Why more and more people distrust Biden and the BIASED MSM..."GA bans volunteers from delivering water, etc. BIG ASS LIE!

See the attached Google search on "GA bill prohibits water" over 2,550,000 stories lies!
FACTS and reality!
Biden said "“You can’t provide water for people about to vote”
And the biased MSM as you can see below as well as Biden are total LIARS!
WHAT is ILLEGAL is the democrat vote solicitor who holds a bottle of water in front of the voter and says.."are you thirsty?... OK if you vote for Biden I'll give you this water"!! THAT's what is illegal!
But of course people like MSM and Biden are just so stupid and say you can't get water if you are standing in voting line!
HOW dumb!
Let’s take a look at what S.B. 202 actually says:
No person shall solicit votes [or] distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to [a voter]
This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote.
The parts in bold are what S.B. 202 added to the statute.

Now, first of all, notice what is not prohibited here.
Voters can still bring bottled water or other food or beverages with them to stand on line to vote, as people often do when waiting at Disney World or to buy concert tickets or in other public places where people stand on long lines.
Voters can still also, if they like, order food; the bill doesn’t stop the Domino’s Pizza man or the local hot dog cart or taco truck from doing business.
And if you feel impelled to donate food and drink to voters, you can still do that, too; you just have to give it to the poll workers so they can put it out for general use.
The president’s claim that “You can’t provide water for people about to vote” is just false.
And the MSM again LIES...
View attachment 473693
HealthMyths,excerpt from text of Georgia's ElectionIntegrity Act of 2021 : … Prohibits giving cash or gifts(including food or drinks) to voters. (GA SB 202, § 33, p. 73, ln.1872- 1875.) Note that poll officers may provide self-service wateravailable from an unattended container. (GA SB 202, § 33, p. 74, ln.1888-1889 ...”.
Do you suppose someone's providing food or water to for the purpose of enticing persons to vote contrary to the providers' preferences? Yes, police officers in Georgia could exercise their descretionary judgement and arrest you for providing food or water to someone waiting on a line outside of the polling place. They could also arrest you for selling and delivering food or water to someone waiting online outside of the polling place. Respectfully, Supposn
Now here is the Georgia LAW!!!
no person shall "participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast (1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established; (2) Within any polling place; or (3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place."
Now WHERE IN THE LAW does it say a husband would be breaking the law by giving her a water bottle?
Where is WATER prohibited???
Is water a drink? Yes.

Was the water given to wife within 150 ft of the election place?

Was the husband seeing wife in line and handing her water, a person? Yes.
Prove it! Show me exactly where Trump said "I will bankrupt the country"
NEVER... YOU made that up !
You live in a homeless shelter and have bankrupted your parents!
That's a FACT and I don't have to prove it as you haven't proven Trump said
"I will bankrupt the country"

2016 CNBC - Donald Trump just threatened to cause an unprecedented global financial crisis

“I am the king of debt,” Trump said. “I love debt. I love playing with it.”

Trump replaced fearmongering about debt with an even more alarming notion — a bankruptcy of the United States federal government that would incinerate the world economy.

“I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal,” or Bankruptsy. “And if the economy was good, it was good. So therefore, you can’t lose.” said Trump.

When you objectively can’t pay back the loan. You either work out a deal with the people you owe money to in which they accept less than 100 percent of what you owe them (this is called a “haircut”) or else you go to bankruptcy court and a judge will force them to accept less than 100 percent.
If you provide water or food to a voter in line you are now breaking the law.

That is exactly what the law says.

YOU are the liar
WHERE IS YOUR PROOF? Who the hell are you to make such a statement? Did you write the legislation? Do you work for the election group in Georgia? Just why do you think WE should believe YOU??? Are you GOD???? If you know everything what the hell are you doing on this forum?
I hardly every make a bold bald ass lie like you as if I lied there is plenty of people who doing what is called an "internet search" would totally call me out! So get your proof!
WHERE IS YOUR PROOF? Who the hell are you to make such a statement? Did you write the legislation? Do you work for the election group in Georgia? Just why do you think WE should believe YOU??? Are you GOD???? If you know everything what the hell are you doing on this forum?
I hardly every make a bold bald ass lie like you as if I lied there is plenty of people who doing what is called an "internet search" would totally call me out! So get your proof!
That’s the LAW jackass.

