Why Romney Really Lost


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts


The Romney camp was in total shock by 8pm on Tuesday night. They couldn't believe that Obama was doing as well as he was doing. All of the enthusiasm they saw along the campaign trail didn't result in the turnout they expected. By 10pm they realized that they had no path to the presidency.

So why did Romney lose?

Because he wasn't the perfect candidate.

He was a better man and would become a better president than the man currently holding the office but he wasn't perfect.

The problem with Mitt Romney wasn't Mitt Romney. It was the expectations of GOP voters. Some of them refuse to vote for anything other than someone who fits their beliefs exactly. Democrat voters simply want a warm body that delivers the goods.

GOP voters don't call themselves GOP voters in the numbers they used to. Some of them are Libertarians or Independents. Democrats sometimes are ashamed of calling themselves Democrats but they almost always vote Democrat. Thus there are more of them. Because they vote Democrat.

There are different kinds of Democrats. There are Democrats that vote for stuff, Democrats that vote because they hate or even fear the GOP, and Democrats that vote because that's all they've ever done. It doesn't take much to get them to vote for Democrats, just give them a reason. Any reason. A reason they know is a lie. They still vote Democrat.

What reasons or excuses did they use? Well, Obama provided them. Everything from "Binders" to "Big-Bird" to birth control.

For White Middle-class voters he provided the excuse that Romney is a rich guy that is out of touch. Doesn't matter that this is shading the truth or that Obama himself is totally out of touch with the Middle-class. Bain capital was bogus but that's excuse enough for Ohio, and Pennsylvania whites not to vote for Romney.

For Blacks he gave them Tryvan Martin. Enough said about that.

For White women he gave them what's her name? I almost forgot her name because she has turned out to be so inconsequential. Sandra Fluke. Free birth control. Stupid as it may sound Liberal women don't need a rational excuse. They just needed an excuse.

For Hispanics Obama acted like he cared about illegal immigrants but not one thing has changed since he's been in office other than newly illegible Hispanic kids now have at least some hope of citizenship. Obama simply decided not to enforce our laws. He left the hard work up to the states. He promised to deal with the issue but he's never going to because the issue is such a cash cow that it would be considered treason to solve it. So Obama gives them hope.

For Gays Obama changes his stance, just like Romney changed his stance. Only Obama never really changed. He just lied to get his foot in the door. Now he's being honest about same-sex marriage. That's good enough for Democrats. Not good enough for those stubborn former GOP voters.

3 million GOP voters sat this one out. Maybe even more, because this is 3 million more than sat out the 08' election. I don't know how many sat out that one. Bush got more votes in 04' than Obama did this time. So these folks have ether become non-political or they've sold out the GOP in favor of their own individual idiocies. What's even worse, 10 million Democrat voters sat this one out, so Romney could have won if he had been able to get these stubborn SOBs to show up.

So what does this all mean? The Republicans have a tough road to go. Their voters are principled. Too principled. Face it folks. There are fewer and fewer principled voters left. So how can the GOP attract less principled voters and not alienate the principled voters? Well, there's the rub. Democrats took the easy road by appealing to the worst of our humanity. All they have to do is promise them things even they know they can't deliver. And they can keep them as long as they can demonize the opposition, in essence give the unprincipled voter an excuse to give them just one more chance to come through with the goods. But that's the problem with unprincipled voters. Their principles are flexible. Principled voters aren't. Result.....the liars and the cheats win every time.

Until these unprincipled voters discover that Obama isn't a Democrat they'll stick with him. At least not the kind of Democrat that has existed in the past. No matter. They'll stick with him. They don't really believe he's a Marxist. Marxism is a definable term. What Obama is is hard to define. Almost as hard as defining his jobs program. A program nobody seems to really know.

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The real reason Bishop Willard lost, he was a lying flip-flopper.

I have heard that there are not atheists in a foxhole.

And there are only introspective Rethugs after they had the shit kicked out of them by a black guy with 8% UE and a mountain of debt.

And you fuking losers lost? Now you all butthurt and looking for the reason "why".

Why oh why? Cause the rethugs ideas are a fuking joke. And enough Americans realized just that.

I mean, who wanted four more years of George Bush except for you rethugs.

Hey, did your sec 8 tenants vote Obama. LMAO. Bet that pissed you off. But then again, when you are living off sec 8 income.
I have heard that there are not atheists in a foxhole.

And there are only introspective Rethugs after they had the shit kicked out of them by a black guy with 8% UE and a mountain of debt.

And you fuking losers lost? Now you all butthurt and looking for the reason "why".

Why oh why? Cause the rethugs ideas are a fuking joke. And enough Americans realized just that.

I mean, who wanted four more years of George Bush except for you rethugs.

Hey, did your sec 8 tenants vote Obama. LMAO. Bet that pissed you off. But then again, when you are living off sec 8 income.

Guess the coke kicked in a little early. I really don't think you deserve a rational response.

Well, fuck it.

I think the point is workable solutions aren't the winners they used to be.

