Why Should God Let You Into Heaven?


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads
Guys, please lets stay on topic and keep this thread civil and about the O.P. For those who reply- we assume that 1. You believe there is a God and 2. want to go to Heaven. Thanks in advance.....

so, why should God let you into Heaven after you die? (serious replies only please).
If He was just a Just god then He wouldn't. Fortunately he's merciful as well.

He probably shouldn't. I certainly don't deserve it. I am a sinner, and even a hypocrite at times. I don't mean to be, but my flesh is weak...... however I do have the HS that slaps me up side of the head when I do wrong, thus getting my attention, thus allowing me to repent of my sin right then and there,,,,,,I do try not to repeat my sin, but still, in my imperfections, I find myself in that same pickle again....if not a repeat offender, then a new temptation or omission, or worldly thought or selfish deed..

However, I truly have accepted Christ as Lord of my life, and I know that no matter what,,,,I cannot be removed from my Fathers hand, but I also know that I am nothing more than filthy rags in my sin, and will have some major splainin' to do if I have unconfessed sin in my life. I do confess my sins constantly it seems, and pray that when my time in this world is through, I will be faced to face with my Lord, and hear him say "Well done my good and faithful servant " rather than " Depart from me, for I never knew you....."

So, although I am undeserving, because I am truly born again, and I love my Lord, I know He will keep His promise, and I will enter the Kingdom when I leave this world,,,, but I will never be good enough to deserve it....Never !!
There is no judgement in the afterlife. There is just afterlife. And it is certain in its equality.

There is no "Word of God" but only the Man-written "Word of God".

You are going to die. It is not Disneyland. My parents are there, my brother is there, many of my friends are there. And they haven't written since. But others have written for them. Throughout the ages.
Ephesians 2

And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

English Standard Version (ESV)
Guys, please lets stay on topic and keep this thread civil and about the O.P. For those who reply- we assume that 1. You believe there is a God and 2. want to go to Heaven. Thanks in advance.....

so, why should God let you into Heaven after you die? (serious replies only please).

I was crushed as a child when my mom told me the punishment for sin is death. I told my mother I won't ever sin, she said, "too late, you already did so you will die". Too bad there isn't a waiver for children or something.
Guys, please lets stay on topic and keep this thread civil and about the O.P. For those who reply- we assume that 1. You believe there is a God and 2. want to go to Heaven. Thanks in advance.....

so, why should God let you into Heaven after you die? (serious replies only please).

I was crushed as a child when my mom told me the punishment for sin is death. I told my mother I won't ever sin, she said, "too late, you already did so you will die". Too bad there isn't a waiver for children or something.

the good news is Jesus took your punishment.
There is no judgement in the afterlife. There is just afterlife. And it is certain in its equality.

There is no "Word of God" but only the Man-written "Word of God".

You are going to die. It is not Disneyland. My parents are there, my brother is there, many of my friends are there. And they haven't written since. But others have written for them. Throughout the ages.

I understand your perspective and almost hold it. But, without man, where did the "word of god' come from? Science has answered these questions for a long time. Science explains Lightining after decades of "god is mad".

I do think there is a god over all of us, otherwise why do all creatures on earth have so many organs we can't live without. Random occurrence would not create so many variations necessary for life.
Guys, please lets stay on topic and keep this thread civil and about the O.P. For those who reply- we assume that 1. You believe there is a God and 2. want to go to Heaven. Thanks in advance.....

so, why should God let you into Heaven after you die? (serious replies only please).

I was crushed as a child when my mom told me the punishment for sin is death. I told my mother I won't ever sin, she said, "too late, you already did so you will die". Too bad there isn't a waiver for children or something.

the good news is Jesus took your punishment.

So My mom was wrong? I could sin up until I was mature enough to understand the reason not to sin?

Did aborted babies sin? How did they die without sin?
There is no judgement in the afterlife. There is just afterlife. And it is certain in its equality.

