Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity

Bill Maher is one of the biggest idiots on the planet. Being a hardcore liberal myself I would like in no way to be put in the same camp as that guy. (In case you were wondering if I was still a liberal PC.)

What is "Hardcore liberal" mean? It sounds to me like what people call themselves when they have a rigid set of beliefs but do not understand the principles involved.

In what way is Maher not liberal? You must think it is Islam that is liberal if you think he is an "idiot" for opposing it.
I understand how PC could be so suspicious of science. Science shows her that:

a) humans are capable of effecting the environment and therefore should be careful of how we abuse it

b) mankind is an animal, a primate and therefore susceptible to the forces of evolutionary change and not the platinum plated creation as described by a Bronze Age philosopher

c) income disparity always leads to violent revolution as we have seen throughout history.

Ignoring fact and clinging to superstition makes for a backward outlook. Political Chic? Q.E.D.

"I understand how PC could be so suspicious of science."

What makes you imagine that I'm suspicious of science?

Certainly no such claim is in evidence.

And you claimed you aren't a liar!
Y'mean like global warming and Darwinian evolution and the dangers of income inequality?

Is English a second language to you?

What makes you imagine that I'm suspicious of science?
aren't you suspicious of global warming data, of the fossil record backing up evolutionary theory? And your dismissal of income disparity reveals an ignorance of history that would make George Santayana slap his forehead in incredulity.

You don't read well, do you.

1. I said Darwinian evolution, not 'evolutionary theory.'

The fossil record provides evidence contrary to Darwin's thesis....and even Darwin said that.

Try to use words with precision, as I do.

2. And another egregious error on your part: I never dismissed income disparity.

You're really stupid, aren't you.
But you must be tired of hearing that.
You really should avoid stuttering and mumbling about science subjects such as evolutionary theory. When your science comes from Harun Yahya, you're just a laughable joke.

But then, you already knew that.
The stories that are traditional to each religion may be factual or allegorical, but they are meant to teach adherents how they are expected to live and behave.

Case in point:

16. "... back to the beginning. Consider the story, from one of the earliest Arab biographies of Mohammed, of Asma bint Marwan, an Arab poet in Medinah who spoke out against the rise of Mohammed.

["...'Asmā' the daughter of Marwān") was a female member of the Ummayad clan who lived in Medina in 7th century Arabia. Bint Marwan was known for having ridiculed the people of Medina ...her death by command of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, after she opposed him with poetry... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/'Asma'_bint_Marwan]

According to legend, [Mohammad] asked his followers, “Who will rid me of the daughter of Marwan?” (His version of Henry II’s “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?”) One of them took it on himself to sneak into her house and murder her in her sleep. There are questions about the authenticity of the story, but the fact that it was widely believed and reported indicates the example Mohammed set.

To be sure, this brutal attitude is partly because of the backwardness of some of the quasi-feudal societies that are majority-Muslim, where divisions of tribe and caste still dominate.
But then again, Islam hasn’t done much to elevate those societies, despite having more than a thousand years to do so."
Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity

And, of course, said brutality is on view each and every day.

One might expect apologists to notice same......
Bill Maher is one of the biggest idiots on the planet. Being a hardcore liberal myself I would like in no way to be put in the same camp as that guy. (In case you were wondering if I was still a liberal PC.)

What is "Hardcore liberal" mean? It sounds to me like what people call themselves when they have a rigid set of beliefs but do not understand the principles involved.

In what way is Maher not liberal? You must think it is Islam that is liberal if you think he is an "idiot" for opposing it.
Your first paragraph is probably accurate. I do not know Maher's political views. I do know his religious views however, this being the in religion section of the board and all. (hint to PC and others) He is a so-full-of-himself-it-is-coming-out-of-his-ears atheist that he makes my skin crawl to listen to him joyfully denounce anyone would would dare believe in god.
Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.


Post 5 examples from the last 10 years.


Because we ALL know you're lying - especially you.

And that's the point - you of the left love to lie to support your Muslim allies.

Don't bother because we won't be able to tie those burnings and lynchings to a church. I read through a few articles about cross burning and they never say what church if any the perp belongs to. I wish it would so people would start seeing a connection between religion and insanity.
Well, isn't that interesting. There is a difference right there. Why do you suppose Islamic organizations are sure to let people know who did it when they blow up a cafe but groups that burn crosses do not?

Because they aren't cowards?
History provided further explanation for "Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity"

17. "Christians started as a persecuted minority in a pagan society, so that gives them a certain comfort with being powerless. Those who find themselves out of step with the sinful modern world regard this as more or less the normal state of things.

The early history of Islam, by contrast, was further conquest and dominance, as Muslim invaders marched out into Persia and across North Africa.

That’s why Muslims tend to look at the modern situation, in which other creeds and political systems are wealthier and wield greater military power, as an aberration that is not to be tolerated.

This history is connected to a specific doctrinal issue.