Too many Americans are detached from reality. Democrats are more appealing to that constant state of numbness. All of the stimulation we have in our lives numbs us to the reality that exists around us. Obama simply made irrational promises and accused Romney of the most extreme evils and the voters tossed out what they couldn't believe and went with what they could.

Perhaps being cool is better than being competent. Politics is a show. People figure that what happens in Washington won't effect their lives. Romney tried to remind us that it does but not enough people bought it. Putting aside all of the cheating that was going on I think that without all of the busloads of new voters the Obama campaign delivered the vote would have still been close, mostly because Americans are not serious about this country or about anything for that matter to be trusted to do the right thing. I guess the only way to snap them back into reality is a crisis like WWII or a disaster that effects everyone equally.
this could have been a decent thread discussing the real issues that caused romney to lose....

47 %, jeep remarks....but you would rather just cast stones and rant and rave about how bad the democrats are....did it ever occur to you .....that romney reall fucked up...with his own comments....not being able to control his underlyings.....by bringing back the 'bomber boys' the list just goes on and on but you continue to blame the democrats for winning.....instead of trying to really figure out why the non diverse group of white men have failed.....look at the religion clamp..excluding everyone who is their concept of "christian".....you do realize one of the most religious groups in america....blacks....did not vote for the christian candidate....

couple that with the latino vote.....even dying his skin didnt fool them....

and lets now leave out his lose in ohio....do you think it could have been that lying jeep commerical?

why not discuss what really happened down at the reality ranch?

this could have been a decent thread discussing the real issues that caused romney to lose....

47 %, jeep remarks....but you would rather just cast stones and rant and rave about how bad the democrats are....did it ever occur to you .....that romney reall fucked up...with his own comments....not being able to control his underlyings.....by bringing back the 'bomber boys' the list just goes on and on but you continue to blame the democrats for winning.....instead of trying to really figure out why the non diverse group of white men have failed.....look at the religion clamp..excluding everyone who is their concept of "christian".....you do realize one of the most religious groups in america....blacks....did not vote for the christian candidate....

couple that with the latino vote.....even dying his skin didnt fool them....

and lets now leave out his lose in ohio....do you think it could have been that lying jeep commerical?

why not discuss what really happened down at the reality ranch?


That was semi-incoherent.

I think I was pretty clear that at least 3 million former Republicans sat this one out.

Does that sound like I'm blaming Democrats?
what was incoherent......the reasons romney lost?

religious problems....

flip flop problems

insulting 47 % of america....

lying in his jeep commerical about the jeeps going to china after being bailed out....

how much slower can i type for you?
I think the point is workable solutions aren't the winners they used to be.

But Romney didn't offer workable solutions. He offered the exact same stuff Bush did. More tax cuts for rich people, more deregulation of Wall Street and the banks. In short, the same shit that got us into this mess to start with. People saw that for what it was.

Too many Americans are detached from reality. Democrats are more appealing to that constant state of numbness. All of the stimulation we have in our lives numbs us to the reality that exists around us. Obama simply made irrational promises and accused Romney of the most extreme evils and the voters tossed out what they couldn't believe and went with what they could.

What "irrational promise" did Obama actually make? I'd love to hear this one.

And frankly, the "evils" Romney was accused of were things Romney actually did. He did lay off thousands of people in order to make more money for his investors. Romney's problem was he tried to paint himself as something he wasn't.

Perhaps being cool is better than being competent. Politics is a show. People figure that what happens in Washington won't effect their lives. Romney tried to remind us that it does but not enough people bought it. Putting aside all of the cheating that was going on I think that without all of the busloads of new voters the Obama campaign delivered the vote would have still been close, mostly because Americans are not serious about this country or about anything for that matter to be trusted to do the right thing. I guess the only way to snap them back into reality is a crisis like WWII or a disaster that effects everyone equally.

Guy, the disaster that has effected us is that the Mitt Romney's of the world have spent the last 40 years trying to undo the progressive era and undermine the middle class. And having some rich guy telling a person working two jobs to put food on the table that he just needs to work a little harder wasn't cutting it.
Karl Rove has said that Sandy is the reason Romney lost. If a hurricane is an act of God ...

God had something to do with it, but climate change has nothing to do with God.

God stopped interfering with our weather after the great flood 6000 years ago. Anyone who's read the Bible and understands it knows that.

I think that forcing the media to be honest and impartial in their coverage would be enough to balance things out. But figure the odds on that.
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what was incoherent......the reasons romney lost?

religious problems....

flip flop problems

insulting 47 % of america....

lying in his jeep commerical about the jeeps going to china after being bailed out....

how much slower can i type for you?

For Muddy, you need to type real loud. He is slow on the uptake. And can't hear well.
Please shout.
Karl Rove has said that Sandy is the reason Romney lost. If a hurricane is an act of God ...

God had something to do with it, but climate change has nothing to do with God.

God stopped interfering with our weather after the great flood 6000 years ago.

I think that forcing the media to be honest and impartial in their coverage would be enough to balance things out. But figure the odds on that.

I should be horrified you think the "Great Flood" was a real thing.

The problem is, in an election where people's greatest fear is being laid off, you nominated the guy who laid off your dad.

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