Why Obama a domestic terrorist and a traitor against the Constitution?

James Moore

Active Member
Mar 18, 2016
Sorry I do not understand his reasoning or concept of the world most of the time. To think this guy served in government and got elected President is astounding to me.

I’ve never doubted that Hussein is a communist. He was mentored during his teenage years by the card carrying communist Frank Marshall Davis.
Why doesn't your post contain what it says in the thread title? I opened this shit expecting to find out why Obama is a domestic terrorist only to find a 4 sentences, the first admitting that you don't understand something, the second explaining how something has taken you by suprise, the thrid a wild and utterly baseless accusation and the fourth a statement that the CINC had a communist as a teacher as a kid.

So what? It's not illegal to be a communist in America. Where is the terrorism? Where are the traitorous acts and what the fuck has it got to do with the constitution?

Why waste my time with this falsely advertised brain fart?

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