 2, then we knew you only needed 55% for herd immunity, so than the lock down became extremely counter productive and killed people unnecessarily.

With an epidemic, time is of the essence, and the longer you let it spread, the more people are bound to die eventually. But "flattening the curve" increases the area under the curve, so kills more. It just delays their deaths a little. In fact, it actually prevents eradication of the virus, so can potentially keep the virus around and killing people, forever.

The lowest loss of life is to eradicate it the quickest.
There are 2 ways to do that.
One is a totally quarantine, that prevents any spread, and that would wipe it out in 2 weeks.
But we likely waited too long and never prepared food for such a total quarantine.
So the only other choice is accelerated herd immunity.
Vaccine are the best way to do that, but they won't be ready for years.
So then what you do is not quarantine everyone, but just the elderly and vulnerable.
Then you ask for volunteer from the young and healthy.
That totally eradicates the virus in about 3 weeks.

Lock downs like we are doing have proven to be failures.
We did a lock down for Spanish flu in 1918 and caused it to linger for 3 years, which caused huge loss of life.
Lock downs always maximize the death total, by delaying how long we take to achieve herd immunity. For then it is still herd immunity that ends it eventually.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?

I don't care what other people do. They probably more care that I refuse to wear a mask. If any stores in my area start requiring it, it will be the last time I shop there. The irony of course is that I have access to more disposable 1-use masks than I could use up in a year. I just think they are pointless.

It keeps you from spreading your nasty virus to other people. They are not pointless.

I don't have a nasty virus so yes they are pointless. Even if I had a nasty virus, you would have to be in close proximity to me for several minutes for me cause you to get the thing and I gather no moss when in public. If you want to wear a mask, feel free.

You don't know if you have it or not, but you can still spread the virus.
I have noticed two diametrically opposed points of view regarding taking precautions against the Chinese flu. One point of view is that people should take whatever precautions they think are appropriate for them. The other point of view is that people should simply comply with whatever precautions the government tells them to take.

An interesting aspect of this division is that the people who blindly follow the government's guidelines are so insistent on everyone else doing the same thing. Why don't they just take their own precautions and let others make their own decisions?
It isn’t the Chinese flu. It isn’t a flu at all.

if you want to die, feel free. You have no right to infect anyone else. So no. You don’t get to make your own decision about this.

now puss off, ignorant twit.'re wrong. We do get to make our own decisions on this.
Oh, and 98 percent of those who get this virus will survive.

If I gave you 100 Skittles and told you that two of them would kill you instantly, would you still eat the Skittles? Would you eat them all?

I hate Skittles, but I take your point.

The difference is there are only 2 percent of the people for whom eating Skittles will pose any danger at all. A healthy person could eat all 100 Skittles and not get sick at all. This is why the nursing homes should have isolated all their old folks. Then the percentage would be even lower.
Yeah, tell that to the 41-year old Navy Chief who died from COVID-19 on the USS Theodore Roosevelt! Oh, wait! He's dead!

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