What are smoking?
That’s the LAW jackass.

What are smoking?

WELL show me the law you ignorant and truly uninformed DUMMY!
Show me in the law where "water" is forbidden to be given to anyone!
Where is YOUR proof?
NOW here is the law!
In a ruling Friday, a federal judge partially struck down a ban in Georgia on giving people food and water in voting lines.

NOW that is PROOF!!! DUMMY and quit injecting ignorance into your brain!
HealthMyths,excerpt from text of Georgia's ElectionIntegrity Act of 2021 : … Prohibits giving cash or gifts(including food or drinks) to voters. (GA SB 202, § 33, p. 73, ln.1872- 1875.) Note that poll officers may provide self-service wateravailable from an unattended container. (GA SB 202, § 33, p. 74, ln.1888-1889 ...”.
Do you suppose someone's providing food or water to for the purpose of enticing persons to vote contrary to the providers' preferences? Yes, police officers in Georgia could exercise their discretionary judgement and arrest you for providing food or water to someone waiting on a line outside of the polling place. They could also arrest you for selling and delivering food or water to someone waiting online outside of the polling place. Respectfully, Supposn
HealthMyths, you're entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts. Respectfully, Supposn
WELL show me the law you ignorant and truly uninformed DUMMY!
Show me in the law where "water" is forbidden to be given to anyone!
Where is YOUR proof?
NOW here is the law!
In a ruling Friday, a federal judge partially struck down a ban in Georgia on giving people food and water in voting lines.

NOW that is PROOF!!! DUMMY and quit injecting ignorance into your brain!
SB 202 was passed by a Republican legislature and it made it a crime to give out water or food to anyone on line to vote.

Your link showed that.

A Court overturned part of it leaving in place the restriction up to 150 feet of the polling place.

Now what were you saying?
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SB 202 was passed by a Republican legislature and it made it a crime to give out water or food to anyone on line to vote.

Your link showed that.

A Court overturned part of it leaving on place the restriction up to 150 feet of the polling place.

Now what were you saying?
Haha no that’s not what the link said
I did, that’s why i know the law doesn’t forbid anyone from giving anyone in line to vote water
The law originally did just that. The court limited that restriction to 150 feet from the polling place

As I stated
SB 202 was passed by a Republican legislature and it made it a crime to give out water or food to anyone on line to vote.

Your link showed that.

A Court overturned part of it leaving in place the restriction up to 150 feet of the polling place.

Now what were you saying?
SO it's NOT the law as Biden and you are lying about!
“Today in Georgia, they won't allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election,” Biden said in a clip of the speech shared by the Republican National Committee (RNC) on X.
The RNC claimed “that’s a debunked lie.”
This exchange had many wondering whether Georgia has a law restricting access to water for people waiting in line for the polls.

Yes, there is a Georgia law that restricts who can give water to people waiting in line for the polls.
while they wait in line to vote.
The law noted that this does not prohibit a poll worker from distributing items or “from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle.”
Biden and YOUR LIE:
Today in Georgia, they won't allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election" Total LIE!
HealthMyths, you're entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts. Respectfully, Supposn
SO it's NOT the law as Biden and you are lying about!
“Today in Georgia, they won't allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election,” Biden said in a clip of the speech shared by the Republican National Committee (RNC) on X.

The RNC claimed “that’s a debunked lie.”

This exchange had many wondering whether Georgia has a law restricting access to water for people waiting in line for the polls.
Yes, there is a Georgia law that restricts who can give water to people waiting in line for the polls.
while they wait in line to vote.
The law noted that this does not prohibit a poll worker from distributing items or “from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle.”
Biden and YOUR LIE:
Today in Georgia, they won't allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election" Total LIE!
And do poll workers hand out water to people on line?

Not generally
SB 202 absolutely restricted people from handing out water to people waiting in line.

Courts cut that restriction down to within 150 feet of the polling place

And do poll workers hand out water to people on line?

Not generally
It depends on your state and their laws.

I usually go to vote, not get food and drink. Not sure who goes to a polling station for a drink

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