Why Joe Biden will be reelected in 2024.

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Can the world hang on until 2025?

This is not a very good poll. Turnout will be the key. In the Wisconsin State Supreme Court race, turnout was up 50%. DeSantis just tossed his chance of winning by signing a radical abortion bill. Trump appointed these radical right wing judges.
Your major premise is always the claim that Trump is unelectable.

Contemplation of the prospect that you could be mistaken doesn’t seem to enter your thoughts.

Trump has some baggage. Some real, some just liberal media bullshit. But our incumbent President, Spudz McAlzheimer, has a colander for a brain.

Trump has serious baggage. He is threatening to arrest numerous people. He is going to decide who is a good DA and who is not. He sounds like a dictator not George Washington.
You keep asking that silly question as if you imagine you’re making a point. You’re not, of course.

The reality is some candidates can win. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they lose. But President Spudz McDementia is already lost.

Donald Trump is the one who is lost.
Trump has serious baggage. He is threatening to arrest numerous people.
It’s ok to threaten to investigate and arrest suspects in actual crimes. Really. It is.
He is going to decide who is a good DA
We all get to decide that. For example, when we see the two major NY State public prosecutors campaigning in getting one former President, you know they don’t belong in office.
and who is not.
Easy. Bragg should be disbarred, for example.
He sounds like a dictator not George Washington.
No. He (unlike you) sounds like he understands the basics of our system of laws.
That was so 3 years ago ... and completely different circumstances you continue to ignore .. Get current! Stop reading the washington post from 2020. He can't hide behind COVID this time ... accept for the 150K / annual deaths it continues deliver.

What has Trump done to improve those numbers

Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania….Trump has spread lies about those states, called them corrupt, attacked Republicans who run the elections. Since then, Trump candidates in those states lost

What makes him think he can change things?
What has Trump done to improve those numbers

Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania….Trump has spread lies about those states, called them corrupt, attacked Republicans who run the elections. Since then, Trump candidates in those states lost

What makes him think he can change things?
You, nor anyone else, knows that it "will be" Trump. We are still 18 months out from an election, primaries will begin in January .. and a lot will happen between now and then ... including almost 120k+ COVID deaths under Biden.
You, nor anyone else, knows that it "will be" Trump. We are still 18 months out from an election, primaries will begin in January .. and a lot will happen between now and then ... including almost 120k+ COVID deaths under Biden.

Trump burnt his bridges in 2020 with his stolen election lies
He has done nothing to repair the damage
Depends how much democrats cheat.
Will the FBI orchestrate another MSM propaganda war against Trump?
Will the hi-tech oligarchs buy elections, again?
Will the MSM be 100% biased against Trump, again?

I also hope neither is on the ballot in 2024, but if they are, will Biden's age and senility be the deciding factor.
Trump may be an arrogant POS, but he knows how to run the government better than democrats.
But if your guy wins, everything was done legally, right?

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