Why Obama's connection to Wright is troubling

Perhaps you could show more than a handful of articles describing Obama's racist comments in his book, 'Dreams from my Father'?

his comments taken out of context, can be twisted to appear racist. Anyone who has read the book knows they weren't racist, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Ya'll can lie and twist shit all you want. You are losing based on the actually issues that matter to the voters so you have to go the only route you know how, negative.

The problem you'll have with that is McCain has some pretty negative stuff in his background that he'd be better off having left there.
1st post
why the laugh? are you asking a question?

besides, I think we both know that you're being dishonest...

BTW, how do you feel voting for someone who belongs to a church where they believe in casting out "witches"...and speaking in tongue... and bringing about the armageddon so she can be airlifted direct to heaven.

Now THOSE things are dangerous. Grow up.

Nice deflection, how do you feel about putting a man in the highest office that describes the white race as menacing?
his comments taken out of context, can be twisted to appear racist. Anyone who has read the book knows they weren't racist, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Ya'll can lie and twist shit all you want. You are losing based on the actually issues that matter to the voters so you have to go the only route you know how, negative.

The problem you'll have with that is McCain has some pretty negative stuff in his background that he'd be better off having left there.

in the immortal words of George W Bush.. ""Bring it on!"
his comments taken out of context, can be twisted to appear racist. Anyone who has read the book knows they weren't racist, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Ya'll can lie and twist shit all you want. You are losing based on the actually issues that matter to the voters so you have to go the only route you know how, negative.

The problem you'll have with that is McCain has some pretty negative stuff in his background that he'd be better off having left there.

Maybe you can explain why he described the white race as menacing and how that wouldn't effect his policies? Maybe you could explain why he rejected his mother's race at a young age? Let's start with those two...
his comments taken out of context, can be twisted to appear racist. Anyone who has read the book knows they weren't racist, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Ya'll can lie and twist shit all you want. You are losing based on the actually issues that matter to the voters so you have to go the only route you know how, negative.

The problem you'll have with that is McCain has some pretty negative stuff in his background that he'd be better off having left there.

I've read both. The comments are racist, that is if it's possible for an elite black to be racist?
Nice deflection, how do you feel about putting a man in the highest office that describes the white race as menacing?

well considering the history of whites, I'm not sure how anyone can disagree with him, if in fact that's what he said... which you know it's not.
5th post
his comments taken out of context, can be twisted to appear racist. Anyone who has read the book knows they weren't racist, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Ya'll can lie and twist shit all you want. You are losing based on the actually issues that matter to the voters so you have to go the only route you know how, negative.

The problem you'll have with that is McCain has some pretty negative stuff in his background that he'd be better off having left there.

Put it in context for us please!
well considering the history of whites, I'm not sure how anyone can disagree with him, if in fact that's what he said... which you know it's not.

So your defense against the comments is that whites can be thought of as menacing? I understand, now if the media would just ask the questions, Obama would drop in the polls like a rock.
I heard his voice on tape say it and she says no he didn't say it.. :D

I can't believe that the media is so hell bent on electing a racist. There has been very little coverage of his book and the racist comments that the book contains.
well considering the history of whites, I'm not sure how anyone can disagree with him, if in fact that's what he said... which you know it's not.

pg. xv in the introduction of 'Dreams from my Father' Obama writes...."for I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites"...

There's more racist quotes in the book if you would like I could look up the page numbers for you?
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10th post
It seems as it turns out that a lot is to be about "projection." These cries of racism from blacks against whites might just be a smoke screen to cover up their own dirty little secrets huh?
It seems as it turns out that a lot is to be about "projection." These cries of racism from blacks against whites might just be a smoke screen to cover up their own dirty little secrets huh?

Just come to the South (unless you're already here). Black racism is rampant. That's one reason why black-on-white crime is so much higher than white-on-black.
Just come to the South (unless you're already here). Black racism is rampant. That's one reason why black-on-white crime is so much higher than white-on-black.

That's a total lie... black on black crime is most common.

Damn, you can't even tell the truth about this?

While African Americans comprise 12% of the U.S. population, 45% of all murder victims in 2002 were African American, 91% of whom were killed by African Americans. Nationally, homicide is the leading cause of death for black men and second leading cause of death for black women ages 15-24.

Black On Black Crime Coalition

And you wonder why black people avoid the republican party like the plague?
You're having trouble focusing again, Jillian. I'm talking about black-on-white verses white-on-black crime. I never said anything about black-on-black crime. Focus.

More racist comments, in Obama's own words....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4y9_JtYErI&feature=related]YouTube - DREAMS FROM MY FATHER MEDIA COVER UP[/ame]

First, have you even read the book? I know you haven't, and if you say you have you're lying.

All you've seen of it, is some snippet that was edited and taken out of context on some youtube video.

Wow, that really makes you an expert on what the book actually says - not.

For those who aren't complete partisan hacks, the entire narrative that contains this "white people" quote was printed in the times, link below.

Its actually an excellent read, with a narrative and style of creative writing that George Bush and John McCain could only dream of having the talent to write.

And its a somber and profound self evaluation of growing up as a black kid and being surrounded and confused by bigotry on all sides - black and white. Its actually a good read, and I recommend it - its honest, truthful, and more profound than the self serving shit most politicians write in their books.

Obama: my lessons in racism - Times Online

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