Why is an asteroid the size of the empire state building heading towards earth so feared


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
In 2010, a team from Universidad de Valladolid, co-led by María Eugenia Sansaturio, warned about the threat that asteroid 101955 Bennu poses to our planet, and since then the asteroid has remained closely monitored by scientists.

Why is an Asteroid the Size of the Empire State Building Heading Towards Earth So Feared?

A lot of huge quakes tend to happen a few days before these things and all the way up to their impact. Canada just has a 6.0 yesterday, CA. had quite a few oddballs it's being said.
Maybe the climatards and greentards should start a Twitter campaign against asteroids, seeing as how much global warming they would cause.

#stopasteroidsnow #asteroidsstolemychildhood
Orbit and Bulk Density of the OSIRIS-REx Target Asteroid (101955) Bennu

"In particular, the 2135 close approach is likely within the lunar distance and leads to strong scattering and therefore numerous potential impacts in subsequent years, from 2175--2196. The highest individual impact probability is 9.5×10^−5 in 2196, and the cumulative impact probability is 3.7×10^−4, leading to a cumulative Palermo Scale of -1.70."

0.037% chance by year 2196 ... good thing climate will kill us all by then ...

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