There is no "Word of God" but only the Man-written "Word of God".

You are going to die. It is not Disneyland. My parents are there, my brother is there, many of my friends are there. And they haven't written since. But others have written for them. Throughout the ages.

wrong on so many levels, and yes there will be a judgment of your life, firstly whether you accepted Jesus as your Savior. EVERY KNEE shall bow to Him eventually. And all have sinned against God. A just God must punish sin. He sent His only begotten Son to die for you at the Cross. Salvation is a FREE GIFT, not of works, lest any man should boast. God says once death, then the JUDGMENT.
Guys, please lets stay on topic and keep this thread civil and about the O.P. For those who reply- we assume that 1. You believe there is a God and 2. want to go to Heaven. Thanks in advance.....

so, why should God let you into Heaven after you die? (serious replies only please).

I was crushed as a child when my mom told me the punishment for sin is death. I told my mother I won't ever sin, she said, "too late, you already did so you will die". Too bad there isn't a waiver for children or something.

the good news is Jesus took your punishment.

So My mom was wrong? I could sin up until I was mature enough to understand the reason not to sin?

Did aborted babies sin? How did they die without sin?

We are sinners from the womb.

Romans 5:12 - Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

Psalms 51:5 - Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Psalms 58:3 - The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.

Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Guys, please lets stay on topic and keep this thread civil and about the O.P. For those who reply- we assume that 1. You believe there is a God and 2. want to go to Heaven. Thanks in advance.....

so, why should God let you into Heaven after you die? (serious replies only please).

I was crushed as a child when my mom told me the punishment for sin is death. I told my mother I won't ever sin, she said, "too late, you already did so you will die". Too bad there isn't a waiver for children or something.

the good news is Jesus took your punishment.

So My mom was wrong? I could sin up until I was mature enough to understand the reason not to sin?

Did aborted babies sin? How did they die without sin?

babies who die are covered by the blood. They are not old enough to understand God's plan for salvation and they do not have the mental capacity to. Handicapped (mentally) children and adults all go to Heaven when they die imo. God is a just God.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Grace is an unmerited (unearned) gift from God. It's God sovereign will that he gives the gift of mercy (salvation) to some people by bringing them to faith in Jesus Christ.

What is salvation?
-Saved from.

Saved from what?
-Punishment for sins in Hell.

Why must God punish sinners for their sins?
-It's God's will.

Why does God will it be so?
-It's due to the character of God.

What is God's character?
-One of God's perfect infinite characteristics is Holy Justice.

What is Holy Justice?
-God's perfect justice. It means God wills punishment for all sins. All sins are punished according to what the sins are.

If God wills punishment for all sins, no matter how small, how can he grants salvation to sinners?
-Jesus Christ took the punishment for the sins of all who have faith in him, as required by God's Holy Justice, on the cross.

Who is granted this gift of salvation by the grace of God?
-It's God's will that he elects some sinners to grant the gift of mercy. These sinners are called the elect. The saints is another way to call these sinners.

Why does God grant salvation to only some sinners, not all sinners?
-Mercy is a gift that is not required to be given. Mercy is contrasted to justice. Justice is required action from God.
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Guys, please lets stay on topic and keep this thread civil and about the O.P. For those who reply- we assume that 1. You believe there is a God and 2. want to go to Heaven. Thanks in advance.....

so, why should God let you into Heaven after you die? (serious replies only please).
I've done nothing, NOTHING, that should get me set on fire forever.
Guys, please lets stay on topic and keep this thread civil and about the O.P. For those who reply- we assume that 1. You believe there is a God and 2. want to go to Heaven. Thanks in advance.....

so, why should God let you into Heaven after you die? (serious replies only please).
/shrugs......because he said he would if I believed in him.......
I agree with the other guy above, but I'll cut it short.

I believe that Jesus Christ died for me for all the reasons God won't let me into heaven. Only through Jesus will I get in.

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