When you’re a persecuted minority, it’s more natural to say that the ultimate reward and total justice have to be found in another world, because you know you’re not going to get them in the decadent Roman Empire. In Christianity, this produced a distinction between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of man. "
Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity
Not all Muslims are terrorists but most all terrorists are Muslims. Currently. I do not see Christians cutting off heads anywhere in the world and there is no shortage of Muslims doing so. Muslims slaughter each other.

If they were the superpower and we lived in a small country that they invaded, and we didn't have access to good weapons, we might resort to ied's and suicide bombings.

And look at how shocked we are to see them cut heads off. BFD I say. Shoot them, cut their heads off, drown them waterboarding them, beat them to death. Cutting a head off is quick and easy and the victim doesn't suffer too long. We tortured men in Abu Grabe for months and those people finally died. That is cruel, no?

If you don't get it out of them after a month of torture, they don't know or they ain't gonna break. Stop it. LOL.

Aren't Russians Christians? Aren't they invading Ukraine right now? Do you approve of Russia's tactics? And lets see how Ukraine reacts if they get desperate enough. They might start buring IUD's and sending in soldiers to do suicide bombs.
They are cutting heads off with dull knives. We have not done any of that. Russians are atheists you dumb ass. Cutting a head off is not quick and easy you fool. That is chopping it off. Where have we shot anyone? Dumb ass.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but most all terrorists are Muslims. Currently. I do not see Christians cutting off heads anywhere in the world and there is no shortage of Muslims doing so. Muslims slaughter each other.

If they were the superpower and we lived in a small country that they invaded, and we didn't have access to good weapons, we might resort to ied's and suicide bombings.

And look at how shocked we are to see them cut heads off. BFD I say. Shoot them, cut their heads off, drown them waterboarding them, beat them to death. Cutting a head off is quick and easy and the victim doesn't suffer too long. We tortured men in Abu Grabe for months and those people finally died. That is cruel, no?

If you don't get it out of them after a month of torture, they don't know or they ain't gonna break. Stop it. LOL.

Aren't Russians Christians? Aren't they invading Ukraine right now? Do you approve of Russia's tactics? And lets see how Ukraine reacts if they get desperate enough. They might start buring IUD's and sending in soldiers to do suicide bombs.
They are cutting heads off with dull knives. We have not done any of that. Russians are atheists you dumb ass. Cutting a head off is not quick and easy you fool. That is chopping it off. Where have we shot anyone? Dumb ass.
Russia is full of orthodox christians. Show me Russia is atheist.

Sounds like propaganda to me. Just like you fools believe Nazis weren't catholics.

Americans always believe gods on their side and the enemy is always godless and evil. Or with Muslims they're worshiping a false god.

Let's get you clearly on record.

You contend that:
Lord s Resistance Army - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Troubles - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

...indicate that Islam is not more violent than Christianity.

You need to get out of your folks basement more frequently.

Did you see that thread about the american sniper? I guess he was a proud christian who hated ragheads. Is that what Jesus would call them?

Anyways. At least you can't claim he was an atheist.
Not that I wouldn't off those ragheads too if I was in his shoes. But if it were up to me we wouldn't even be there and Saddam would still be in power.
Damn. Muslims crash planes into Manhattan and the Pentagon. But then, they say that doesn't represent all Muslims. I don't care any more. It says enough about immigrants, it says plenty. My great grandparents immigrated here legally. They didn't use ploy's to gain sympathy . They didn't sympathize with terrorist or illegal immigrants, either. Funny how that works.
Question: Relevance?

Answer -- because the thread is about idiots who try to foist the notion that here is little or no discernible differences between Islam and Christianity.

You actually need this explained?
There really isn't much of a difference. The difference is that currently fucked up Imams and control freaks are whipping up religious fervor to justify violence and recruit the easily whipped up young adults.

As for your stupid apostasy graphic, we have the death penalty in this country. In the end, it doesn't really matter what crime leads to the death penalty, what matters is that control freaks and big government supporters love the death penalty.

That's precisely the kind of immoral equivalence both Dogma and PC are railing against in this thread. The death penalty for apostasy - while not widely applied - certainly acts as a strong deterrent to anyone considering leaving the faith for the "crime" of leaving the faith.
Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.
To the comment: 'If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence'
Quickly? No. But if allowed to run its course it will. Where is Sharia law realized? In the most decimated places on the planet. Before Sharia there must be scorched earth. Islam feeds on instability and is a destabilizing force.

Hello, PC. :biggrin: Don't think this makes us friends. :cheeky-smiley-018:

Destabilizing? Consider the words of W. Churchill 116 years ago:
"Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”
Winston S. Churchill, The River War
Damn. Muslims crash planes into Manhattan and the Pentagon. But then, they say that doesn't represent all Muslims. I don't care any more. It says enough about immigrants, it says plenty. My great grandparents immigrated here legally. They didn't use ploy's to gain sympathy . They didn't sympathize with terrorist or illegal immigrants, either. Funny how that works.

And we bomb them with high tech drones.

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